PRODUCTS TYPE CHIP RESISTOR NETWORKS Series SPECIFICATION PRODUCTS: CHIP RESISTOR NETWORKS TYPE: MNR15 ERRP SERIES ROHM CO., LTDRESISTOR DIV DESIGN CHECK APPROVAL DATE: 4/NOV/2011 REV. TSZ2211104002 SPECIFICATION No.- PAGE 1/14 PRODUCTS TYPE CHIP RESISTOR NETWORKS Series PAGE 2/14 < Specifications (Precautions and Prohibitions) > Safety Precautions 1) The products are designed and produced for application in ordinary electronic equipment (AV equipment, OA equipment, telecommunication equipment, home appliances, amusement equipment, etc.). If the products are to be used in devices requiring extremely high reliability (medical equipment, transport equipment, aircraft/spacecraft, nuclear power controllers, fuel controllers, car equipment including car accessories, safety devices, etc.) and whose malfunction or operational error may endanger human life and sufficient fail-safe measures, please consult with the ROHM sales staff in advance. If product malfunctions may result in serious damage, including that to human life, sufficient fail-safe measures must be taken, including the following: [a] Installation of protection circuits or other protective devices to improve system safety [b] Installation of redundant circuits in the case of single-circuit failure 2) The products are designed for use in a standard environment and not in any special environments. Application of the products in a special environment can deteriorate product performance. Accordingly, verification and confirmation of product performance, prior to use, is recommended if used under the following conditions: [a] Use in various types of liquid, including water, oils, chemicals, and organic solvents [b] Use outdoors where the products are exposed to direct sunlight, or in dusty places [c] Use in places where the products are exposed to sea winds or corrosive gases, including Cl2, H2S, NH3, SO2, and NO2 [d] Use in places where the products are exposed to static electricity or electromagnetic waves [e] Use in proximity to heat-producing components, plastic cords, or other flammable items [f] Use involving sealing or coating the products with resin or other coating materials [g] Use involving unclean solder or use of water or water-soluble cleaning agents for cleaning after soldering [h] Use of the products in places subject to dew condensation 3) The products are not radiation resistant. 4) Verification and confirmation of performance characteristics of product, after on-board mounting, is advised. 5)In particular, if a transient load (a large amount of load applied in a short period of time, such as pulse)is Applied, confirmation of performance characteristics after on-board mounting is strongly recommended. Avoid applying power exceeding normal rated power; exceeding the power rating under steady-state Loading condition may negatively affect product performance and reliability. 6) De-rate Power Dissipation(Pd)depending on Ambient temperature(Ta). 7) Confirm that operation temperature is within the specified range described in product specification. 8) Product may be damaged when the impact, such as downfall is given. 9) Failure induced under deviant condition from what defined in the product specification can be not be Guaranteed. 10)When product safety related problems arises, please immediately inform to ROHM, and consider technical counter measure. REV. TSZ2211105002 SPECIFICATION No.- PRODUCTS TYPE CHIP RESISTOR NETWORKS Series PAGE 3/14 < Specifications (Precautions and Prohibitions) > Precaution for Mounting/Circuit board design 1) When a highly active halogenous (chlorine, bromine, etc.)flux is used, the remainder of flux may negatively affect product performance and reliability. 2)In principle, the reflow soldering method must be used; if flow soldering method is preferred,please Consult with the company in advance. 3) Pay attention to the soldering condition in order to avoid problems due to silver absorption into solder. 