High-Speed 2K x 8 FourPort™ Static RAM Military, Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges
Pin Configurations(1,2)
1. All VCC pins must be connected to the power supply.
2. All GND pins must be connected to the ground supply
Absolute Maximum Ratings(1)
1. Stresses greater than those listed under ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS may
cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and
functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those
indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure
to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect
2. VTERM must not exceed Vcc + 10% for more than 25% of the cycle time or 10ns
maximum, and is limited to < 20mA for the period of VTERM > VCC + 10%.
(TA = +25°C, f = 1.0MHz) TQFP only
1. This parameter is determined by device characterization but is not
production tested.
2. 3dV references the interpolated capacitance when the input and
the output signals switch from 0V to 3V or from 3V to 0V.
Maximum Operating
Temperature and Supply Voltage(1, 2)
Recommended DC Operating
1. VIL > -1.5V for pulse width less than 10ns.
2. VTERM must not exceed Vcc + 10%.
1. This is the parameter TA.
2 . Industrial temperature: for specific speeds, packages and powers, contact your
sales office
P1 - A
P1 Address Line s - Port 1
P2 - A
P2 Address Line s - Port 2
P3 - A
P3 Address Line s - Port 3
P4 - A
P4 Address Line s - Port 4
P1 - I/O
P1 Data I/ O - Po rt 1
P2 - I/O
P2 Data I/ O - Po rt 2
P3 - I/O
P3 Data I/ O - Po rt 3
P4 - I/O
P4 Data I/ O - Po rt 4
R/W P1 Rea d/ Write - Port 1
R/W P2 Rea d/ Write - Port 2
R/W P3 Rea d/ Write - Port 3
R/W P4 Rea d/ Write - Port 4
GND Ground
CE P1 Chip Enabl e - Port 1
CE P2 Chip Enabl e - Port 2
CE P3 Chip Enabl e - Port 3
CE P4 Chip Enabl e - Port 4
OE P 1 Outp ut Enable - P ort 1
OE P 2 Outp ut Enable - P ort 2
OE P 3 Outp ut Enable - P ort 3
OE P 4 Outp ut Enable - P ort 4
BUSY P1 Write Disab le - Port 1
BUSY P2 Write Disab le - Port 2
BUSY P3 Write Disab le - Port 3
BUSY P4 Write Disab le - Port 4
VCC Power
2674 tbl 01
VTERM(2) Terminal Vo ltage
wi th Re s pe c t to
-0.5 to +7.0 -0.5 to +7.0 V
TBIAS Temperature
Und e r B ias -55 to +125 -65 to +135 oC
TSTG Storage
Temperature -55 to +125 -65 to +150 oC
IOUT DC Outp ut Current 50 50 mA
2674 tbl 02
Military -55OC to +125 OC0V5.0V
+ 10%
Commercial 0OC to + 70OC0V5.0V
+ 10%
Industrial -40OC to +85OC0V5.0V
+ 10%
2674 tbl 04
Inp ut Cap acitanc e V
= 0V 9 pF
Outp ut Cap acitance V
= 0V 10 pF
2674 tbl 03
VCC Sup ply Voltage 4.5 5.0 5.5 V
GND Ground 0 0 0 V
VIH Inp ut Hi g h Vo l tag e 2.2 ____ 6.0(2) V
VIL Inp ut Lo w Vo l tag e -0. 5(1) ____ 0.8 V
2 6 74 tb l 05