The following pins are reset configuration pins: GNT4/DA5, MDL[0], FOE, RCS0, CKE,
AS, MCP, QACK/DA0, MAA[0:2], PMAA[0:2], SDMA[1:0], MDH[16:31], and
PLL_CFG[0:4]/DA[10 :15]. These pins are sampled during reset to configure the device.
The PLL_CFG[0:4] signals are sampled a few clocks after the negation of HRST_CPU
Reset configuration pins should be tied to GND via 1 kΩ pull-down resistors to ensure a
logic zero level is read into the configuration bits during reset if the default logic-one
level is not desired.
Any other unused active low inpu t pins should be tied to a logic- one level via weak pull-
up resistors (2 kΩ – 10 kΩ) to the appropriate power supply listed in Table 1 on page 6.
Unused active high input pins should be tied to GND via weak pull-down resistors (2 kΩ
– 10 kΩ).
PCI Reference Volta g e – LVDD The PC8245 PCI refe rence voltage (LVDD) pins should be connected to 3.3 ± 0.3V power
supply if interfacing the PC8245 into a 3.3V PCI bus system. Similarly, the LVDD pins
should be connecte d to 5. 0V ± 5 % power su pply if interf acin g the PC824 5 int o a 5V PCI
bus system. For either reference voltage, the PC8245 always performs 3.3V signaling
as described in the PCI Local Bus Specification (Rev. 2.2). The PC8245 tolera tes 5V
signals when interfaced into a 5V PCI bus system.
PC8245 Compatibility with
PC8240 The PC8245 AC timing specifications are back wards-compatible with those of
the PC8240, except for the requirements of item 11 in Table 9 on page 31. Timing
adjustments are needed as specified for TOS (SDRAM_SYNC_IN to
sys_logic_clk offset) time requirements.
The PC8245 does not support the SDRAM flow-through memory interface.
The nomin al core VDD power supply changes from 2.5V on the PC8240 to 1.8/2.0V on
the PC8245. See Table “ Recommended Operating Conditions” on pa ge 12 for details.
The PC8245 PLL_CFG[0:4] setting 0x02 (0b00010) has a different ‘PCI to Mem’ and
‘Mem to CPU’ multiplier ratio than the same setting on the PC8240, and thus, is not
backwards-compatible. See Table 16 on page 45 for details.
The PC8245 PLL_CFG[0 :4] se ttings 0x08 (0b0 1000) , 0x0C (0 b0110 0), 0x1 2 (0b100 10),
0x18 (0b11000), 0x1C (0b11100), and 0x1D (0b11101) are capable of accepting a sub-
set of the PCI_SYNC_I N input frequ ency range of th at of the PC8240, and thus, may n ot
be fully backwards-compatible. See Table 16 on pag e 45 for details.
There are two additional reset configuration signals on the PC8245 which are not used
as reset configuration signals on the PC8240: SDMA0 and SDMA1.
The SDMA0 reset con figuration pi n selects between the PC8245 DUART or the PC8 240
backwards compatible mode PCI_CLK[0:4] functionality on these multiplexed signals.
The default state (logic 1) of SDMA0 selects the PC8240 backwards compatible mode
of PCI_CLK[0:4] functionality while a logic 0 state on the SDMA0 signal selects DUART
functionality. Note if using the DUART mode, four of the five PCI clocks, PCI_CLK[0:3],
are not available.
The SDMA1 reset configur at ion pin selects be tween PC82 45 e xtende d ROM f uncti onal-
ity or PC8240 backwards-compatible fu nctionality on the multiplexed signals: TBEN,
CHKSTOP_IN, SRESET, TRIG_IN, and TRIG_OUT. The default state (logic 1) of
SDMA1 selects the PC8240 backwards compatible mode functionality, while a logic 0
state on the SDMA1 signal selects extended ROM functionality. Note if using the
extended ROM mode, TBEN, CHKSTOP_IN, SRESET, TRIG_IN, and TRIG_OUT func-
tionality are not available.