24 GHz, ISM Band, Multichannel FMCW Radar Transmitter ADF5902 Data Sheet FEATURES APPLICATIONS 24 GHz to 24.25 GHz VCO (industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) radio band) 2-channel 24 GHz power amplifier with 8 dBm output Single-ended outputs 2-channel muxed outputs with mute function Programmable output power LO output buffer RF frequency range: 24 GHz to 24.25 GHz Power control detector Auxiliary 8-bit ADC High and low speed FMCW ramp generation 25-bit fixed modulus allows subhertz frequency resolution PFD frequencies up to 110 MHz Normalized phase noise floor of -222 dBc/Hz Programmable charge pump currents 5C temperature sensor 4-wire SPI ESD performance HBM: 2000 V CDM: 250 V Qualified for automotive applications Automotive radars Industrial radars Microwave radar sensors GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ADF5902 is a 24 GHz transmitter (Tx) monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) with an on-chip, 24 GHz voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). The VCO features a fractional-N frequency synthesizer with waveform generation capability with programmable grid array (PGA) and dual transmitter channels for radar systems. The on-chip, 24 GHz VCO generates the 24 GHz signal for the two transmitter channels and the local oscillator (LO) output. Each transmitter channel contains a power control circuit. There is also an on-chip temperature sensor. Control of all the on-chip registers is through a simple, 4-wire serial peripheral interface (SPI). The ADF5902 comes in a compact, 32-lead, 5 mm x 5 mm LFCSP package. FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM C1 TX_AHI C2 LE DOUT AHI 32-BIT DATA REGISTER VCO_AHI CP_AHI READBACK CONTROL VREG RSET REGULATOR BIAS GND DVDD RDIV NDIV RAMP STATUS ADC ADC OUTPUT FREQUENCY COUNTER CE REFIN DVDD ADF5902 CLK DATA RF_AHI VCO CAL MUXOUT TXOUT1 R DIVIDER + PHASE FREQUENCY DETECTOR - CHARGE PUMP TXOUT2 /2 N DIVIDER ADC TEMPERATURE SENSOR RAMP GENERATION ADC ATEST FMCW RAMP GENERATION PLL 16746-001 TX_DATA THIRD-ORDER FRACTIONAL INTERPOLATOR CPOUT VTUNE LOOUT GND Figure 1. Rev. A Document Feedback Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 (c)2018-2020 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Technical Support www.analog.com ADF5902 Data Sheet TABLE OF CONTENTS Features .............................................................................................. 1 Register 6 ..................................................................................... 22 Applications ....................................................................................... 1 Register 7 ..................................................................................... 23 General Description ......................................................................... 1 Register 8 ..................................................................................... 24 Functional Block Diagram .............................................................. 1 Register 9 ..................................................................................... 24 Revision History ............................................................................... 2 Register 10 ................................................................................... 25 Specifications..................................................................................... 3 Register 11 ................................................................................... 25 Timing Specifications .................................................................. 5 Register 12 ................................................................................... 26 Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................ 6 Register 13 ................................................................................... 27 Thermal Resistance ...................................................................... 6 Register 14 ................................................................................... 28 ESD Caution .................................................................................. 6 Register 15 ................................................................................... 29 Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions ............................. 7 Register 16 ................................................................................... 30 Typical Performance Characteristics ............................................. 9 Register 17 ................................................................................... 30 Theory of Operation ...................................................................... 11 Applications Information .............................................................. 31 Reference Input Section ............................................................. 11 Initialization Sequence .............................................................. 31 RF INT Divider ........................................................................... 11 Recalibration Sequence ............................................................. 32 INT, FRAC, and R Relationship ............................................... 11 Temperature Sensor ................................................................... 33 R Counter .................................................................................... 11 RF Synthesis: A Worked Example ............................................ 33 PFD and Charge Pump .............................................................. 11 Reference Doubler...................................................................... 33 Input Shift Register..................................................................... 11 Frequency Measurement Procedure ........................................ 34 Program Modes .......................................................................... 12 Waveform Generation ............................................................... 34 Register Maps .................................................................................. 13 Waveform Deviations and Timing ........................................... 34 Register 0 ..................................................................................... 16 Ramp and Modulation............................................................... 35 Register 1 ..................................................................................... 17 Application of the ADF5902 in FMCW Radar ...................... 37 Register 2 ..................................................................................... 18 Outline Dimensions ....................................................................... 39 Register 3 ..................................................................................... 19 Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 39 Register 4 ..................................................................................... 20 Automotive Products ................................................................. 39 Register 5 ..................................................................................... 21 REVISION HISTORY 1/2020--Rev. 0 to Rev. A Changes to Figure 23 ...................................................................... 15 Changes to Figure 41 ...................................................................... 30 11/2018--Revision 0: Initial Version Rev. A | Page 2 of 39 Data Sheet ADF5902 SPECIFICATIONS AHI = TX_AHI = RF_AHI = VCO_AHI = DVDD = CP_AHI = 3.3 V 5%, GND = 0 V, dBm referred to 50 , TA = TMAX to TMIN, unless otherwise noted. The operating temperature range is -40C to +105C. Table 1. Parameter OPERATING CONDITIONS RF Frequency Range VCO CHARACTERISTICS VTUNE VTUNE Impedance VCO Phase Noise Performance At 100 kHz Offset At 1 MHz Offset At 10 MHz Offset Amplitude Noise Static Pulling VCO Frequency (fVCO) Change vs. Load Dynamic Pulling Transmitter On or Off Switch Change Dynamic Pulling Transmitter to Transmitter Switch Change Pushing fVCO Change vs. AHI Change Spurious Level Harmonics Spurious Level Nonharmonics POWER SUPPLIES AHI, TX_AHI, RF_AHI, VCO_AHI, DVDD, CP_AHI Total Current (ITOTAL)1 Software Power-Down Mode Hardware Power-Down Mode TRANSMITTER OUTPUT Output Power Output Impedance On to Off Isolation Transmitter to Transmitter Isolation Power-Up/Power-Down Time LO OUTPUT Output Power Output Impedance On to Off Isolation PHASE FREQUENCY DETECTOR (PFD) Phase Detector Frequency2 CHARGE PUMP Charge Pump Current (ICP) Sink and Source Current High Value Low Value Absolute Accuracy RSET Range ICP Tristate Leakage Current Sink and Source Matching ICP vs. VCP ICP vs. Temperature Min Typ Max Unit 24.25 GHz 2.5 100 V k -88 -108 -128 -150 2 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz MHz 10 MHz At 1 MHz offset Open-loop into 2:1 voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) load Open-loop 5 MHz Open-loop 5 -30 <-70 MHz/V dBc dBc Open-loop 24 0.5 Test Conditions/Comments Closed-loop, 10 kHz loop filter 3.135 3.3 190 1.2 200 3.465 V mA mA A 2 8 50 30 25 200 12 dBm dB dB ns -1 50 35 +5 dBm dB 110 MHz -7 Single transmitter output switched on to off Programmable 5.049 4.48 mA 280 2.5 5.1 1 2 2 2 A % k nA % % % 5.151 Rev. A | Page 3 of 39 RSET = 5.1 k; RSET is a resistor to ground that sets the maximum charge pump output current RSET = 5.1 k Sink and source current 0.5 V < charge pump voltage (VCP) < CP_AHI - 0.6 V 0.5 V < VCP < CP_AHI - 0.6 V VCP = CP_AHI/2 ADF5902 Parameter NOISE CHARACTERISTICS Normalized Phase Noise Floor, Fractional-N Mode3 Normalized 1/f Noise (PN1_f)4 TEMPERATURE SENSOR Analog Accuracy Digital Accuracy Sensitivity ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER (ADC) Resolution Integral Nonlinearity (INL) Differential Nonlinearity (DNL) Least Significant Bit (LSB) REFIN CHARACTERISITICS REFIN Input Frequency REFIN Input Capacitance2 REFIN Input Current LOGIC INPUTS Input Voltage High (VIH) Low (VIL) Input Current (IINH, IINL) Input Capacitance (CIN)2 LOGIC OUTPUTS Output Voltage High (VOH)5 Low (VOL) Output Current High (IOH) Low (IOL) Data Sheet Min 10 Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments -222 dBc/Hz PLL loop bandwidth (BW) = 1 MHz -120 dBc/Hz Measured at 10 kHz offset, normalized to 1 GHz 5 5 6.4 C C mV/C Following one point calibration Following one point calibration 8 1 1 7.4 Bits LSB LSB mV 260 MHz 1.2 100 pF A 0.6 1 10 V V A pF 1.4 DVDD - 0.4 -5 dBm minimum to +9 dBm maximum biased at AHI/2 (ac coupling ensures 1.8 / 2 bias); for frequencies < 10 MHz, use a dc-coupled, CMOScompatible square wave with a slew rate > 25 V/s V 0.4 V 500 500 A A 1 Following the initialization sequence described in the Initialization Sequence section, TA = 25C, AHI = 3.3 V, fREFIN = 100 MHz, and RF = 24.025 GHz. Guaranteed by design. Sample tested to ensure compliance. 