4Nov. 25, 2008; DSH000035_002EN Micronas
Programmable Linear Hall-Effect Sensor
Release Note: Revision bars indicate significant
changes to the previous edition.
1. Introduction
The HAL815 is a member of the Micronas family of
programm able linear Hall sensors. As an extension to
the H AL 8 05, it offers open -circuit, as well as ov ervolt-
age and undervoltage detection. It is possible to pro-
gram different sensors which are in parallel to the
same supply voltage individually.
The HAL815 is an universal magnetic field sensor with
a linear output based on the Hall effect. The IC is
designe d and produce d in sub-micr on CMOS technol-
ogy and can be used for angle or distance measure-
ments if combined with a rotating or moving magnet.
The major characteristics like magnetic field range,
sensitivity, output quiescent voltage (output voltage at
B = 0 mT), and output voltage range are programma-
ble in a non-volatile memory. The sensor has a ratio-
metric output cha racte ristic, whi ch me ans tha t the out-
put volt age i s proportional t o the magnetic flu x a nd th e
supply voltage.
The HAL815 features a temperature-compensated
Hall plat e wit h ch opp er ed offset com pen sation, an A/D
converter, digital signal processing, a D/A converter
with output driver, an EEPROM memory with redun-
dancy and lock function for the calibration data, a
serial interface for programming the EEPROM, and
protection devices at all pins. The internal digital signal
processing is of great benefit because analog offsets,
temperature shifts, and mechanical stress do not
degrade the sensor accuracy.
The HAL815 is pr ogrammable by mod ulating the sup-
ply vo ltage. No additiona l programm ing p in is neede d.
The easy programmability allows a 2-point calibration
by adjusting the output voltage directly to the input sig-
nal (like mechanical angle, distance, or current). Indi-
vidual adjustment of each sensor during the cus-
tomer’s manufacturing process is possible. With this
calibration procedure, the tolerances of the sensor, the
magnet, and the mechanical positioning can be com-
pensated in the final assembly. This offers a low-cost
alternative for all applications that presently need
mechanical adjustment or laser trimming for calibrating
the system.
In addition, the temperature compensation of the Hall
IC can be fi t to all com mon mag netic m aterial s by pro-
gramming first and second order temperature coeffi-
cients of the Ha ll sen so r sen si tiv it y. This en abl es ope r-
ation over the full temperature range with high
The ca lculati on of the ind ividual se nsor ch aracteris tics
and the programming of the EEPROM memory can
easily be done with a PC and the application kit from
The se nsor is desi gned for hos tile industri al and auto-
motive applications and operates with typically 5 V
supply voltage in the ambient temperature range from
−40 °C up to 150 °C. The HAL 815 is available in the
very small leaded packages TO92UT-1 and TO92UT-2.
1.1. Major Applications
Due to the sensor’s versatile programming character-
istics, the HAL815 is the optimal system solution for
applications such as:
– contactl es s pote ntiometers,
– angle sensors,
– distance measurements,
– magnetic field and current measurement.
1.2. Features
– high-precision linear Hall effect sensor with
ratiometric output and digital signal processing
– multiple programmable magnetic characteristics in a
non-volatile memory (EEPROM) with redundancy
and lock function
– open-circuit (ground and supply line break detec-
tion), overvoltage and undervoltage detection
– for programming an individual sensor within several
sensors in parallel to the same supply voltage, a
selection can be done via the output pin
– temperature characteristics are programmable for
matching all common magnetic materials
– programmable clamping function
– programming through a modulation of the supply
– operates from −40 °C up to 150 °C
ambient temperature
– operates from 4.5 V up to 5.5 V supply voltage in
specification and functions up to 8.5 V
– operates with static magnetic fields and dynamic
magnetic fields up to 2 kHz
– overvolta ge and re ve rse- volt age pr otec ti on at all
– magnetic characteristics extremely robust against
mech anical stress
– short-circuit protected push-pull output
– EMC and ESD optimized design