4) Be careful when pick up the products with tweezers. There may be a case that the overcoat and /or the body can be chipped. 5) Soldering tip shall not touch the product when install product manually. Precautions Regarding Application Examples and External Circuits 1) If change is made to the constant of an external circuit, allow a sufficient margin due to variations of the characteristics of the products and external components, including transient characteristics, as well as static characteristics. 2) The application examples, their constants, and other types of information contained herein are applicable only when the products are used in accordance with standard methods. Therefore, if mass production is intended, sufficient consideration to external conditions must be made. Precaution for Electrostatic This product is Electrostatic sensitive product, which may be damaged due to Electrostatic discharge. Please take proper caution during manufacturing and string so that voltage exceeding Product maximum rating won't be applied to products. Please take special care under dry condition(e.g. Grounding of human body /equipment /solder iron, isolation from charged objects, setting of Ionizer, friction prevention and temperature /humidity control). Precaution for strage/Transportation 1)Product performance and soldered connections may deteriorate if the products are stored in the following places: [a] Where the products are exposed to sea winds or corrosive gases, including Cl2, H2S, NH3, SO2, and NO2 [b] Where the temperature or humidity exceeds those recommended by the Company Temperature:540, Humidity 3080% (Put condition for individual product) [c] Storage in direct sunshine or condensation [d] Storage in high Electrostatic 2) Even under ROHM recommended storage condition, solderability of products over 1 year old (Put condition for each product)may be degraded. It is strongly recommended storage time period. Recommended storage conditionTemperature 540, Humidity 3080%(Put condition for individual product) 3) Store / transport cartons in the correct direction, which is indicated on a carton as a symbol. Otherwise bent leads may occur due to excessive stress applied when dropping of a carton.. Precaution for product label QR code printed on ROHM product label is only for internal use, and please do not use at customer site. It might contain a internal part number that is inconsistent with an product part number. Precaution for disposition When disposing products please dispose them properly with a industry waste company. Precautions for Foreign exchange control regulation ROHM has not determined whether or not the products are considered "a controlled product or labor " as specified in the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law. Accordingly, if exportation of the products, either separately or integrated in another company's products, is intended, or giving the products to persons who are not residents is planed, additional steps are required, based upon the appropriate regulations. REV. TSZ2211105002 SPECIFICATION No.- PRODUCTS TYPE CHIP RESISTOR NETWORKS Series PAGE 4/14 < Specifications (Precautions and Prohibitions) > Prohibitions Regarding Industrial Property 1) These Specifications contain information related to the ROHM industrial property. Any use of them other than pertaining to the usage of appropriate products is not permitted. Duplication of these Specifications and its disclosure to a third party without the Company's permission is prohibited. 2) Information and data on products, including application examples, contained in these specifications are simply for reference; the Company does not guarantee any industrial property rights, intellectual property rights, or any other rights of a third party regarding this information or data. Accordingly, the Company does not bear any responsibility for: [a] infringement of the intellectual property rights of a third party [b] any problems incurred by the use of the products listed herein. 