Transm itter O peration
The Transmitter section consists of an 8-word deep by 31-
Bit long FIFO Memory, Parity Generator, Transmitter Word
Gap Timing Circui t and Driver Circuit .
• The FlFO Memory is organized in such a way that data
loaded in the input register is automatically transferred to
the output register for Serial Data Transmission. This
elimi nates a large amount of data managi ng time since the
data need not be clocked from the input register to the
output register. The FIFO input register is made up of two
sets of 16 D-type flip-flops, which are clocked by the two
parallel load signals (PL1 and PL2). PL1 must always
precede PL2. Multiple PL1’s may occur and data will be
written over. As soon as PL2 is received, data is
transferred to the FIFO. The data from the Data Bus is
clocked into the D-type flip-flop on the positive going edge
of the PL signals. If the FIFO memory is initially em pty, or
the stack is not full, the data will be automatically
transferred down the Memory Stack and into the output
register or to the last empty FIFO storage register. If the
Transmitter Enable signal (ENTX) is not active, a Logic
“0”, the data remains at the output register. The FIFO
Memory has storage locations to hold eight 31-bit words. If
the memory is full and the new data is again strobed with
PL, the old data at the input register is written over by the
new data. Data will remain in the Memory until ENTX g oes
to a Logic “1”. This activates the FIFO Clock and data is
shifted out serially to the Transmitter Driver. Data may be
loaded into the FIFO only while ENTX is i nactive (low) . It is
not possible to write data into the FIFO while transmitting.
WARNING: If PL1 or PL2 is applied while ENTX is high,
i.e., while transmitting, the FlFO may be disrupted such
that it would require a MR (Master Reset) signal to
• The Output Register of the FIFO is designed such that it
can shift out a word of 24 Bits long or 31 Bits long. This
word length is again controlled by the WLSEL bit. The TX
word Gap Timer Circuit also automatically inserts a gap
equival ent to 4-Bit Ti m es bet ween each wor d. This gi ves a
minimum requ irement of 29-Bit time or 36-Bit time for each
word transmission. Assuming the signal, ENTX, remains
at a Logic “1”, a transfer to stack signal is generated to
transfer the data down the Memory Stack one position.
This action is continued until the last word is shifted out of
the FIFO memory. At this time a Transmitter Ready (TX/R)
flag is generated to signal the user that the Transmitter is
ready to receive eight more data words. During transmis-
sion, if ENTX is taken low then high again, transmission
will cease leaving a portion of the word untransmitted, and
the data integrity of the FIFO will be destroyed.
• A Bit Counter is used to detect the last Bit shifted out of
the FIFO memory and appends the Parity Bit generated
by the Parity Generator. The Parity Generator has a
control signal, Parity Check (PARCK), which establishes
whether odd or even parity is used in the output data
word. PARCK set to a logic “0” will result in odd parity and
when set to a logic “1” will res ult in even parit y.
Sampl e Int erface Tec hnique
From Figure 1, one can see that the Data Bus is time shar ed
between the Receiver and Transmitter. Therefore, bus
controlling must be synchronously shared between the
Receiver and the Tra nsm it ter.
Figure 2 shows the typical interface timing control of the
ARlNC Chip for Receiving function and for Transmitting
function. Timing sequence for loading the Transmitter FIFO
Memory is shown in Timing Interval A. A transmitter Ready
(TX/R) Flag signals the user that the Transmitter Memory is
empty. The user then Enables the Transm it ter Data, a 16- Bit
word, on the Data Bus and strobes the Transmitter with a
Parallel Load (PL1) Signal. The second part of the 32-Bit
word is similarly loaded into the Transmitter with PL2, which
also initiates data transfer to stack. This is continuous until
the Memory is full, which is eight 31-Bit words. The user
must keep track of the number of words loaded into the
Memory to ensure no data is written over by other data.
During the time the user is loading the Transmitter, he does
not have to service the Receiver, even if the Receiver flags
the user with the signal D/R1 that a valid received word is
ready to be fetched. This is shown by the Timing inte rval B. If
the user decides to obtain the received data before the
Transmitter is completely loaded, he sets the two parallel
load signals (PL1 and PL2) at a Logic “1” state, and strobes
EN1 while the signal SEL is at a Logic “0” state. After the
negative edge of EN1, the first 16-Bit segment of the
received word becomes valid on the Data Bus. At the
positive edge of EN1, the user should toggle the signal SEL
to ready the Receiver for the second 16-Bit word. Strobing
the Receiver with EN1, the second time, enables the second
16-Bit word and resets the Receiver Ready Flag D/R1. The
user should now reset the signal SEL to a Logic “0” state to
ready the Receiver for another Read Cycle. During the time
period that the user is fetching the received words, he can
load the transmitter. This is done by interlacing the PL
signals with the EN signals as shown in the Timing Interval
B. Servicing the Receiver 2 is similar and is illustrated by
Timing interval C. Timing interval D shows the rest of the
Transmitter loading sequence and the beginning of the
tran smis sion by switch ing t he signal TX Enable to a Logic “1 ”
state. Ti ming interval E i s the time it takes to tra nsm it all data
from the FlFO Memory , ei ther 288 Bit times or 232 Bit times.
Repeater Operation
This mode of operation allows a data word that has been
received to be placed di rectly i n the FIFO for transmission. A
timi ng diagram is shown in Figur e 7. A 32-bit word is used in
this example. The data word is shifted into the shift register
and the D/R flag goes low. A logic “0” is placed on the SEL
line and EN1 is strobed. This is the same as the normal
receiver operation and places half the data word (16 bits) on
the data bus. By strobing PL1 at the same time as EN1,
these 16 bits will be taken off the bus and placed in the
FIFO. SEL is brought back high and EN1 is strobed again for
the seco nd 16 bits of the data word. Again by st robing PL2 at
the same time the second 16 bits will be placed in the FIFO.
The parity bit will have been str ipped away leavi ng the 31-bit
data word in the FIFO ready for transmission as shown in
Figure 6.