Test Description Requi rement Procedur e
Rev H 3 of 8
Vi bration, jack-plug interface and
IDC-wire interface. No di scontinuiti es of 1 microsecond
Shal l remai n mated and show no
evidence of physical damage.
See Note.
IEC 60512- 6-4.
Subject mated plug and terminated
jack to frequency range of 10 to 55
Hz with displ acement amplitude of
.014 inch. Sweep cycles per
di rection shall be 5 in each direction
of 3 ax is which are mutually
perpendicular planes.
Mechanical shock, jack-plug
interface. No discontinuities of 5
microseconds maximum.
See Note.
IEC 60512- 6-3.
Subject mated plug and terminated
jack to 30 G's half-sine shock wave
of 11 milliseconds duration. Three
shocks i n each direction (2 total)
appl ied al ong 3 mutually
perpendicular planes (3 axis), 18
tot al shocks.
Durability, jack-plug interface using
a 6 posi tion plug. Permanent def lection of contacts in
posi tions 1 and 8 are acceptable if
the specimens meet the
requirements of additi onal tests.
See Note.
IEC 60512- 9-1.
Mate and unmate plug and jack
i nterface w ith latch inoperative for
200 cycles with a 6 posi tion plug at
a maximum rat e of 500 (automatic)
or 300 ( manual) cycles per hour.
Durability, jack-plug interface. See Note. IEC 60512-9-1.
Mate and unmate plug and jack
i nterface w ith latch inoperative for
750 cycles at a maximum rate of
500 (aut omatic) or 300 (manual)
cycles per hour.
Pl ug insertion force, jack-plug
interface. 5 pounds maximum, unshielded.
8 pounds maximum, shielded. IEC 60512- 13-1.
Measure force required to mate
pl ug and jack wit h latch depressed
at a maximum rate of .5 inch per
Pl ug withdrawal f orce, jack-pl ug
interface. 5 pounds maximum, unshielded.
8 pounds maximum, shielded. IEC 60512- 13-1.
Measure force required to unmate
pl ug and jack wit h latch depressed
at a maximum rate of .5 inch per
Pl ug retention in jack, jack-plug
interface. Plug shall not dislodge from jack. EIA 364- 98.
Appl y an axial load of 20 pounds to
pl ug housing at a rate of .5 inch per
minut e with plug mated in jack and
l atch engaged. Maintain load for 5
Fi gure 1 (continued)