Product data sheet
09 12 000 9902
T-Codierbuchse für Han Q 7/0 Einsatz
T-Codierbuchse für Han Q 7/0 Einsatz
Image is for illustration purposes only. Please refer to product description.
Part number 09 12 000 9902
Specification T-Codierbuchse für Han Q 7/0 Einsatz
HARTING eCatalogue
Category Accessories
Type of accessory Coding element
Gender Female
Material properties
Material (accessories) Thermoplastic
RoHS compliant
ELV status compliant
China RoHS e
REACH Annex XVII substances No
REACH ANNEX XIV substances No
REACH SVHC substances No
Commercial data
Packaging size 50
Net weight 0.68g
Country of origin Germany
European customs tariff number 39269097
eCl@ss 27440203 Coding for industrial connectors
Page1/1 | Creation date2020-02-24 | Please note that the data specified here were taken as extracts from the online catalogue. Please refer to the
user documentation for the complete and up-to-date information and data. Please also note that the user is responsible for validating functionality,
conformity with applicable laws and directives, as well as for the electrical safety in the particular application.
HARTING Electric GmbH & Co. KG | Wilhelm-Harting-Straße 1 | 32339 Espelkamp | Germany
Phone +49 5772 47-97100 | |