405GP – Power PC 405GP Embedded Processor
Revision 2.05 – August 19, 2008
Data Sheet
Signal Functional Description (Part 1 of 8)
Multiplexed signals are shown in brackets following the first signal name assigned to each multiplexed ball.
1. Receiver input has hysteresis.
2. Must pull up. See “Pull-Up and Pull-Down Resistors” on page 29 for recommended termination values.
3. Must pull down. See “Pull-Up and Pull-Down Resi stors” on page 29 for recommended termination values.
4. If not used, must pull up.
5. If not used, must pull down.
6. Strapping input during reset; pull up or pull down as required.
7. Pull-up may be required. See “External Bus Control Signals” on page 29.
Signal Name Description I/O Type Notes
PCI Interface
PCIAD31:0 PCI Address/Data Bus. Multiplexed address and data bus. I/O 5V tolerant
3.3V PCI
PCIC3:0[BE3:0] PCI bus command and byte enables. I/O 5V tolerant
3.3V PCI
PCIParity PCI parity. Parity is even across PCIAD0:31 and PCIC0:3[BE0:3].
PCIParity is valid one cycle after either an address or data phase.
The PCI device that drove PCIAD0:31 is responsible for driving
PCIParity on the next PCI bus clock. I/O 5V tolerant
3.3V PCI
PCIFrame PCIFrame is driven by the current PCI bus master to indicate the
beginning and duration of a PCI access. I/O 5V tolerant
3.3V PCI 2
PCIIRDY PCIIRDY is driven by the current PCI bus master. Assertion of
PCIIRDY indicates that the PCI initiator is ready to transfer data. I/O 5V tolerant
3.3V PCI 2
PCITRDY The target of the current PCI transaction drives PCITRDY. Assertion
of PCIT RDY indicates that the PCI target is ready to transfer data. I/O 5V tolerant
3.3V PCI 2
PCIStop The target of the current PCI transaction can assert PCIStop to
indicate to the requesting PCI master that it wants to end the current
transaction. I/O 5V tolerant
3.3V PCI 2
PCIDevSel PCIDevSel is driven by the target of the current PCI transaction. A
PCI target asserts PCIDevSel when it has decoded an address and
command encoding and claims the transaction. I/O 5V tolerant
3.3V PCI 2
PCIIDSel PCIIDSel is used during configuration cycles to select the PCI slave
interface for configuration. I5V tolerant
3.3V PCI
PCISErr PCISErr is used for reporting address parity errors or catastrophic
failures detected by a PCI target. I/O 5V tolerant
3.3V PCI 2
PCIPErr PCIPErr is used for reporting data parity errors on PCI transactions.
PCIPErr is driven active by the device receiving PCIAD0:31,
PCIC0:3[BE0:3], and PCIParity, two PCI clocks following the data in
which bad parity is detected. I/O 5V tolerant
3.3V PCI 2
PCIClk PCIClk is used as the asynchronous PCI clock when in
asynchronous mode. It is unused when the PCI interface is operated
synchronously with the PLB bus. I5V tolerant
3.3V PCI
PCIReset PCI specific reset. O 5V tolerant
3.3V PCI
PCI interrupt. Open-drain output (two states; 0 or open circuit)
Peripheral write enable. Low when any of the four PerWBE0:3 write
byte enables are low.
O5V tolerant
3.3V PCI
PCIReq0[Gnt]Multipurpose signal, used as PCIReq0 when internal arbiter is used,
and as Gnt when external arbiter is used. I5V tolerant
3.3V PCI
PCIReq1:5 Used as PCIReq1:5 input when internal arbiter is used. I 5V tolerant
3.3V PCI