3 This specification can be used to calculate phase noise for any application. Use the formula ((Normalized Phase Noise Floor) + 10 log(fPFD) + 20 logN) to calculate in-band phase noise performance as seen at the VCO output. 4 The PLL phase noise is composed of flicker (1/f) noise plus the normalized PLL noise floor. The formula for calculating the 1/f noise contribution at an RF frequency (fRF) and at an offset frequency (f) is given by PN = PN1_f + 10 log(10 kHz/f) + 20 log(fRF/1 GHz). Both the normalized phase noise floor and flicker noise are modeled in ADIsimPLL. 5 DVDD selected from the IO level bit (Bit DB11 in Register 3). 2 Rev. A | Page 4 of 39 Data Sheet ADF5902 TIMING SPECIFICATIONS Write Timing Specifications AHI = TX_AHI = RF_AHI = VCO_AHI = DVDD = CP_AHI = 3.3 V 5%, GND = 0 V, dBm referred to 50 , TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. The operating temperature range is -40C to +105C. Table 2. Parameter t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 Limit at TMIN to TMAX 20 10 10 25 25 10 20 10 15 Unit ns min ns min ns min ns min ns min ns min ns min ns max ns max t4 Description LE setup time DATA to CLK setup time DATA to CLK hold time CLK high duration CLK low duration CLK to LE setup time LE pulse width LE setup time to DOUT CLK setup time to DOUT t5 CLK t2 DATA t3 DB2 (CONTROL BIT C3) DB30 DB31 (MSB) DB1 (CONTROL BIT C2) DB0 (LSB) (CONTRO BIT C1) 7 LE 1 6 DB31 (MSB) DOUT DB30 DB1 DB0 16746-002 8 9 Figure 2. Write Timing Diagram 500A DVDD/2 CL 10pF 500A IOH 16746-003 TO DOUT AND MUXOUT PINS IOL Figure 3. Load Circuit for DOUT/MUXOUT Timing, CL = 10 pF Rev. A | Page 5 of 39 ADF5902 Data Sheet ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Table 3. Parameter AHI to GND AHI to TX_AHI AHI to RF_AHI AHI to VCO_AHI AHI to DVDD AHI to CP_AHI VTUNE to GND Digital Input/Output Voltage to GND Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Maximum Junction Temperature Reflow Soldering Peak Temperature Time at Peak Temperature Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Charged Device Model (CDM) Human Body Model (HBM) Rating -0.3 V to +3.9 V -0.3 V to +0.3 V -0.3 V to +0.3 V -0.3 V to +0.3 V -0.3 V to +0.3 V -0.3 V to +0.3 V -0.3 V to +3.6 V -0.3 V to DVDD + 0.3 V -40C to +105C -65C to +150C 150C 260C 40 sec The ADF5902 is a high performance RF integrated circuit with an ESD rating of 2 kV and is ESD sensitive. Take proper precautions for handling and assembly. THERMAL RESISTANCE Thermal performance is directly linked to printed circuit board (PCB) design and operating environment. Careful attention to PCB thermal design is required. Table 4. Thermal Resistance Package Type CP-32-123 1 JA1 48.18 JC2 26.86 Unit C/W JA is the natural convection junction-to-ambient thermal resistance measured in a one cubic foot sealed enclosure. 2 JC is the junction-to-case thermal resistance. 3 Test Condition 1: thermal impedance simulated values are based on use of a PCB with the thermal impedance pad soldered to GND. ESD CAUTION 250 V 2000 V Stresses at or above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the product. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the product at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Operation beyond the maximum operating conditions for extended periods may affect product reliability. Rev. A | Page 6 of 39 Data Sheet ADF5902 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 C2 C1 VCO_AHI VTUNE CPOUT CP_AHI RSET MUXOUT PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ADF5902 TOP VIEW (Not to Scale) 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 DOUT LE DATA CLK CE TX_DATA VREG DVDD NOTES 1. THE EXPOSED PAD MUST BE CONNECTED TO GND. 16746-004 ATEST GND LOOUT GND GND RF_AHI REFIN AHI 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 GND TXOUT1 GND TX_AHI TX_AHI GND TXOUT2 GND Figure 4. Pin Configuration Table 5. Pin Function Descriptions Pin No. 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13 2 4, 5 Mnemonic GND Description RF Ground. Tie all GND pins together. TXOUT1 TX_AHI 7 9 11 14 TXOUT2 ATEST LOOUT RF_AHI 15 REFIN 16 AHI 17 DVDD 18 19 VREG TX_DATA 20 21 CE CLK 22 DATA 23 LE 24 25 26 DOUT MUXOUT RSET 27 CP_AHI 28 CPOUT 24 GHz Transmitter Output 1. Voltage Supply for the Transmitter Section. Connect decoupling capacitors (0.1 F, 1 nF, and 10 pF) to the ground plane as close as possible to this pin. TX_AHI must be the same value as AHI. 24 GHz Transmitter Output 2. Analog Test Output Pin. LO Output. Voltage Supply for the RF Section. Connect decoupling capacitors (0.1 F, 1 nF, and 10 pF) to the ground plane as close as possible to this pin. RF_AHI must be the same value as AHI. Reference Input. This pin is a CMOS input with a nominal threshold of DVDD/2 and a dc equivalent input resistance of 100 k. See Figure 17. This input can be driven from a TTL or CMOS crystal oscillator, or it can be ac-coupled. Voltage Supply for the Analog Section. Connect decoupling capacitors (0.1 F, 1 nF, and 10 pF) to the ground plane as close as possible to this pin. Digital Power Supply. This supply may range from 3.135 V to 3.465 V. Place decoupling capacitors (0.1 F, 1 nF, and 10 pF) to the ground plane as close as possible to this pin. DVDD must be the same value as AHI. Internal 1.8 V Regulator Output. Connect a 220 nF capacitor to ground as close as possible to this pin. Transmit Data Pin. This pin controls some of the ramping functionality. Synchronize the rising edge of the TX_DATA signal to the rising edge of REFIN. Chip Enable. A logic low on this pin powers down the device. Taking the pin high powers up the device. Serial Clock Input. This serial clock input clocks in the serial data to the registers. The data is latched into the 32-bit shift register on the CLK rising edge. This input is a high impedance CMOS input. Serial Data Input. The serial data is loaded MSB first with the four LSBs as the control bits. This input is a high impedance CMOS input. Load Enable, CMOS Input. When LE goes high, the data stored in the shift registers is loaded to one of the 18 latches with the latch selected via the control bits. Serial Data Output. Multiplexer Output. This multiplexer output allows various internal signals to be accessed externally. Resistor Setting Pin. Connecting a 5.1 k resistor between this pin and GND sets an internal current. The nominal voltage potential at the RSET pin is 0.62 V. Charge Pump Power Supply. This supply may range from 3.135 V to 3.465 V. Place decoupling capacitors (0.1 F, 1 nF, and 10 pF) to the ground plane as close as possible to this pin. CP_AHI must be the same value as AHI. Charge Pump Output. When the charge pump is enabled, this output provides ICP to the external loop filter, which, in turn, drives the VCO. Rev. A | Page 7 of 39 ADF5902 Data Sheet Pin No. 29 30 Mnemonic VTUNE VCO_AHI 31 32 C1 C2 EP Description Control Input to the VCO. This voltage determines the output. Voltage Supply for the VCO Section. Connect decoupling capacitors (0.1 F, 1 nF, and 10 pF) to the ground plane as close as possible to this pin. VCO_AHI must be the same value as AHI. Decoupling Capacitor 1. Place a 47 nF capacitor to ground as close as possible to this pin. Decoupling Capacitor 2. Place a 220 nF capacitor to ground as close as possible to this pin. Exposed Pad. The exposed pad must be connected to GND. Rev. A | Page 8 of 39 Data Sheet ADF5902 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 6 12 4 LO OUTPUT POWER (dBm) 8 6 -40C +25C +105C OUTSIDE OF SPECIFIED RANGE Tx1 Tx2 4 2 2 0 -2 -40C +25C +105C OUTSIDE OF SPECIFIED RANGE -4 24.00 24.05 24.10 24.15 24.20 24.25 24.30 OUTPUT FREQUENCY (GHz) -8 23.95 16746-005 0 23.95 24.10 24.15 24.20 24.25 24.30 Figure 8. LO Output Power vs. Output Frequency 12 24.250 10 24.200 FREQUENCY (GHz) 8 6 4 3.135V -40C 3.300V +25C 3.465V +105C OUTSIDE OF SPECIFIED RANGE 2 0 23.95 24.00 24.05 24.10 24.15 24.20 24.150 24.100 24.050 24.25 24.30 OUTPUT FREQUENCY (GHz) 24.000 16746-006 Tx1 OUTPUT POWER (dBm) 24.05 OUTPUT FREQUENCY (GHz) Figure 5. Transmitter (Tx) Output Power vs. Output Frequency 0 Figure 6. Transmitter 1 (Tx1) Output Power Variation vs. Output Frequency with Temperature and Supply 100 200 300 TIME (s) 400 500 600 500 600 Figure 9. Triangular Ramp with Delay 24.250 15 -40C +25C +105C 10 24.200 5 FREQUENCY (GHz) Tx OUTPUT POWER (dBm) 24.00 16746-008 -6 16746-009 Tx OUTPUT POWER (dBm) 10 0 -5 -10 24.150 24.100 24.050 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Tx AMPLITUDE CALIBRATION REFERENCE CODE 100 24.000 16746-007 -20 0 Figure 7. Transmitter (Tx) Output Power vs. Transmitter (Tx) Amplitude Calibration Reference Code Rev. A | Page 9 of 39 100 200 300 TIME (s) 400 Figure 10. Dual Triangular Ramp 16746-010 -15 ADF5902 Data Sheet 4 24.300 