Military Series Part Number MS91528 White Plain Top Dot A B D ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; 0N__ __ 0C__ __ 1N__ __ 1C__ __ 2N__ __ 2C__ __ 3N__ __ 3C__ __ 4N__ __ 4C__ __ 5N__ __ 5C__ __ C Round D ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;; ; ;; ;;;;;; C Skirted Round ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; A B D C E Dial .500 .700 .900 1.250 1.750 2.250 Part Number MS91528 White Plain Top Dot A B NUT CLEARANCE A Diam. .500 .700 .900 1.250 1.750 2.250 Part Number MS91528 Plain with Arrow Dial A Diam. 0G__ __ 1G__ __ 2G__ __ 3G__ __ 4G__ __ 5G__ __ C Diam. D Depth .510 .610 .790 .700 .850 .875 .435 .485 .640 .750 .750 .750 .026 .026 .114 .114 .114 .114 B Height .655 .782 1.010 .850 1.070 1.095 ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; A C B N C C Diam. D Depth .300 .485 .640 .750 .750 .750 .177 .188 .320 .250 .320 .320 .500 .655 .700 .782 .900 1.010 1.250 .850 1.750 1.070 2.250 1.095 D Depth E Width .300 .485 .640 .750 .750 .750 .177 .188 .320 .250 .320 .320 .900 1.150 1.500 1.837 2.468 3.020 - Style D E Shaft Hole Color Suffix 1 2 3 4 B S G J - Style F G Shaft Hole Color Suffix 1 2 3 4 B S G J - TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER E H Length Swing 0P__ __ 1P__ __ 2P__ __ .500 .700 .900 .740 .490 1.030 .680 1.335 .885 .026 .026 .114 Suffix B S G J TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER NUT CLEARANCE A B C D Diam. Height Diam. Depth .420 .485 .640 Color 1 2 3 4 TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER C Diam. MS91528 .510 .610 .790 Shaft Hole Style P Shaft Hole Color Suffix 1 2 3 4 B S G J - D E Pointer Part Number ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; H C E B NUT CLEARANCE A B C D Diam. Height Diam. Depth E H Length Swing 0K__ __ 1K__ __ 2K__ __ .500 .655 .700 .782 .900 1.010 .740 .490 1.030 .680 1.335 .885 .300 .485 .640 .177 .188 .320 Style K Shaft Hole Color Suffix 1 2 3 4 B S G J - D Part Number ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; NUT CLEARANCE TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER MS91528 A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth E Width Style 1GG__ __ .700 .610 .485 .026 1.150 GG MS91528 A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth E Width Style 1HH__ __ .700 .782 .485 .188 1.150 HH MS91528 A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth E Width Style 1 II __ __ __ .700 .782 .485 .188 1.150 II A C E TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER MS91528 A Skirted Pointer Style NUT CLEARANCE B Height Part Number H TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER NUT CLEARANCE A Diam. 0D__ __ 0E__ __ 1D__ __ 1E__ __ 2D__ __ 2E__ __ 3D__ __ 3E__ __ 4D__ __ 4E__ __ 5D__ __ 5E__ __ 0F__ __ 1F__ __ 2F__ __ 3F__ __ 4F__ __ 5F__ __ B Height B Shaft Hole 1 2 3 4 Color Suffix B G - D Double Bar ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;; Part Number A Skirted Double Bar C E Shaft Hole 1 2 3 4 Color Suffix B G - D ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Part Number NUT CLEARANCE B TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER Shaft Hole 1 2 3 4 Color Suffix B G - D REFER TO ORDERING GUIDE ON PAGE 5 FOR STYLE, SHAFT HOLE SPECIFICATIONS AND COLORS. Double Bar w/Dial Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER B A C E NUT CLEARANCE FAX: 631.752.1971 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 2 Military Series Part Number H ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;; A NUT CLEARANCE TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER MS91528 A B C D Diam. Height Diam. Depth E H Length Swing Style 1A__ __ .700 1.515 .575 A .645 .515 .110 Shaft Hole 2 4 B D Color Suffix B S G J - C E Bar Part Number H ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; NUT CLEARANCE TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER MS91528 A B C D Diam. Height Diam. Depth E H Length Swing Style 1B__ __ .700 1.720 .780 B A .815 .515 .266 B 2 4 Suffix B S G J - E Part Number NUT CLEARANCE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; A TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER MS91528 A B C D Diam. Height Diam. Depth E H Length Swing Style 2L__ __ .700 1.855 .900 L H .645 .595 .110 Shaft Hole 2 4 B D Color C D Bar w/Dial Shaft Hole Color Suffix B S G J - C E Anti-Parallax Bar Part Number H ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;; ;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;; ;;; NUT CLEARANCE TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER MS91528 A B C D Diam. Height Diam. Depth E H Length Swing Style 2M__ __ .700 1.870 .915 M A .815 .470 .266 B Shaft Hole 2 4 Color Suffix B S G J - C E D Anti-Parallax Bar w/Dial Part Number ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; NUT CLEARANCE A B C D Diam. Height Diam. Depth E H Length Swing Style 3R__ __ .788 2.552 1.290 R H A C E TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER MS91528 .869 .562 .177 Shaft Hole 2 4 B Color Suffix B S G J - D Long Bar Part Number ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;; ;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; A B C D Diam. Height Diam. Depth 3S__ __ 4S__ __ 5S__ __ B 1.250 1.350 .685 1.750 1.758 .685 2.250 1.782 .685 Part Number ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;;;;; ;; ;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;; ;;;;; ; ;;;;; A C S Shaft Hole 2 4 Color Suffix B S G J - 1AA__ __ 2AA__ __ 3AA__ __ B D A B C D Diam. Height Diam. Depth .700 .900 1.250 .782 .958 .862 .560 .640 .750 .188 .188 .188 TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER E H Width Swing 1.162 .812 1.418 .968 1.750 1.125 Style AA Shaft Hole Color Suffix 1 2 3 4 B S G J - .320 Max. H Part Number 5 16 L A O CK B CK 3 8 1 2 LO Knob Lock 1.715 1.090 2.359 1.484 2.859 1.734 Style NUT CLEARANCE MS91528 E Knob lock Pointer .250 .320 .320 TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER E H Width Swing C A D Spinner NUT CLEARANCE MS91528 E H THREAD TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER MS91528 Splash Proof A Diam. B* Diam. 1CC__ __ 2CC__ __ 3CC__ __ 1DD__ __ 2DD__ __ 3DD__ __ 1.030 1.340 2.250 .721 .928 1.269 FAX: 631.752.1971 Shaft Hole CC DD 1 2 *Maximum knob diameter with which a knob lock will function as a lock. THREAD SIZE: 1-- 1/4 - 32 2-- 3/8 - 32 Color Suffix B S G J - See our mechanical section on page 66 for details on our (KS series) locking mechanism. Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 Style 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 3 Military Series Part Number MS91528 ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;; ; ;; ;;;;;; ; ;; ;;;;;; A B D 1N__ __ C 2N__ __ C 3N__ __ C NUT CLEARANCE A Diam. .700 .900 1.250 B Height C Diam. D Depth .510 .655 .530 .485 .640 .750 .026 .114 .114 TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER Style N Shaft Hole 2 4 Color Suffix B S G J C C Concentric Round Part Number MS91528 ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; A B D 1D__ __ C 2D__ __ C 3D__ __ C .700 .900 1.250 B Height C Diam. D Depth .690 .885 .700 .485 .640 .750 .188 .320 .250 Part Number With MS91528 Arrow Plain Dial ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; A ;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;; 1G__ __ C 1F__ __ C 2G__ __ C 2F__ __ C 3G__ __ C 3F__ __ C Shaft Hole 2 4 .700 .690 .900 .885 1.250 .700 C D Diam. Depth Color Suffix B S G J C TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER E Width .485 .188 1.150 .640 .320 1.500 .750 .250 1.837 Style Shaft Hole G F 2 4 C E NUT CLEARANCE Color Suffix B S G J C A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth E Width Style 1GG__ __ C .700 .510 .485 .026 1.150 GG MS91528 A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth E Width Style 1HH__ __ C .700 .690 .485 .188 1.150 HH MS91528 A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth E Width Style 1 II __ __ C .700 .690 .485 .188 1.150 II Shaft Hole 2 4 B Color Suffix B S G J C D Concentric Double Bar Part Number ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; A C E NUT CLEARANCE ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;; ;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;;; TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER Shaft Hole 2 4 B Color Suffix B S G J C D Part Number A C E TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER MS91528 A NUT CLEARANCE TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER B Shaft Hole 2 4 Color Suffix B S G J C D Concentric Double Bar w/Dial Style KL701 .70 Diam. Knob D NUT CLEARANCE A B Diam. Height Part Number Knob Locks Style C E D Concentric Dial Concentric Skirted Double Bar TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER C Concentric Skirted Round B NUT CLEARANCE A Diam. REFER TO ORDERING GUIDE ON PAGE 5 FOR STYLE, SHAFT HOLE SPECIFICATIONS AND COLORS. See our mechanical section on page 66 for details on our (KL series) locking mechanism. Style KL901 .90 Diam. Knob Style KL1251 1.25 Diam. Knob Style KL701 .70 Diameter Knob Lock Pointer Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 FAX: 631.752.1971 Style KL901 .90 Diameter Knob Lock Pointer Style KL1251 1.25 Diameter Knob Lock Pointer 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 4 Military Series Tactile Shapes These tactile-shaped and colored tops can be combined with all knob styles except bar pointer. Available in Black or Gray with colored top; Matte finish. Form 1 Intensity Blue Form 2 Tune Orange Standard Tactile Cap Diameter Round Skirted Round Dial Pointer Skirted Pointer 70 90 125 70 90 125 70 90 125 70 90 125 70 90 125 70 90 125 70 90 1N__ __1 2N__ __1 3N__ __1 1N__ __2 2N__ __2 3N__ __2 1N__ __3 2N__ __3 3N__ __3 1N__ __4 2N__ __4 3N__ __4 1N__ __5 2N__ __5 3N__ __5 1N__ __6 2N__ __6 3N__ __6 - 1D__ __1 2D__ __1 3D__ __1 1D__ __2 2D__ __2 3D__ __2 1D__ __3 2D__ __3 3D__ __3 1D__ __4 2D__ __4 3D__ __4 1D__ __5 2D__ __5 3D__ __5 1D__ __6 2D__ __6 3D__ __6 - 1F__ __1 2F__ __1 3F__ __1 1F__ __2 2F__ __2 3F__ __2 1F__ __3 2F__ __3 3F__ __3 1F__ __4 2F__ __4 3F__ __4 1F__ __5 2F__ __5 3F__ __5 1F__ __6 2F__ __6 3F__ __6 - 1P__ __7 2P__ __7 1K__ __7 2K__ __7 FORM 1 Intensity-Blue FORM 2 Tune-Orange FORM 3 Dimmer-White FORM 4 Gain-Red FORM 5 Focus-Violet FORM 6 (ROUND) Range-Yellow FORM 7 (POINTER) Range-Yellow Form 3 Dimmer White Spinner Handles Form 4 Gain Red Form 5 Focus Violet Standard Tactile Cap FORM 8 Marker-Green FORM 9 Bearing-Gray Form 8 Marker Green Cap Design Indicate Part No. from Tables Above ORDERING GUIDE FOR MILITARY SERIES Style Shaft Hole Diam. 0= .500 1= .700 2= .900 3=1.250 4=1.750 5=2.250 Form 9 Bearing Gray N- Round D -Skirted Round F- Dial P- Pointer K- Skirted Ptr. GG- Dbl. Bar HH- Skt. Dbl. Bar II - Skt. Dbl. Bar w/Dial EXAMPLE: MS91528-1N2B2 A- Bar B- Bar w/Dial L- Anti-Parallax Bar M- Anti-Parallax Bar w/Dial R- Long Bar S- Spinner 1- 8"Round 2- 14"Round 3- 18" "D" Hole 4- 14" "D" Hole 5-.190 Round 6-.267 Round 1 Form 6 Range yellow Series Crank 125 175 225 125 175 225 3S__ __8 4S__ __8 5S__ __8 3S__ __9 4S__ __9 5S__ __9 SET SCREW SPECIFICATIONS Color Suffix Each Knob Furnished with (2) Set Screws Series Diameter .700 Style Round Shaft Hole .250" Color Matte Black Suffix Tactile Top 91528- 1 N 2 B 2 Electronic Hardware Corporation FAX: 631.752.1971 1 8" Shaft Hole 4-40 UNC-3A 4-40 UNC-3A 4-40 UNC-3A B- Matte Black C=Concentric S- Gloss Black Tactiles: 0 G-Matte Gray 1- Blue 1 J- Gloss Gray 2- Orange 2 3- White 3 4- Red 4 5- Violet TOLERANCES 6- Yellow A B C 7- Yellow 8- Green +.030 + Min. - .030 9- Grey Cap Design PHONE: 631.752.1950 Form 7 Range yellow 1 4" Shaft Hole 4-40 UNC-3A 4-40 UNC-3A 8-32 UNC-3A 8-32 UNC-3A 8-32 UNC-3A D E Min. Max. 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 5 Contemporary Series ;;;;; ;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ; ;; ;; A B Part Number Without Indicator With Indicator 5N __ __ __ __ 7N __ __ __ __ 9N __ __ __ __ 12N__ __ __ __ NUT CLEARANCE TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER B Height C Diam. D Depth Style 5C __ __ __ __ .500 7C __ __ __ __ .700 9C __ __ __ __ .900 12C__ __ __ __ 1.250 .430 .532 .731 .600 .435 .485 .640 .750 .026 .026 .114 .114 Part Number Without Indicator NUT CLEARANCE TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER With Indicator B Height C Diam. D Depth Style 5D __ __ __ __ 7D __ __ __ __ 9D __ __ __ __ 12D__ __ __ __ 5E __ __ __ __ .500 7E __ __ __ __ .700 9E __ __ __ __ .900 12E__ __ __ __ 1.250 .585 .682 .935 .750 .300 .485 .640 .750 .026 .026 .114 .114 Part Number Without Arrow With Arrow 5G __ __ __ __ 7G __ __ __ __ 9G __ __ __ __ 12G__ __ __ __ 5F __ __ __ __ .500 7F __ __ __ __ .700 9F __ __ __ __ .900 12F__ __ __ __ 1.250 A Diam. N C Shaft Hole Color 1 2 3 4 S B J G C D Round ;;;; ;; ;; ;;;; ;; ;; ;;;; ;; ;; ;;;; ;; ;; ;;;; A B D Skirted Round A Diam. Color 1 2 3 4 S B J G C ;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; A B NUT CLEARANCE A Diam. TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER B C D E Dial Height Diam. Depth Diam. .585 .682 .935 .750 .300 .485 .640 .750 Style .177 .900 .188 1.150 .320 1.500 .250 1.837 G F Shaft Hole Color 1 2 3 4 S B J G C E D Dial Part Number NUT CLEARANCE ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ; ; A C E Pointer B B Height C Diam. D Depth E Length H Swing .500 .700 .900 .430 .532 .731 .435 .485 .640 .026 .026 .114 - - - .490 .680 .885 A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth E Length H Swing .500 .700 .900 .585 .682 .935 .300 .485 .640 .177 .188 .320 - - - .490 .680 .885 A B C D E H +.030 - .010 + - .030 Min. Min. Max. Max. 5P __ __ __ __ 7P __ __ __ __ 9P __ __ __ __ Part Number NUT CLEARANCE ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; A C Style P Shaft Hole Color 1 2 3 4 S B J G D H E TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER A Diam. H Skirted Pointer D E Shaft Hole B 5K __ __ __ __ 7K __ __ __ __ 9K __ __ __ __ TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER Style K Shaft Hole Color 1 2 3 4 S B J G D TOLERANCES Concentric Configurations Available Contemporary concentric configurations. Available in Black or Gray; with Matte or without finish. Size Reference Height Reference Height Reference Height Reference Height Reference Height 5/7 7/9 9/12 .940 1.165 1.185 1.120 1.395 1.355 1.120 1.395 1.355 .940 1.165 1.185 1.120 1.395 1.355 Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 FAX: 631.752.1971 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 6 Contemporary Series Alternate Cap Styles Contemporary series provides the designer with a varied number of elegant styles of tops for this popular series. NF Plain Molded Top