MABC-001000-DP000L GaN Bias Controller/Sequencer Module Dual Supply: -8 to -3 V, +12 to +55 V Rev. V2 Features Robust GaN Protection at Any Power Up/Power Down Sequence Fixed Gate Bias Voltage with Pulsed Drain Bias Voltage. Add-On Module Allows for Gate Pulsing Open Drain Output Current of 200 mA for External MOSFET Switch Drive Internal Thermistor or External Temperature Sensor Voltage for Gate Bias Sum 30 dB Typical EMI/RFI Rejection at All I/O Ports 6.60 x 22.48 mm 2 Package with 1 mm Pitch SMT Leads Target 500 ns Total Switch Transition Time Gate Bias Output Current 50 mA for Heavy RF Compression RoHS* Compliant and 260C Reflow Compatible Description The MABC-001000-DP000L is a bias controller that provides proper gate voltage and pulsed drain voltage biasing for a device under test (DUT). Applicable DUT's would be depletion-mode GaN (Gallium Nitride) or GaAs (Gallium Arsenide) power amplifiers or HEMT devices. The module also provides bias sequencing so that pulsed drain voltage cannot be applied to a DUT unless the negative gate bias voltage is present. The applications section of this datasheet will show how the module can be implemented for the following two applications: Application Option 1: Fixed negative gate biasing with pulsed drain biasing. Application Option 2: Pulsed negative gate biasing with pulsed drain biasing. Both of these applications will recommend the external circuitry and p-Channel Power MOSFET. The MABC-001000-DP000L module can also be installed onto an MABC-001000-PB1PPR evaluation board for evaluation, test, and characterization purposes. Functional Schematic GND GND 14 GFB 1 NC 2 - GCO 3 + GCI 4 VGS 5 6 13 + - V_REG 7 12 ENS 11 P4V 10 NC 9 SWG 8 VDS NC GND Pin Configuration1 Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Label GFB NC GCO GCI VGS NC GND VDS SWG NC P4V ENS GND GND Function Gate Voltage (-) Feedback No Connect Gate Voltage (-) Control Output Gate Voltage (-) Control Input Gate (-) Supply Voltage No Connect Ground Drain (+) Supply Voltage Driver Output to MOS Switch Gate No Connect Auxiliary +4.3 VDC Output MOS Switch Enable TTL Ground Ground 1. Unused package pins must be left open and not connected to ground. 2 Ordering Information Part Number Packaging MABC-001000-DP000L Tray MABC-001000-DP00TL Tape & Reel MABC-001000-PB1PPR Gate and Drain Pulsing Evaluation Board 2. Reference Application Note M513 for reel size information. * Restrictions on Hazardous Substances, European Union Directive 2002/95/EC. 1 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: MABC-001000-DP000L GaN Bias Controller/Sequencer Module Dual Supply: -8 to -3 V, +12 to +55 V Rev. V2 Electrical Characteristics: TA = 25C Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit VDS Supply Voltage, Positive 10 50 70 V IDS Supply Current, Positive - 14 - mA VGS Supply Voltage, Negative -8 -6 0 V IGS Supply Current, Negative - -3 - mA VENL ENS Input Voltage, Low 0 0 0.3 V VENH ENS Input Voltage, High 2 3.3 4.3 V IENS ENS Input Current - 40 - uA VGTH Input, Gate Feedback Threshold to VGS - 2.7 - V VDTH Input, Drain Feedback Threshold - 65% VDS - V VGC Output Voltage, Pulsed/Fixed Gate -8 -3.5 0 V VGCR Output Voltage, Pulsed/Fixed Gate Ripple (Peak-to-peak) - 50 - mV Output Gate Current, Peak - 50 - mA ROFF Output Drive, Open Drain, OFF State - 4M - RON Output Drive, Open Drain, ON State - 1.2 - ION Output Drive, Current, ON State - 100 200 mA IGC VDS = 50 V Temp. = +85C Recommended Operating Conditions Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Min. Max. Parameter Typical Supply (+) Voltage, VDS 0V +60 V Supply (+) Voltage, VDS +12 V to +55 V Supply (-) Voltage, VGS -10 V 0V Supply (-) Voltage, VGS -8 V to -2 V Logic Voltage, ENS, GSE -0.3 V +4.5 Logic Voltage, ENS 0 V to +4.3 V Analog (-) Voltage, GCI, GFB -10 V 0V Analog (-) Voltage, GCI, GFB -8 V to -2 V Switch Driver Voltage, SWG 0V +75 V Switch Driver Sink Current, SWG -1 mA to -200 mA Switch Driver Sink Current, SWG - -200 mA Operating Temperature -40C to +85C Lead Soldering Temp (10 s) - +260C Operating Temperature -40C +85C Storage Temperature -65C +150C 2 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: MABC-001000-DP000L GaN Bias Controller/Sequencer Module Dual Supply: -8 to -3 V, +12 to +55 V Rev. V2 Timing Characteristics: TA = 25C Symbol Parameter tD1 tD3 tRISE1 tFALL1 tD1 tD3 Conditions Open Drain ON Propagation Delay3 Open Drain OFF Propagation Delay 4 MOS Switch OFF Propagation Delay Unit - 100 - ns - 70 - ns - 115 - ns - 60 - ns - 300 - ns - 1.8 - s - 400 - ns - 80 - s - 100 - ns - 200 - ns tFALL1 MOS Switch Fall Time4,5 - 500 - ns Gate Bias ON Propagation Delay tD4 Gate Bias OFF Propagation Delay3,5 Gate Bias Fall Time - 400 - ns VDS = 50 V MOS CISS = 2780 pF RDS,ON = 60 m 3,5 tD2 Gate Bias Rise Time 3,5 4,5 MOS Switch Rise Time tFALL2 Max MOS Switch ON Propagation Delay3,5 tRISE1 tRISE2 Typ RPULL-UP = 700 VDS = 50 V IR = 71 mA avg. Switch Disconnected 3 Open Drain Rise Time4 Open Drain Fall Time Min 4,5 4,5 3. Propagation delay is measured from 90% of the TTL signal to 10% of the signal of interest. 