3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016 Data sheet: Technical data
1 General description
The MMA8491Q is a low voltage, 3-axis low-g accelerometer housed in a 3 mm x 3 mm
QFN package. The device can accommodate two accelerometer configurations, acting
as either a 45° tilt sensor or a digital output accelerometer with I2C bus.
As a 45° tilt sensor, the MMA8491Q device offers extreme ease of implementation by
using a single line output per axis.
As a digital output accelerometer, the 14-bit ±8 g accelerometer data can be read from
the device with a 1 mg/LSB sensitivity.
The extreme low power capabilities of the MMA8491Q will reduce the low data rate
current consumption to less than 400 nA per Hz.
2 Features and benefits
Extreme low power, 400 nA per Hz
Ultra-fast data output time, ~700 μs
VDD supply range of 1.95 V to 3.6 V
3 mm x 3 mm, 0.65 mm pitch with visual solder joint inspection
±8 g full-scale range
14-bit digital output, 1 mg/LSB sensitivity
Output Data Rate (ODR), implementation based from < 1 Hz to 800 Hz1
I2C digital interface
3-axis, 45° tilt outputs
3 Typical applications
Smart grid: tamper detect
White goods tilt
Remote controls
1The ODR for this device is user defined by the period of the Enable pulsed signal. The maximum
recommended frequency of the Enable signal or the ODR that can be achieved for this device is 800 Hz.
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
4 Ordering information
Table 1. Ordering information
Part Number Temperature Range Package Shipping
MMA8491QT –40 to +85 °C QFN 12 Tray
MMA8491QR1 –40 to +85 °C QFN 12 1000 pc / Tape & Reel
MMA8491QR2 –40 to +85 °C QFN 12 5000 pc / Tape & Reel
5 Related documentation
The MMA8491Q device features and operations are described in a variety of reference
manuals, user guides, and application notes. To find the most current versions of these
1. Go to the NXP homepage at:
2. In the Keyword search box at the top of the page, enter the device number
MMA8491Q. In the Refine Your Result pane on the left, click on the Documentation
6 Block diagram
Figure 1. Block Diagram
7 Pinout
MMA8491Q is hosted in a 12-pin 3 mm x 3 mm QFN package. Ten pins are used for
functions; two pins are unconnected. Refer to Table 2 for complete pin descriptions and
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
Transparent top view
12 NC
Byp Xout
Figure 2. Pin connection diagram
Table 2. Pin descriptions
Pin Symbol Function Description Pin status
1 Byp Internal regulator
output capacitor
The internal regulator voltage of 1.8 V is present on this
pin. Connect to external 0.1 μF bypass capacitor.
2 VDD Power Supply Device power is supplied through the VDD line. Power
supply decoupling capacitors should be placed as near as
possible to pin 1 of the device.
3 SDA I2C Data I2C Slave Data Line, open drain
7-bit I2C device address is 0x55
The SDA and SCL I2C connections are open drain, and
therefore usually require a pull-up resistor
4 EN Enable pin The Enable pin fully turns on the accelerometer system
when it is pulled up to logic high. The accelerometer
system is turned off when the Enable pin is logic low.
5 SCL I2C Clock I2C Slave Clock Line, open drain Input
6 Gnd Ground Ground Ground
7 Gnd Ground Ground Ground
8 Zout Push-pull Z-Axis
Tilt Detection
9 Yout Push-pull Y-Axis
Tilt Detection
10 Xout Push-pull X-Axis
Tilt Detection
Output is high when acceleration is > 0.688 g (axis is |
φ| > 45°).
Output is low when acceleration is ≤ 0.688 g (axis is |φ|
≤ 45°).
These pins are push-pull output pins.
11 NC No internal
No internal connection
12 NC No internal
No internal connection
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
8 Recommended application diagram
Figure 3. VDD connects to power supply and EN is pulsed
To ensure the accelerometer is fully functional, connect the MMA8491Q as suggested in
Figure 3.
A capacitor must be connected to the Bypass pin (pin 1) to assist the internal voltage
regulator. It is recommended to use a 0.1 μF capacitor. The capacitor should be placed
as near as possible to the Bypass pin.
The device power is supplied through the VDD line. The power supply decoupling
capacitor should be placed as close as possible to the VDD pin.
Use a 1.0 or 4.7 μF capacitor when the VDD and EN are not tied together.
When VDD and EN are tied together, use a 0.1 μF capacitor. The 0.1 μF capacitor
value has been chosen to minimize the average current consumption while still
maintaining an acceptable level of power supply high frequency filtering.
