1 Introduction
The purpose of SCA3000 PWB is to enable fast prototyping.
SCA3000 PWB includes
• SCA3000 sensor soldered on PWB
• PWB version B: design # VTI29394B0 with pin headers
• Connectors and passive components
Refer to "SCA3000_product_family_datasheet_8257300A" when usin g the SCA3000 PWB.
2 SCA3000 PWB
Detailed BOM of SCA3000 PWB version B is pre sented in Table 1 below.
Table 1. BOM of SCA3000 PWB version B.
Item Qty Ref Part Name / type Value
1 3 C1-3 Capacitor / 0603 100 nF
2 1 J1 8-pin through hole pin hea der, pitch 100 mils
3 1 J2 7-pin through hole pin hea der, pitch 100 mils
4 1 SCA3000_SPI SCA3000 sensor
5 1 PWB (VTI29394B0) / FR4, thickness 1,6 mm,
size 20,0 × 23,0 mm
Detailed pictures of SCA3000 PWB are presente d in followin g pages:
• Circuit diagram
• PWB layout
• Assembly drawings
VTI Technologies Oy 2/5
www.vti.fi Doc.Nr. 8258600A.06 Rev.A.06