Symmetrical TX and RX channels for Auto MDI/
MDIX capability
Approved for use with the Broadcom BCM5226
and Level One LXT9784
Meets IEEE 802.3 specification
www.pulseeng.com 1 H328.F (10/08)
Weight ......... 5.6 grams*
Tape & Reel ....... 250/reel
Tube ..............15/tube
Dimensions: Inches Unless otherwise specified, all tolerances are ±.010
mm 0,25
Weight ............ 1 gram
Tape & Reel ....... 350/reel
Tube ..............35/tube
H1140, H1164, HX1234, HX1240
For Auto MDI/MDIX Applications
USA 858 674 8100 l Germany 49 7032 7806 0 l Singapore 65 6287 8998 l Shanghai 86 21 32181071 l China 86 755 33966678 l Taiwan 886 3 4643715
Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature 0°C to 70°C
RoHS-6 2 RoHS-5 2 Insertion Return Loss Crosstalk Differential to
Compliant Compliant Loss (dB MIN) (dB MIN) Common Mode Hipot
Part Part (MAX) Rejection (dB MIN) (Vrms MIN)
Number Number 0.1-100MHz 2-30MHz 40MHz 50MHz 60-80MHz 1kHZ 30MHz 60MHz 100MHz 1-60MHz 60-200MHz
H1140NL3c H1140 3c -1.0 -18 -14.4 -13.1 -12 -65 -50 -40 -35 -40 -35 1500
H1141NL3c — -1.0 -18 -14.4 -13.1 -12 -65 -50 -40 -35 -40 -35 1500
H1164NL3d H1164 3d -1.0 -18 -14. 4 -13.1 -12 -55 -45 -40 -33 -37 -25 1500
HX1234NL1, 3c HX12341, 3c -1.4 -18 -14.4 -13.1 -12 -55 -45 -40 -33 -37 -25 1500
— HX1240 3c -1.0 -16.5 -16 -15.5 -12 -60 -43 -38 -33 -43 -27 1500
1. Operating Temperature -40
C to +85
2. For Tape & Reel packaging, add a “T” suffix at the end of the part number when ordering, e.g. H1164T
3. MSL = Moisture Sensitivity Level a=1 b=2 c=3 d=4
*H1164 = 4.4 grams