Both ground pins (pins 6 and 7) must be connected to ground.
When the I2C communication line is used, use a pull-up resistor to connect to line SDA
and SCL. The SCL line can be driven by a push-pull driver, in which case, no pull-up
resistor is necessary. If SDA and SCL pins are not used, then they should be tied to
9 Sensing direction and output response
The MMA8491Q has three tilt detection outputs: Xout, Yout, and Zout. The following
figure shows the output results at the six different orientation positions.
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
Top view Side view
Landscape Right
Landscape Left
Portrait Up
Portrait Down
(Top view)
Reference frame for acceleration measurement
Xout @ 0
Yout @ –1
Zout @ 0
Xout @ 1
Yout @ 0
Zout @ 0
Xout @ 0
Yout @ 1
Zout @ 0
Xout @ –1
Yout @ 0
Zout @ 0 g
Xout @ 0
Yout @ 0
Zout @ –1
Xout @ 0
Yout @ 0
Zout @ 1
Figure 4. Sensitive axes orientation and output response to ±1 g (gravity) stimulus
10 Mechanical and electrical specifications
10.1 Absolute maximum ratings
Absolute maximum ratings are the limits the device can be exposed to without damage.
Functional operation at absolute maximum rating is not guaranteed.
Although this device contains circuitry to protect against damage due to high static
voltage or electrostatic fields, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid
application of any voltage higher than the maximum-rated voltage.
Table 3. Absolute maximum ratings
Symbol Rating Min Max Unit
gmax Maximum acceleration (all axes, 100 μs) 10 000 V
VDD Analog supply voltage –0.3 3.6 V
Ddrop Drop test 1.8 m
TAGOC Operating temperature –40 +85 °C
TSTG Storage temperature –40 +125 °C
Table 4. ESD and latch-up protection characteristics
Symbol Rating Value Unit
VHBM Human body model (HBM) ±2000 V
VMM Machine model (MM) ±200 V
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
Symbol Rating Value Unit
VCDM Charge device model (CDM) ±500 V
ILU Latch-up current at TA = 85 °C ±100 mA
10.2 Mechanical characteristics
Table 5. Accelerometer mechanical characteristics
VDD = 2.8 V, T = 25 °C, unless otherwise noted.
Typical number is the target number, unless otherwise specified.
All numbers are based on VDD cap = 4.7 μF.
Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Full-scale measurement range FS[1] ±8 g
Sensitivity So[2] 973 1024 1075 counts/g
Calibrated sensitivity error CSE[2] All axes, all ranges –5 5 %
Cross-axis sensitivity CXSEN
[1] Die rotation included –4.2 4.2 %
Sensitivity temperature variation TCS[1] –40 °C to +85 °C –0.014 0.014 %/°C
Zero-g level temperature variation TCO[1] –40 °C to +85 °C –0.98 0.98 mg/°C
Zero-g level offset accuracy TyOff[2][3] –100 100 mg
Zero-g level after board mount TyOffPBM[1][4] –120 120 mg
Noise RMS[1] 11.5 18 mg-rms
Nonlinearity NL[1] 1 %FS
TDL[6] 25 °C 0.583 0.688 0.780Threshold / g-value[5]
TDL[1][4][6] –40 °C to +85 °C 0.577 0.688 0.784
[1] 25 °C 35.6 43.5 51.3Threshold / Tilt angle[7]
–40 °C to +85 °C 35.2 43.5 51.7
Temperature range –40 25 85 °C
[1] Verified by characterization; not tested in production.
[2] Parameters tested 100% at final test at room temperature.
[3] Before board mount.
[4] Post-board mount offset specifications are based on a 4-layer PCB, relative to 25 °C.
[5] Internal threshold of output level change (from 0 g reference), g values are calculated from trip angles.
[6] All angles are based on the trip angle from static 0 g to 1 g; the g-values are calculated from the trip angle.
[7] Internal threshold of output level change (from 0 g reference).
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
10.3 Electrical characteristics
Table 6. Electrical characteristics
VDD = 2.8 V, T = 25 °C, unless otherwise noted.
Typical values represent mean or mean ±1 σ values, depending on the specific parameter.
Typical number is the target number unless otherwise specified.
