Document #: 38-03007 Rev. *F Page 40 of 42
*F 2813051 12/04/09 AAE a.In the features section, redu ced the maximum number of pins from 400 to 256 in
reference to current package pin count in production.
b. 5V Selection Guide: Removed CY37384 and CY37512 options from the general
information table, removed CY37384 and CY37512 options from the Speed Bins
table, removed all in-active speed bin options, removed all in-active device-package
offering and I/O count options.
c. 3.3V Selection Guide: Removed CY37384V and CY37512V options from the
general information table, remo ved CY37384V and CY37512V options from the
Speed Bins table, removed all in-active speed bin options, removed all in-active
device-package offering and I/O count options.
d. Updated the development software support specific to Programming in which the
CY3700i (ISR Programming Kit) reference had been replaced with the CYUSBISRPC
Programming Cable User’s Guide.
e. Logic diagrams: Removed references to CY37384/ CY37384V and CY37512/
f. 5V Device Electrical Characteristics specific to the Inductance table: Removed 44
pin CLCC, 84 pin PLCC, 84 pin CLCC and 208 pin PQFP from the table.
g. 3.3V Device Electrical Characteristics specific to the Inductance table: Removed
44 pin CLCC, 84 pin PLCC, 84 pin CLCC and 208 pin PQFP from the table.
h. Note 10: Updated CY37064VP100-AC to CY37064VP100-AXC and
CY37064VP44-143AC to CY37064VP44-143AXC. Removed references to
CY37064VP100-143BBC and CY37064VP48-143BAC because these are obsolete
device-package options.
i. Note 16: Removed CY37384 device as a reference.
j. Note 18: Removed CY37384V device as a reference.
k. Power Consumption graphs: Removed reference graphs for CY37384, CY37512,
CY37384V and CY37512V.
l. Pin Configurations: Removed reference pin-outs for 44 Pin CLCC, 48B FBGA, 84
Pin PLCC, 84 Pin CLCC, 100B FBGA, 160 pin CQFP, 208 pin CQFP, 208 pin PQFP,
292B PBGA, 388B PBGA, and 400B FBGA.
m. Updated the 5V Ordering In formation: Removed the following obsolete part
numbers: CY37032P44-200AC, CY37032P44-200 AXC, CY37032P44-200JC,
CY37032P44-200JXC, CY37032P44-154AC, CY37032P44-154JC,
CY37032P44-154AI, CY37032P44-154JI, CY37032P44-154JXI,
CY37032P44-125AC, CY37032P44-125 JC, CY37032P44-125AI,
CY37032P44-125JI, CY37064P44-200AC, CY37064P44-200AXC,
CY37064P44-200JC, CY37064P44-200 JXC, CY37064P84-200JC,
CY37064P100-200AC, CY37064P44-154AC, CY37064P44-154JC,
CY37064P84-154JC, CY37064P100-154AC, CY37064P44-154AI,
CY37064P44-154JI, CY37064P100-154AI, CY37064P44-125AC,
CY37064P44-125JC, CY37064P84-125 JC, CY37064P100-125AC,
CY37064P44-125AI, CY37064P44-125JI, CY37064P84-125JI,
CY37064P100-125AI, 5962-995 1901QYA, CY37128P84-167JC,
CY37128P84-167JXC, CY37128P100-167AC, CY37128P100-167AXC,
CY37128P160-167AC, CY37128P84-125JC, CY37128P84-125JXC,
CY37128P100-125AC, CY37128P160-125AC, CY37128P84-1 25JI,
CY37128P84-125JXI, CY37128P100-125AI, CY37128P160-125AI,
5962-9952102QYA, CY37128P84-100JC, CY37128P84-100JXC,
CY37128P100-100AC, CY37128P160-100AC, CY37128P84-1 00JI,
CY37128P100-100AI, CY37128P10 0-100AXI, CY37128P160-100AI,
5962-9952101QYA, CY37192P160-154AC, CY37192P160-154AXC,
CY37192P160-125AC, CY37192P160-125AI, CY37192P160-83AC,
CY37192P160-83AI, CY37256P160-154AC, CY37256P160-154AXC,
CY37256P208-154NC, CY37256P256-154BGC, CY37256P160-125AC,
CY37256P208-125NC, CY37256P256-125BGC, CY37256P160-125AI,
CY37256P208-125NI, CY37256P2 56-125BGI, 5962-9952302QZC,
CY37256P160-83AC, CY37256P208-83NC, CY37256P256-83BGC,
Document Title: Ultra37000 CPLD Family 5V and 3.3V ISR™ High Perf ormance CPLDs
Document Number: 38-03007
Rev. ECN No. Submission
Date Orig. of
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