3) The Company prohibits the purchaser of its products to exercise or use the intellectual property rights, industrial property rights, or any other rights that either belong to or are controlled by the Company, other than the right to use, sell, or dispose of the products. Other Matters 1) Please sign these Specifications and return one copy to the Company. If a copy is not returned within three months after the issued date specified on the front page of these Specifications, the Company will consider the Specifications accepted. 2) If any matter related to these Specifications needs to be clarified, discussions shall be held promptly between the two parties concerned to determine the issue. REV. TSZ2211105002 SPECIFICATION No.- PRODUCTS PAGE 5/14 TYPE CHIP RESISTOR NETWORKS Series 1.SCOPE This specification covers the characteristics of "MNR15" based of chip resistor networks in ROHM Co., Ltd. products. 2.CLASSIFICATION MNR15 TYPE ERRP PACKAGING CODE J TOLERANCE PACKAGING PACKAGE CODE ERRP 180mm(7inch) reel, paper tape (4mm pitch) RESISTANCE VALUE (IEC CODE) QUANTITY 5,000pcs/reel TOLERANCE J (5%) J RESISTANCE VALUE 3digits J CONDITIONS For resistors operated at the ambient temperature in excess of 70, the load shall be derated in accordance with Fig.1 Fig.1 Rated Power () 3.RATING ITEMS RATED POWER 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 SPECIFICATIONS 0.031W(1/32W) at 70 125 -55 70 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Ambient Temperature () RATED VOLTAGE RESISTANCE Rated voltage is determined from the following. When rated voltage exceeds the limiting element voltage, the limiting element voltage shall be the rated voltage. E = PxR E: RATED VOLTAGE (V) P: RATED POWER (W) () R: RESISTANCE See Table.1 LIMITING ELEMENT VOLTAGE TEMPERATURE Table.1 TOLERANCE J (5%) -55+125 RESISTANCE RANGE () 56R100k (E24) REV. TSZ2211105002 12.5V TEMPERATURE(ppm/) COEFFICIENT 200 SPECIFICATION No.- PRODUCTS TYPE CHIP RESISTOR NETWORKS Series PAGE 6/14 4.CHARACTERISTICS ITEMS GUARANTEED VALUE RESISTOR TYPE J: 5% 4.1 RESISTANCE JIS C 5201-1 4.5 See Table.1 4.2 VARIATION OF RESISTANCE WITH TEMPERATURE 4.3 OVERLOAD JIS C 5201-1 4.8 Measurement-55/+25/+125 Mounting condition: See Fig.3 JIS C 5201-1 4.13 Rated voltagex2.52s Limiting Element Voltagex225 Mounting condition: See Fig.3 (2.00.1) 4.4 SOLDERABILITY A new uniform coating of minimum of 95% of the surface being immersed and no soldering damage. 4.5 RESISTANCE TO (1.00.05) No remarkable abnormality on the appearance. (1.00.05) SOLDERING HEAT 4.6 RAPID CHANGE OF TEMPERATURE (3.00.1) 4.7 DAMP HEAT, STEADY STATE 4.8 ENDURANCE (3.00.1) AT 70 4.9 ENDURANCE (3.00.1) 4.10 RESISTANCE TO (1.00.05) SOLVENT 4.11 BEND STRENGTH OF THE END FACE PLATING TEST CONDITIONS (JIS C 5201-1) (1.00.05) Without mechanical damage such as breaks. JIS C 5201-1 4.17 RosinEthanol(25%WT) Soldering condition2355 Duration of immersion2.00.5s. JIS C 5201-1 4.18 Soldering condition2605 Duration of immersion101s. JIS C 5201-1 4.19 Test temp.-55+125 5cycle Mounting condition: See Fig.3 JIS C 5201-1 4.24 4093RH Test time1,000h1,048h Mounting condition: See Fig.3 JIS C 5201-1 4.25.1 Rated voltage(current),70 1.5h:ON-0.5h:OFF Test time1,000h1,048h Mounting condition: See Fig.3 JIS C 5201 -1 4.25.3 125 Test time1,000h1,048h Mounting condition: See Fig.3 JIS C 5201-1 4.29 23 , Immersion cleaning, 50.5min Solvent: 2-propanol JIS C 5201-1 4.33 Mounting condition: See Fig.4 * In the items on characteristics, the expression " (1.0% + 0.05)" is used in the column for standard values. However, this is because of dramatic increase in the fluctuation ratio that can be take place in the low resistance value range and is not meant to supplement the measuring accuracy of the measuring instruments. Accordingly, there is a need to increase the design tolerance in the low resistance value range. REV. TSZ2211105002 SPECIFICATION No.