Symbol Characteristic Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
ΔV /ΔTGS(th) J Threshold voltage coefficient
(see Figure 11)
V = V I = 1 mAGS DS, D –4.5 mV/°C
IDSS Zero gate voltage drain
V = 1200 V, V = 0 VDS GS 100 µA
V = 1200 V, T = 125 °C,DS J
V = 0 VGS
IGSS Gate-source leakage current V = 20 V/–10 VGS ±100 nA
Pulse test: pulse width < 380 µs, duty cycle < 2%.
The following table shows the dynamic characteristics for the MSC040SMA120J device. T = 25 °C unless J
otherwise specified.
Table 4 • Dynamic Characteristics
Symbol Characteristic Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
Ciss Input capacitance V = 0 V, V = 1000 V, V = 25 mV,GS DD AC
ƒ = 1 MHz
1990 pF
Crss Reverse transfer
Coss Output capacitance 156
QgTotal gate charge V = –5 V/20 V, V = 800 V, I = 40 AGS DD D 137 nC
Qgs Gate-source charge 29
Qgd Gate-drain charge 31
td(on) Turn-on delay time V = 800 V, V = 0 V/20 V, I = 40 A,DD GS D
R = 5.3 Ω , Freewheeling diode = G (ext) 1
10 ns
trCurrent rise time 10
td(off) Turn-off delay time 55
tfCurrent fall time 25
Eon2 Turn-on switching energy 2 930 µJ
Eoff Turn-off switching energy 585
td(on) Turn-on delay time V = 800 V, V = 0 V/20 V, I = 40 A,DD GS D
R = 5.3 Ω , T = 150 °C,G (ext) 1C
Freewheeling diode = MSC015SDA120B
10 ns
trCurrent rise time 10
td(off) Turn-off delay time 74
tfCurrent fall time 37
Eon2 Turn-on switching energy 2 890 µJ
Eoff Turn-off switching energy 855
ESR Equivalent series
f = 1 MHz, 25 mV, drain short 1.2 Ω
SCWT Short circuit withstand
V = 960 V, V = 20 V, T = 25 °CDS GS C 3 µs
EAS Avalanche energy, single
V = 150 V, V = 20 V, I = 40 A,DS GS D
T = 25 °C, I = 2.5mHC L
2000 mJ
R is total gate resistance excluding internal gate driver impedance.G
E includes energy of MSC015SDA120B freewheeling diode.on2
The following table shows the body diode characteristics for the MSC040SMA120J device. T = 25 °C J
unless otherwise specified.