ACA-20RM Series
True-RMS-AC Ammeters with Built-in CT
MPM_ACA-20RM.C01 Page 2 of 5
IMPORTANT! To ensure safe and reliable operation, ACA-20RM
ammeters must be installed and serviced by qualifi ed technical
personnel after reading this data sheet in it's entirety. Contact Murata
Power Solutions if there is any doubt regarding their installation or
1. Measurement Type: ACA-20RM ac ammeters employ true-rms
input circuitry to measure the stepped-down output of their on-board
current transformers (CT). Stated accuracy is measured using a sine-
wave input at, or close to, the specifi ed full scale input, at a nominal
line frequency of 60HZ.
2. Calibration: Periodic recalibration of ACA-20RM ammeters is not
required under normal indoor environments. If user calibration is
deemed necessary, it must be performed by qualifi ed technical
personnel since potentially lethal voltages and currents are applied to
the ACA-20RM during the calibration process.
Calibration is performed with approximately 95% of the specifi ed
full-scale current fl owing through the ammeter’s built-in CT. A fully
insulated, non-metallic adjusting tool must be used to adjust the
calibration potentiometer, located on the back of the ammeter (see
Mechanical Specifi cations section).
Performance/Functional Specifi cations
Typical at TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.
Input Range:
0 = 199.9mA
1 = 1.999A
2 = 19.99A
4 = 50.0A (with split-core fl ying-lead CT)
5 = 30.0A (with fl ying-lead CT)
Ordering Information
ACA-20RM- 1 - AC3 - R L - C
AC3 = 85-140Vac@50/60Hz
AC4 = 170-264Vac@50/60Hz
LED Color:
RL = Low-Power Red
DMS-20-CP Panel Cutout Punch
➀ Specifi ed full-scale currents are those passing through the ammeter’s built-in
current transformer’s primary load-circuit. See Notes 2 and 3 below for ad-
ditional model-specifi c information.
➁ The overcurrent rating of 1.5 x the rated full-scale current is a continuous rating
and applies to the current passing through the built in current transformer only,
it does not apply to any external circuit-wiring or external loads. Accuracy is
guaranteed up to the rated current level.
➂ Specifi ed accuracy applies to inputs with crest factors (CF) up to 2.0, where CF
= Vpeak/Vrms. Crest factors of 2 to 5 introduce an additional error of ±3% of full
scale. Ammeters are calibrated with a near full-scale 60Hz sine-wave current
fl owing through the ammeter’s built-in CT.
➃ All specifi ed maximum power supply currents are steady state; larger surge
currents can occur at initial application of line power.
Add -C for RoHS
Rated Full-Scale Current ➀Min. Typ. Max. Units
ACA-20RM-O-ACX-RL – – 199.9 mA
ACA-20RM-1-ACX-RL – – 1.999 A
ACA-20RM-2-ACX-RL – – 19.99 A
ACA-20RM-4-ACX-RL – – 50.0 A
ACA-20RM-5-ACX-RL – – 30.0 A
Overcurrent Rating ➁ 1.5 x Rated Full-Scale Current
Sampling Rate 2.5 Samples per second
Accuracy ➂±0.4%FS ±3 Counts with 60Hz
Sine-Wave Input
Measurement Type RMS Responding, Crest Factors of 1-5
Temperature Drift (0 to 60 °C) – ±0.2 ±0.4 Cnts/°C
Zero-Current Reading (within
30 sec.)
–001 000 001 Cnts
Dielectric Withstanding Voltage 2000 – – Vdc
UL/IEC61010-1 Measurement category II
Power Supply Voltage
ACA-20RM-X-AC3-RL 85 120 140 Vac/47-63Hz
ACA-20RM-X-AC4-RL 170 220 264 Vac/47-63Hz
Power Supply Current ➃
ACA-20RM-X-AC3-XX – 30 50 mA/47-63Hz
ACA-20RM-X-AC4-XX – 30 50 mA/47-63Hz
Power Supply Terminal Block
Wire Size 16-22AWG, Solid and stranded
Insulation Strip Length 0.250 inches
Screw Tightening Torque 2.2 lb·in (0.25 N·m) ±20%
Rated Voltage 310Vac
Display Type and Size 3½ Digit Red LED, 0.37"/9.4mm High
Overrange Indication “1___”
Decimal Point Fixed, model dependent
(see full-scale input Current)
Operating Temperature 0 – +60 °C
Storage Temperature –40 – +75 °C
Humidity –40 – +95 %
Dimensions (non-condensing) Model dependent, see page 3 & 4
ACA-20RM-0,1,2-XXX-XX 1.1 ounces (31 grams) nominal
ACA-20RM-4-XXX-XX 2.1 ounces (60 grams) nominal
ACA-20RM-5-XXX-XX 1.5 ounces (43 grams) nominal
See www.murata-ps.com/dpm-availability for model-specifi c availability.