PNP SWITCHING TABLE 4 SILICON PLANAR MEDIUM AND HIGH SPEED SWITCHING TRANSISTORS The devices shown in this table are characterised for medium and high speed switching applications in Commercial, Industrial and Military equipments. The devices are listed in order of decreasing Breakdown Voltage (VcEo), decreasing Collector Current (Ic), Power Dissipation (P,,;), etc. Max Vceisat) Hee f; Min | Switching times Max at at at (Max.) at Type |Vceo! Ic J Package| Comple- Ic | Ig jMin|Max} Ic lo | ton | tore | Ic ment Vi [mA] V |[mA; mA mA}MHz |mA; ns | ns | mA BSV17 80 |1000] 1.0/500] 25 | 40 |100]100| 50 | 50} 500 | 650 | 100) TO-39) 27189 70 |500]0.2| 50 | 5 | 75 |250| 10 | 150 | 10] 120*/ 250*| 20 | TO-18 | ZT89 2N4036 | 65 |1000]0.65|150] 15 | 40 |140/150; | | 110 | 700 | 150 | TO-39 | 2N2102 BFX30 65 | 600 | 0.4]150] 15 | 50/200] 10 | 200 | 50] 50 | 290 | 100 | TO-39 - 2N2904A| 60 | 600 | 0.4/150] 15 | 40 |120/150| 200 | 50) 45 | 100 | 150 | TO-39 | 2N2218A BFX29 60 | 600 | 0.41150! 15 | 40 |1201150] 100 | 50] 60 | 150 | 150 | TO-39 - 2N2905A| 60 | 600 | 0.4/150| 15 |100/300/150] 200 | 50] 45 | 100 | 150 | TO-39 | 2N2219A BSV16 60 |1000] 1.0|500] 25 | 40 |100]100] 50 | 50] 500 | 650 | 100 | TO-39 - 2N2906A| 60 | 600 |0.4/150|] 15 | 40 |120/150] 200 | 50; 45 | 100 | 150 | TO-18 | 2N2221A 2N2907A| 60 | 600 | 0.4/150] 15 |100/300/150] 200 | 50] 45 | 100 | 150 | TO-18 | 2N2222A BCY77 60 | 100 |0.25] 10 |0.25}120/460] 2 | 180*/ 10] 150 | 800 | 10 | TO-18 | BCY65E BFX87 50 | 600 | 0.4/150] 15 | 40 {120/150} 100 | 50] 60 | 150 | 150 | TO-39 - 27183 45 |500/0.4] 50] 5 | 38} 85] 10 | 150 |} 10) 120*| 250%, 20 | TO-18 | ZT83 27184 45 |500/}0.4| 50 | 5 | 751170! 10] 150 | 10] 120*) 250%) 20 | TO-18 | ZT84 BCY79 45 | 200 |0.25] 10 |0.25/120/460| 2 | 180%] 10] 150 | 800] 10 | TO-18 | BCY59 BFX88 40 | 600 | 0.4]150] 15 | 40 |120/150] 100 |} 50] 6O | 150 | 150 | TO-39 - 2N2904 | 40 | 600] 0.4/150] 15 | 40 {120)150) 200 |50| 45 | 100 | 150 | TO-39 | 2N2218 BSV15 40 |1000| 1.0}500] 25 | 40 {100/100; 50 | 50] 500 | 650 | 100 | TO-39 2N2905 | 40 | 600] 0.4/150} 15 |100/300!150} 200 | 50/ 45 | 100 | 150 | TO-39 | 2N2219 2N2906 | 40 | 600/0.4/150| 15 | 40 120/150] 200 |50{ 45 | 100 | 150 | TO-18 | 2N2221 2N2907 | 40 | 600 | 0.4/150] 15 |100/300/150| 200 | 50) 45 | 100 | 150 | TO-18 | 2N2222 27181 35 |500/0.2} 10) 1 | 38 162] 10 | 150 | 10) 120%] 250*) 20 | TO-18 |2T81 27182 35 |500/0.2/ 10] 1 | 75 |260] 10 | 150 | 10] 120*) 250*) 20 | TO-18 | ZT82 BCY78 32 | 200 0.25] 10 |0.25/120|630; 2 | 180*) 10] 150 | 800 | 10 | TO-18 | BCY58 ZT180 25 |500)0.2| 10) 1 | 38 |162] 10 | 150 | 10] 120*) 250*, 20 | TO-18 | ZT80 27187 25 |500|0.2| 10} 1 | 75/250] 10 | 150 | 70| 120*) 250*) 20 | TO-18 | ZT87 2N2894 | 12 | 200 0.15] 10 | 1 | 40 |150] 30 | 400 | 30] 60 | 90 | 30 | TO-18 - *Typical 5-7