3 2 24.200 1 CURRENT (mA) FREQUENCY (GHz) 24.250 24.150 0 PUMP UP SETTING 7 PUMP DOWN SETTING 7 -1 -2 24.100 -3 OUTSIDE OF SPECIFIED RANGE 24.050 -4 100 200 300 TIME (s) 400 500 600 -5 0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 CHARGE PUMP VOLTAGE (V) Figure 14. Charge Pump Output Characteristics, CP_AHI = 3.3 V, at 25C Figure 11. Sawtooth Ramp -40 3.5 3.0 25C,AHI = 3.3V, ICP = 2.24mA 300kHz LOOP BW FILTER, fPFD = 100MHz PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) -60 2.5 2.0 1.5 -40C +25C +105C 1.0 -80 -100 -120 -140 0.5 24.10 24.15 24.20 24.25 OUTPUT FREQUENCY (MHz) -160 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M FREQUENCY OFFET (Hz) Figure 15. Closed-Loop Phase Noise on Transmitter 1 at 24.125 GHz Figure 12. VTUNE Frequency Range 0 250 1.8 -10 -20 1.6 200 -30 -50 1.2 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 150 1.0 0.8 100 0.6 ADC CODE (Count) 1.4 -40 ATEST (V) -110 0.4 -120 -130 50 0.2 Figure 13. Open-Loop Phase Noise on Transmitter 1 Output at 24.125 GHz Rev. A | Page 10 of 39 0 120 110 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 0 100 FREQUENCY OFFSET (Hz) 10M 0 1M 10 100k -10 10k -20 1k -30 -150 16746-012 -140 -40 PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) 16746-113 24.05 16746-011 0 24.00 TEMPERATURE (C) Figure 16. ATEST Voltage and ADC Code vs. Temperature 16746-013 VTUNE (V) 0.5 16746-112 0 16746-109 24.000 Data Sheet ADF5902 THEORY OF OPERATION REFERENCE INPUT SECTION R DIVIDER REFIN 100k The 5-bit R counter allows the input reference frequency (REFIN) to be divided down to supply the reference clock to the PFD and VCO calibration block. Division ratios from 1 to 32 are allowed. TO R COUNTER BUFFER SW1 SW3 NO2 PFD AND CHARGE PUMP 16746-014 1NC = NORMALLY CLOSED 2NO = NORMALLY OPEN The PFD receives inputs from the R counter and N counter and produces an output proportional to the phase and frequency difference between them. Figure 20 shows a simplified schematic of the PFD. Figure 17. Reference Input Stage RF INT DIVIDER The RF INT counter allows a division ratio in the RF feedback counter. Division ratios from 75 to 4095 are allowed. INT, FRAC, AND R RELATIONSHIP HIGH D1 Q1 CLR1 DELAY 25 RFOUT = fPFD x (INT + (FRAC/2 )) x 2 fPFD = REFIN x ((1 + D)/(R x (1 + T))) (2) where: REFIN is the reference input frequency. D is the REFIN doubler bit (0 or 1). R is the preset divide ratio of the binary, 5-bit, programmable reference counter (1 to 32). T is the REFIN divide by 2 bit (0 or 1). N = INT + FRAC/225 TO PFD/ CAL BLOCK THIRD-ORDER FRACTIONAL INTERPOLATOR FRAC VALUE 16746-116 INT VALUE U3 CHARGE PUMP CP (1) where: RFOUT is the output frequency of the internal VCO. fPFD is the phase frequency detector (PFD) frequency. INT is the preset divide ratio of the binary 12-bit counter (75 to 4095). FRAC is the numerator of the fractional division (0 to 225 - 1). N COUNTER UP U1 +IN Generate the RF VCO frequency (RFOUT) using the INT and FRAC values in conjunction with the R counter, as follows: FROM RF INPUT STAGE TO PFD/ CAL BLOCK R COUNTER SW2 RF N DIVIDER /2 DIVIDER HIGH CLR2 DOWN D2 Q2 U2 -IN 16746-120 NC1 5-BIT R COUNTER x2 DOUBLER Figure 19. Reference Divider POWER-DOWN CONTROL NC1 REFIN 16746-117 The reference input stage is shown in Figure 17. SW1 and SW2 are normally closed switches. SW3 is normally open. When power-down is initiated, SW3 is closed and SW1 and SW2 are opened. This configuration ensures that there is no loading of the REFIN pin on power-down. Figure 20. PFD Simplified Schematic The PFD includes a fixed delay element that sets the width of the antibacklash pulse, which is typically 1 ns. This pulse ensures that there is no dead zone in the PFD transfer function and provides a consistent reference spur level. INPUT SHIFT REGISTER The ADF5902 digital section includes a 5-bit RF R counter, a 12-bit RF N counter, and a 25-bit FRAC counter. Data is clocked to the 32-bit input shift register on each rising edge of CLK. The data is clocked in MSB first. Data is transferred from the input shift register to one of 18 latches on the rising edge of LE. The destination latch is determined by the state of the five control bits (C5, C4, C3, C2, and C1) in the input shift register. These are the five LSBs (DB4, DB3, DB2, DB1, and DB0, respectively), as shown in Figure 2. Table 6 shows the truth table for these bits. Figure 21 and Figure 22 show a summary of how the latches are programmed. Figure 18. RF N Divider Rev. A | Page 11 of 39 ADF5902 Data Sheet PROGRAM MODES Table 6 and Figure 24 through Figure 42 show how to set up the program modes in the ADF5902. Several settings in the ADF5902 are double buffered. These include the LSB fractional value, R counter value (R divider), reference doubler, clock divider, RDIV2, and MUXOUT. This means that two events must occur before the device uses a new value for any of the double buffered settings. First, the new value is latched into the device by writing to the appropriate register. Second, a new write must be performed on Register R5. For example, updating the fractional value can involve a write to the 13 LSB bits in Register R6 and the 12 MSB bits in Register R5. Write to Register R6 first, followed by the write to Register R5. The frequency change begins after the write to Register R5. Double buffering ensures that the bits written to in Register R6 do not take effect until after the write to Register R5. Table 6. C5, C4, C3, C2, and C1 Truth Table C5 (DB4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 C4 (DB3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Control Bits C3 (DB2) 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 C2 (DB1) 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 Rev. A | Page 12 of 39 C1 (DB0) 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Register R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 Data Sheet ADF5902 REGISTER MAPS DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PUP LO PUP Tx1 PUP Tx2 PUP ADC VCO CAL PUP VCO RESERVED Tx1 AMP CAL Tx2 AMP CAL REGISTER 0 (R0) CONTROL BITS DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 Tx2C Tx1C PVCO VCAL PADC PTx2 PTx1 PLO C5(0) C4(0) C3(0) C2(0) C1(0) REGISTER 1 (R1) RESERVED CONTROL BITS Tx AMP CAL REF CODE DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 DB2 DB1 DB0 TAR7 TAR6 TAR5 TAR4 TAR3 TAR2 TAR1 TAR0 C5(0) C4(0) C3(0) C2(0) C1(1) ADC START REGISTER 2 (R2) RESERVED ADC AVERAGE CONTROL BITS ADC CLOCK DIVIDER DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 AS AA0 AA0 AC7 AC6 AC5 AC4 AC3 AC2 AC1 DB2 DB1 DB0 AC0 C5(0) C4(0) C3(0) C2(1) C1(0) IO LEVEL REGISTER 3 (R3) MUXOUT DBR 1 RESERVED CONTROL BITS READBACK CONTROL DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 M3 M2 M1 M0 IOL RC5 DB2 DB1 DB0 RC4 RC3 RC2 RC1 RC0 C5(0) C4(0) C3(0) C2(1) C1(1) REGISTER 4 (R4) CONTROL BITS RAMP STATUS/ANALOG TEST BUS RESERVED DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AB14 AB13 AB12 AB11 AB10 AB9 AB8 AB7 AB6 AB5 AB4 AB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 AB2 AB1 AB0 C5(0) C4(0) C3(1) C2(0) C1(0) RESERVED RAMP ON REGISTER 5 (R5) INTEGER WORD CONTROL BITS FRAC MSB WORD DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 RON N11 N10 N9 N8 N7 N6 N5 N4 N3 N2 N1 N0 F24 F23 F22 F21 F20 F19 F18 F17 F16 F15 F14 DB2 DB1 DB0 F13 C5(0) C4(0) C3(1) C2(0) C1(1) REGISTER 6 (R6) FRAC LSB WORD CONTROL BITS DBR1 DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 1DBR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F12 F11 F10 F9 F8 F7 F6 F5 = DOUBLE BUFFERED REGISTER--BUFFERED BY THE WRITE TO REGISTER 5. Figure 21. Register Summary (Register 0 to Register 6) Rev. A | Page 13 of 39 F4 F3 F2 F1 F0 DB2 DB1 DB0 C5(0) C4(0) C3(1) C2(1) C1(0) 16746-017 RESERVED ADF5902 Data Sheet DBR 1 CLOCK DIVIDER REF DOUBLER DBR 1 DBR 1 RDIV2 RESERVED RESERVED MASTER RESET REGISTER 7 (R7) R DIVIDER CONTROL BITS DBR1 DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 0 0 0 0 MR C1D11 C1D10 C1D9 C1D8 C1D7 C1D6 C1D5 C1D4 C1D3 C1D2 C1D1 C1D0 RD2 1 RD R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 DB2 DB1 DB0 C5(0) C4(0) C3(1) C2(1) C1(1) REGISTER 8 (R8) CONTROL BITS FREQENCY CAL DIVIDER RESERVED DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FC9 FC8 FC7 FC6 FC5 DB2 DB1 DB0 FC4 FC3 FC2 FC1 FC0 C5(0) C4(1) C3(0) C2(0) C1(0) REGISTER 9 (R9) CONTROL BITS RESERVED DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 DB2 DB1 DB0 C5(0) C4(1) C3(0) C2(0) C1(1) REGISTER 10 (R10) CONTROL BITS RESERVED 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 RAMP MODE CNTR RESET 1 RESERVED 0 SING FULL TRI RAMP 0 RESERVED 0 SD RESET DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 DB2 DB1 DB0 C5(0) C4(1) C3(0) C2(1) C1(0) REGISTER 11 (R11) RESERVED CONTROL BITS DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SDR 0 SFT RM1 RM0 0 DB2 DB1 DB0 CR C5(0) C4(1) C3(0) C2(1) C1(1) CHARGE PUMP CURRENT RESERVED CONTROL BITS DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 CC3 CC2 CC1 CC0 1 CTRI 0 0 0 0 0 1DBR = DOUBLE BUFFERED REGISTER--BUFFERED BY THE WRITE TO REGISTER 5. Figure 22. Register Summary (Register 7 to Register 12) Rev. A | Page 14 of 39 0 0 0 0 0 DB2 DB1 DB0 C5(0) C4(1) C3(1) C2(0) C1(0) 16746-018 DBR 1 RESERVED CP TRISTATE DBR 1 RESERVED REGISTER 12 (R12) Data Sheet ADF5902 RESERVED CLK DIV SEL LE SEL CLK DIV MODE REGISTER 13 (R13) CLOCK DIVIDER 2 CONTROL BITS DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DB2 DB1 DB0 LES CDM1 CDM0 C2D11 C2D10 C2D9 C2D8 C2D7 C2D6 C2D5 C2D4 C2D3 C2D2 C2D1 C2D0 CDS1 CDS0 C5(0) C4(1) C3(1) C2(0) C1(1) TX RAMP CLK Tx_DATA INV REGISTER 14 (R14) DEVIATION SEL RESERVED DEVIATION OFFSET CONTROL BITS DEVIATION WORD DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 TDI TRC 0 0 0 DS1 DS0 DO3 DO2 DO1 DO0 DW15 DW14 DW13 DW12 DW11 DW10 DW9 DW8 DW7 DW6 DB2 DB1 DB0 DW5 DW4 DW3 DW2 DW1 