High-Dynamic-Range, 16-Bit,
80Msps ADC with -82dBFS Noise Floor
______________________________________________________________________________________ 17
Figure 8f demonstrates the impact of test system jitter
on measured SNR. The figure plots SNR due to test
system jitter only, neglecting all other sources of noise,
for two different input frequencies. For example, note
that for a 70MHz input frequency a test system jitter
number of 100fs results in an SNR (due to the test sys-
tem alone) of about 87.1dB. In the case of the
MAX19586, which has a -82dBFS noise floor, this is not
an inconsequential amount of additional noise.
In conclusion, careful attention must be paid to both the
input signal source and the clock signal source, if the
true performance of the MAX19586 is to be properly
characterized. Dedicated PLLs with low-noise VCOs,
such as those used in Figure 8d, are capable of provid-
ing signals with the required low jitter performance.
Layer Assignments
The MAX19586 EV kit is a 6-layer board, and the
assignment of layers is discussed in this context. It is
recommended that the ground plane be on a layer
between the signal routing layer and the supply routing
layer(s). This prevents coupling from the supply lines
into the signal lines. The MAX19586 EV kit PC board
places the signal lines on the top (component) layer
and the ground plane on layer 2. Any region on the top
layer not devoted to signal routing is filled with the
ground plane with vias to layer 2. Layers 3 and 4 are
devoted to supply routing, layer 5 is another ground
plane, and layer 6 is used for the placement of addi-
tional components and for additional signal routing.
A four-layer implementation is also feasible using layer
1 for signal lines, layer 2 as a ground plane, layer 3 for
supply routing, and layer 4 for additional signal routing.
However, care must be taken to ensure that the clock
and signal lines are isolated from each other and from
the supply lines.
Signal Routing
To preserve good even-order distortion, the signal lines
(those traces feeding the INP and INN inputs) must be
carefully balanced. To accomplish this, the signal
traces should be made as symmetric as possible,
meaning that each of the two signal traces should be
the same length and should see the same parasitic
environment. As mentioned previously, the signal lines
must be isolated from the supply lines to prevent cou-
pling from the supplies to the inputs. This is accom-
plished by making the necessary layer assignments as
described in the previous section. Additionally, it is cru-
cial that the clock lines be isolated from the signal lines.
On the MAX19586 EV kit this is done by routing the
clock lines on the bottom layer (layer 6). The clock lines
then connect to the ADC through vias placed in close
proximity to the device. The clock lines are isolated
from the supply lines as well by virtue of the ground
plane on layer 5.
As with all high-speed designs, digital output traces
should be kept as short as possible to minimize capaci-
tive loading. The ground plane on layer 2 beneath
these traces should not be removed so that the digital
ground return currents have an uninterrupted path
back to the bypass capacitors.
The practice of providing a split ground plane in an
attempt to confine digital ground-return currents has
often been recommended in ADC application literature.
However, for converters such as the MAX19586 it is
strongly recommended to employ a single, uninterrupt-
ed ground plane. The MAX19586 EV kit achieves excel-
lent dynamic performance with such a ground plane.
The exposed paddle of the MAX19586 should be sol-
dered directly to a ground pad on layer 1 with vias to
the ground plane on layer 2. This provides excellent
electrical and thermal connections to the PC board.
Supply Bypassing
The MAX19586 EV kit uses 220µF capacitors (and
smaller values such as 47µF and 2µF) on power-supply
lines AVDD and DVDD to provide low-frequency
bypassing. The loss (series resistance) associated with
these capacitors is beneficial in eliminating high-Q sup-
ply resonances. Ferrite beads are also used on each of
the power-supply lines to enhance supply bypassing
(Figure 9).
Combinations of small value (0.01µF and 0.1µF), low-
inductance surface-mount capacitors should be placed
at each supply pin or each grouping of supply pins to
attenuate high-frequency supply noise. Place these
capacitors on the top side of the board and as close to
the converter as possible with short connections to the
ground plane.
Parameter Definitions
Offset Error
Offset error is a figure of merit that indicates how well
the actual transfer function matches the ideal transfer
function at a single point. Ideally, the midscale
MAX19586 transition occurs at 0.5 LSB above mid-
scale. The offset error is the amount of deviation
between the measured midscale transition point and
the ideal midscale transition point.