All numbers are based on VDD cap = 4.7 μF.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
VDD Supply voltage[1] 1.71 1.8 3.6 V
IDD Supply current in one-shot mode VDD = 2.8 V, EN is
pulsed to VDD for 1 ms
400[2][3][4] 980[1][5][6] nA/Hz
ISD Supply current in shutdown
VDD = 2.8 V, EN = 0 1.8[2][3] 68[1][6] nA
[2] Bypass capacitor at Byp pin 70 100 470 nF
[1] High level output voltage Xout,
Yout, Zout
IO = 500 μA 0.85
[1] Low level output voltage Xout,
Yout, Zout
IO = 500 μA 0.15 * VDD V
[1] High level input voltage EN VDD = 2.8 V 0.85
[1] Low level input voltage EN VDD = 2.8 V 0.15 * VDD V
[7] Low level output voltage SDA IO = 3 mA 0.4 V
[7] High level input voltage SDA,
VDD = 2.8 V 0.7 * VDD V
[7] Low level input voltage SDA,
VDD = 2.8 V 0.3 * VDD V
[1] Output source current Xout,
Yout, Zout
Voltage high level
Vout = 0.85 x
VDD, VDD = 2.8 V
7.3 mA
[1] Output sink current Xout, Yout,
Voltage low level
Vout = 0.15 x
VDD, VDD = 2.8 V
8.9 mA
[8] Turn-on time
Measured from the time EN =
1.95 V to valid outputs
720[2][3][4] 900[1][5][6] μs
[7] Reset Time
The time between falling edge of
EN and next rising edge of EN
VDD = 2.8 V 1000 μs
[1] Verified by characterization; not tested in production.
[2] Evaluation data: not tested in production.
[3] Typical number is mean data.
[4] Data is based on typical bypass cap = 100 nF.
[5] Data is based on max bypass cap = 470 nF.
[6] Over temperature -40 °C to 85 °C.
[7] Guaranteed by design.
[8] For application connection, see Figure 3
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
11 I2C Interface
Acceleration data may be accessed through an I2C interface, thus making the device
particularly suitable for direct interfacing with a microcontroller. The MMA8491Q features
three interrupt signals that indicate the tilt-sensing results on X, Y, Z axis respectively.
The raw accelerometer data are readable via I2C at the same time when an interrupt
signal is available.
The registers embedded inside the MMA8491Q are accessible through the I2C serial
interface, Table 7. To enable the I2C interface, the EN pin must be HIGH. If either EN or
VDD are absent, the MMA8491Q I2C interface reads invalid data. The I2C interface may
be used for communications along with other I2C devices. Removing power from the VDD
pin of the MMA8491Q does not affect the I2C bus.
Table 7. Serial interface pins
Pin Description
SCL I2C Serial Clock
SDA I2C Serial Data
There are two signals associated with the I2C bus; the Serial Clock Line (SCL) and the
Serial Data Line (SDA). The SDA is a bidirectional line used for sending and receiving
the data to/from the interface. External pull-up resistors connected to VDD are expected
for SDA and SCL. When the bus is free both the lines are HIGH. The I2C interface is
compliant with Fast mode (400 kHz, Table 8).
Table 8. I2C slave timing values
I2C Fast Mode[1]
Parameter Symbol
Min Max
SCL clock frequency fSCL 0 400 kHz
Bus-free time between STOP and START condition tBUF 1.3 μs
(Repeated) START hold time tHD;STA 0.6 μs
Repeated START setup time tSU;STA 0.6 μs
STOP condition setup time tSU;STO 0.6 μs
SDA data hold time tHD;DAT 0.05 0.9[2] μs
SDA setup time tSU;DAT 100 μs
SCL clock low time tLOW 1.3 μs
SCL clock high time tHIGH 0.6 μs
SDA and SCL rise time tr20 + 0.1 Cb
[3] 300 μs
SDA and SCL fall time tf20 + 0.1 Cb
[3] 300 μs
SDA valid time[4] tVD;DAT 0.9[2] μs
SDA valid acknowledge time[5] tVD;ACK 0.9[2] μs
Pulse width of spikes on SDA and SCL that must be suppressed by
internal input filter
tSP 0 50 μs
Capacitive load for each bus line Cb 400 pF
[1] All values referred to VIH(min) (0.3VDD) and VIL(max) (0.7VDD) levels.
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
[2] This device does not stretch the LOW period (tLOW) of the SCL signal.
[3] Cb = total capacitance of one bus line in pF.
[4] tVD;DAT = time for data signal from SCL LOW to SDA output (HIGH or LOW, depending on which one is worse).
[5] tVD;ACK = time for Acknowledgement signal from SCL LOW to SDA output (HIGH or LOW, depending on which one is worse).
