BLOCK DIAGRAM IS SHOWN BELOW 5 TAP 1 TAP 3 OUTPUT 12 14 g 4 f I | i L I INPUT Ly DELAY LINE WITH | ot C L PICKOFF l | I | ec ptee ae es ? ee =f + 1 INPUT TAP 2 TAP 4 ariouNt MECHANICAL DETAIL IS SHOWN BELOW - B00 mT Pin Mo, 12 1 : =e FLDOM- IN 1 ee Pin No. 14 4 6 of ie Titres : * 250 face lozopia.tvpele ee + J00TYP. t _ G o o ol 400 AEs ! Soe 300 He o Oo 9 Fi *Thru-hole Lead "* +| 285 g -e{|e010 ry eee *| petoory vir? Lu DOGO TYP. = | *Gull Wing Lead =| .265 ry seat + Ie-1007P See O30 TYP. [a *Tucked Lead TEST CONDITIONS 1. 2. 3d. a4, All measurements are made at 25C. Veo supply voltage is maintained at 5.0 DC. All units are tested using a Schottky toggle-type positive input pulse and one Schottky load at the output being tested. Input pulse width used is 5 to 10ns longer than delay of module under test; spacing between pulses (falling edge to rising edge) is three times the pulse width used. OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS *Veco supply voltage: ... 2... ee ee . 475 to 5.25V BC Vee supply current: Gonstant "Gin ww ee ee ical Gonstant "Vin ee ae cghatantece Logic 1 Input: Vollage .... wee eee ee ee) 62 min; Veo Max. Gurrant .0. we ee en eee eee) 2 = 200A max. 5.5V = 1mA max. Lagie 0 Input: Voltage se ee ee AV max. Current sss faa aS Re Te -.GmA max. Logic 1 Voltageaout 2... 1 eee ee 2.7 min. Logic O Voltage out: . a ee ee ee Jo max, Operating temperaturerange: 2... 6. Oto 7OeC Storage temperature:........- .. 55 to +125C. + Delays increase or decrease approximately 2% for a respective increase or decrease of 5% in supply voltage. PART NUMBER TABLE *Suffix Part Number with G (for Gull Wing Lead), J (for J Lead), F (for Thru-hole Lead) or T (for Tucked Lead). Examples:FLDM-TTL-10G (Gull Wing), FLDM-TTL-25J (J Lead), FLDM-TTL-75F (Thru-hole Lead) or FDLM-TTL- 80T (Tucked Lead). @ DELAYS AND TOLERANCES (in ns) PART HO. TAP 1 TAP 2 TAP J TAP 4 | OUTPUT FLOM-TTL-10 6+1 Tl Hal 21 10 41 FLOM-TTL-12 641 7.521 921 10.5 +1 12 +1 FLOM-TTL-14 621 4x1 id 41 1221 1421 FLOM:TTL-16 621 4.5241 1141 13,5 1 16 21 FLOM-TTL-18 61 +1 12 41 1641 1B +1 FLOM-TTL-22 641 1 +1 14 +1 1B +1 a2 +1 FLOM-TTL-25 51 10 +1 1541 20 +1 a5 +1 FLOM-TTL-30 621 1241 1841 24 21 30 +1 FLIOMA-TTL-35 71 1441 2121 2841.5 3521.5 FLOM-TTL-40 B+] 16 +1 2421.5 32 21.5 40 21.5 FLDM-TTL-45 a1 iB 1 27 41.5 36 21,5 45 22 FLDM-TTL-50 10 +1 2021 30 1.5 40 42 50 42 FLDM-TTL-55 W141 22 21 33 21.5 44 42 55 +2 FLDM-TTL-80 i241 24 21 36 1.5 48 42 60 +2 FLDM-TTL-65 1341 2621.5 | 3921.5 52 42 65 27,5 FLDM-TTL-70 14 +1 26415 | 4242 5G 42 70 +2.5 FLDM-TTL-?75 15 +1 3021.5 | 4522 60 42,5 75225 FLDOM-TTL-80 1641 3221.5 | 4822 64 42,5 80 +3 FLDM-TTL-85 17 +1 3441.5 | 51 22 68 22,5 85 +3 FLDM-TTL-90 18 41 3641.5 | 5442 72 42,5 90 43 FLDM-TTL-95 19 +1 34215 | 57 22 76 42,5 95 43 FLOM-TTL-100 20 +1 4041.5 60 22 80 43 100 +3 FLDM-TTL-125 25 +1 50 +2 7542.5 | 10023 125 +4 FLOM-TTL-150 3041.5] 60 42 80 43 120 24 150 +5 FLOM-TTL-175 3641.5 | 7042.5 | 105 a4 140 5 175 +5 FLOM-TTL-200 4041.5 | 8042.5 | 120 44 160 25 200 +6 FLOM-TTL-225 45 42 90 43 135 +4 180 26 225 +7 FLOM-TTL-250 5O +2 100 +4 180 24.5 | 200 26 250 +8 FLOM-TTL-300 60 +2 120 +4 180 +5 240 a7 300 49 FLOM-TTL-350 70 22 140 44.5 | 210 47 280 29 350 +11 FLOM-TTL-400 AO 23. 160 +5 240 47 320210 | 4002412 FLOM-TTL-450 90 23 180 +6 270 44 360411 | 450214 FLOM-TTL-500 10043 | 200 46 S00 +8 400412 | 500415 FLI-TTL-600 12044 | 24047 360211 | 480215 | 600218 FLUDM-TTL-700 14024 | 28029 420213 | 560217 | 700 +20 FLUDM-TTL-800 18025 | 320210 | 480215 | 640219 | B00 220 FLUDM-TTL-800 180 28 | 360411 | 520416 | Fao220 | 900 222 FLDM-TTL-1000 200 28 | 400412 | 600418 | 800220 | 1000 s22 @ All modules can be operated with a minimum input pulse width of 40% of full delay and pulse period approaching square wave, since delay accuracies may be somewhat degraded, it is suggested that the module be evaluated under the intended specific operating conditions. Special modules can be readily manufactured taimprove accuracies and/or provide customer specified random delay times for specific applications. Catalog No. C/110592