4. Rise and fall times are measured between 10% and 90% of the steady state signal. 5. Parameter was measured with MABC-001000-PB1PPR sample board. MAGX-L21214-650L00 was used as the DUT. Timing Diagrams TTL ENS PULSE ENABLE FOR GATE & DRAIN SWITCH +5V 0 VOD SWG +50V 6 VDS VDD (Q1) 0 GCO VGS RF RF +50V 90% 0 10% 90% OPEN DRAIN OUTPUT 10% MOSFET SWITCH OUTPUT -3V -8V 90% 90% 10% 10% PULSED GATE OUTPUT RF OUTPUT t D1 t RISE1 t D2 t RISE2 t D4 t FALL2 t D3 t FALL1 6. Q1 refers to an external p-Channel HEXFET that pulses the drain of the DUT. See Applications Section for more information. 3 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: MABC-001000-DP000L GaN Bias Controller/Sequencer Module Dual Supply: -8 to -3 V, +12 to +55 V Rev. V2 Applications Section Functional Description The MABC-001000-DP000L GaN Bias Controller/ Sequencer Module circuitry provides proper sequencing and generation of the gate voltage and pulsed drain voltage for a device under test (DUT). Reference the Product View and Pin Configuration table on page 1. The basic functions of the circuits within the module are described as follows: Overhead Voltages for the Circuits within the MABC-001000-DP000L Module Pin 8 (VDS) is the Drain (+) Supply Voltage that provides the input voltage to a low dropout linear regulator (VREG). This supplies the positive voltage for the circuits within the module. It also provides the Auxiliary +4.3 V Output to Pin 11 (P4V). Pin 5 (VGS) is the Gate (-) Supply Voltage that is also used to supply the negative voltage for the circuits within the module. Negative Gate Voltage for the Device Under Test (DUT) A voltage follower op-amp circuit provides a low impedance output to Pin 3 (GCO) Gate Voltage (-) Control Output. Pin 3 (GCO) output is applied to the gate terminal of a DUT as shown in Figure 1 on page 5. The reference voltage for the voltage follower is provided by the Pin 4 (GCI) Gate Voltage (-) Analog Input. This input reference voltage is developed by an external potentiometer/ resistive divider circuit as shown in Figure 1 on page 6. It is recommended to use the -8 V to -3 V voltage that is also applied to Pin 5 (VGS). Reference: The external potentiometer is adjusted to set the gate voltage Pin 3 (GCO) to the DUT. Alternative voltage inputs such as a temperature compensation circuit or a Digital-to-Analog (DAC) converter could also be supplied to Pin 4 (GCI). Pin 9 (SWG) MOS Switch Driver Output An N-Channel MOSFET develops the pulsed signal (SWG) to drive the resistive divider network for the gate of an external p-Channel HEXFET as shown in Figure 1 on page 5. The input signal for the internal MOSFET is provided by the output from the sequencing circuits. Sequencing Circuits A voltage comparator circuit senses if the negative gate voltage is present as an input on Pin 1 (GFB) - Gate Voltage (-) Feedback. A logic circuit provides the switched input enable signal for the N-Channel MOSFET. The following 3 signals must be at correct levels to generate the enable logic signal: Pin 12 (ENS) MOS Switch Enable TTL Negative gate voltage (GFB) is present The internal positive voltage output is present from V_REG 4 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: MABC-001000-DP000L GaN Bias Controller/Sequencer Module Dual Supply: -8 to -3 V, +12 to +55 V Rev. V2 Applications Section Module Layout Guidelines Reference the Product View, Pin Configuration Table on page 1, and the Recommended Landing Pattern on page 7. The following recommendations should be followed when the MABC-001000-DP000L module is used to bias a high-power RF device or amplifier. The input and output locations were determined so that the layout and signal routing could be optimized when interfacing with a high-power amplifier assembly. Application Option 1: Fixed Negative Gate Biasing with Pulsed Drain Biasing Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the MABC-001000-DP000L module with the recommended external components to support this application option. See Table 1 for component recommendations and values. +50 V R2 R1 1 VR1 4 The negative gate voltage input and outputs are located on the left side of the module and should be located as close as possible to the gate bias pads on the high - power am plif ier assembly. The positive pulsed voltages are located on the right side of the module and should be located as close as possible to the external MOSFET switch. The MOSFET switch drain should be located as close as possible