DW0 C5(0) C4(1) C3(1) C2(1) C1(0) REGISTER 15 (R15) STEP SEL RESERVED CONTROL BITS STEP WORD DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 0 0 0 SS1 SS0 SW19 SW18 SW17 SW16 SW15 SW14 SW13 SW12 SW11 SW10 SW9 SW8 SW7 SW6 DB2 DB1 DB0 SW5 SW4 SW3 SW2 SW1 SW0 C5(0) C4(1) C3(1) C2(1) C1(1) RESERVED RAMP DEL DELAY SELECT RESERVED Tx_DATA TRIGGER RESERVED REGISTER 16 (R16) CONTROL BITS DELAY START WORD DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 DSL1 DSL0 0 0 TR1 RD 0 0 DS11 DS10 DS9 DS8 DS7 DS6 DS5 DB2 DB1 DB0 DS4 DS3 DS2 DS1 DS0 C5(1) C4(0) C3(0) C2(0) C1(0) REGISTER 17 (R17) DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 23. Register Summary (Register 13 to Register 17) Rev. A | Page 15 of 39 0 0 0 0 0 DB2 DB1 DB0 C5(1) C4(0) C3(0) C2(0) C1(1) 16746-121 CONTROL BITS RESERVED DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PUP LO PUP Tx1 PUP Tx2 PUP ADC VCO CAL PUP VCO RESERVED Tx1 AMP CAL Data Sheet Tx2 AMP CAL ADF5902 CONTROL BITS DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 Tx2C Tx1C PVCO VCAL PADC PTx2 PTx1 PLO C5(0) C4(0) C3(0) C2(0) C1(0) PLO PTx1 PTx2 PUP LO 0 POWER DOWN LO 1 POWER UP LO PUP Tx1 0 POWER DOWN Tx1 1 POWER UP Tx1 PUP Tx2 0 POWER DOWN Tx2 1 POWER UP Tx2 PADC PUP ADC Tx2 AMP CAL 0 POWER DOWN ADC 0 NORMAL OPERATION 1 POWER UP ADC 1 Tx2 AMP CAL Tx2C 0 NORMAL OPERATION 0 NORMAL OPERATION 1 VCO FULL CAL 1 Tx1 AMP CAL PVCO PUP VCO 0 POWER DOWN VCO 1 POWER UP VCO 16746-019 VCAL VCO CAL Tx1 AMP CAL Tx1C Figure 24. Register 0 (R0) REGISTER 0 VCO Calibration Control Bits With Bits[C5:C1] set to 00000, Register R0 is programmed. Figure 24 shows the input data format for programming this register. Bit DB9 provides the control bit for frequency calibration of the VCO. Set this bit to 0 for normal operation. Setting this bit to 1 performs a VCO frequency and amplitude calibration. Bit DB9 is shown as VCO CAL in Figure 24. Reserved Power-Up ADC Bits[DB31:DB13] are reserved and must be set as shown in Figure 24. Transmitter 2 (Tx2) Amplitude Calibration Bit DB12 provides the control bit for amplitude calibration of the Tx2 output. Set this bit to 0 for normal operation. Setting this bit to 1 performs an amplitude calibration of the Tx2 output. Bit DB12 is shown as Tx2 AMP CAL in Figure 24. Tx1 Amplitude Calibration Bit DB11 provides the control bit for amplitude calibration of the Tx1 output. Set this bit to 0 for normal operation. Setting this bit to 1 performs an amplitude calibration of the Tx1 output. Bit DB11 is shown as Tx1 AMP CAL in Figure 24. Power-Up VCO Bit DB10 provides the power-up bit for the VCO. Setting this bit to 0 performs a power-down of the VCO. Setting this bit to 1 performs a power-up of the VCO. Bit DB10 is shown as PUP VCO in Figure 24. Bit DB8 provides the power-up bit for the ADC. Setting this bit to 0 performs a power-down of the ADC. Setting this bit to 1 performs a power-up of the ADC. Bit DB8 is shown as PUP ADC in Figure 24. Power-Up Tx2 Output Bit DB7 provides the power-up bit for the Tx2 output. Setting this bit to 0 performs a power-down of the Tx2 output. Setting this bit to 1 performs a power-up of the Tx2 output. Only one transmitter output can be powered up at any time, either Tx1 (DB6) or Tx2 (DB7). Bit DB7 is shown as PUP Tx2 in Figure 24. Power-Up Tx1 Output Bit DB6 provides the power-up bit for the Tx1 output. Setting this bit to 0 performs a power-down of the Tx1 output. Setting this bit to 1 performs a power-up of the Tx1 output. Only one Tx output can be powered up at any time, either Tx1 (DB6) or Tx2 (DB7). Bit DB6 is shown as PUP Tx1 in Figure 24. Power-Up LO Output Bit DB5 provides the power-up bit for the LO output. Setting this bit to 0 performs a power-down of the LO output. Setting this bit to 1 performs a power-up of the LO output. Bit DB5 is shown as PUP LO in Figure 24. Rev. A | Page 16 of 39 Data Sheet ADF5902 Tx AMP CAL REF CODE RESERVED CONTROL BITS DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 DB1 DB0 TAR7 TAR6 TAR5 TAR4 TAR3 TAR2 TAR1 TAR0 C5(0) C4(0) C3(0) C2(0) C1(1) .......... TAR1 TAR0 Tx AMP CAL REF CODE 0 0 .......... 0 0 0 0 0 .......... 0 1 1 0 0 .......... 1 0 2 0 0 .......... 1 1 3 . . .......... . . . . . .......... . . . . . .......... . . . 1 1 .......... 0 0 252 1 1 .......... 0 1 253 1 1 .......... 1 0 254 1 1 ......... 1 1 255 TAR7 TAR6 Figure 25. Register 1 (R1) REGISTER 1 Transmitter Amplitude Calibration Reference Code Control Bits Bits[DB12:DB5] set the transmitter amplitude calibration reference code for the two transmitter outputs during calibration. Calibrate the output power on the transmitter outputs from -20 dBm to 8 dBm by setting the transmitter amplitude calibration reference code (see Figure 7). Bits[DB12:DB5] are shown as Tx AMP CAL REF CODE in Figure 25. With Bits[C5:C1] set to 00001, Register R1 is programmed. Figure 25 shows the input data format for programming this register. Reserved Bits[DB31:DB13] are reserved and must be set as shown in Figure 25. Rev. A | Page 17 of 39 16746-020 1 DB2 Data Sheet RESERVED ADC AVERAGE CONTROL BITS ADC CLOCK DIVIDER DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 AS AS ADC START 0 NORMAL OPERATION 1 START ADC CONVERSION AA0 AA0 AC7 AC6 AC7 AC5 AC4 AC3 AC2 AC1 AC1 AC0 AC6 . 0 0 . 0 1 1 0 0 . 1 0 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 1 2 1 1 . 0 0 124 0 1 3 4 1 1 . 0 1 125 1 1 . 1 0 126 1 1 . 1 1 127 AA0 0 0 1 1 DB1 DB0 ADC CLOCK DIVIDER ADC AVERAGE AA1 DB2 AC0 C5(0) C4(0) C3(0) C2(1) C1(0) 16746-021 ADC START ADF5902 Figure 26. Register 2 (R2) REGISTER 2 ADC Start Control Bits Bit DB15 starts the ADC conversion. Setting this bit to 1 starts an ADC conversion. With Bits[C5:C1] set to 00010, Register R2 is programmed. Figure 26 shows the input data format for programming this register. Reserved Bits[DB31:DB16] are reserved and must be set as shown in Figure 26. ADC Average Bits[DB14:DB13] program the ADC average, which is the number of averages of the ADC output (see Figure 26). ADC Clock Divider Bits[DB12:DB5] program the clock divider, which is used as the sampling clock for the ADC (see Figure 26). The output of the R divider block clocks the ADC clock divider. Program a divider value to ensure the ADC sampling clock is 1 MHz. Rev. A | Page 18 of 39 ADF5902 RESERVED IO LEVEL Data Sheet MUXOUT DBR 1 CONTROL BITS READBACK CONTROL DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 M3 M2 M1 M0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1DBR = DOUBLE-BUFFERED REGISTER. 1 M3 M2 M1 M0 IOL RC5 DB2 DB1 DB0 RC4 RC3 RC2 RC1 RC0 C5(0) C4(0) C3(0) C2(1) C1(1) MUXOUT TRISTATE OUTPUT LOGIC HIGH LOGIC LOW R DIVIDER OUTPUT N DIVIDER OUTPUT RESERVED RESERVED CAL BUSY RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED R DIVIDER/2 N DIVIDER/2 RESERVED RESERVED RAMP STATUS TO MUXOIUT IOL IO LEVEL 0 1.8V LOGIC OUTPUTS 1 3.3V LOGIC OUTPUTS RC5 RC4 RC3 RC2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 . . . . 0 1 0 1 RC1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 RC0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 . 1 0 . 0 . 1 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 1 . 1 . 0 . 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 . 0 . 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 READBACK CONTROL NONE REGISTER 0 REGISTER 1 REGISTER 2 REGISTER 3 REGISTER 4 REGSITER 5 REGISTER 6 REGISTER 7 REGISTER 8 REGISTER 9 REGISTER 10 REGISTER 11 REGISTER 12 REGISTER 13 SEL = 0 REGISTER 14 SEL = 0 REGISTER 15 SEL = 0 REGISTER 16 SEL = 0 REGISTER 17 RESERVED ADC READBACK RESERVED FREQ READBACK RESERVED REGISTER 13 SEL = 1 REGISTER 14 SEL = 1 REGISTER 15 SEL = 1 REGISTER 16 SEL = 1 REGISTER 13 SEL = 2 REGISTER 14 SEL = 2 REGISTER 15 SEL = 2 REGISTER 16 SEL = 2 REGISTER 13 SEL = 3 REGISTER 14 SEL = 3 REGISTER 15 SEL = 3 REGISTER 16 SEL = 3 RESERVED 16746-022 0 Figure 27. Register 3 (R3) REGISTER 3 MUXOUT Control Control Bits Bits[DB15:DB12] control the on-chip multiplexer of the ADF5902. See Figure 27 for the truth table. With Bits[C5:C1] set to 00011, Register R3 is programmed. Figure 27 shows the input data format for programming this register. Reserved Bits[DB31:DB16] are reserved and must be set as shown in Figure 27. Input/Output (I/O) Level Bit DB11 controls the DOUT logic levels. Setting this bit to 0 sets the DOUT logic level to 1.8 V. Setting this bit to 1 sets the DOUT logic level to 3.3 V. Readback Control Bits[DB10:DB5] control the readback data to DOUT on the ADF5902. See Figure 27 for the truth table. Rev. A | Page 19 of 39 ADF5902 Data Sheet CONTROL BITS RAMP STATUS/ANALOG TEST BUS DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AB14 AB13 AB12 AB11 AB10 AB9 AB8 AB7 AB6 AB5 AB4 AB3 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 AB2 AB1 AB0 C5(0) C4(0) C3(1) C2(0) C1(0) AB14 AB13 AB12 AB11 AB10 AB9 AB8 AB7 AB6 AB5 AB4 AB3 AB2 AB1 AB0 DB2 DB1 DB0 ANALOG TEST BUS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x00C0 RAMP COMPLETE TO MUXOUT 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x0100 RAMP DOWN TO MUXOUT 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0x0503 TEMPERATURE SENSOR TO ATEST 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0x0903 TEMPERATURE SENSOR TO ADC NONE 16746-023 RESERVED Figure 28. Register 4 (R4) REGISTER 4 Ramp Status/Analog Test Bus Control Bits Bits[DB19:DB5] control the analog test bus and the ramp status to MUXOUT (see Figure 28). With Bits[C5:C1] set to 00100, Register R4 is programmed. Figure 28 shows the input data format for programming this register. Reserved The analog test bus allows access to internal test signals for the temperature sensor which can be connected to the ATEST pin or the internal ADC. Bits[DB31:DB20] are reserved and must be set as shown in Figure 28. Setting Bits DB[19:5] to 0 (no value) sets the ATEST pin to high impedance. For ramp status outputs on MUXOUT, the MUXOUT bits in Register R3 (Bits[DB15:DB12]) must be set to 1111 to access these modes. Rev. A | Page 20 of 39 INTEGER WORD CONTROL BITS FRAC MSB WORD DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 R1 RON N11 N10 N9 N8 N7 N6 N5 N4 N3 N2 N1 N0 F24 F23 F22 F21 F20 F19 F18 F17 F16 F15 F14 N11 N10 ... N4 N3 N2 N1 N0 INTEGER WORD 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 NOT ALLOWED F24 F23 .......... F14 F13 FRAC MSB WORD (FRAC)* 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 1 NOT ALLOWED 0 0 .......... 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 1 0 NOT ALLOWED 0 0 .......... 0 1 1 . . ... . . . . . ... 0 0 .......... 1 0 2 0 0 ... 0 1 0 1 0 NOT ALLOWED 0 0 .......... 1 1 3 0 0 ... 0 1 0 1 1 75 . . .......... . . . 0 0 ... 0 1 1 0 0 76 . . .......... . . . . . ... . . . . . ... . . .......... . . . 1 1 ... 1 1 1 0 1 4093 1 1 .......... 0 0 4092 1 1 ... 1 1 1 1 0 4094 1 1 .......... 0 1 4093 1 1 ... 1 1 1 1 1 4095 1 1 .......... 1 0 4094 1 1 ......... 1 1 4095 RAMP ON 0 RAMP DISABLED 1 RAMP ENABLED DB2 DB1 DB0 F13 C5(0) C4(0) C3(1) C2(0) C1(1) *THE FRAC VALUE IS MADE UP OF THE 12-BIT MSB STORED IN REGISTER R5, AND THE 13-BIT LSB REGISTER STORED IN REGISTER R6. FRAC VALUE = 13-BIT LSB + 12-BIT MSB x 213. 16746-024 RESERVED ADF5902 RAMP ON Data Sheet Figure 29. Register 5 (R5) When using the TX_DATA pin to trigger the ramp off in continuous ramp modes, the ramp stops at the initial frequency, a write to Register R6 is not required. When using the TX_ DATA pin in single ramp modes, a write to Register R6 is not required prior to repeating the single ramp function. REGISTER 5 Control Bits With Bits[C5:C1] set to 00101, Register R5 is programmed. Figure 29 shows the input data format for programming this register. 12-Bit Integer Value (INT) Reserved Bits[DB31:DB30] are reserved and must be set as shown in Figure 29. Ramp On When Bit DB29 is set to 1, the ramp is started. When Bit DB29 is set to 0, the ramp function is disabled. In continuous ramp modes, the ramp stops when Bit DB29 is set to 0. For applications that require the ramp to stop at the initial frequency, a write to Register R6 is required prior to disabling the ramp function. In single ramp modes, a write to Register R6 is required prior to repeating the single ramp function. These 12 bits (Bits[DB28:DB17]) set the INT value, which determines the integer part of the RF division factor. This INT value is used in Equation 5. See the RF Synthesis: A Worked Example section for more information. All integer values from 75 to 4095 are allowed. 12-Bit MSB Fractional Value (FRAC) Bits[DB16:DB5], together with Bits[DB17:DB5] (FRAC LSB word) in Register R6, control what is loaded as the FRAC value into the fractional interpolator. This FRAC value partially determines the overall RF division factor. It is also used in Equation 1. These 12 bits are the most significant bits (MSB) of the 25-bit FRAC value, and Bits[DB17:DB5] (FRAC LSB word) in Register R6 are the least significant bits (LSB). See the RF Synthesis: A Worked Example section for more information. Rev. A | Page 21 of 39 ADF5902 Data Sheet CONTROL BITS DBR 1 DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F12 0 F11 F10 F9 F8 F7 F6 F5 F4 F3 F12 F11 .......... F1 F0 FRAC LSB WORD (FRAC)* 0 0 .......... 0 0 0 0 0 .......... 0 1 1 0 0 .......... 1 0 2 0 0 .......... 1 1 3 . . .......... . . . . . .......... . . . . . .......... . . . 1 1 .......... 0 0 8188 1 1 .......... 0 1 8189 1 1 .......... 1 0 8190 1 1 ......... 1 1 8191 F2 *THE FRAC VALUE IS MADE UP OF THE 12-BIT MSB STORED IN REGISTER R5, AND THE 13-BIT LSB REGISTER STORED IN REGISTER R6. FRAC VALUE = 13-BIT LSB + 12-BIT MSB x 213. 1DBR = DOUBLE-BUFFERED REGISTER. F1 F0 DB2 DB1 DB0 C5(0) C4(0) C3(1) C2(1) C1(0) 16746-025 FRAC LSB WORD RESERVED Figure 30. Register 6 (R6) REGISTER 6 13-Bit LSB FRAC Value Control Bits These 13 bits (Bits[DB17:DB5]), together with Bits[DB16:DB5] (FRAC MSB word) in Register R5, control what is loaded as the FRAC value into the fractional interpolator. This FRAC value partially determines the overall RF division factor. It is also used in Equation 1. These 13 bits are the least significant bits (LSB) of the 25-bit FRAC value, and Bits[DB16:DB5] (FRAC MSB word) in Register R5 are the most significant bits (MSB). See the RF Synthesis: A Worked Example section for more information. With Bits[C5:C1] set to 00110, Register R6 is programmed. Figure 30 shows the input data format for programming this register. Reserved Bits[DB31:DB18] are reserved and must be set as shown in Figure 30. Rev. A | Page 22 of 39 DBR1 RDIV2 RESERVED DBR1 CLOCK DIVIDER R DIVIDER CONTROL BITS DBR DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 0 0 0 0 MR MR 1 C1D11C1D10 C1D9 C1D8 C1D7 C1D6 C1D5 C1D4 C1D3 C1D2 C1D1 C1D0 RD2 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 DB2 DB1 DB0 C5(0) C4(0) C3(1) C2(1) C1(1) MASTER RESET 0 DISABLED 1 ENABLED C1D11 C1D10 1DBR RD = DOUBLE-BUFFERED REGISTER. RD2 RDIV2 0 DISABLED 1 ENABLED RD REF DOUBLER .......... C1D2 C1D0 CLOCK DIVIDER (CLK 1) 0 DISABLED 1 ENABLED 0 0 .......... 0 0 0 0 0 .......... 0 1 1 0 0 .......... 1 0 2 0 0 .......... 1 1 3 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 R DIVIDER (R) . . .......... . . . 0 0 0 0 1 1 . . .......... . . . 0 0 0 1 0 2 . . .......... . . . . . . . . . 1 1 .......... 0 0 4092 . . . . . . 1 1 .......... 0 1 4093 . . . . . . 1 1 .......... 1 0 4094 1 1 1 0 0 28 1 1 ......... 1 1 4095 1 1 1 0 1 29 1 1 1 1 0 30 1 1 1 1 1 31 16746-026 RESERVED REF DOUBLER DBR1 ADF5902 MASTER RESET Data Sheet Figure 31. Register 7 (R7) REGISTER 7 Divide by 2 (RDIV2) Control Bits Setting the DB11 bit to 1 inserts a divide by 2 toggle flip flop between the R counter and VCO calibration block. With Bits[C5:C1] set to 00111, Register R7 is programmed. Figure 31 shows the input data format for programming this register. Reference Doubler Reserved Bits[DB31:DB26] are reserved and must be set as shown in Figure 31. Master Reset Bit DB25 provides a master reset bit for the device. Setting this bit to 1 performs a reset of the device and all register maps. Setting this bit to 0 returns the device to normal operation. Clock Divider Bits[DB23:DB12] controls the clock divider (CLK1) value (see Figure 31). The CLK1 value sets a divider for the VCO frequency calibration. Load the divider such that PFD frequency (fPFD)/ CLK1 is less than or equal to 25 kHz. For example, for fPFD = 50 MHz, set CLK1 = 2048 so that fPFD/ CLK1 < 25 kHz. The CLK1 value is also used to determine the duration of the time step in ramp mode. See the Ramp and Modulation section for more information. Setting DB10 to 0 feeds the REFIN signal directly to the 5-bit R counter, disabling the doubler. Setting this bit to 1 multiplies the REFIN frequency by a factor of 2 before the REFIN signal is fed to the 5-bit R counter. When the doubler is disabled, the REFIN falling edge is the active edge at the PFD input to the fractional synthesizer. When the doubler is enabled, both the rising and falling edges of REFIN become active edges at the PFD input. When the reference doubler is enabled, for optimum phase noise performance, it is recommended to only use charge pump current settings of 0b0000 to 0b0111, that is, 0.28 mA to 2.24 mA in Register 12. In this case, the best practice is to design the loop filter for a charge pump current of 1.12 mA or 1.4 mA and then use the programmable charge pump current to adjust the frequency response. The maximum allowable REFIN frequency when the doubler is enabled is 50 MHz. 5-Bit R Divider The 5-bit R counter allows the input reference frequency (REFIN) to be divided down to produce the reference clock to the VCO calibration block. Division ratios from 1 to 31 are allowed. Rev. A | Page 23 of 39 ADF5902 Data Sheet CONTROL BITS FREQENCY CAL DIVIDER RESERVED DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FC9 FC8 FC7 FC6 DB1 DB0 FC4 FC3 FC2 FC1 FC0 C5(0) C4(1) C3(0) C2(0) C1(0) FC5 FREQUENCY CAL DIVIDER FC9 FC8 ... FC4 FC3 FC2 FC1 FC0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 ... 0 0 0 1 0 2 . . ... . . . . . ... . . ... . . . . . ... 1 1 ... 1 1 1 0 1 1021 1 1 ... 1 1 1 1 0 1023 1 1 ... 1 1 1 1 1 1024 16746-027 0 DB2 Figure 32. Register 8 (R8) DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 DB2 DB1 DB0 C5(0) C4(1) C3(0) C2(0) C1(1) 16746-028 CONTROL BITS RESERVED Figure 33. Register 9 (R9 0x2A20B929) DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 DB2 DB1 DB0 C5(0) C4(1) C3(0) C2(0) C1(1) 16746-131 CONTROL BITS RESERVED Figure 34. Register 9 (R9 0x2800B929) REGISTER 8 REGISTER 9 Control Bits The bits in Register 9 are reserved and must be programmed as shown in Figure 32 using a hexadecimal word of 0x2A20B929, prior to the VCO calibration. With Bits[C5:C1] set to 01000, Register R8 is programmed. Figure 32 shows the input data format for programming this register. The bits in Register 9 must be programmed as described in Figure 32, using a hexadecimal word of 0x2800B929 for normal operation. Reserved Bits[DB31:DB15] are reserved and must be set as shown in Figure 32. See the Applications Information section for more information. Frequency Calibration Divider Bits[DB14:DB5] set a divider for the VCO frequency calibration clock. Load the divider such that the PFD frequency (fPFD)/ frequency calibration divider is less than or equal to 100 kHz (see Figure 32). Rev. A | Page 24 of 39 Data Sheet ADF5902 CONTROL BITS 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 CNTR RESET 0 RESERVED DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB0 16746-029 RESERVED C5(0) C4(1) C3(0) C2(1) C1(0) RESERVED SING FULL TRI SD RESET RESERVED Figure 35. Register 10 (R10 0x1D32A64A) RAMP MODE CONTROL BITS DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SDR 0 SFT RM1 RM0 DB2 DB1 DB0 CR