● 本書に記載された製品、および、製品の仕様につきましては、製品改善のために予告なく変更することがあ
● 本書に記載された周辺回路、応用回路、ソフトウェアおよびこれらに関連する情報は、半導体製品の動作例、
● 本書記載製品が、外国為替および、外国貿易管理法に定める戦略物資(役務を含む)に該当する場合、輸
● 医療機器、安全装置、航空宇宙用機器、原子力制御用機器など、その装置・機器の故障や動作不良が、直
● この同意書を得ずにこうした用途に弊社製品を使用された場合、弊社は、その使用から生ずる損害等の責
● お客様の転売等によりこの注意事項の存在を知らずに上記用途に弊社製品が使用され、その使用から損
2015 年 4 月 1 日現在
● These pr oduc ts and the ir s pecif ic ati ons ar e s ubj ect to change with out n otic e . When you consid er any
use or application of these products, please make inquiries the sales office of Asahi Kasei
Microdevices Corporation (AKM) or authorized distributors as to current status of the products.
● Descripti ons of ex ternal circuits , app l icati on c irc uits, s oftware and other r e lat ed i n f ormation conta ine d
in this document are provided only to illustrate the operation and application examples of the
semiconductor products. You are fully responsible for the incorporation of these external circuits,
application circuits, software and other related information in the design of your equipments. AKM
assum es no r es ponsibi li t y for an y loss es incur red b y you or thir d p arties arising fr om the us e of thes e
information herein. AKM assumes no liability for infringement of any patent, intellectual property, or
other rights in the application or use of such information contained herein.
● Any export of these produc ts, or devices or system s containing them , may requir e an export licens e
or other of ficial ap proval under the l aw and r egula tions of the countr y of expor t pert aining to c ustom s
and tariffs, currency exchange, or strategic materials.
● AKM products are neither intended nor authorized for use as critical componentsNote1) in any safety,
life supp ort, or other h azar d related de vice or s ystemNote2), and AKM assum es no respons ibilit y for
such use, except for the use approved with the express written consent by Representative Director of
AKM. As used here:
Note1) A critical component is one whose failure to function or perform may reasonably be
expected to result, whether directly or indirectly, in the loss of the safety or effectiveness of the
device or system containing it, and which must therefore meet very high standards of
performance and reliability.
Note2) A hazard related device or system is one designed or intended for life support or
maintenance of safety or for applications in medicine, aerospace, nuclear energy, or other
fields, in which its failure to function or perform may reasonably be expected to result in loss of
life or in significant injury or damage to person or property.
● It is the responsibility of the buyer or distributor of AKM products, whodistributes, disposes of, or
otherwise places the product with a third party, to notify such third party in advance of the above
content and conditions, and the bu yer or distributor agrees to assume any and all responsibilit y and
liabilit y for an d ho ld AKM h ar mless from an y and al l cl aims ar ising f r om the use of s aid produc t in t he
absence of such notification.
April 1, 2015