· Non-inductive, high power resistor.
· Thermally enhanced Industry standard TO-247 package.
· Extremely Low thermal resistance, 1.3 °C/W resistor
hot spot to metal tab.
· Complete thermal flow design available for easy
· Superior vibration durability.
· Small thin package for high density PCB installation.
· RoHS compliant.
· High frequency circuits and wide band / linear amplifiers.
· Switch mode and industrial RF power sources.
· AC motor control, electronic load and drive circuits.
· Automotive.
· Industrial PC modules (IPM) and measurement systems.
· RF circuit terminations.
· Constant current and precision voltage sources
100W TO247
High Power Resistors
MHP 100
www.bitechnologies.com www.irctt.com www.welwyn-tt.com
General Note
TT electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability.
All information is subject to TT electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print.
© TT electronics plc
1. Electrically isolated metal tab.
2. Recommend the use of thermal grease between metal tab and heat sink.
3. Thermal design should account for a thermal resistance between resistor and tab of 1.3°C/W and a maximum resistor temperature of 155°C.
4. Resistances greater than 220Ω are available, please call factory.
5. For resistances from 220Ω to 51 KΩ the power rating shall be restricted to 50W.
6. Current rating: 25A maximum.
Items Specification Conditions
Power Rating 100 Watts @ Tab Temp < 25°C
Power Rating 2.0 Watts Free air.
Resistance Range 0.01-0.09 Ω0.1-9.1 Ω10-220 ΩExtended resistance range
to 51KΩ avail.
Nominal Resistance Series E6 E12 E24 2.0 Ω and 5.0 Ω also
TCR 250 ppm/°C 100 ppm/°C 50 ppm/°C For -55 to +155°C
Tolerance 5% 5% and 1% 1%
Operation Temp. Range -55 - +155 °C
Rated Voltage (Max). 700V or √(P*R)
Dielectric Withstand Voltage 2500 Volt 60 seconds.
Load Life ΔR +/- (1.0 %+0.05 Ω)25°C, 90 min. ON, 30
min.OFF, 1000 hours.
Humidity ΔR +/- (1.0 %+0.05 Ω)40°C, 90-95% RH, DC
0.1W, 1000 hours.
Temperature Cycle ΔR +/- (0.25 %+0.05 Ω)-55°C, 30 min.,+155°C
30min., 5cycles.
Soldering Heat (Max) ΔR +/- (0.25 %+0.05 Ω) 250+/-5°C, 3 seconds,
Solderability Min 95% coverage 230+/-5°C, 3 seconds.
Insulation Resistance Over 1000 MΩBetween terminals and
metal back plate.
Vibration ΔR +/- (0.25 %+0.05 Ω)