Figure 5. I2C slave timing diagram
11.1 I2C read operations
The transaction on the bus is started through a start condition (START) signal. A START
condition is defined as a HIGH-to-LOW transition on the data line while the SCL line is
held HIGH.
After START has been transmitted by the Master, the bus is considered busy. The next
byte of data transmitted after START contains the slave address in the first seven bits,
and the eighth bit tells whether the Master is receiving data from the slave or transmitting
data to the slave. When an address is sent, each device in the system compares the first
seven bits after a start condition with its address. If they match, then the device considers
itself addressed by the Master.
The ninth clock pulse, following the slave address byte, and each subsequent byte, is the
acknowledge (ACK). The transmitter must release the SDA line during the ACK period.
The receiver must then pull the data line LOW so that it remains stable low during the
high period of the acknowledge clock period.
A LOW-to-HIGH transition on SDA while SCL is HIGH is defined as a stop condition
(STOP). A data transfer is always terminated by a STOP.
A Master may also issue a repeated START during a data transfer. The MMA8491Q
expects repeated STARTs to be used to randomly read from specific registers.
The MMA8491Q accelerometer standard 7-bit slave address is 01010101(0x55).
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
Table 9. I2C device address sequence
Command [7:1] Device
[7:1] Device
[0] R/W [7:0] 8-bit
Final Value
Read 01010101 0x55 1 0xAB
Write 01010101 0x55 0 0xAA
11.1.1 Single-byte read
The transmission of an 8-bit command begins on the falling edge of SCL. After the 8
clock cycles are used to send the command, note that the data returned is sent with
the MSB first after the data is received. Figure 6 shows the timing diagram for the
accelerometer 8-bit I2C read operation.
1. The Master (or MCU) transmits a start condition (ST) to the MMA8491Q, slave
address (0x55), with the R/W bit set to “0” for a write, and the MMA8491Q sends an
2. Then the Master (or MCU) transmits the address of the register to read and the
MMA8491Q sends an acknowledgement.
3. The Master (or MCU) transmits a repeated start condition (SR) and then addresses
the MMA8491Q (0x1D) with the R/ W bit set to 1 for a read from the previously
selected register.
4. The Slave then acknowledges and transmits the data from the requested register.
5. The Master does not acknowledge (NAK) the transmitted data, but transmits a stop
condition to end the data transfer.
11.1.2 Multiple-byte read
When performing a multiple-byte read or burst read, the MMA8491Q automatically
increments the received register address commands after a read command is received.
Therefore, after following the steps of a single-byte read, multiple bytes of data can be
read from sequential registers after each MMA8491Q acknowledgment (AK) is received,
until a no acknowledge (NAK) occurs from the Master, followed by a stop condition (SP)
signaling an end of transmission.
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
11.1.3 I2C data sequence diagrams
c o n tinued . . .
Master ST Device
Address[7:1] WRegister
Address[7:0] SR Device
Address[7:1] RAK
Slave AK AK AK Data[7:0]
Slave Data[7:0] Data[7:0] Data[7:0]
Multiple-byte read
ST: Start Condition SP: Stop Condition NAK: No Acknowledge W: Write = 0
SR: Repeated Start Condition AK: Acknowledge R: Read = 1
Master ST Device
Address[7:1] WRegister
Address[7:0] SR Device
Address[7:1] RNAK SP
Slave AK AK AK Data[7:0]
Single-byte read
Figure 6. I2C data sequence diagrams
12 Modes of operation
EN = Low
= Off
Mode Mode Mode
EN =
Don’t Care
= On
EN = Low
One sample
EN = High V
= On
EN = High
= On EN = High is acquired
= On
*OFF mode can be entered from any state by removing the power.
Figure 7. MMA8491Q operating modes
Table 10. MMA8491Q operating modes
Mode Conditions Function description Digital output state
EN = Don’t Care
Device is powered off. Hi-Z
EN = Low
All blocks are shut down. Hi-Z
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
Mode Conditions Function description Digital output state
EN = High
All blocks are enabled.
Device enters Standby mode automatically
after data conversion.
Deasserted, Xout = 0, Yout= 0, Zout = 0
EN = High
Only digital output subsystem is enabled.
Data is valid and available only in this
Active, I2C outputs become valid
12.1 ACTIVE mode
The accelerometer subsystem is turned on at the rising edge of the EN pin, and acquires
one sample for each of the three axes. Note that EN should not be asserted before VDD
reaches 1.95 V. Samples are acquired, converted, and compensated for zero-g offset
and gain errors, and then compared to an internal threshold value of 0.688 g and stored.
