Rev. B – 22-Aug-01
Introduction The thermal performance of semiconductor packages is
a very importan t considera tion for th e board de signer.
The reliabil ity and functiona l life of the device is directly
related to i ts ju nction oper atin g tem perat ure. A s the tem-
perature of the device increases, the stability of its
junctions decline, as does its reliable life. The thermal
performance is also important for the board design,
because it may limit the board density, or dictate the
board location of high power dissipating devices, or
require expensive cooling method for the system. As
devices have become mo re complex a nd boards hav e
become denser, the need to account for the thermal
characteristics of packages has shifted from being a
minor consideration to being a necessary consideration.
Characteristics The thermal performance of a package is measured by
its ability to dissipate the power required by the device
into its sur roundings. The el ectrical power d rawn by the
device generate s heat on the top su rfac e of the die. This
heat is conducted through the package to the surface
and then transferred to the surrounding air by convection.
Each heat transfer step has corresponding resistance to
the heat flow, which is given the value R θ, the thermal
resis tance coefficient . S ubs cr i pts ar e add ed t o the coeffi-
cient to sp ecify the two po ints tha t the heat i s transfe rre d
betw een. Com monly us ed coef ficient s are Rθja (jun cti on
to ambient ai r), Rθjc (junction t o case) and Rθca (case to
Model An electrical analogy can be made, as s hown in the fig-
ure below, to illustrate the heat flow of a package. The
heat tran sfe r ca n b e c har acte ri ze d m athe matically by th e
following equation:
Tj-Ta=P x Rθja
P = Device operating power (Watts)
Tj = Temperature of a junction on the device (°C)
Ta = Temperature of the surrounding ambient air (°C)
Rθja = Rθjc + Rθca in °C/W
Technical Note
Heat Flow