EF DC EC DB CB Molded Top w/Indicator Spun Inlay Spun Inlay w/Indicator Spun Cap Spun Cap w/Indicator Alternate Cap Styles: (Second and third digit of Part Number ) Plain Molded Top Molded Top w/Indicator Round Skirted Round Dial with Arrow Pointer Skirted Pointer NF DF FF PF KF Spun Inlay Spun Inlay w/Indicator Spun Cap Spun Cap w/Indicator NC DC FC PC KC CC EC - - - NB DB FB PB KB CB EB - - - CF EF - - - For Knobs with Raised Caps: with a .500 Diam. add .070 to the"B" dimension with a .700 Diam. add .100 to the"B" dimension with a .900 Diam. add .115 to the"B" dimension with a 1.250 Diam. add .100 to the"B" dimension Diameter 5= .500 7= .700 9= .900 12=1.250 ORDERING GUIDE FOR CONTEMPORARY SERIES Plain or Cap Style Shaft Hole Color w/Indicator N- Plain Round F- Molded 1- 18"Round S- Black C- Round w/Indicator C- Inlay 2- 14"Round B- Black Matte D- Skirted Round B- Cap 3- 18" "D"Hole J- Gray E- Skirted w/Indicator 4- 14" "D"Hole G- Gray Matte M-Metal Dial w/Arrow* 5- .190"Round H- Plain Metal Dial 6- .267"Round F- Plastic Dial w/Arrow G- Plain Plastic Dial P- Pointers K- Skirted Pointers Set Screw 1=1 Socket 2=2 Socket 3=1 Slotted 4=2 Slotted * With metal dial, nut clearance depth D=.090 min. EXAMPLE: 5CC1S2 Diameter Plain or w/Ind. Cap Style Shaft Hole Color Set Screw .500 Rnd. w/Indicator Inlay .125" Mirror Black 2 Socket 5 C C 1 NOTE: For concentric parts, add "C" prefix onto part number. Available with plain molded tops only. Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 FAX: 631.752.1971 S 2 Example: C5CC1S2 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 7 Regent Series A B D ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;; ;;;; ;; C Part Number Plain Spun Inlay w/Indicator Line EH71-0N__ __ EH71-1N__ __ EH71-2N__ __ EH71-3N__ __ EH71-4N__ __ NUT CLEARANCE A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth -0C__ __ .500 -1C__ __ .700 -2C__ __ .900 -3C__ __ 1.250 -4C__ __ 1.750 .510 .610 .790 .700 .850 .435 .485 .640 .750 .750 .026 .026 .114 .114 .114 Part Number Plain Spun Inlay w/Indicator Line A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth EH71-0D__ __ EH71-1D__ __ EH71-2D__ __ EH71-3D__ __ EH71-4D__ __ -0E__ __ -1E__ __ -2E__ __ -3E__ __ -4E__ __ .500 .700 .900 1.250 1.750 .660 .780 1.010 .850 1.070 .360 .485 .640 .750 .750 .177 .188 .320 .250 .320 Part Number Dial w/Arrow Plain Dial A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth E Width EH71-0F__ __ EH71-1F__ __ EH71-2F__ __ EH71-3F__ __ -0G__ __ .500 -1G__ __ .700 -2G__ __ .900 -3G__ __ 1.250 .660 .780 1.010 .850 .360 .485 .640 .750 .177 .188 .320 .250 .900 1.150 1.500 1.837 TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER Style N C Shaft Hole Color 1 2 3 4 B S G J Round ;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;; ; ;; ;;;;;; ; ;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;; A B D Skirted Round ;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;; ;;; ; ;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; B Style D E Shaft Hole Color 1 2 3 4 B S G J NUT CLEARANCE TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER Style G F Shaft Hole Color 1 2 3 4 B S G J C E D Part Number NUT CLEARANCE H A ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;; C E Pointer B EH71-0P__ __ EH71-1P__ __ EH71-2P__ __ E H Width Swing .500 .700 .900 .740 .490 1.030 .680 1.335 .885 .510 .610 .790 Part Number ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; C .435 .485 .640 .026 .026 .114 NUT CLEARANCE A E TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER A B C D Diam. Height Diam. Depth Style P Shaft Hole Color 1 2 3 4 B S G J D H Skirted Pointer TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER C A Dial NUT CLEARANCE B EH71-0K__ __ EH71-1K__ __ EH71-2K__ __ TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER A B C D Diam. Height Diam. Depth E H Width Swing .500 .660 .360 .700 .780 .485 .900 1.010 .640 .740 .490 1.030 .680 1.335 .885 .177 .188 .320 Style K Shaft Hole Color 1 2 3 4 B S G J D Part Number ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; NUT CLEARANCE A C E B EH71-1GG__ __ EH71-2GG__ __ TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth E Width .700 .900 .610 .630 .485 .640 .026 .114 1.205 1.500 A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth E Width .700 .900 .780 1.010 .485 .640 .188 .320 1.205 1.500 A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth E Width .700 .900 .780 1.010 .485 .640 .188 .320 1.205 1.500 Style GG Shaft Hole Color 1 2 3 4 B S G J D Double Bar Part Number ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; NUT CLEARANCE A Skirted Double Bar C E B EH71-1HH__ __ EH71-2HH__ __ NUT CLEARANCE A Double Bar w/Dial C E B EH71-1 II __ __ EH71-2 II __ __ D HH Shaft Hole Color 1 2 3 4 B S G J FAX: 631.752.1971 TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER Style II Shaft Hole Color 1 2 3 4 B S G J REFER TO ORDERING GUIDE ON PAGE 9 FOR STYLE, SHAFT HOLE SPECIFICATIONS AND COLORS. Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 Style D Part Number ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;; ;;; TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 8 Regent Series Part Number NUT CLEARANCE H A ;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; C E Single Bar EH71-0SB__ __ EH71-1SB__ __ EH71-2SB__ __ B E H Width Swing .500 .700 .900 .600 .350 .810 .460 1.040 .590 .510 .610 .790 Part Number ;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;;;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; EH71-0DSB__ __ EH71-1DSB__ __ EH71-2DSB__ __ B E H Width Swing .500 .660 .360 .700 .780 .485 .900 1.010 .640 .600 .350 .810 .460 1.040 .590 ;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;; ; ;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ; Plain or w/Indicator N- Plain Round C- Round w/Indicator D- Skirted Round E- Skirted w/Indicator F- Plastic Dial w/Arrow G- Plain Plastic Dial P- Pointer K- Skirted Pointer GG- Double Bar HH- Skirted Double Bar II- Double Bar w/Dial SB- Single Bar DSB- Skirted Single Bar NP- Round w/Pointer Style DSB NUT CLEARANCE EH71-0NP__ __ EH71-1NP__ __ EH71-2NP__ __ EH71-3NP__ __ B B S G J Shaft Hole Color 1 2 3 4 B S G J .500 .700 .900 1.250 .510 .610 .790 .700 .435 .485 .640 .750 .026 .026 .114 .114 TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER E H Width Swing .656 .856 1.056 1.406 Style .406 .506 .606 .781 NP Shaft Hole Color 1 2 3 4 B S G J D SET SCREW SPECIFICATIONS ORDERING GUIDE FOR REGENT SERIES Style and Shaft Hole Diameter Indicate Part Number from Tables Above .177 .188 .320 A B C D Diam. Height Diam. Depth A C Color 1 2 3 4 TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER A B C D Diam. Height Diam. Depth Part Number E SB Shaft Hole D H Round w / Pointer .026 .026 .114 NUT CLEARANCE A C E .435 .485 .640 Style D H Skirted Single Bar TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER A B C D Diam. Height Diam. Depth Color 1- 18"Round 2- 14"Round 3- 18" "D" Hole 4- 14" "D" Hole 5-.190 Round 6-.267 Round Each Knob Furnished with (2) Set Screws B- Black Matte S- Black G-Gray Matte J- Gray Series Diam.Size 0 1 2 3 4 .500 .700 .900 1.250 1.750 1 8" Shaft Hole 4-40 UNC-3A 4-40 UNC-3A 4-40 UNC-3A 1 4" Shaft Hole 4-40 UNC-3A 4-40 UNC-3A 8-32 UNC-3A 8-32 UNC-3A 8-32 UNC-3A All Regent Series knobs come with spun aluminum inlays as shown. By