C5(0) C4(1) C3(0) C2(1) C1(1) 0 CR CNTR RESET 0 DISABLED 1 ENABLED SDR SD RESET 0 ENABLED 1 DISABLED SFT SING FULL TRI 0 DISABLED ENABLED RM1 RM0 RAMP MODE 0 0 CONTINUOUS SAWTOOTH 0 1 SINGLE SAWTOOTH BURST 1 0 CONTINUOUS TRIANGULAR 1 1 SINGLE RAMP BURST 16746-030 1 Figure 36. Register 11 (R11) REGISTER 10 Single Full Triangle The bits in Register 10 are reserved and must be programmed as shown in Figure 35 using a hexadecimal word of 0x1D32A64A. When Bit DB9 is set to 1, the single full triangle function is enabled. When Bit DB9 is set to 0, this function is disabled. To use the single full triangle function, ramp mode (Register 11, Bits DB[8:7]) must be set to 0b11, single sawtooth burst. For more information, see the Ramp and Modulation section. REGISTER 11 Control Bits With Bits[C5:C1] set to 01011, Register R11 is programmed. Figure 36 shows the input data format for programming this register. Reserved Bits[DB31:DB12], Bit DB10, and Bit DB6 are reserved and must be set as shown in Figure 36. SD Reset For most applications, set Bit DB11 to 0. When this bit is set to 0, the - (SD) modulator is reset on each write to Register R5. If it is not required that the SD modulator be reset on each write to Register R5, set this bit to 1. Ramp Mode Bits[DB8:DB7] determine the type of generated waveform (see Figure 36). For more information, see the Ramp and Modulation section. Counter Reset Bit DB5 provides a counter reset bit for the counters. Setting this bit to 1 performs a counter reset of the device counters. Setting this bit to 0 returns the device to normal operation. Bit DB5 is shown as CNTR RESET in Figure 36. Rev. A | Page 25 of 39 DBR1 RESERVED CHARGE PUMP CURRENT CP TRISTATE DBR1 Data Sheet RESERVED ADF5902 RESERVED CONTROL BITS DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 CC3 0 CC2 CC1 CC0 1 CTRI 0 0 CTRI CP TRISTATE 0 1 DISABLED ENABLED 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DB2 DB1 DB0 C5(0) C4(1) C3(1) C2(0) C1(0) ICP (mA) CC2 CC1 CC0 0 0 0 0 0.28 5.1k 0 0 0 1 0.56 0 0 1 0 0.84 0 0 1 1 1.12 0 1 0 0 1.40 0 1 0 1 1.68 0 1 1 0 1.96 0 1 1 1 2.24 1 0 0 0 2.52 1 0 0 1 2.80 1 0 1 0 3.08 1 0 1 1 3.36 1 1 0 0 3.64 1 1 0 1 3.92 1 1 1 0 4.20 1 1 1 1 4.48 1DBR = DOUBLE-BUFFERED REGISTER. 16746-135 CC3 Figure 37. Register 12 (R12) REGISTER 12 Charge Pump Current Setting Control Bits Bits[DB20:DB17] set the charge pump current (see Figure 37). Set these bits to the charge pump current that the loop filter is designed with. The best practice is to design the loop filter for a charge pump current of 2.24 mA or 2.52 mA and then use the programmable charge pump current to adjust the frequency response. See the Reference Doubler section for information on setting the charge pump current when the doubler is enabled. With Bits[C5:C1] set to 01100, Register R12 is programmed. Figure 37 shows the input data format for programming this register. Reserved Bits[DB31:DB21] and Bit DB16 are reserved and must be set as shown in Figure 37. Charge Pump Tristate When Bit DB15 is set to 1, the charge pump is placed in tristate mode. For normal charge pump operation, set this bit to 0. Rev. A | Page 26 of 39 CLK DIV SEL RESERVED CLK DIV MODE ADF5902 LE SEL Data Sheet CLOCK DIVIDER 2 CONTROL BITS DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 0 0 0 0 LES 0 0 0 DB2 DB1 DB0 LES CDM1 CDM0 C2D11 C2D10 C2D9 C2D8 C2D7 C2D6 C2D5 C2D4 C2D3 C2D2 C2D1 C2D0 CDS1 CDS0 C5(0) C4(1) C3(1) C2(0) C1(1) LE SEL 0 LE FROM PIN 1 LE SYNC WITH REFIN CDM1 CDM0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 CLOCK DIVIDER MODE CLOCK DIVIDER OFF RESERVED CDS1 CDS0 0 0 CLK DIV SEL LOAD CLK DIV 0 0 1 LOAD CLK DIV 1 1 0 LOAD CLK DIV 2 1 1 LOAD CLK DIV 3 FREQ MEASUREMENT RAMP DIVIDER C2D11 C2D10 C2D1 C2D0 CLOCK DIVIDER 2 (CLK 2) 0 0 0 0 . . . 0 0 0 0 . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 0 1 1 . . . 0 1 0 1 . . . 0 1 2 3 . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... ... ... ... 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 4092 4093 4094 4095 16746-136 0 Figure 38. Register 13 (R13) REGISTER 13 Clock Divider Mode Control Bits Bits[DB20:DB19] are used to enable ramp divider mode. When using any of the ramp modes, set Bits[CDM1:CDM0] to 11. Otherwise, set these bits to 0b00. With Bits[C5:C1] set to 01101, Register R13 is programmed. Figure 38 shows the input data format for programming this register. 12-Bit Clock Divider (CLK2) Value Bits[DB18:DB7] program the clock divider (CLK2) timer when the device operates in ramp mode (see the Ramp and Modulation section). Reserved Bits[DB31:DB22] are reserved and must be set as shown in Figure 38. Clock Divider Select LE Select In some applications, it is necessary to synchronize the LE pin with the reference signal. To perform this synchronization, Bit DB21 must be set to 1. Synchronization is performed internally on the device. Bits[DB6:DB5] select the segment of the ramp CLK2 is used (see Figure 38). For more information, see the Ramp and Modulation section. Bits[DB6:DB5] are shown as CLK DIV SEL in Figure 38. Rev. A | Page 27 of 39 Data Sheet TX RAMP CLK Tx_DATA INV ADF5902 DEVIATION SEL RESERVED DEVIATION OFFSET CONTROL BITS DEVIATION WORD DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 TDI TRC 0 0 0 DS1 DS0 DO3 DO2 DO1 DO0 DW15 DW14 DW13 DW12 DW11 DW10 DW9 DW8 DW7 DW6 DB2 DB1 DB0 DW5 DW4 DW3 DW2 DW1 DW0 C5(0) C4(1) C3(1) C2(1) C1(0) TDI Tx_DATA INV DISABLED 1 ENABLED DW15 DW14 TRC TX RAMP CLK 0 1 CLK DIV Tx_DATA PIN DO3 DO3 DO1 DO0 ... DW1 DW0 DEVIATION WORD 0 1 ... 1 1 32,767 DEV OFFSET . . ... . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 1 1 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 ... 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 ... 0 1 1 . . . . . 0 0 ... 0 0 0 . . . . . 1 1 ... 1 1 -1 0 1 1 1 7 1 1 ... 1 0 1 0 0 0 8 0 0 1 9 1 . 0 ... ... ... 0 . 0 1 . 0 -2 -3 1 1 . 1 DS1 DS0 0 0 LOAD DEVIATION 0 0 1 LOAD DEVIATION 1 1 0 LOAD DEVIATION 2 1 1 LOAD DEVIATION 3 . -32,768 DEVIATION SEL 16746-137 0 Figure 39. Register 14 (R14) REGISTER 14 TX_DATA Ramp Clock Control Bits When Bit DB30 is set to 0, the clock divider clock is used to clock the ramp. When Bit DB30 is set to 1, the TX_DATA pin is used to clock the ramp. With Bits[C5:C1] set to 01110, Register R14 is programmed. Figure 39 shows the input data format for programming this register. Reserved Deviation Select Bits[DB26:DB25] select the deviation word to be loaded (see Figure 39). Bits[DB29:DB27] are reserved and must be set as shown in Figure 39. 4-Bit Deviation Offset Word TX_DATA Invert When Bit DB31 is set to 0, events triggered by TX_DATA occur on the rising edge of the TX_DATA pulse. When Bit DB31 is set to 1, events triggered by TX_DATA occur on the falling edge of the TX_DATA pulse. Bits DB[24:21] determine the deviation offset word. The deviation offset word affects the deviation resolution (see the Ramp and Modulation section). 16-Bit Deviation Word Bits[DB20:DB5] determine the signed deviation word in twos complement format. The deviation word defines the deviation step (see the Ramp and Modulation section). Rev. A | Page 28 of 39 Data Sheet ADF5902 CONTROL BITS STEP WORD DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 0 SS1 SS0 SW19 SW18 SW17 SW16 SW15 SW14 SW13 SW12 SW11 SW10 SW9 0 0 SS1 SS0 0 0 LOAD STEP 0 0 1 LOAD STEP 1 1 0 LOAD STEP 2 1 1 LOAD STEP 3 STEP SEL ... SW19 SW18 SW8 SW7 SW6 DB2 DB1 DB0 SW5 SW4 SW3 SW2 SW1 SW0 C5(0) C4(1) C3(1) C2(1) C1(1) STEP WORD SW1 SW0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 1 1 0 0 ... 1 0 2 0 0 ... 1 1 3 . . ... . . . . . ... . . . . . ... . . . 1 1 ... 0 0 1,048,572 1 1 ... 0 1 1,048,573 1 1 ... 1 0 1,048,574 1 1 ... 1 1 1,048,575 16746-138 STEP SEL RESERVED Figure 40. Register 15 (R15) REGISTER 15 Step Select Control Bits Bits[DB26:DB25] select the step word to be loaded (see Figure 40). With Bits[C5:C1] set to 01111, Register R15 is programmed. Figure 40 shows the input data format for programming this register. 20-Bit Step Word Reserved Bits[DB22:DB3] determine the step word. The step word is the number of steps in the ramp (see the Ramp and Modulation section). Bits[DB31:DB27] are reserved and must be set as shown in Figure 40. Rev. A | Page 29 of 39 RAMP DEL DEL SEL Tx_DATA TRIGGER RESERVED RESERVED Data Sheet RESERVED ADF5902 CONTROL BITS DELAY START WORD DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 0 0 0 1 DSL1 DSL0 TR1 0 0 TR1 0 0 RD DS11 DS10 DS9 DS8 DISABLED 1 ENABLED 0 0 LOAD DELAY 0 0 1 LOAD DELAY 1 1 0 LOAD DELAY 2 1 1 LOAD DELAY 3 RD RAMP DEL 0 DISABLED 1 ENABLED DS5 DB0 DS4 DS3 DS2 DS1 DS0 C5(1) C4(0) C3(0) C2(0) C1(0) DS10 ... 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 1 1 0 0 ... 1 0 2 0 0 ... 1 1 3 . . ... . . . . . ... . . . . . ... . . . 1 1 ... 0 0 4092 1 1 ... 0 1 4093 1 1 ... 1 0 4094 1 1 ... 1 1 4095 DELAY SELECT DSL1 DSL0 DS6 DS11 T X DATA TRIGGER 0 DS7 DB1 DS1 DS0 DELAY START WORD 16746-139 0 DB2 Figure 41. Register 16 (R16) DB31 DB30 DB29 DB28 DB27 DB26 DB25 DB24 DB23 DB22 DB21 DB20 DB19 DB18 DB17 DB16 DB15 DB14 DB13 DB12 DB11 DB10 DB9 DB8 DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DB2 DB1 DB0 C5(1) C4(0) C3(0) C2(0) C1(1) 16746-140 CONTROL BITS RESERVED Figure 42. Register 17 (R17) REGISTER 16 When Bit DB20 is set to 0, this function is disabled. Control Bits When activating continuous triangular or continuous sawtooth ramps, a pulse applied to the TX_DATA pin is required after Bit DB29 of Register 5 is toggled high. To stop the continuous triangular or sawtooth ramps, a TX_DATA pulse is required after Bit DB29 of Register 5 is toggled low. With Bits[C5:C1] set to 10000, Register R16 is programmed. Figure 41 shows the input data format for programming this register. Reserved Bits[DB31:DB25], Bits[DB22:DB21], and Bits[DB18:DB17] are reserved and must be set as shown in Figure 41. When Bit DB20 is set to 0, this function is disabled. Ramp Delay When Bit DB19 is set to 1, the delay between ramps function is enabled. When Bit DB19 is set to 0, this function is disabled. Delay Select Bits[DB24:DB23] select the delay word to be loaded. 