Compact high-performance module FN 9222 * * * * up to 20A current ratings IEC 950-compliant optional medical version (B type) snap-in version (S and S1 type) * * * * Nennstrom bis 20A IEC 950 konform Fur medizinische Gerate als Option (Typ B) Snap-in Version (Typ S und S1) * * * * courants de service pouvant atteindre 20A conforme a CEI 950 version medicale en option (type B) version snap-in (type S et S1) Filter selection table Approvals Choose the family FN xxx with the required body style and features, and add -?? to determine current rating, and /?? for output connections. Example: FN 9222-1/06 is a horizontal screw-mounting filter, rated for 1A, with fast-on outputs. Family Current ratings A at 40C (25) 10 (11.6) 10 (12) EN133200 IEC60939 (10A max, for VDE and Semko) Output connection 1 (1.2) 3 (3.5) 6 (7.2) FN 9222 -?? /?? -1 -3 -6 -10 -12 -15 -16 -20 /06 /07 - FN 9222S -?? /?? -1 -3 -6 -10 -12 -15 - - /06 /07 - FN 9222S1 -?? /?? -1 -3 -6 -10 -12 -15 - - /06 /07 - 0.075 0.54 0.4 Inductance L 12 2.5 0.78 0.225 10 (15) 16 (18.5) Housing 20 (23) mH 0.11 Additional specifications Filter type Res. Weight R M g VAC Hz Hz PNE VAC PN VDC 190 - 40 250 50/60 DC to 400 2000 1700 190 1 40 250 50/60 DC to 400 2000 1700 2.2 190 1 120 250 50/60 DC to 400 2000 1700 - 2 1 40 250 50/60 DC to 400 2500 1700 - 2 1 120 250 50/60 DC to 400 2500 1700 Capacitance Maximum leakage Cx nF Cy nF A/phase Standard types (up to 15A) 100 2.2 R types (up to 15A) 100 2.2 R types (16/20A) 330 B types (medical, up to 15A) 100 B types (medical, 16/20A) 330 Maximum operating volt. Operating frequency MTBF at 40C, 230V, per Mil-HB-217F: 1,800,000 hours Temperature range: -25C - +85C Please note that 16A and 20A filters are only available as R-types (FN 9222R-16-06 and FN9222R-20-06) with resistor. 68 Hipot test voltage FN 9222 insertion loss Per CISPR 17; A = 50/50 sym, B = 50/50 asym, C = 0.1/100 sym, D = 100/0.1 sym 1 amp types 3 amp types 6 amp types 10 amp types 12 amp types 15 amp types 16 amp types 20 amp types dB dB 70 70 60 60 50 50 A 40 30 B 30 D 20 A 40 B D 20 10 10 C 0 C 0 -10 -10 -20 10 k 100 k 1M -20 10 k 10 M 100 k 1M 10 M Electrical schematics 2xL Cx FN 9222B 2xCy R 2xL N N' E E' P P' LINE E' E LOAD LINE Cx N' N LOAD FN 9222 (1-15A) P' P FN 9222R R 2xL 2xCy N' E E' P P' LINE N LOAD Cx See tables for component values 69 Mechanical data FN 9222 up to 15A FN 9222 1 to 6A A B C D F H J M N P R S W Y Z 10 to 15A 16-20A SIDE /06 FRONT 53 30 42 73 48 22.5 40 38.4 D A C S 5.5 O3.3 13.3 R3 21.5 +- 00.5 28.5 +- 00.5 O3.5 27 34.7 J B H M3 90 F 6 AWG 18 AWG 16 160 FN 9222 12 and 15A (versions with IEC hot inlet) PANEL CUT-OUT FRONT SIDE /07* C Y P R N M FN 9222x-12-xxHI W FN 9222x-15-xxHI Z FN 9222R 16 and 20A REAR SIDE FRONT PANEL CUT-OUT H S A R C C P N D B * FN 9222 filtres with wire connections (/07) are currently in preparation. Their mechanical dimensions are subject to minor adjustments. Please contact your local Schaffner office for details. All dimensions in mm; 1 inch = 25.4mm 70 Tolerances according to ISO 2768-m/EN 22768-m Mechanical data FN 9222S 1 to 6A A B C D F J M N P T W Y Z 10 to 15A 29.9 22.4 27.8 38.4 5.5 13.3 R1.5 20.8 +- 00.1 29.4 +- 00.1 panel thickness Snap-in version FN 9222S (For installation instructions see page 92) FRONT SIDE /06 F T A B J C 0.6-1.6mm 6 AWG 18 AWG 16 D 160 SIDE /07* PANEL CUT-OUT Y P N M W Z FN 9222S1 1 to 6A A B C D F J M N P T W Y Z 10 to 15A 29.9 22.4 27.8 38.4 5.5 13.3 R1.5 21.9 +- 00.1 28.5 +- 00.1 panel thickness Snap-in version FN 9222S1 (For installation instructions see page 92) FRONT SIDE /06 F B D A J C 0.6-1.6mm 6 AWG 18 AWG 16 160 PANEL CUT-OUT SIDE /07* Y P N M W Z * FN 9222 filtres with wire connection (/07) are currently in preparation. Their mechanical dimensions are subject to minor adjustments. Please contact your local Schaffner office for details. All dimensions in mm; 1 inch = 25.4mm Tolerances according to ISO 2768-m/EN 22768-m 71