If any of the X, Y, Z axes sample’s absolute value > this threshold, then the
corresponding outputs on these axes drive logic highs.
If any of the X, Y, Z axes sample’s absolute value ≤ this threshold, then the
corresponding outputs on these axes drive logic lows.
Read register 00h in this stage to determine whether the sample data is ready to be read.
12.2 STANDBY mode
The device enters STANDBY mode automatically after the previously described function
(powers into SHUTDOWN mode, ACTIVE mode) is accomplished. The digital output
system outputs valid data, which can also be read via the I2C communication bus. This
is the appropriate phase to read the measured data, either from the three push-pull logic
outputs or through the I2C transaction. All other subsystems are turned off.
These outputs are held until the MMA8491Q operation mode changes. For lower power
consumption, deassert the EN pin as soon as data is read (to enter SHUTDOWN mode).
12.3 Next sample acquisition
The MMA8491Q needs to be brought back to the ACTIVE mode again by pulling EN pin
up to a Logic 1. Another option is to power down the device and start from OFF mode as
illustrated in Figure 7.
For applications where sampling intervals are greater than 30 seconds, the host can shut
off the tilt sensor power after acquisition of tilt sensor output data to conserve energy and
prolong battery life.
12.4 Power-up timing sequences
The power-up timing sequence for MMA84591Q is shown in the following figure, where
VDD is powered and the EN pin is activated to acquire a single sample. Additional
samples can be acquired by repeating the EN pulse.
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
Figure 8. MMA8491Q timing sequence
tON is the time between EN to the end of ACTIVE stage, after which the newly acquired
sample data is available.
12.5 45° tilt detection
The output value changes according to the absolute value of the acceleration of the
MMA8491Q compared to the threshold:
When the acceleration’s absolute value > the threshold 0.688 g, the output = 1.
When the acceleration’s absolute value ≤ the threshold, the output = 0.
For example,
When the MMA8491Q is set on a table, it senses 1 g acceleration on Z-axis and
senses 0 g on X- and Y-axes.
When the MMA8491Q is flipped upside down on the table, it senses –1 g acceleration
on Z-axis and senses 0 g on X- and Y-axes.
In both cases Xout = 0, Yout = 0, and Zout = 1.
12.6 Tilt angle
Tilt angles can be calculated from the g-value threshold using the equation below. The
tilt threshold is 0.688 g, which corresponds to 43.5°. Figure 9 illustrates the tilt angle
Tilt Angle
When 0 g acceleration is present on an axis, the tilt angle = 0°; when 1 g acceleration
is present on an axis, the tilt angle = 90°.
When the tilt angle > the tilt threshold, the output for the axis is HIGH; when the tilt
angle ≤ the tilt threshold, the output for the axis is LOW.
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
Threshold = 0.688g
Threshold (g-value) = 0.688g
Projected g-value =
Tilt Angle
= 55°
Output = 1
Tilt Angle
= 30°
Output = 0
Tilt Angle
= 70°
Output = 1
Figure 9. MMA8491Q output is based on tilt angle and sensor g-value
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
13 Register descriptions
Table 11. Register address map
Name Type Register
Reset Comment
STATUS R 0x00 0x01 0x00 Read time status
OUT_X_MSB R 0x01 0x02 Output [7:0] are the 8 MSBs of the 14-bit sample
OUT_X_LSB R 0x02 0x03 Output [7:2] are the 6 LSBs of the 14-bit sample
OUT_Y_MSB R 0x03 0x04 Output [7:0] are the 8 MSBs of the 14-bit sample
OUT_Y_LSB R 0x04 0x05 Output [7:2] are the 6 LSBs of the 14-bit sample
OUT_Z_MSB R 0x05 0x06 Output [7:0] are the 8 MSBs of the 14-bit sample
OUT_Z_LSB R 0x06 0x00 Output [7:2] are the 6 LSBs of the 14-bit sample
[1] Auto-increment is the I2C feature that the I2C read address is automatically updated after each read. Auto-increment addresses that are not a simple
increment are highlighted in bold. The auto-increment addressing is only enabled when device registers are read using I2C burst read mode. Therefore
the internal storage of the auto-increment address is cleared whenever a stop-bit is detected.
Register contents are preserved when EN pin is set high after sampling.
Register contents are reset when EN pin is set low.