12-Bit Delay Word TX_DATA Trigger Bits[DB16:DB5] determine the delay word. The delay word determines the duration of the ramp start delay. When Bit DB20 is set to 1, a logic high on the TX_DATA pin activates the ramp in conjunction with Bit DB29 of Register 5. Synchronize the active edge of the pulse applied to the TX_ DATA pin to the rising edge of the REFIN reference input. REGISTER 17 The pulse duration applied to the TX_DATA pin must be a minimum width of 4 x 1/fPFD, where fPFD is the phase frequency detector (PFD) frequency. The bits in Register 17 are reserved and must be programmed as described in Figure 42 using a hexadecimal word of 0x00000011. Rev. A | Page 30 of 39 Data Sheet ADF5902 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION INITIALIZATION SEQUENCE After powering up the device, administer the programming sequence shown in Table 7. Table 7. Initialization Sequence Step Register 1 R7 2 R11 3 R11 4 R13 5 R10 6 R9 7 R8 8 R0 Delay of 10 s 9 R7 10 R6 11 R5 12 R4 13 R3 14 R2 15 R1 16 R0 Delay of 1200 s 17 R0 18 R0 Delay of 500 s 19 R0 20 R0 Delay of 500 s 21 R17 22 R16 23 R15 24 R15 25 R15 26 R15 27 R14 28 R14 29 30 R14 R14 0x052038EE 0x73C720E 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Delay of 100 s 42 R13 R13 R13 R13 R12 R9 R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R11 This sequence locks the VCO to 24.025 GHz with a 100 MHz reference. The ramp-up rate is 200 MHz at 144 s. The rampdown rate is 200 MHz at 9 s. Hexadecimal Code 0x02000007 0x0000002B 0x0000000B 0x0018000D 0x1D32A64A 0x2A20B929 0x40003E88 0x800FE520 Description Master reset Reset the counters Enable counters Enable ramp divider Reserved VCO calibration setup Set the VCO frequency calibration divider clock to 100 kHz Power up the device and LO 0x01800827 0x00000006 0x01E38005 0x00000004 0x01897803 0x00020642 0xFFF7FFE1 0x800FE720 PFD = 50 MHz, CLK1 = 2048 Set the LSB FRAC = 0 N = 241.175 Set the ATEST pin to high impedance Sets the I/O level to 3.3 V, CAL_BUSY to MUXOUT Set ADC clock to 1 MHz Set the transmitter amplitude level Start the VCO frequency calibration 0x800FE560 0x800FED60 Turn Tx1 on, Tx2 off, and LO on Tx1 amplitude calibration 0x800FE5A0 0x800FF5A0 Turn Tx1 off, Tx2 on, and LO on Tx2 amplitude calibration 0x00000011 0x00000010 0x0000120F 0x0200012F 0x0400120F 0x0600012F 0x012038EE 0x033C720E 0x0018050D 0x0018052D 0x0018054D 0x0018056D 0x004F000C 0x2800B929 0x0100A027 0x00000006 0x00F04005 0x00002004 0x0189F803 Reserved Ramp delay register Load step register with STEP_SEL = 0, step word is 144 Load step register with STEP_SEL = 1, step word is 9 Load step register with STEP_SEL = 2, step word is 144 Load step register with STEP_SEL = 3, step word is 9 Load deviation register with DEV_SEL = 0, DEV = 455, DEV offset = 9 Load deviation register with DEV_SEL = 1, dev word= -1820, DEV offset = 9 Load deviation register with DEV_SEL = 2, dev word = 455, dev offset = 9 Load deviation register with DEV_SEL = 3, dev word = -1820 dev offset = 9 Load the clock register with CLK DIV SEL = 0, CLK2_0 = 10 Load the clock register with CLK DIV SEL = 1, CLK2_1 = 10 Load the clock register with CLK DIV SEL = 2, CLK2_2 = 10 Load the clock register with CLK DIV SEL = 3, CLK2_3 = 10 Charge pump current = 2.24 mA Normal Operation PFD = 100 MHz, CLK1 = 10 Set the LSB FRAC = 0 INT =120, MSB FRAC = 512; lock to 24.025 GHz Ramp down to MUXOUT I/O voltage level to 3.3 V 0x0000010B Select ramp mode Rev. A | Page 31 of 39 ADF5902 Data Sheet RECALIBRATION SEQUENCE The ADF5902 can be recalibrated after the initialization sequence is complete and the device is powered up. The recalibration sequence must be run for every 10C temperature change. The temperature can be monitored using the temperature sensor (see the Temperature Sensor section). Table 8. Recalibration Sequence Step Number from Initialization Sequence 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Delay of 1200 s 17 18 Delay of 500 s 19 20 Delay of 500 s 36 37 38 39 40 41 Delay of 100 s 42 Register R0 R9 R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 Hexadecimal Code 0x800FE500 0x2A20B929 0x01800827 0x00000006 0x01E38005 0x00000004 0x01897803 0x00020642 0xFFF7FFE1 0x800FE700 Description Turn Tx1 off, Tx2 off and LO off Reserved PFD = 50 MHz, CLK1 = 2048 Set the LSB FRAC = 0 N = 241.175 Set the ATEST pin to high impedance I/O level to 3.3 V, CAL_BUSY to MUXOUT Set ADC clock to 1 MHz Set the transmitter amplitude level Start the VCO frequency calibration R0 R0 0x800FE560 0x800FED60 Turn Tx1 on, Tx2 off, and LO on Tx1 amplitude calibration R0 R0 0x800FE5A0 0x800FF5A0 Turn Tx1 off, Tx2 on, and LO on Tx2 amplitude calibration R9 R7 R6 R5 0x2800B929 0x0100A027 0x00000006 0x00F04005 R4 R3 0x00002004 0x0189F803 Reserved PFD set to 100 MHz, CLK_DIV1 = 10 Set the LSB FRAC = 0 Set INT word to 120, set MSB FRAC = 512; lock to 24.025 GHz Ramp down to MUXOUT I/O voltage level to 3.3 V R11 0x0000010B Select ramp mode Rev. A | Page 32 of 39 Data Sheet ADF5902 TEMPERATURE SENSOR RF SYNTHESIS: A WORKED EXAMPLE The ADF5902 has an on-chip temperature sensor that can be accessed on the ATEST pin or as a digital word on DOUT following an ADC conversion. The temperature sensor operates over the full operating temperature range of -40C to +105C. The accuracy can be improved by performing a one-point calibration at room temperature and storing the result in memory. The following equation governs how to program the ADF5902: With the temperature sensor on the analog test bus and test bus connected to the ATEST pin (Register 4 set to 0x0000A064), the ATEST voltage can be converted to temperature with the following equation: Temperatur e ( C) V ATEST VOFF (3) VGAIN RFOUT = (INT + (FRAC/225)) x fREF x 2 where: RFOUT is the RF frequency output. INT is the integer division factor. FRAC is the fractionality. fREF = REFIN x ((1 + D)/(R x (1 + T))) where: REFIN is the reference frequency input. D is the reference doubler bit, DB10 in Register R7 (0 or 1). R is the reference division factor. T is the reference divide by 2 bit, DB11 in Register R7 (0 or 1). From Equation 6, fREF = (100 MHz x (1 + 0)/(1 x (1 + 1)) = 50 MHz The temperature sensor result can be converted to a digital word with the ADC and readback on DOUT with the following sequence: From Equation 5, 1. Calculating the N and FRAC values, 3. 4. 5. 6. Write 0x00012064 to Register R4 to connect the analog test bus to the ADC and the temperature sensor to the analog test bus. Write 0x0002A802 to Register R2 to start the ADC conversion. Write 0x0189FAC3 to Register R3 to set the ADC output data to DOUT. Read back DOUT. Write 0x00002064 to Register R4 to reset Register R4 to the initial value. Write 0x00020642 to Register R2 to reset Register R2 to the initial value. Convert the DOUT word to temperature with the following equation: Temperatur e ( C) ADC V V LSB (6) For example, in a system where a 24.125 GHz RF frequency output (RFOUT) is required and a 100 MHz reference frequency input (REFIN) is available, fREF is set to 50 MHz. where: VATEST is the voltage on the ATEST pin. VOFF = 0.699 V, the offset voltage. VGAIN = 6.4 x 10-3, the voltage gain. 2. (5) OFF VGAIN 24.125 GHz = 50 MHz x (N + FRAC/225) x 2 N = int(RFOUT/(fREF x 2)) = 241 FRAC = FMSB x 213 + FLSB FMSB = int(((RFOUT/(fREF x 2)) - N) x 212) = 1024 FLSB = int(((((RFOUT/(fREF x 2)) - N) x 212) - FMSB) x 213) = 0 where: FMSB is the 12-bit MSB FRAC value in Register R5. FLSB is the 13-bit LSB FRAC value in Register R6. int() makes an integer of the argument in parentheses. REFERENCE DOUBLER The on-chip reference doubler allows the input reference signal to be doubled. This doubling is useful for increasing the PFD comparison frequency. Doubling the PFD frequency typically improves the noise performance of the system by 3 dB. (4) where: ADC is the ADC code read back on DOUT. VLSB = 7.33 mV, the ADC LSB voltage. VOFF = 0.699 V, the offset voltage. VGAIN = 6.4 x 10-3, the voltage gain. Rev. A | Page 33 of 39 ADF5902 Data Sheet 9. Frequency Counter Value Delta = (216 - Frequency 1) + Frequency 2. 16746-142 TIME Figure 45. Single Sawtooth Burst Where Frequency 2 > Frequency 1, TIME Figure 46. Continuous Sawtooth Ramp Frequency Counter Value Delta = Frequency 2 - Frequency 1. FREQUENCY 10. Calculate the output frequency using the following formula: Output Frequency = (Frequency Counter Value Delta/ CLKDIV) x fPFD x NDIV x 2 where: CLKDIV = ((CLK2 x 212) + CLK1). fPFD = fREF/RDIV. NDIV = INT value + (FRAC value/(225)). TIME Figure 47. Continuous Triangular Ramp WAVEFORM DEVIATIONS AND TIMING 11. Set Register R13 and Register R7 back to the original settings and enable the ramp function in Register R5 if required. TIMER The ADF5902 is capable of generating five types of waveforms in the frequency domain: single ramp burst, single triangular burst, single sawtooth burst, continuous sawtooth ramp, and continuous triangular ramp. Figure 43 through Figure 47 show the types of waveforms available. fDEV FREQUENCY WAVEFORM GENERATION TIME Figure 48. Waveform Timing FREQUENCY The key parameters that define a ramp are 16746-141 TIME 16746-143 7. 8. 16716-144 4. 5. 6. 