special order, knobs are available with printing on inlays, in other colors, or without inlays. See page 53 for Regent Series knob locks. EXAMPLE: EH71-1D2S Series Diameter .700 EH71- 1 Style Shaft Hole Color Skirted Round .250" Black as Molded D 2 NOTE: For concentric parts, add "C" prefix onto part number. Available with plain molded tops only. S Example: C5CC1S2 Concentric Knobs w/Inlays Diam. Reference Height Reference Height Reference Height Reference Height Reference Height .700 .900 1.100 1.400 1.250 1.600 1.260 1.640 1.100 1.220 1.270 1.470 Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 FAX: 631.752.1971 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 9 Designer Series Part Number Plain w/Indicator Cap Dot ;;;; ;; ;; ;;;; ;; ;; ;;;; ;; ;; ;;;; ;;;; A B D Round PC0N__ __ PC1N__ __ PC2N__ __ PC3N__ __ DC0N__ __ .500 DC1N__ __ .700 DC2N__ __ .900 DC3N__ __ 1.250 B Height C Diam. D Depth .505 .605 .760 .630 .435 .485 .640 .750 .026 .026 .114 .114 Part Number Plain w/Indicator Cap Dot Skirted Round ;;;;; ;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ; ;; ;; ;;;;; ;;;;; Style N Shaft Hole Color 1 2 B S G J Dial ;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;; ; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; NUT CLEARANCE A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth .300 .485 .640 .750 .177 .188 .320 .250 PC0D__ __ PC1D__ __ PC2D__ __ PC3D__ __ DC0D__ __ .500 DC1D__ __ .700 DC2D__ __ .900 DC3D__ __ 1.250 .680 .792 .995 .805 Part Number Plain Cap A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth E Width PC0F__ __ PC1F__ __ PC2F__ __ PC3F__ __ .500 .700 .900 1.250 .680 .792 .995 .805 .300 .485 .640 .750 .177 .188 .320 .250 .900 1.150 1.500 1.837 TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER Style D Shaft Hole Color 1 2 B S G J C D A B C E NUT CLEARANCE Part Number ;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ; ; NUT CLEARANCE A B C D Diam. Height Diam. Depth H C B .500 .700 .900 PC0P__ __ PC1P__ __ PC2P__ __ .505 .605 .760 .435 .485 .640 Part Number .026 .026 .114 F Shaft Hole Color 1 2 B S G J TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER E H Length Swing - - - .490 .680 .885 ;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ; ; ;;;;;; NUT CLEARANCE A B C D Diam. Height Diam. Depth A H Style Style P Shaft Hole Color 1 2 B S G J D E Pointer TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER D A C B .500 .700 .900 PC0K__ __ PC1K__ __ PC2K__ __ .680 .792 .995 .300 .485 .640 .177 .188 .320 TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER E H Length Swing - - - .490 .680 .885 Style K Shaft Hole Color 1 2 B S G J D E Skirted Pointer TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER C A B NUT CLEARANCE A Diam. Part Number ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;; ;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; NUT CLEARANCE A B C D Diam. Height Diam. Depth E H DS 125-6-__ __ DS 175-6-__ __ 1.250 1.350 .685 1.750 1.758 .685 .250 .320 TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER E H Width Swing 1.715 1.090 2.359 1.484 Style S Shaft Hole Color 1 2 B D Spinner B S G J C A Cap Style and Diameter Indicate Part Number from Tables Above ORDERING GUIDE FOR DESIGNER SERIES Style Shaft Hole N- Round D- Skirted Round F- Dial P- Pointer K- Skirted Pointer S- Spinner Color 1- 18"Round 2- 14"Round B- Matte Black S- Gloss Black G-Matte Gray J- Gloss Gray All Designer Series knobs come standard with 2 set screws. EXAMPLE: PC1N-2-B Cap, Diam. & Style Plain Cap Shaft Hole .250" PC1N- 2 Color Matte Black - Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 FAX: 631.752.1971 B 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 10 Industrial Series Part Number ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER A Diam. 406R__ __ 407R__ __ 409R__ __ 412R__ __ B .625 .720 .875 1.250 B Height C Diam. D Depth .813 .813 .813 .813 .458 .520 .660 1.041 .120 .120 .120 .120 Shaft Hole 1=1/8" 2=1/4" C A D Round Part Number TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER A Diam. ;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; A 406D__ __ 407D__ __ 409D__ __ 412D__ __ B D B Height .625 .720 .875 1.250 .813 .813 .813 .813 C Diam. .925 .520 .660 1.041 D Depth E Dial Diam. .120 .120 .120 .120 .925 1.050 1.270 1.710 Shaft Hole 1=1/8" 2=1/4" C E Dial Part Number ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER A Diam. H 406P__ __ 407P__ __ 409P__ __ 412P__ __ B .625 .720 .875 1.250 B Height C Diam. .813 .813 .813 .813 .458 .520 .660 1.041 B Height C Diam. D Depth E Width H Swing .120 .120 .120 .120 1.223 1.480 1.813 2.625 .910 1.120 1.375 2.000 Shaft Hole 1=1/8" 2=1/4" C A D E Bar Pointer Part Number TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER A Diam. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; H 406PD__ __ 407PD__ __ 409PD__ __ 412PD__ __ B D .625 .720 .875 1.250 .813 .813 .813 .813 .458 .520 .660 1.041 D E H Depth Dial Diam. Swing .120 .120 .120 .120 1.373 1.645 2.010 2.855 Shaft Hole .910 1.120 1.375 2.000 1=1/8" 2=1/4" C A E Bar Pointer w/Dial Part Number ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER H A Diam. 409PC2B 412PC2B .875 1.250 B Height C Diam. D Depth E Swing Shaft Hole .813 .813 .660 1.041 .120 .120 1.375 2.000 1=1/8" 2=1/4" B Bar Pointer Crank D C A E Part Number ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER A Diam. H 409PDC2B 412PDC2B B Height C Diam. D Depth E Width H Swing Shaft Hole .875 .813 1.250 1.540 .660 1.041 .120 .120 2.010 2.855 1.375 2.000 1=1/8" 2=1/4" B Bar Pointer Crank w/Dial D C A E Approximate Diameter 406- 58" 407- 34" 409- 78" 412- 1 14" ORDERING GUIDE FOR INDUSTRIAL SERIES Style Shaft Hole R- Round RWD- w/Dot (Round only) D - Round/Dial Skirt w/Arrow P- Bar Pointer PD- Bar Pointer/Dial Skirt w/Arrow 1- 18" 2- 14" Color B- Black Matte S- Black Custom Colors and Custom Materials request) All Industrial Series knobs come standard with 2 set screws. Approximate Diameter 5/8" Style Round Shaft Hole .250" Color B- Black Matte 406 R 2 B EXAMPLE: 406-R-2B Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 FAX: 631.752.1971 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 11 Traditional Series Part Number ;;;;; ;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;; ;; ;;;;; ;; ;; ;; A B D 239__ __ __ NUT CLEARANCE B Height C Diam. D Depth E Diam. .525 .640 .375 .100 - A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth E Diam. .700 .560 .500 .100 - A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth E Diam. .950 .560 .625 .100 - A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth E Diam. .574 .625 .100 - C Skirted Round Part Number ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; A B D 252__ __ __ NUT CLEARANCE Part Number ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; A D 257__ __ __ Style Shaft Hole Color R RC B BL 1 2 3 4 B S G J TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER C Skirted Round* B TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER A Diam. NUT CLEARANCE Style Shaft Hole Color R RC B BL 1 2 3 4 B S G J TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER Style Shaft Hole Color R RC B BL 1 2 3 4 B S G J C Skirted Round* Part Number ;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; A B D 258__ __ __ NUT CLEARANCE 1.125 Part Number ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;; NUT CLEARANCE A Diam. A Color R RC B BL 1 2 3 4 B S G J 391__ __ __ 1.400 TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER B Height C Diam. D Depth E Diam. .574 .625 .100 - Part Number ;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;; ; ;; ;;;;;;;; A B D Style Shaft Hole Color R RC B BL 1 2 3 4 B S G J 231__ __ __ NUT CLEARANCE TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth E Diam. .525 .640 .552 .100 .920 A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth E Diam. .700 .600 .500 .100 1.125 A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth E Diam. .950 .640 .750 .100 1.505 Part Number ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; A 325 __ __ __ NUT CLEARANCE Shaft Hole Color 1 2 3 4 B S G J F G TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER B D Style C E Dial Style Shaft Hole Color 1 2 3 4 B S G J F G C E Dial Part Number ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;; A D Shaft Hole C D Skirted Round B Style C Skirted Round* B TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER C E 326 __ __ __ NUT CLEARANCE TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER Style Shaft Hole Color 1 2 3 4 B S G J F G All Traditional Series knobs come standard with 2 set screws. Dial ORDERING GUIDE FOR TRADITIONAL SERIES Cap Design & Diam Style Shaft Hole Indicate Part R- Round Knob w/Plain Spun Inlay 1- 18"Round Number from RC-Rnd Knob w/Spun Inlay+ Blk.Line 2- 14"Round Tables Above B- Round Knob w/Plain Blk.Inlay 3- 18" "D" Hole BL- Rnd Knob w/Blk.Inlay+WhiteLine 4- 14" "D" Hole G-Dial w/Plain Inlay F- Dial w/ Line on Dial + Plain Inlay EXAMPLE: 239RC-2-B Color B- Matte Black S- Gloss Black G-Matte Gray J- Gloss Gray Part Number 239 Style Shaft Hole .250" RC- 2 Color Matte Black - B Custom lines, dots and markings of any color are available on spun aluminum or black inlays. Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 FAX: 631.752.1971 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 12 3000 Series Part Number ;;;;; ;;;;; ; ;; ;;;;; ; ;; ;;;;; ; ;; ;;;;; A B 3008 D 3440 NUT CLEARANCE With Line A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth Shaft Hole Color 3008 3440 .500 .625 .430 .070 1 2 3 4 B S G J C Part Number ;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; A B 3488 D 3489 NUT CLEARANCE With Line A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth Shaft Hole Color 3488 3489 .720 .620 .625 .030 1 2 3 4 B S G J C ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;; ;;;; ;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;; A D 3441 3009 NUT CLEARANCE With Line A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth Shaft Hole Color 3009 3441 .850 .600 .680 .125 1 2 3 4 B S G J C ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; A D 3442 3010 TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER Without Line Part Number B TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER Without Line Part Number B TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER Without Line NUT CLEARANCE TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER Without Line With Line A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth Shaft Hole Color 3010 3442 .975 .750 .810 .225 1 2 3 4 B S G J C Fine Knurl This series of knobs is characterized by a fine knurl that is both stylish as well as functional. This handsome knob provides a superior gripping surface for smoother control while turning. Custom Tops The 3000 series is available with a variety of pad printed and hot stamped tops. Below are some samples of frequently requested custom tops. ORDERING GUIDE FOR 3000 SERIES Style Shaft Hole Color Indicate Part 1- 18" Round B- Matte Black Number from 2- 14" Round S- Gloss Black Tables Above 3- 18""D"hole G-Matte Gray 4- 14""D"hole J- Gloss Gray All 3000 Series knobs come standard with 2 set screws. EXAMPLE: 3010-2-B Style Plain Top Shaft Hole .250" 3010- 2 Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 FAX: 631.752.1971 Color Matte Black - B 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 13 ElectroMed Series Part Number ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;; ; ;; ;;;;;; ; ;; ;;;;;; Style A B D NUT CLEARANCE A Diam. EMS 05D__ __ __ .500 EMS 07D__ __ __ .700 EMS 09D__ __ __ .840 EMS 11D__ __ __ 1.100 TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER B Height C Diam. D Depth E Width Cap Style Shaft Hole .500 .600 .635 .660 .380 .550 .675 .900 .050 .075 .075 .080 - E F 1 2 Color B S G J C Round Part Number ;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ; ;; ;;;;;;; Style A B D NUT CLEARANCE A Diam. EMS 05D__ __ __ .500 EMS 07D__ __ __ .700 EMS 09D__ __ __ .840 EMS 11D__ __ __ 1.100 TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER B Height C Diam. D Depth E Width Cap Style Shaft Hole .515 .615 .650 .675 .380 .550 .675 .900 .050 .075 .075 .080 - B C 1 2 Color B S G J C Metal Cap Part Number D ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; D ;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; D ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;;; D ;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;;; A B NUT CLEARANCE A Diam. Style EMS 07F__ __ __ .700 EMS 09F__ __ __ .840 EMS 11F__ __ __ 1.100 C Diam. D Depth E Width Cap Style Shaft Hole .750 .775 .790 .410 .490 .735 .210 .210 .210 1.000 1.180 1.560 E F 1 2 Part Number A NUT CLEARANCE A Diam. Style EMS 07F__ __ __ .700 EMS 09F__ __ __ .840 EMS 11F__ __ __ 1.100 TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER B Height C Diam. D Depth E Width Cap Style Shaft Hole .750 .775 .790 .410 .490 .735 .210 .210 .210 1.000 1.180 1.560 B C 1 2 Part Number A Color B S G J NUT CLEARANCE A Diam. Style EMS 07M__ __ __ .700 EMS 09M__ __ __ .840 EMS 11M__ __ __ 1.100 TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER B Height C Diam. D Depth E Width Cap Style Shaft Hole .735 .790 .790 .560 .675 .900 .210 .210 .210 1.000 1.180 1.560 E F 1 2 Color B S G J C E Metal Dial Part Number A B B S G J C E Plastic Dial with Metal Cap B Color C E Plastic Dial B TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER B Height NUT CLEARANCE A Diam. Style EMS 07M__ __ __ .700 EMS 09M__ __ __ .840 EMS 11M__ __ __ 1.100 C Diam. D Depth E Width Cap Style Shaft Hole .735 .790 .790 .560 .675 .900 .210 .210 .210 1.000 1.180 1.560 B C 1 2 C E Metal Dial with Metal Cap Series Diameter EMS 5 - 12" 7- 34" 9 - 78" 11- 118" TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER B Height Color B S G J TOLERANCES A B C D E + - .030 + - .030 + - .020 + - .020 + - .020 ORDERING GUIDE FOR ELECTRO-MED SERIES Cap Style Shaft Hole F - Plastic Plain E - Plastic w/Indicator B - Metal Plain C - Metal w/Indicator 1 - 18"Round 2 - 14"Round SET SCREW SPECIFICATIONS Color/Finish B- Matte Black S- Gloss Black G-Matte Gray J- Gloss Gray Custom Colors Available Each Knob Furnished with (2) Set Screws Diam. 5 7 9 11 1 8" Shaft Hole 4-40 UNC-3A 4-40 UNC-3A 8-32 UNC-3A 1 4" Shaft Hole 4-40 UNC-3A 4-40 UNC-3A 8-32 UNC-3A 8-32 UNC-3A * D shapes, as well as specialized markings are available upon request. EXAMPLE: EMS5DF1S Series Diameter .500 Style Round Cap Plain Plastic Shaft Hole 1 " 8 Round Color Gloss Black EMS 5 D F 1 S Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 FAX: 631.752.1971 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 