- PRODUCTS PAGE 7/14 TYPE CHIP RESISTOR NETWORKS Series DIMENSIONS & CONSTRUCTION Fig.2 (UNIT: mm) 0.300.15 0.550.10 CIRCUIT 0.300.15 R1 R5 R3 R6 R4 R7 3.200.20 *0.64 R1 = R2 = R3 = R4 = R5 = R6 = R7 = R8 Resistive element Silver thick film electrode Nickel electrode Sn electrode Alumina substrate Over coating (Resin) REV. * Pitch between each element. (Upper side) MATERIAL TSZ2211105002 R2 R8 l02 0.320.15 1.600.15 SPECIFICATION No.- PRODUCTS PAGE 8/14 TYPE CHIP RESISTOR NETWORKS Series MARKINGS Markings on chip resistor The description of markings on the chip resistor are as shown below. Marking method : There are three digits used for the calculation number according to IEC code. Example : 100k=104 Marking direction : Standard, Resistor surface marking. Marking colors : 3digit yellowish white marking or other appropriate marking MNR15 ERRP J 102 F5,000pcs 1138 09001R FOR ROHM ONLY ZYXWVUT98765432 012 345 6789 ABC DEFG HIJ0 123 4567 89AB CDE FGHI J MADE IN CHINA Marking on the packaging container The following items will be displayed on the smallest unit of the container used for packaging. Type + Packaging code + Tolerance + Resistance value Bar code of type code + Resistance value Special code + Quantity + Lot No. (There may be label with and without special code.) Bar code of Quantity + Lot No. Code for ROHM internal use (This code is not always same as ) Part No.Order No. (To be executed on necessity) The country of origin. QR code (Only for ROHM internal use) APPEARANCE QUALITY An appearance inspection of the surface should reveal no obvious abnormalities. There should be no obvious abnormalities such as bubbles, pin holes or cracks on the overcoat or outer termination. There should be no obvious electrode material or other foreign matter on the overcoat. There should be no obvious electrode material or other foreign matter on back surface of the substrate and on side surface of the longitudinal axis. MASS The mass of the resistor is 9.0mg0.5mg. Deciphering the manufacturing date from the Lot No. An example of the Lot No. is shown below. Read the manufacturing date and take first-in first-out method. 36 xxxxx x 11 Manufacturing year : Last two digits of the western calendar year. (2011) Week of manufacture : Shows week 01 to 53 in a year. (36:8/28 to 9/3) Shows line number, serial number or manufacturing plant Code. Example REV. TSZ2211105002 SPECIFICATION No.- PRODUCTS TYPE CHIP RESISTOR NETWORKS Series PAGE 9/14 RECOMMENDABLE CONDITION OF SOLDERING Reflow Soldering Reflow soldering with lead free solder. Condition of soldering Maximum temperature Time : Preheat 150180 less than 120s. : Reflow zone 220 less than 60s. : 2605 less than 10s. : Maximum of twice. Soldering temperature( 350 2605 max. 10s 300 250 200 150 150180 max. 120s 100 220 over max. 60s 50 0 0 1 2 (min) 3 4 Reworking of soldering Reworking of soldering shall be forbidden. If you rework this component, you have to remove the component, and solder another new component. OTHERS In regard to the Export Trade Control Decree. Resistor That Rohm Co., Ltdsells is not an object of controlled goods in Annex 1(Item 115) of Export Trade Control Order. But it is an object of controlled goods in Annex 1(Item 16) of Export Trade Control Order. In case of export, please confirm if it applies to "objective" criteria or an "informed"(by MITT clause) on the basis of "catch-all" controls for Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction. On use of ozone layer destroying substances No ozone layer destroying substances are used in our resistors. On use of fluorocarbons No specific fluorocarbons or alternative fluorocarbons are used in the manufacture of our resistors. Regarding specific bromine type fire resistant materials None of the following specific bromine type materials are used in our resistors. Requests prior to changes In the manufacture and utilization of the resistors there are conditions that develop which require materials or processes to be changed. In such cases, request will be made prior to clang to obtain approval. Manufacturing flow chart and basic design quality As requested specially, the flow chart for the manufacturing processes of the resistor and the basic quality will be submitted separately. REV. TSZ2211105002 SPECIFICATION No.