16746-145 3. TIME Figure 44. Single Triangular Burst Figure 43. Single Ramp Burst Rev. A | Page 34 of 39 Frequency deviation Time per step Number of steps 16746-146 2. In Register R3, set the readback control bits (Bits[DB10:DB5]) to 26. Read back the frequency counter value on DOUT and record this value as Frequency 1 (see Figure 3). In Register R7, set the CLK1 bits (Bits[DB23:DB12]) to 1808. In Register R13, set the CLK2 bits (Bits[DB18:DB7]) to 10. In Register R5, set the ramp on bit (Bit DB29) to 0. In Register R13, Set the clock divider mode bits (Bits[DB20:DB19]) to 2. Allow a minimum delay of 428 s (CLKDIV/fPFD (sec)). In Register R3, set the readback control bits (Bits[DB10:DB5]) to 26. Read back the frequency counter value on DOUT and record this value as Frequency 2. Where Frequency 1 > Frequency 2, FREQUENCY 1. FREQUENCY Use the following procedure to measure the output locked frequency of the ADF5902: FREQUENC FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE Data Sheet ADF5902 Frequency Deviation The frequency deviation for each frequency hop is set by fDEV = (fPFD/225) x (DEV x 2DEV_OFFSET) (7) where: fPFD is the PFD frequency. DEV is a 16-bit word (Bits[DB20:DB5] in Register R14). DEV_OFFSET is a 4-bit word (Bits[DB24:DB21] in Register R14). Time per step CLK DIV SEL (Register R13, Bits[DB6:DB5]). DEV SEL (Register R14, Bits[DB26:DB25]). Step SEL (Register R15, Bits[DB26:DB25]). Typically, each register must be written multiple times, one time for each slope. The time between each frequency hop is set by Timer = CLK1 x CLK2 x (1/fPFD) There are numerous ramp shapes available (see the Waveform Generation section). Depending on the chosen shape, some or all of the ramp slopes must be programmed. Figure 49 shows what must be programmed for each shape. The slope being programmed is controlled by (8) where: CLK1 and CLK2 are the 12-bit clock values (12-bit CLK1 divider in Register R7 and 12-bit CLK2 divider in Register R13). Bits[DB20:DB19] in Register R13 must be set to 11 for ramp divider. fPFD is the PFD frequency. Either CLK1 or CLK2 must be greater than 1, that is, CLK1 = CLK2 = 1 is not allowed. The frequency deviation for each step of a slope is set by fDEV = (fPFD/225) x (DEV x 2DEV_OFFSET) where: fDEV is the frequency deviation of a step. fPFD is the PFD frequency. DEV is the deviation value (Register R14, Bits[DB20:DB5]). DEV_OFFSET is the deviation offset (Register R14, Bits[DB24:DB21]). The time for each step of a slope is set by Number of Steps A 20-bit step value (Bits[DB24:DB5] in Register R15) defines the number of frequency hops that take place. The INT value cannot be incremented by more than 28 = 256 from its starting value. RAMP AND MODULATION Timer = CLK1 x CLK2 x (1/fPFD) where: Timer is the time per step. CLK1 is the CLK1 value (Register R7, Bits[23:12]). CLK2 is the CLK2 value (Register R13, Bits[18:7]). CLK1 is common to all slopes. All ramps are generated according to the scheme shown in Figure 49. The total ramp is separated into four sections. Each section consists of a delay section and a slope section. Each slope is made up of one or more steps. Each step has a programmed frequency deviation and step time. The number of steps per slope is programmed in Register R15, Bits[DB24:DB5]. When programming the registers for a ramp, write the registers in descending order. Then write to Register R5 to enable the ramp (Register R5, Bit DB29 = 1) must be last. Rev. A | Page 35 of 39 FREQUENCY ADF5902 Data Sheet O SL PE 0 DELAY 1 DELAY 0 SL O PE O SL 1 PE 2 DELAY 3 SL O PE DELAY 2 3 DELAY 0 TIME SLOPE 3 STEP SELECT (REG 15, BITS[DB26:DB25]) = 0b11 STEP WORD (REG 15, BITS[DB24:DB5]) = X DEV SELECT (REG 14, BITS[DB26:DB25]) = 0b11 DEV OFFSET (REG 14, BITS[DB24:DB21]) = X DEV WORD (REG 14, BITS[DB20:DB5]) = -X (NOTE: NEGATIVE) DELAY 0 DELAY SELECT (REG 16, BITS[DB24:DB23]) = 0b00 RAMP DELAY (REG 16, BITS[DB19]) = 1 DELAY WORD (REG 16, BITS[DB16:DB5]) = X CLK DIV MODE (REG 13, BITS[DB20:DB19]) = 0b11 CLK2 DIVIDER (REG 13, BITS[DB18:DB7]) = X CLK2 DIV SELECT (REG 13, BITS[DB6:DB5]) = 0b11 DELAY 3 DELAY SELECT (REG 16, BITS[DB24:DB23]) = 0b11 RAMP DELAY (REG 16, BITS[DB19]) = 1 DELAY WORD (REG 16, BITS[DB16:DB5]) = X SLOPE 0 STEP SELECT (REG 15, BITS[DB26:DB25]) = 0b00 STEP WORD (REG 15, BITS[DB24:DB5]) = X DEV SELECT (REG 14, BITS[DB26:DB25]) = 0b00 DEV OFFSET (REG 14, BITS[DB24:DB21]) = X DEV WORD (REG 14, BITS[DB20:DB5]) = X CLK DIV MODE (REG 13, BITS[DB20:DB19]) = 0b11 CLK2 DIVIDER (REG 13, BITS[DB18:DB7]) = X CLK2 DIV SELECT (REG 13, BITS[DB6:DB5]) = 0b00 DELAY 1 DELAY SELECT (REG 16, BITS[DB24:DB23]) = 0b01 RAMP DELAY (REG 16, BITS[DB19]) = 1 DELAY WORD (REG 16, BITS[DB16:DB5]) = X SLOPE 2 STEP SELECT (REG 15, BITS[DB26:DB25]) = 0b10 STEP WORD (REG 15, BITS[DB24:DB5]) = X DELAY 2 DELAY SELECT (REG 16, BITS[DB24:DB23]) = 0b10 RAMP DELAY (REG 16, BITS[DB19]) = 1 DELAY WORD (REG 16, BITS[DB16:DB5]) = X DEV SELECT (REG 14, BITS[DB22:DB25]) = 0b10 DEV OFFSET (REG 14, BITS[DB24:DB21]) = X DEV WORD (REG 14, BITS[DB20:DB5]) = X SLOPE 1 STEP SELECT (REG 15, BITS[DB26:DB25]) = 0b01 STEP WORD (REG 15, BITS[DB24:DB5]) = X CLK DIV MODE (REG 13, BITS[DB20:DB19]) = 0b11 CLK2 DIVIDER (REG 13, BITS[DB18:DB7]) = X CLK2 DIV SELECT (REG 13, BITS[DB6:DB5]) = 0b10 DEV SELECT (REG 14, BITS[DB26:DB25]) = 0b01 DEV OFFSET (REG 14, BITS[DB24:DB21]) = X DEV WORD (REG 14, BITS[DB20:DB5]) = -X (NOTE: NEGATIVE) CLK DIV MODE (REG 13, BITS[DB20:DB19]) = 0b11 CLK2 DIVIDER (REG 13, BITS[DB18:DB7]) = X CLK2 DIV SELECT (REG 13, BITS[DB6:DB5]) = 0b01 NOTES - CONTINUOUS SAWTOOTH RAMP: - RAMP MODE (REG 11, BITS[DB8:DB7]) MUST BE SET TO 0b00. - SLOPE 0 AND 2 MUST BE PROGRAMMED (EVEN IF SLOPE 0 AND SLOPE 2 ARE THE SAME). - CONTINUOUS TRIANGULAR RAMP: - RAMP MODE (REG 11, BITS[DB8:DB7]) MUST BE SET TO 0b10. - SLOPE 0, SLOPE 1, SLOPE 2, AND SLOPE 3 MUST BE PROGRAMMED. - SINGLE SAWTOOTH RAMP: - RAMP MODE (REG 11, BITS[DB8:DB7]) MUST BE SET TO 0b01. - SLOPE 0 MUST BE PROGRAMMED. - SINGLE RAMP BURST: - RAMP MODE (R11BITS[DB8:DB7]) MUST BE SET TO 0b11. - SLOPE 0 MUST BE PROGRAMMED. - SINGLE TRIANGULAR RAMP: - RAMP MODE (REG 11, BITS[DB8:DB7]) MUST BE SET TO 0b11. - SLOPE 0 AND SLOPE 1 MUST BE PROGRAMMED. - SING FULL TRI (REG 11, BIT[DB9]) = 1. - WHEN PROGRAMMING SLOPE 1 OR SLOPE 3, DEV WORD MUST BE NEGATIVE TO DECREASE THE FREQUENCY. - NEGATIVE VALUES ARE TWOS COMPLEMENT BINARY. - X = DON'T CARE. Figure 49. Ramp Sections Rev. A | Page 36 of 39 16746-147 - ALL DELAYS ARE OPTIONAL. - DELAY 0 TO DELAY 3 ARE ENABLED BY REG 16, BITS[DB19]. Data Sheet ADF5902 External Control of Ramp Steps Figure 50 shows the ramp complete signal on MUXOUT. The internal ramp clock can be bypassed and each step can be triggered by a pulse on the TX_DATA pin. This process allows transparent control of each step. Enable this feature by setting Bit DB30 in Register R14 to 1. FREQUENCY FREQUENCY Ramp Complete and Ramp-Down Signals to MUXOUT RFOUT VOLTAGE TIME TX_DATA To activate this function, set Bits[DB15:DB12] in Register R3 to 1111, and set Bits[DB19:DB5] in Register R4 to 0x00C0. TIME 16746-150 Figure 50. Ramp Complete Signal on MUXOUT VOLTAGE TIME 16746-148 TIME Figure 52. External Control of Ramp Steps Figure 51 shows the ramp-down signal on MUXOUT. FREQUENCY APPLICATION OF THE ADF5902 IN FMCW RADAR Figure 53 shows the application of the ADF5902 in a frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar system. In the FMCW radar system, the ADF5902 generates the sawtooth or triangle ramps necessary for this type of radar to operate. TIME TIME 16746-149 VOLTAGE The ADF5902 CPOUT pin controls the VTUNE pin on the ADF5902 transmitter MMIC and thus the frequency of the VCO and the transmitter output signal on TXOUT1 or TXOUT2. The LO signal from the ADF5902 is fed to the LO input on the ADF5904. Figure 51. Ramp-Down Signal on MUXOUT To activate this function, set Bits[DB15:DB12] in Register R3 to 1111, and set Bits[DB19:DB5] in Register R4 to 0x0100. The ADF5904 downconverts the signal from the four receiver antennas to baseband with the LO signal from the transmitter MMIC. The downconverted baseband signals from the four receiver channels on the ADF5904 are fed to the ADAR7251 4-channel, continuous time, - ADC. A digital signal processor (DSP) follows the ADC to handle the target information processing. Rev. A | Page 37 of 39 ADF5902 Data Sheet LOOP FILTER CP OUT VTUNE ADF5902 TXOUT1 TXOUT2 LOOUT LO_IN ADAR7251 Rx BASEBAND ADF5904 RX3_RF RX4_RF Figure 53. FMCW Radar with the ADF5902 Rev. A | Page 38 of 39 16746-031 DSP RX1_RF RX2_RF Data Sheet ADF5902 OUTLINE DIMENSIONS 0.30 0.25 0.18 1 0.50 BSC 3.75 3.60 SQ 3.55 EXPOSED PAD 8 17 TOP VIEW 0.80 0.75 0.70 TOP VIEW PKG-004570 SEATING PLANE PIN 1 INDIC ATOR AREA OPTIONS (SEE DETAIL A) 32 25 24 0.50 0.40 0.30 16 9 BOTTOM VIEW 0.05 MAX 0.02 NOM COPLANARITY 0.08 0.20 REF 0.20 MIN FOR PROPER CONNECTION OF THE EXPOSED PAD, REFER TO THE PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS SECTION OF THIS DATA SHEET. COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MO-220-WHHD-5 10-20-2017-C PIN 1 INDICATOR DETAIL A (JEDEC 95) 5.10 5.00 SQ 4.90 Figure 54. 32-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP] 5 mm x 5 mm Body and 0.75 mm Package Height (CP-32-12) ORDERING GUIDE Model1 ADF5902WCCPZ ADF5902WCCPZ-RL7 EV-ADF5902SD1Z 1 Temperature Range -40C to +105C -40C to +105C Package Description 32-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP] 32-Lead Lead Frame Chip Scale Package [LFCSP] Evaluation Board Package Option CP-32-12 CP-32-12 Z = RoHS Compliant Part. AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS The ADF5902W models are available with controlled manufacturing to support the quality and reliability requirements of automotive applications. Note that these automotive models may have specifications that differ from the commercial models; therefore, designers should review the Specifications section of this data sheet carefully. Only the automotive grade products shown are available for use in automotive applications. Contact your local Analog Devices account representative for specific product ordering information and to obtain the specific Automotive Reliability reports for these models. (c)2018-2020 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. D16746-0-1/20(A) Rev. A | Page 39 of 39