14 Coronado Series Clamping Knobs ABS molded thermoplastic material, the Coronado Series features 3 sizes of clamping knobs, utilizing brass inserts and studs. Parts are black, semi-gloss and textured. Decorative inlays are available. Coronado Series clamping knobs are also available with set screws. Part Number ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; A D E B EI 20 __ __ __ EI 30 __ __ __ EI 40 __ __ __ A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth 1.380 1.750 2.380 .800 .880 1.000 .800 .880 1.380 .620 .620 .620 C Female Insert Type EI "20" SERIES - FEMALE INSET TYPE Type EI 20-832 EI 20-1032 EI 20-2520 EI 20-3118 EI "30" SERIES - FEMALE INSET TYPE Figure E Dimension Thread * 1 1 1 1 .645 .645 .645 .645 8-32 10-32 1/4-20 5/16-18 EI "40" SERIES - FEMALE INSET TYPE Figure E Dimension Thread * Type EI 30-1032 EI 30-2520 EI 30-3118 EI 30-3716 1 1 1 1 .715 .715 .715 .715 10-32 1/4-20 5/16-18 3/8-16 Figure E Dimension Thread * Type EI 40-2520 EI 40-3118 EI 40-3716 EI 40-5013 1 1 1 1 .835 .835 .835 .835 1/4-20 5/16-18 3/8-16 1/2-13 * All threads are Right-Hand threading. To request L.H. threads, add "L" at the end of the number. Part Number ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; A D E B ES20 __ __ __ ES30 __ __ __ ES40 __ __ __ A Diam. B Height C Diam. D Depth 1.380 1.750 2.380 .800 .880 1.000 .800 1.250 1.380 .620 .620 .620 F C Threaded Stud Type ES "20" SERIES - THREADED STUD Type ES20-252050 ES20-252062 ES20-252075 ES20-252010 ES20-252014 ES20-311862 ES20-311810 ES20-311815 ES20-371675 ES20-371610 ES20-371615 ES "30" SERIES - THREADED STUD Figure F Dimension Thread * 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 1-1/4 5/8 1 1-1/2 3/4 1 1-1/2 1/4-20 1/4-20 1/4-20 1/4-20 1/4-20 5/16-18 5/16-18 5/16-18 3/8-16 3/8-16 3/8-16 ES "40" SERIES - THREADED STUD Figure F Dimension Thread * Type ES30-252050 ES30-252062 ES30-252075 ES30-252010 ES30-252014 ES30-311862 ES30-311810 ES30-311815 ES30-371675 ES30-371610 ES30-371615 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 1-1/4 5/8 1 1-1/2 3/4 1 1-1/2 * All threads are Right-Hand threading. To request L.H. threads, add "L" at the end of the number. E20 E30 1/4-20 1/4-20 1/4-20 1/4-20 1/4-20 5/16-18 5/16-18 5/16-18 3/8-16 3/8-16 3/8-16 Figure F Dimension Thread * Type ES40-252050 ES40-252062 ES40-252075 ES40-252010 ES40-252014 ES40-311862 ES40-311810 ES40-311815 ES40-371675 ES40-371610 ES40-371615 ES40-501310 ES40-501315 ES40-501320 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 1-1/4 5/8 1 1-1/2 3/4 1 1-1/2 1 1-1/2 2 1/4-20 1/4-20 1/4-20 1/4-20 1/4-20 5/16-18 5/16-18 5/16-18 3/8-16 3/8-16 3/8-16 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 E40 See our Clamp Knob Catalog for the complete line of our clamp knobs and handles. Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 FAX: 631.752.1971 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 15 STP Series EHC's new "soft touch" knobs come in a variety of colors and can even be made in custom colors and are available with custom markings. Shaft configurations include a bushing with 2 set screws, a spring clip, a knurled plastic shaft or a "D" flat shaft. PART NUMBER B ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; ;; D ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; C A Round w/Pointer B D Skirted w/Pointer A C V ST-1 P__ __ __ __ ST-2 P__ __ __ __ ST-3 P__ __ __ __ ST-5 P__ __ __ __ ST-6 P__ __ __ __ ST-7 P__ __ __ __ .45 .50 .61 .75 1.15 1.50 B Height .55 .68 .55 .37 .54 .60 C Diam. D Depth ;;;;; ;;;; ;; ;;;;; ;;;; ;; ;;;;; ;;;; ;; ;;;;; ;;;; ;; ;;;;; ;;;; ;; ;;;;; ;;;; .43 .50 .88 1.24 C A Shaft Hole 1 2 3 4 5 .09 .05 .10 .10 Color BB GB YB RB TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER A Diam. ST-1 K __ __ __ __ ST-2 K__ __ __ __ ST-3 K__ __ __ __ ST-5 K__ __ __ __ ST-6 K__ __ __ __ ST-7 K__ __ __ __ Style NP PART NUMBER ORDERING GUIDE FOR ST SERIES Style Diameter Shaft Hole (or Spring) Plain or w/Indicator 1 Indicate Part 1- 8"Round N-Plain Round Number from 2- 14"Round C- Round w/Indicator Tables Above 3- 18" "D" Hole* D- Skirted Round 4- 14" "D" Hole* E- Skirted w/Indicator 5-.190 Round F - Skirted Dial w/Arrow G-Plain Dial * D-Flat on Pointer. P- Pointer See table below for K- Skirted Pointer Push-on control styles.* S- Spinner Letter TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER A Diam. .57 .62 .73 .84 1.25 1.67 B Height .71 .84 .71 .45 .63 .73 C Diam. D Depth .41 .48 .58 .60 .98 1.41 Style .09 .09 .09 .05 .10 .10 K Shaft Hole 1 2 3 4 5 Color BB GB YB RB SET SCREW SPECIFICATIONS Color Each Knob Furnished with (2) Set Screws Series Round w/Ptr. 1 2 3 5 6 7 .45 .50 .61 .75 1.15 1.50 .57 .62 .73 .84 1.25 1.67 BB- Black Matte GB- Gray Matte YB- Yellow RB- Red LB- Blue WB-White 1 8" Shaft Hole 4-40 UNC-3A 4-40 UNC-3A 4-40 UNC-3A 4-40 UNC-3A 4-40 UNC-3A 4-40 UNC-3A 1 4" Shaft Hole 4-40 UNC-3A 4-40 UNC-3A 4-40 UNC-3A 4-40 UNC-3A 8-32 UNC-3A 8-32 UNC-3A CONTROL STYLES SPECIFICATIONS EXAMPLES FOR PUSH-ON KNOBS Shaft Size Height Description 1 4"Knurl 6mm diam. x 4.5 mm Flat .250"diam. x .156"Flat 8" 8" 32" 3 3 13 t f o Souch Standard Knurl- 24 Teeth For Spring # 79-06600P For Spring # 79-02000P If you require a non-standard spring style not shown in the above table please consult an EHC engineer for an alternate or custom solution. To Series EXAMPLE: ST-2P2YB2C ST- Push-on* or Diameter Style Shaft Hole .500 Skirted Pointer .250" 2 K 2 Color Yellow Set Screws Quantity Concentric YB 2 C * For Push-on knobs use letter designation for spring (Control Style) style. Push-on knobs require no set screws. Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 FAX: 631.752.1971 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 16 Machined Aluminum Knobs Part Number ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; A E PV-12 PV-19 PV-25 PV-32 F D B G C PV Series A Diam. B Diam. C Height D Height E Height F Height G Diam. 2 Set Screws .50 .75 .93 1.25 .375 .590 .708 .984 .160 .160 .160 .160 .29 .29 .29 .29 .510 .510 .510 .510 .62 .62 .62 .62 .450 .695 .885 1.195 6-32 6-32 6-32 6-32 Style PV Series knobs come in a Natural or Black Anodized finish. Part Number ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; A E PB-12 PB-19 PB-25 PB-32 F D B G C PB Series A Diam. B Diam. C Height D Height E Height F Height G Diam. 2 Set Screws .50 .75 .93 1.25 .375 .590 .708 .984 .120 .120 .120 .120 .33 .33 .33 .33 .640 .640 .640 .640 .79 .79 .79 .79 .450 .710 .885 1.195 6-32 6-32 6-32 6-32 Style PB Series knobs come in a Natural or Black Anodized finish. Part Number ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; A E PVL-12 PVL-19 PVL-25 PVL-32 F D B G C PVL Series A Diam. B Diam. C Height D Height E Height F Height G Diam. 2 Set Screws .50 .75 .93 1.25 .375 .590 .708 .984 .157 .157 .157 .157 .29 .29 .29 .29 .510 .510 .510 .510 .62 .62 .62 .62 .445 .695 .885 1.195 6-32 6-32 6-32 6-32 G Height 2 Set Screws .510 .510 .510 6-32 6-32 6-32 Style PVL Series knobs come in a Natural or Black Anodized finish. Part Number E ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; Style A G PKP-12 PKP-19 PKP-25 F D PKP Series C A Diam. B Diam. C Height D Height E Radiius F Height .50 .75 .93 .375 .590 .708 .120 .120 .120 .32 .32 .32 .375 .510 .629 .63 .63 .63 PKP Series knobs come in a Natural or Black Anodized finish. B Part Number ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; A E PV-12 BA PV-19 BA PV-25 BA PV-32 BA F D C PV Two-Tone Series A Diam. B Diam. C Height D Height E Height F Height G Diam. 2 Set Screws .50 .75 .93 1.25 .375 .590 .708 .985 .160 .160 .160 .160 .29 .29 .29 .29 .510 .510 .510 .510 .62 .62 .62 .62 .450 .695 .885 1.195 6-32 6-32 6-32 6-32 Style B G PV Two-Tone Series knobs come in a Natural and Black Anodized finish. Part Number ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; A E Style PVS-12 BA PVS-19 BA PVS-25 BA F D C PVS Two-Tone Series A Diam. B Diam. C Height D Height E Height F Height G Diam. 2 Set Screws .50 .75 .93 .375 .590 .708 .177 .177 .177 .29 .29 .29 .510 .510 .510 .62 .62 .62 .750 1.120 1.640 6-32 6-32 6-32 PVS Two-Tone Series knobs come in a Natural and Black Anodized finish. B G Part Number ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; A E Style PVS-12 PVS-19 PVS-25 F D C PVS Series EXAMPLE: PB-12A-1 A Diam. B Diam. C Height D Height E Height F Height G Diam. 2 Set Screws .50 .75 .93 .375 .590 .708 .177 .177 .177 .29 .29 .29 .510 .510 .510 .62 .62 .62 .750 1.120 1.640 6-32 6-32 6-32 PVS Series knobs come in a Natural or Black Anodized finish. B G Series Diameter .500 Finish Natural Shaft Hole 1 " 8 Round PB 12 A 1 ORDERING GUIDE FOR MACHINED ALUMINUM SERIES Series Diameter Finish/Color Shaft Hole PB 12 - 12" A- Clear Anodize 1 - 18"Round PV 19 - 34" B- Black Anodize 2 - 14"Round PKP 25 - 1516" BA- 2-tone PVL 32 - 114" PVS All of the above knobs are available for .125" and .250" shaft sizes. Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 FAX: 631.752.1971 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 17 Custom Knobs x= outer diameter y = height 378 B10 232 B01 264 B11 265 B11 611 B11 612 B12 261 B21 490 B21 153 B21 1047 B23 1097 B31 2684 B31 2779 B32 324 B31 379 B41 296 B41 112 D21 6 D31 1325 D31 329 D40 1706 D42 405 F10 471 F10 474 F21 475 F31 x =.64 y =.39 x =.76 y =.86 x =1.14 y = .76 x =1.40 y = .64 x =1.52 y = .89 x =.51 y =.68 x=.52 y=.65 x =.83 y =.57 x=.77 y=.71 x =1.33 y = .70 x=.83 y=.57 x=1.13 y= .51 x=1.17 y= .88 x =1.13 y = .66 x=1.13 y= .67 x=.91 y=.57 x =.56 y =.34 x=.77 y=.48 Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 x=.77 y=.77 FAX: 631.752.1971 x=.84 y=.61 x=.76 y=.63 x= .89 y=1.03 x =1.61 y= .83 x =1.51 y= .49 x =1.03 y= .67 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 18 Custom Knobs x= outer diameter y = height 472 F31 385 F42 404 F21 374 F31 98 M21 438 M30 319 P00 699 P00 228 P00 688 P01 1 P10 344 P11 138 P11 3220 P22 173 P30 375 P41 3000 R00 x=.40 y=.40 408 R00 410 R01 x =1.30 y = .62 x=.52 y=.64 x=.51 y=.64 431 R01 353 R10 310 R10 227 R11 380 R11 x =1.27 y = .67 x =.89 y =.64 x =.44 y =.78 x =1.27 y = .52 x =.52 y =.64 x =1.26 y = .64 x =1.12 y = .40 x=.86 y=.58 x=.42 y=.39 x=.41 y=.39 x =.79 y =.40 x=.72 y=.77 x =.51 y =.41 x=.77 y=.70 x=.52 y=.52 x=.63 y=.51 Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 x=1.20 y= .70 FAX: 631.752.1971 406 F41 x=1.44 y= .77 x=.35 y=.51 x=1.52 y= .89 x=.52 y=.77 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 19 SoftTouch Knobs Visit our web site, to see our entire line of Soft Touch EHC's can manufacture your knobs with Soft Touch finishes. We offer standard and custom colors. Even get them with your custom markings. Instrument Style Knobs Over-molded Knobs Push-on Knobs Rounded Fluted Knobs Squared Fluted Knobs Visit Clamp Knobs on our web site and see our lines of Soft Touch clamping knobs. We manufacture over-molded knobs in a wide range of standard sizes. Choose from brass inserts, brass insert thru holes, or stainless steel studs. We carry a full complement of both English and metric sizes. Materials and custom options are available if you require them. Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 FAX: 631.752.1971 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 21 WE CAN MAKE EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED. To order your part specify the style number from our catalog or website. Then give us the diameter, the shaft size, the number of set screws, the markings and any additional finishing options you would like. ANY DECORATIVE TRIM KNOBS TO FIT ANY SHAFT SIZE WITH ANY MARKINGS ANY SKIRT ANY MATERIAL KNOBS IN ANY SIZE OR STYLE ANY KNOB ATTACHMENT For Some Styles Minimum Orders May Apply. Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 FAX: 631.752.1971 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 25 KC Audio Knobs & Caps x= outer diameter y = height Push-On Knobs 509 x = .27 y = .68 567 x = .28 y = .44 574 y=.02 Available in any color with any markings. 568 x = .45 y = .53 569 x = .55 y = .67 575 y=.03 570 x= .73 y= .69 Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 FAX: 631.752.1971 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 26 Round Knobs x= outer diameter y = height Push-On Knobs 3000 x =.40 y =.40 5CF x = .51 y =.43 431 x =.52 y =.64 309 x =.59 y =.59 310 x =.63 y =.51 342 424 x = .45 y =1.27 227 x = .51 y =1.21 x=.50 y=.34 227 3008 x=.52 y=.52 232 x= .52 y=.62 380 x =.52 y =.69 229 x=.52 y=.77 486 x=.55 y=.70 249 x = .59 y =.85 393 x=.61 y=.64 350 x=.61 y=.67 167 x =.64 y =.20 373 x=.64 y=.64 Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 413 x=.48 y=.56 FAX: 631.752.1971 x=.71 y=.52 353 x=.51 y=.41 410 x=.52 y=.64 484 x= .59 y=.45 225 x=.62 y=.65 695 x= .71 y=1.00 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 27 Round Knobs x= outer diameter y = height Push-On Knobs 345 698 x =.72 y =.71 x =.72 y =.81 518 1428 x = .75 y =.78 121 x =.77 y =.77 426 x =.82 y =.74 90 x =.89 y =.64 71 x=.73 y=.69 447 x =.76 y =.64 A31 x=.76 y=.70 327 x=.77 y=.45 327 x = .77 y =.48 376 x= .77 y=.78 416 260 x =.83 y =.47 x=.83 y=.64 83 Electronic Hardware Corporation FAX: 631.752.1971 395 x=.77 y=.67 496 x= .80 y=.60 352 3441 292 x=.89 y=.64 367 x=.73 y=.77 x=.80 y=.42 x=.83 y=.64 192 x =.89 y =.64 PHONE: 631.752.1950 396 x=.73 y=.67 x=.90 y=.61 x= .87 y=.60 634 x=.92 y=.76 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 28 Round Knobs x= outer diameter y = height Push-On Knobs 253 x =.93 y =.45 106 x =.95 y =.67 66 x =1.05 y = .33 13 x =1.11 y = .54 45 x =1.20 y = .30 49 401 x =.93 y =.68 257 x=.95 y=.20 520 x = .96 y =.56 248 x= 1.00 y= .375 107 x=1.01 y= .68 108 x =1.05 y = .52 517 x=1.06 y= .52 82 x= 1.06 y= .78 14 x =1.14 y = .36 415 x=1.14 y= .45 47 x=1.15 y= .35 282 x =1.20 y = .54 210 x=1.20 y= .57 Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 96 x=.94 y=.72 FAX: 631.752.1971 x=1.23 y= .64 188 x=.95 y=.64 289 x = 1.04 y= .54 331 x=1.10 y= .52 510 x = 1.19 y= .61 92 x=1.25 y= .66 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 29 Round Knobs x= outer diameter y = height Push-On Knobs 67 x =1.27 y = .33 449 x =1.35 y = .64 105 x =1.51 y = .54 462 x = 1.61 y = .24 412 109 x =1.28 y = .61 445 x=1.33 y= .52 437 x =1.39 y = .54 391 x=1.40 y= .55 233 x=1.40 y= .58 341 x =1.52 y = .27 194 x=1.52 y= .50 400 x=1.57 y= .57 349 x=1.35 y= .56 418 x=1.50 y= .52 223 x=1.57 y= .83 420 x =1.77 y =1.18 x=1.80 y= .58 Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 110 x=1.33 y= .52 FAX: 631.752.1971 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 30 Dial Knobs x= outer diameter y = height Push-On Knobs 531 x = .60 y =.47 285 x =.88 y =.59 281 x = 1.12 y = .59 361 x =1.14 y = .73 360 x =1.66 y = .53 325 1334 x = .62 y =1.13 321 