Precision Edge®
Micrel, Inc.
hbwhelp@micrel.com or (408) 955-1690
TA = –40°CT
A = +25°CT
A = +85°C
Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Unit
IEE Power Supply Current — — 37 — 30 37 — — 37 mA
VOH Output HIGH Voltage(3) 3865 3990 4115 3930 4055 4180 3990 4115 4240 mV
VOL Output LOW Voltage(3) 3065 3190 3315 3130 3255 3380 3190 3315 3440 mV
VIH Input HIGH Voltage 3790 — 4115 3855 — 4180 3915 — 4240 mV
VIL Input LOW Voltage 3065 — 3390 3130 — 3455 3190 — 3515 mV
VBB Output Voltage 3490 3590 3690 3555 3655 3755 3615 3715 3815 mV
VIHCMR Input HIGH Voltage(4)
Common Mode Range 2.0 — VCC 2.0 — VCC 2.0 — VCC V
IIH Input HIGH Current — — 150 — — 150 — — 150 µA
IIL Input LOW Current CLK 0.5 — — 0.5 — — 0.5 — — µA
/CLK –150 — — –150 — — –150 — —
Note 1. 10EP circuits are designed to meet the DC specifications shown in the above table after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit
is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and traverse airflow greater than 500lfpm is maintained.
Note 2. Input and output parameters vary 1:1 with VCC.
Note 3. All loading with 50Ω to VCC –2.0V.
Note 4. The VIHCMR range is referenced to the most positive side of the differential input signal.
VCC = 5.0V ±10%; VEE = 0V(2)
TA = –40°CT
A = +25°CT
A = +85°C
Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. Unit
IEE Power Supply Current — — 37 — 30 37 — — 37 mA
VOH Output HIGH Voltage(3) –1135 –1010 –885 –1070 –945 –820 –1010 –885 –760 mV
VOL Output LOW Voltage(3) –1935 –1810 –1685 –1870 –1745 –1620 –1810 –1685 –1560 mV
VIH Input HIGH Voltage –1210 — –885 –1145 — –820 –1085 — –760 mV
VIL Input LOW Voltage –1935 — –1610 –1870 — –1545 –1810 — –1485 mV
VBB Output Voltage –1510 –1410 –1310 –1445 –1345 –1245 –1385 –1285 –1185 mV
VIHCMR Input HIGH Voltage(4)
Common Mode Range VEE +2.0 0.0 VEE +2.0 0.0 VEE +2.0 0.0 V
IIH Input HIGH Current — — 150 — — 150 — — 150 µA
IIL Input LOW Current CLK 0.5 — — 0.5 — — 0.5 — — µA
/CLK –150 — — –150 — — –150 — —
Note 1. 10EP circuits are designed to meet the DC specifications shown in the above table after thermal equilibrium has been established. The circuit
is in a test socket or mounted on a printed circuit board and traverse airflow greater than 500lfpm is maintained.
Note 2. Input and output parameters vary 1:1 with VCC.
Note 3. All loading with 50Ω to VCC – 2.0V.
Note 4. VIHCMR (min) varies 1:1 with VEE. The VIHCMR range is referenced to the most positive side of the differential input signal.
VCC = 0V; VEE = –3.3V to 5.0V ±10%(2)