- PRODUCTS PAGE 10/14 TYPE CHIP RESISTOR NETWORKS Series (UNIT: mm) F ig. A 0 . 48 Fi g. A 0. 8 0.8 1. 1 2 Fig.3TEST BOARD A 11 . 0 1.32 2.0 0. 9 3. 2 4. 2 23.4 3 0. 0 0 .6 4 MN R1 5 2.6 2.54 58.0 Laminate material: Glass fabric base epoxies. Compatible with JIS C 6484 Thickness of board1.6mm Copper material: Copper purity is 99.5% or more. Compatible with JIS C 6484 Copper foil thickness35m NOTE *1 The shaded area shows the solder resist treatment. *2 All surface, except terminals used for connectors, receive pre-flux treatment. Fig.4TEST BOARD B (UNIT: mm) A Fig .B 15.0 35.0 B 35.0 MNR15B 4.2 0.8 12.0 ROHM 0.9 8.0 8. 0 40.0 12.0 Fig.A 2.6 0.64 x3 15.0 0.72 0 .72 1.60 100. 0 Laminate material : Paper base epoxies. Compatible with JIS C 6482 Thickness of board1.6mm Copper material : Copper purity is 99.5% or more. Compatible with JIS C 6482 Copper foil thickness35m NOTE *1 All surface, except terminals used for connectors, receive pre-flux *2 During the test, the distance among support points shall be 90mm and the center of the chip resistor and the center between support points should be aligned to within 2mm. REV. TSZ2211105002 SPECIFICATION No.- PRODUCTS PAGE 11/14 TYPE CHIP RESISTOR NETWORKS Series 1. SCOPE This specification covers the tape package requirements for chip resistor networks MNR15, to be used on automatic placement systems. 2. PACKAGING CODE MNR15 TYPE ERRP PACKAGING CODE J RESISTANCE TOLERANCE RESISTANCE VALUE (IEC CODE) 3. TAPE DIMENSION (UNIT: mm) P0 P2 D0 P1 B0 A0 Top tape Cavity (Bottom tape) Components Base paper T2 W F 8.00.3 D0 +0.1 1.5 0 E A0 B0 3.50.05 1.750.1 1.90.2 3.50.2 P0 P1 P2 T2 4.00.1 4.00.1 2.00.05 MAX.1.1 REV. TSZ2211105002 SPECIFICATION No.- PRODUCTS TYPE CHIP RESISTOR NETWORKS Series 4. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS 4.1 COVER TAPE PEELING STRENGTH : 0.07N PEELING STRENGTH 0.70N Top tape Base paper Peel back direction Feeding direction Bottom tape 4.2 Embossed tape should not adhere to top tape when top tape is peeled back, and peel back direction is as follows. Base paper About 170 Peel back direction Top tape Feeding direction Bottom tape 5. TAPE PACKAGING 5.1 Components are set in tape cavities with the same side (resistive paste upside). 5.2 The accumulated pitch tolerance shall be within 0.2mm at 10 pitches. 5.3 Tape bent resistance No damage on the tape and the cavity when tape is bent with the radius of 15mm. 5.4 Components in tape cavity shall not adhere to bottom / cover tape. 5.5 Components shall not be blocked by tape fragments or foreign materials when they are taken out from cavities. 5.6 The top tape shall not cover up the sprocket holes of tape. REV. TSZ2211105002 SPECIFICATION No.- PAGE 12/14 TYPE PRODUCTS Series CHIP RESISTOR NETWORKS PAGE 13/14 6. TAPE REEL 6.1 Tape feeding direction shall be shown in the picture drawn below. Component 0 .4 0 .2 0 .6 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.2 0. 8 Sprocket hole Feeding direction Feeding direction L abel Label 6.2 Leader tape Leader tape is given a portion of only cover tape and of blank cavities. (no resistor.) 160mm or more 400mm or more 6.3 Tail tape(trail tape) Trail tape is given a portion of blank cavities (no resistor). And the trail tape should not be fixed by adhesive to real and must be the one which can be pulled out easily from the reel. 40mm or more REV. TSZ2211105002 SECIFICATION No.- PRODUCTS TYPE CHIP RESISTOR NETWORKS 7. REEL DIMENSIONS A B Series (UNIT: mm) D Label C A B C D 1782.0 601.0 9.00.5 13.50.5 MATERIAL REEL: POLYSTYRENE PACKING 5,000pcs / Reel REV. TSZ2211105002 SPECIFICATION No.- PAGE 14/14