x=.77 y=.64 231 x =.88 y =.77 6 x=.90 y=.67 363 x=.91 y=.57 444 x =1.13 y = .65 359 x=1.14 y= .52 427 x=1.14 y= .58 208 x =1.20 y = .82 163 x=1.46 y= .89 628 x=1.55 y= .47 421 x =1.66 y = .81 519 x=2.27 y= .87 Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 268 x=.76 y=.63 FAX: 631.752.1971 x= 2.33 y=1.00 246 x=.78 y=.65 266 x=1.11 y= .64 112 x=1.14 y= .67 360 x = 1.63 y= .50 483 x = 2.66 y =1.12 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 31 Pointer Knobs x= outer diameter y = height Push-On Knobs 392 x =.34 y =.32 259 x =.67 y =.52 388 x =.81 y =.48 315 x =1.00 y = .54 18 x =1.13 y = .70 228 319 x =.35 y =.51 688 x=.41 y=.39 344 x=.44 y=.78 138 x =.72 y =.77 1 x=.75 y=.68 377 x=.79 y=.40 27 x =.81 y =.58 162 x=.91 y=.58 193 x=.92 y=.52 132 x =1.00 y = .62 2088 x=1.01 y= .62 370 x= 1.06 y= .75 173 x=1.17 y = .55 433 x=1.27 y= .52 x=1.27 y= .62 357 x=.64 y=.47 387 x=.81 y =.46 126 x = .98 y = .76 156 x =1.12 y = .54 375 x=1.30 y = .62 480 x = 1.50 y = .85 Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 FAX: 631.752.1971 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 32 Bar Knobs x= outer diameter y = height Push-On Knobs 232 x = .50 y =.68 455 x = .70 y =.57 98 x = .87 y =.63 324 x = 1.12 y = .98 196 x =1.40 y = .64 425 x =1.63 y = .86 264 432 x =.52 y =.65 265 x=.64 y=.39 265 394 x = .75 y =.75 x=.77 y=.67 261 x=.77 y=.77 153 x =.83 y =.57 419 x=.83 y=.57 324 x=1.08 y= .56 303 129 x =1.13 y = .52 x=1.33 y= .43 x=1.14 y= .88 286 379 506 x =1.40 y = .87 x=1.61 y= .83 x= 1.50 y= .94 428 423 351 x=1.67 y= .80 x =1.64 y = .89 Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 378 x=.52 y=.72 FAX: 631.752.1971 x=1.76 y= .98 234 x=.69 y=.66 161 x=.78 y=.33 129 x = 1.12 y= .75 118 x=1.35 y= .56 316 x=1.63 y= .58 430 x=1.98 y= .75 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 33 Push-On Knob Series Index Military Style Knobs . . . 38 Designer Series . . . . . . 38 Regent Series . . . . . . . . 39 Through the use of robotics and specialized automation systems, EHC is able to better implement continuous improvement programs that will reduce costs, and ensure maximum output and quality. Contemporary Series . . 40 3000 Series . . . . . . . . . . 40 Traditional Series . . . . 41 Coronado Clamp Series 41 Gemini Series . . . . . . . . . 41 Special Order Knobs . . . 42 Experienced personnel working with state-of-the-art equipment, enable EHC to maintain a high standard of quality in a fast-paced competitive marketplace. Automatic small parts molding is efficiently accomplished with the use of robotic pickers and material handling equipment. MS Push-On Knobs Push-On Knobs Part Number Plain White Top Dot 0N 1N 2N 3N 4N 5N 1N Diam. 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C Part Number .500 .700 .900 1.250 1.750 2.250 Height Part Number Plain White Top Dot .510 .610 .790 .700 .850 .875 0D 1D 2D 3D 4D 5D 1P Diam. Height .500 .700 .900 .510 .610 .790 Diam. 0E 1E 2E 3E 4E 5E Part Number 0P 1P 2P 1D Height .500 .655 .700 .782 .900 1.010 1.250 .850 1.750 1.070 2.250 1.095 Part Number With Plain Arrow Dial 0F 1F 2F 3F 4F 5F 1F Diam. 0G 1G 2G 3G 4G 5G Height .500 .655 .700 .782 .900 1.010 1.250 .850 1.750 1.070 2.250 1.095 1K Diam. 0K 1K 2K Height .500 .655 .700 .782 .900 1.010 Designer Series Push-On Knobs Push-On Knobs DC1N Part Number Plain w/Indicator Cap Dot PC0N PC1N PC2N PC3N PC0P PC1P PC2P Diam. DC0N DC1N DC2N DC3N Part Number DC1D .500 .700 .900 1.250 Height Part Number Plain w/Indicator Cap Dot .505 .605 .760 .630 PC0D PC1D PC2D PC3D PC1P DC0D DC1D DC2D DC3D Part Number Diam. Height .500 .700 .900 .505 .605 .760 PC0K PC1K PC2K DC1F Diam. .500 .700 .900 1.250 Height Part Number Plain w/Indicator Cap Dot .680 .792 .995 .805 PC0F PC1F PC2F PC3F FAX: 631.752.1971 Diam. .500 .700 .900 1.250 Height .680 .792 .995 .805 PC1K Diam. Height .500 .700 .900 .680 .792 .995 Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 DC0F DC1F DC2F DC3F 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 38 RS Push-On Knobs Push-On Knobs 1N Part Number Plain Spun Inlay w/Indicator Line EH71-0N EH71-1N EH71-2N EH71-3N EH71-4N -0C -1C -2C -3C -4C Diam. Height .500 .700 .900 1.250 1.750 .510 .610 .790 .700 .850 1D Part Number Plain Spun Inlay w/Indicator Line EH71-0D EH71-1D EH71-2D EH71-3D EH71-4D -0E -1E -2E -3E -4E 1P .500 .700 .900 1.250 1.750 .660 .780 1.010 .850 1.070 Plain Spun Inlay EH71-0F EH71-1F EH71-2F EH71-3F -0G -1G -2G -3G Diam. Height .500 .700 .900 .510 .610 .790 1DSB Diam. Diam. Height .500 .660 .700 .780 .900 1.010 EH71-0LP EH71-1LP EH71-2LP .500 .700 .900 FAX: 631.752.1971 Height .660 .780 1.010 1LP EH71-0SB EH71-1SB EH71-2SB Part Number Diam. Height .500 .700 .900 .510 .610 .640 Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 .500 .700 .900 1.250 Height .660 .780 1.010 .850 Part Number EH71-0K EH71-1K EH71-2K Part Number Diam. 1SB Part Number EH71-0P EH71-1P EH71-2P EH71-0DSB EH71-1DSB EH71-2DSB Height 1K Part Number Part Number Diam. 1F Part Number Dial w/Arrow Diam. Height .500 .700 .900 .510 .610 .640 1NP Diam. EH71-0NP EH71-1NP EH71-2NP EH71-3NP .500 .700 .900 1.250 Height .510 .610 .640 .700 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 39 CS Push-On Knobs Push-On Knobs 5N 5D Part Number Without With Indicator Indicator 5N 7N 9N 12N Diam. 5C 7C 9C 12C Part Number .500 .700 .900 1.250 Height Part Number Without With Indicator Indicator .430 .532 .731 .600 5D 7D 9D 12D 5P .500 .700 .900 1.250 Diam. Height .500 .700 .900 .430 .532 .731 Height .585 .682 .935 .750 5G 7G 9G 12G 5F 7F 9F 12F 5F Diam. .500 .700 .900 1.250 Height .585 .682 .935 .750 5K Part Number 5P 7P 9P Diam. 5E 7E 9E 12E Part Number Without With Arrow Arrow 5K 7K 9P Diam. Height .500 .700 .900 .585 .682 .935 3000 Series Push-On Knobs Push-On Knobs 3440 3441 Part Number 3442 Part Number Part Number Without Line With Line Diam. Height Without Line With Line Diam. Height Without Line With Line Diam. Height 3008 3440 .500 .625 3009 3441 .850 .600 3010 3442 .975 .750 3008 Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 3010 3009 FAX: 631.752.1971 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 40 Traditional Series Push-On Knobs x= outer diameter y = height Push-On Knobs 239 231 x =.52 y =.57 252 x = .53 y = .64 258 391 x =1.14 y = .59 257 x=.70 y=.56 325 x=.95 y=.57 x=1.14 y= .64 326 x =1.40 y = .60 x=1.52 y= .66 Coronado Series Clamp Knobs Push-On Knobs E30 E20 E40 x=1.75 y= .88 x =1.38 y = .75 x= 2.38 y=1.00 Gemini Series Push-On Knobs Push-On Knobs 471 475 x = .77 y = .48 476 x =1.03 y = .67 x=1.27 y= .77 Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 FAX: 631.752.1971 473 x=2.02 y= .90 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 41 Special Knobs x= outer diameter y = height Push-On Knobs 551 537 x = .38 y=.88 x = .40 y =.68 691 4740 x = .38 y=.88 414 x = .45 y =1.27 382 x=.89 y =.30 438 x =1.12 y = .40 691 x = .38 y=.88 x= .38 y=.88 7510 6060 x= .38 y=1.03 703 x= .46 y=.76 451 596 x=.52 y=.78 x =.50 y =.60 701 x=.71 y=.80 702 x =1.00 y = .63 571 x=1.01 y= .64 x=1.06 y= .69 422 384 434 x=1.77 y= .36 x =1.51 y = .55 Electronic Hardware Corporation PHONE: 631.752.1950 691 x= .38 y=.88 FAX: 631.752.1971 x=1.77 y=1.27 691 x= .38 y=.88 390 x= .45 y=.98 98 x=.88 y=.64 450 x=1.08 y= .72 439 x=2.34 y= .93 320 Broad Hollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735 EMAIL: 1-800-752-1680 42