to the drain bias pads on the high-power amplifier assembly. The charge storage capacitors should be located as close as possible to the MOSFET switch source terminal pads. The module ground pads are located at Pins 7, 13, and 14. Route all signal lines and ground returns to be as short as possible and implement a ground plane on the back of the printed wiring board (PWB) if that option is available to the designer. Following these layout criteria will minimize circuit parasitics that degrade the performance of the pulsed signal. -8 V 9 3 R3 MABC-001000DP000L Q1 R4 5 R5 8 6 TTL CSTORAGE DUT RFIN CIN RFOUT COUT Figure 1. Fixed Gate/Pulsed Drain Biasing Part Value MFG MFG P/N R1 2.7 k Panasonic ERJ-2GEJ272X R2,R3 1.02 k Vishay CRCW25121K02FKEGHP R4,R5 402 Vishay CRCW2512402RFKEG VR1 10 k Bourns 3224W-1-103E Q1 P-Channel MOSFET IR IRF5210SPBF Table 1. Recommended Parts List for Fixed Gate/Pulsed Drain Biasing 5 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: MABC-001000-DP000L GaN Bias Controller/Sequencer Module Dual Supply: -8 to -3 V, +12 to +55 V Rev. V2 Applications Section Application Option 2: Pulsed Negative Gate Biasing with Pulsed Drain Biasing A block diagram showing a typical application of the MABC-001000-PB1PPR sample board is shown in Figure 2 below. Figures 3 and 4 show layouts of the MABC-001000-PB1PPR sample board with/without the MABC-001000-DP000L module installed. The additional external circuitry on the MABC-001000-PB1PPR sample board provides the added capability of pulsed gate biasing. A full schematic, layout, and bill of materials are available upon request. +50 V TTL Figure 3. Populated MABC-001000-PB1PPR Evaluation Board -8 V DUT VDD TTL RFIN -8V MABC-001000PB1PPR VG_B RFOUT VG_A VD_PULSED VD_PULSED MABC-001000PB1PPR RFOUT RFIN -8V TTL VDD DUT -8 V (a) TTL +50 V (b) Figure 2. Pulsed Gate/Pulsed Drain Biasing: (a) North Biasing; (b) South Biasing Figure 4. MABC-001000-PB1PPR with MABC-001000-DP000L Mounted 6 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: MABC-001000-DP000L GaN Bias Controller/Sequencer Module Dual Supply: -8 to -3 V, +12 to +55 V Rev. V2 Physical Dimensions6,7,8 Recommended Landing Pattern6 Handling Procedures Please observe the following precautions to avoid damage: Static Sensitivity This module is sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD) and can be damaged by static electricity. Proper ESD control techniques should be used when handling these HBM class 1B devices. 7. All dimensions are in inches. 8. Reference Application Note M538 for lead-free solder reflow recommendations. 9. Plating is 100% Sn over BeCu. 7 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: MABC-001000-DP000L GaN Bias Controller/Sequencer Module Dual Supply: -8 to -3 V, +12 to +55 V Rev. V2 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. All rights reserved. Information in this document is provided in connection with M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc ("MACOM") products. These materials are provided by MACOM as a service to its customers and may be used for informational purposes only. Except as provided in MACOM's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products or in any separate agreement related to this document, MACOM assumes no liability whatsoever. MACOM assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials. MACOM may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. MACOM makes no commitment to update the information and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to its specifications and product descriptions. No license, express or implied, by estoppels or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. THESE MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, RELATING TO SALE AND/OR USE OF MACOM PRODUCTS INCLUDING LIABILITY OR WARRANTIES RELATING TO FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, MERCHANTABILITY, OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. MACOM FURTHER DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION, TEXT, GRAPHICS OR OTHER ITEMS CONTAINED WITHIN THESE MATERIALS. MACOM SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST REVENUES OR LOST PROFITS, WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THESE MATERIALS. MACOM products are not intended for use in medical, lifesaving or life sustaining applications. MACOM customers using or selling MACOM products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify MACOM for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale. 8 M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (MACOM) and its affiliates reserve the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. Visit for additional data sheets and product information. For further information and support please visit: