TABLE 2. Ideal Output Code vs. Input Voltage
Analog Input
(+IN) − (−IN)
Binary Output
Hex Code
Dec Code
VREF − 1.5 LSB 0111 1111 1111 7FF 2047
+ 0.5 LSB 0000 0000 0001 001 1
− 0.5 LSB 0000 0000 0000 000 0
0V − 1.5 LSB 1111 1111 1111 FFF −1
−VREF + 0.5 LSB 1000 0000 0000 800 −2048
Applications Information
We recommend that the following conditions be observed for
operation of the ADC121S655:
−40°C ≤ TA ≤ +105°C
+4.5V ≤ VA ≤ +5.5V
1V ≤ VREF ≤ VA
3.2 MHz ≤ fCLK ≤ 8 MHz
VCM: See Section 2.3
The architecture, design, and fabrication process allow the
ADC121S655 to operate at conversion rates up to 500 kSPS
while consuming very little power. The ADC121S655 con-
sumes the least amount of power while operating in power
down mode. For applications where power consumption is
critical, the ADC121S655 should be operated in power down
mode as often as the application will tolerate. To further re-
duce power consumption, stop the SCLK while CS is high.
4.1 Short Cycling
Another way of saving power is to short cycle the conversion
process. This is done by pulling CS high after the last required
bit is received from the ADC121S655 output. This is possible
because the ADC121S655 places the latest converted data
bit on DOUT as it is generated. If only 8-bits of the conversion
result are needed, for example, the conversion can be termi-
nated by pulling CS high after the 8th bit has been clocked
out. Halting the conversion after the last needed bit is out-
putted is called short cycling.
Short cycling can be used to lower the power consumption in
those applications that do not need a full 12-bit resolution, or
where an analog signal is being monitored until some condi-
tion occurs. For example, it may not be necessary to use the
full 12-bit resolution of the ADC121S655 as long as the signal
being monitored is within certain limits. In some circum-
stances, the conversion could be terminated after the first few
bits. This will lower power consumption in the converter since
the ADC121S655 spends more time in power down mode and
less time in the conversion mode.
4.2 Burst Mode Operation
Normal operation of the ADC121S655 requires the SCLK fre-
quency to be sixteen times the sample rate and the CS rate
to be the same as the sample rate. However, in order to min-
imize power consumption in applications requiring sample
rates below 200 kSPS, the ADC121S655 should be run with
an SCLK frequency of 8 MHz and a CS rate as slow as the
system requires. When this is accomplished, the
ADC121S655 is operating in burst mode. The ADC121S655
enters into power down mode at the end of each conversion,
minimizing power consumption. This causes the converter to
spend the longest possible time in power down mode. Since
power consumption scales directly with conversion rate, min-
imizing power consumption requires determining the lowest
conversion rate that will satisfy the requirements of the sys-
Proper operation requires that the fall of CS not occur simul-
taneously with a rising edge of SCLK. If the fall of CS occurs
during the rising edge of SCLK, the data might be clocked out
one bit early. Whether or not the data is clocked out early
depends upon how close the CS transition is to the SCLK
transition, the device temperature, and characteristics of the
individual device. To ensure that the data is always clocked
out at a given time (the 5th falling edge of SCLK), it is essential
that the fall of CS always meet the timing requirement speci-
fied in the Timing Specification table.
For best performance, care should be taken with the physical
layout of the printed circuit board. This is especially true with
a low reference voltage or when the conversion rate is high.
At high clock rates there is less time for settling, so it is im-
portant that any noise settles out before the conversion be-
6.1 Power Supply
Any ADC architecture is sensitive to spikes on the power sup-
ply, reference, and ground pins. These spikes may originate
from switching power supplies, digital logic, high power de-
vices, and other sources. Power to the ADC121S655 should
be clean and well bypassed. A 0.1 µF ceramic bypass ca-
pacitor and a 1 µF to 10 µF capacitor should be used to
bypass the ADC121S655 supply, with the 0.1 µF capacitor
placed as close to the ADC121S655 package as possible.
6.2 Voltage Reference
The reference source must have a low output impedance and
needs to be bypassed with a minimum capacitor value of 0.1
µF. A larger capacitor value of 1 µF to 10 µF placed in parallel
with the 0.1 µF is preferred. While the ADC121S655 draws
very little current from the reference on average, there are
higher instantaneous current spikes at the reference input
that must settle out while SCLK is high. Since these transient
spikes can be as high as 20 mA, it is important that the ref-
erence circuit be capable of providing this much current and
settle out during the first three clock periods (acquisition time).
The reference input of the ADC121S655, like all A/D convert-
ers, does not reject noise or voltage variations. Keep this in
mind if the reference voltage is derived from the power supply.
Any noise and/or ripple from the supply that is not rejected by
the external reference circuitry will appear in the digital re-
sults. The use of an active reference source is recommended.
The LM4040 and LM4050 shunt reference families and the
LM4132 and LM4140 series reference families are excellent
choices for a reference source.
6.3 Power and Ground Planes
A single ground plane and the use of two or more power
planes is recommended. The power planes should all be in
the same board layer and will define the analog, digital, and
high power board areas. Lines associated with these areas
should always be routed within their respective areas.
The GND pin on the ADC121S655 should be connected to
the ground plane at a quiet point. Avoid connecting the GND
pin too close to the ground point of a microprocessor, micro-
controller, digital signal processor, or other high power digital
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