13.1 STATUS - Status register (address 00h)
Register 0x00 reflects the real-time status information of the X, Y, and Z sample data.
The data read bits (ZYXDR, ZDR, YDR, XDR) are set when samples are taken and ready
to be read.
Table 12. STATUS - Status register (address 00h) bit allocation
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Access R R R R R R R R
Table 13. STATUS - Status register (address 00h) field descriptions
Field Description
X-, Y-, Z-axis new Data Ready (and available)
ZYXDR signals that a new sample for all channels is available.
ZYXDR is cleared when the high-bytes of the acceleration data (OUT_X_MSB, OUT_Y_MSB,
OUT_Z_MSB) of all channels are read..
0: No new set of data ready (default value)
1: A new set of XYZ acceleration and temperature data is available
Z-axis new Data Ready (and available)
ZDR is set whenever a new acceleration sample related to the Z-axis is generated.
ZDR is cleared anytime OUT_Z_MSB register is read.
0: No new Z-axis data is ready (default value)
1: A new Z-axis data is ready
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
Field Description
Y-axis new Data Ready (and available)
YDR is set whenever a new acceleration sample related to the Y-axis is generated.
YDR is cleared anytime OUT_Y_MSB register is read.
0: No new Y-axis data ready (default value)
1: A new Y-axis data is ready
X-axis new Data Ready (and available)
XDR is set whenever a new acceleration sample related to the X-axis is generated.
XDR is cleared anytime OUT_X_MSB register is read.
0: No new X-axis data ready (default value)
1: A new X-axis data is ready
13.2 Output data registers (addresses 01h to 06h)
These registers contain the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis14-bit output sample data
(expressed as 2's complement numbers).
OUT_Z_LSB are stored in the autoincrementing address range of 0x01 – 0x06.
The LSB registers can only be read immediately following the read access of the
corresponding MSB register. A random read access to the LSB registers is not
Reading the MSB register and then the LSB register in sequence ensures that both
bytes (LSB and MSB) belong to the same data sample, even if a new data sample
arrives between reading the MSB and the LSB byte.
The accelerometer data registers should be read only after the status register has
confirmed that new data on all axes is available.
Table 14. OUT_X_MSB - Output data register (address 01h) bit allocation
Symbol XD[13:6]
Access R R R R R R R R
Table 15. OUT_X_LSB - Output data register (address 02h) bit allocation
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Symbol XD[5:0]
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Access R R R R R R R R
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
Table 16. OUT_Y_MSB - Output data register (address 03h) bit allocation
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Symbol YD[13:6]
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Access R R R R R R R R
Table 17. OUT_Y_LSB - Output data register (address 04h) bit allocation
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Symbol YD[13:6]
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Access R R R R R R R R
Table 18. OUT_Z_MSB - Output data register (address 05h) bit allocation
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Symbol OUT_Z[7:0]
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Access R R R R R R R R
Table 19. OUT_Z_LSB - Output data register (address 06h) bit allocation
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Symbol ZD[5:0]
Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Access R R R R R R R R
13.3 Accelerometer output conversion
Table 20. Accelerometer output data
14-bit Data Range ±8 g (1 mg/count)
01 1111 1111 1111 +8.000 g
01 1111 1111 1110 +7.998 g
... ...
00 0000 0000 0000 0.000 g
11 1111 1111 1111 –0.001 g
... ...
10 0000 0000 0001 –7.998 g
10 0000 0000 0000 –8.000 g
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
14 Mounting guidelines
Surface-mount printed circuit board (PCB) layout is a critical portion of the total design.
The footprint for the surface mount package must be the correct size to ensure proper
solder connection interface between the PCB and the package. With the correct
footprint, the package will self-align when subjected to a solder reflow process. The
purpose is to minimize the stress on the package after board mounting. The MMA8491Q
accelerometers use the QFN package. This section describes suggested methods of
soldering and mounting these devices to the PCB for consumer applications.
14.1 Overview of soldering considerations
The information provided here is based on experiments executed on QFN devices. They
do not represent exact conditions present at a customer site. Therefore, information
herein should be used as guidance only, and process and design optimizations are
recommended to develop an application specific solution. It should be noted that with
the proper PCB footprint and solder stencil designs, the package will self-align during the
solder reflow process.
14.2 Halogen content
This package is designed to be Halogen Free, exceeding most industry and customer
standards. Halogen Free means that no homogeneous material within the assembly
package shall contain chlorine (Cl) in excess of 700 ppm or 0.07% weight/weight or
bromine (Br) in excess of 900 ppm or 0.09% weight/weight.
14.3 PCB mounting recommendations
Do not solder down the six exposed pads under the package, thus minimizing board-
mounting stress impact to product performance.
PCB landing pad is 0.675 mm x 0.325 mm as shown in Figure 10.
Solder mask opening = PCB land pad edge + 0.2 mm larger all around.
Stencil opening size is 0.625 mm x 0.3 mm.
Stencil thickness is 100 μm or 125 μm.
The solder mask should not cover any of the PCB landing pads, as shown in Figure 10.
No additional via nor metal pattern underneath package on the top of the PCB layer.
Do not place any components or vias within 2 mm of the package land area. This may
cause additional package stress if it is too close to the package land area.
Signal traces connected to pads should be as symmetric as possible. Put dummy
traces on NC pads, to have the same length of exposed trace for all pads.
Use a standard pick-and-place process and equipment. Do not use a hand soldering
Customers are advised to be cautious about the proximity of screw-down holes to the
sensor, and the location of any press fit to the assembled PCB when in an enclosure.
It is important that the assembled PCB remain flat after assembly to keep electronic
operation of the device optimal.
The PCB should be rated for the multiple lead-free reflow condition with a maximum
260 °C temperature.
NXP sensors are compliant with Restrictions on Hazardous Substances (RoHS),
having halide-free molding compound (green) and lead-free terminations. These
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
terminations are compatible with tin-lead (Sn-Pb) as well as tin-silver-copper (Sn-Ag-
Cu) solder paste soldering processes. Reflow profiles applicable to those processes
can be used successfully for soldering the devices.
Figure 10. PCB footprint guidelines
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
15 Package Information
The MMA8491Q uses a 12-lead QFN package, case number 98ASA00290D.
15.1 Tape and reel information
Figure 11. Tape dimensions
Barcode label
side of reel
Pin 1
to unreel
Figure 12. Tape and reel orientation
15.2 Package description
This drawing is available for download at
package_info/98ASA00290D.pdf. Please consult the most recently issued drawing before
initiating or completing a design.
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
Figure 13. Case 2169-02, Issue X1, 12-Lead QFN—page 1
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
Figure 14. Case 2169-02, Issue X1, 12-Lead QFN—page 2
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
Figure 15. Case 2169-02, Issue X1, 12-Lead QFN—page 3
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
16 Revision history
date Description
1.0 10/2012 Initial release
2.0 11/2012 Characterization data verified to be complete and final
2.1 4/2016 Added MMA8491QR2 to Ordering information table
Added paragraphs describing absolute maximum ratings
Revised package dimensions drawings to the NXP format, no technical changes
The format of this data sheet has been redesigned to comply with the new identity guidelines
of NXP Semiconductors
Legal texts have been adapted to the new company name where appropriate
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
17 Legal information
Data sheet status
Document status[1] Product status[2] Definition
Data sheet: Product preview Development This document contains information on a product
under development. NXP reserves the right to change
or discontinue this product without notice.
Data sheet: Advance information Qualification This document contains information on a pre-
production product. Specifications and pre-production
information herein are subject to change without
Data sheet: Technical data Production NXP reserves the right to change the production
detail specifications as may be required to permit
improvements in the design of its products.
[1] Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design.
[2] The product status of device(s) described in this document may have changed since this document was published and
may differ in case of multiple devices. The latest product status information is available on the Internet at URL
Draft — The document is a draft version only. The
content is still under internal review and subject to formal
approval, which may result in modifications or additions.
NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations
or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of
information included herein and shall have no liability for the
consequences of use of such information.
Information in this document is provided solely to enable
system and software implementers to use NXP products.
There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted
hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits based
on the information in this document. NXP reserves the right to
make changes without further notice to any products herein.
NXP makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee
regarding the suitability of its products for any particular
purpose, nor does NXP assume any liability arising out
of the application or use of any product or circuit, and
specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without
limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical”
parameters that may be provided in NXP data sheets and/
or specifications can and do vary in different applications,
and actual performance may vary over time. All operating
parameters, including “typicals,” must be validated for each
customer application by customer's technical experts. NXP
does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the
rights of others. NXP sells products pursuant to standard
terms and conditions of sale, which can be found at the
following address:
NXP, the NXP logo, Freescale, the Freescale logo and
SMARTMOS are trademarks of NXP B.V. All other product or
service names are the property of their respective owners.
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
Tab. 1. Ordering information ..........................................2
Tab. 2. Pin descriptions .................................................3
Tab. 3. Absolute maximum ratings ................................5
Tab. 4. ESD and latch-up protection characteristics ......5
Tab. 5. Accelerometer mechanical characteristics ........ 6
Tab. 6. Electrical characteristics ....................................7
Tab. 7. Serial interface pins .......................................... 8
Tab. 8. I2C slave timing values .....................................8
Tab. 9. I2C device address sequence .........................10
Tab. 10. MMA8491Q operating modes ......................... 11
Tab. 11. Register address map ..................................... 15
Tab. 12. STATUS - Status register (address 00h) bit
allocation ......................................................... 15
Tab. 13. STATUS - Status register (address 00h) field
descriptions ..................................................... 15
Tab. 14. OUT_X_MSB - Output data register
(address 01h) bit allocation ............................. 16
Tab. 15. OUT_X_LSB - Output data register (address
02h) bit allocation ............................................16
Tab. 16. OUT_Y_MSB - Output data register
(address 03h) bit allocation ............................. 17
Tab. 17. OUT_Y_LSB - Output data register (address
04h) bit allocation ............................................17
Tab. 18. OUT_Z_MSB - Output data register
(address 05h) bit allocation ............................. 17
Tab. 19. OUT_Z_LSB - Output data register (address
06h) bit allocation ............................................17
Tab. 20. Accelerometer output data .............................. 17
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
MMA8491Q All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
Data sheet: Technical data Rev. 2.1 — 26 April 2016
Fig. 1. Block Diagram ...................................................2
Fig. 2. Pin connection diagram .....................................3
Fig. 3. VDD connects to power supply and EN is
pulsed ................................................................4
Fig. 4. Sensitive axes orientation and output
response to ±1 g (gravity) stimulus ................... 5
Fig. 5. I2C slave timing diagram .................................. 9
Fig. 6. I2C data sequence diagrams .......................... 11
Fig. 7. MMA8491Q operating modes ......................... 11
Fig. 8. MMA8491Q timing sequence .......................... 13
Fig. 9. MMA8491Q output is based on tilt angle and
sensor g-value .................................................14
Fig. 10. PCB footprint guidelines ..................................19
Fig. 11. Tape dimensions ............................................. 20
Fig. 12. Tape and reel orientation ................................ 20
Fig. 13. Case 2169-02, Issue X1, 12-Lead QFN—
page 1 ............................................................. 21
Fig. 14. Case 2169-02, Issue X1, 12-Lead QFN—
page 2 ............................................................. 22
Fig. 15. Case 2169-02, Issue X1, 12-Lead QFN—
page 3 ............................................................. 23
NXP Semiconductors MMA8491Q
3-Axis Multifunction Digital Accelerometer
1 General description ............................................ 1
2 Features and benefits .........................................1
3 Typical applications ............................................1
4 Ordering information .......................................... 2
5 Related documentation ...................................... 2
6 Block diagram ..................................................... 2
7 Pinout ................................................................... 2
8 Recommended application diagram ..................4
9 Sensing direction and output response ............4
10 Mechanical and electrical specifications .......... 5
10.1 Absolute maximum ratings ................................ 5
10.2 Mechanical characteristics .................................6
10.3 Electrical characteristics .................................... 7
11 I2C Interface ........................................................ 8
11.1 I2C read operations ...........................................9
11.1.1 Single-byte read .............................................. 10
11.1.2 Multiple-byte read ............................................ 10
11.1.3 I2C data sequence diagrams ...........................11
12 Modes of operation ...........................................11
12.1 ACTIVE mode ..................................................12
12.2 STANDBY mode ..............................................12
12.3 Next sample acquisition ...................................12
12.4 Power-up timing sequences ............................ 12
12.5 45° tilt detection ...............................................13
12.6 Tilt angle .......................................................... 13
13 Register descriptions ....................................... 15
13.1 STATUS - Status register (address 00h) ......... 15
13.2 Output data registers (addresses 01h to 06h) .. 16
13.3 Accelerometer output conversion .................... 17
14 Mounting guidelines ......................................... 18
14.1 Overview of soldering considerations .............. 18
14.2 Halogen content .............................................. 18
14.3 PCB mounting recommendations .................... 18
15 Package Information .........................................20
15.1 Tape and reel information ............................... 20
15.2 Package description ........................................ 20
16 Revision history ................................................ 24
17 Legal information .............................................. 25
© NXP B.V. 2016. All rights reserved
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Released on 26 April 2016