Data Sheet
SiI3132 PCI Express to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet
Document # SiI-DS-0138-E
SiI3132 PCI Express to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet
Silicon Image, Inc.
ii © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved SiI-DS-0138-E
May, 2010
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Revision History
Revision Date Comment
A 4/8/2005 Derived from preliminary datasheet rev 0.3
A01 8/15/2005 Updated register description for BAR0 Offset 50H
A02 8/11/2006 Corrected inconsistent sentences (minor fixes including mistyping)
C 2/2/2007 Removed confidential markings (no longer under NDA); updated Marking Specification.
D 2/23/2007 Changes to package drawing. New formatting applied.
E 5/7/2010 Added I2C section; rewrote Initialization Sequence section; copyedited and brought to current standards.
© 2007-2010 Silicon Image. Inc. All rights reserved.
SiI3132 PCI Express to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet
Silicon Image, Inc.
SiI-DS-0138-E © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved. iii
Table of Contents
Overview ..............................................................................................................................................................................1
Features ............................................................................................................................................................................1
Overall Features............................................................................................................................................................1
PCI Express Features....................................................................................................................................................1
Serial ATA Features ......................................................................................................................................................1
Pin Diagram......................................................................................................................................................................2
Electrical Characteristics ......................................................................................................................................................3
Electrical Characteristics ..................................................................................................................................................3
SATA Interface Timing Specifications .............................................................................................................................5
SATA Interface Transmitter Output Jitter Characteristics ................................................................................................5
PCI Express Interface Timing Specifications ................................................................................................................... 6
PCI Express Interface Transmitter Output Jitter Characteristics ......................................................................................6
CLKI SATA Reference Clock Input Requirement............................................................................................................ 6
Power Supply Noise Requirements ..................................................................................................................................6
Pin Descriptions....................................................................................................................................................................7
PCI Express Pins ..............................................................................................................................................................7
Flash Data and Address Pins ............................................................................................................................................ 7
FLSAH Control, I2C, and LED Pins.................................................................................................................................8
Serial ATA Pins.................................................................................................................................................................8
Test Pins............................................................................................................................................................................8
Power/Ground Pins........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Pin List by Pin Number .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Package Drawing................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Marking Specification ....................................................................................................................................................12
Ordering Information......................................................................................................................................................12
Programming Model........................................................................................................................................................... 13
SiI3132 Block Diagram.................................................................................................................................................. 13
SiI3132 SATA Port Block Diagram................................................................................................................................ 14
Direct Command Transfer Method – Host controlled write to Slot............................................................................15
Indirect Command Transfer Method – SiI3132 controlled command transfer...........................................................15
Data Structures ...............................................................................................................................................................16
The Command Slot.....................................................................................................................................................16
The Scatter/Gather Entry (SGE).................................................................................................................................16
The Scatter/Gather Table (SGT) ................................................................................................................................. 16
The Port Request Block (PRB)................................................................................................................................... 17
The PRB Control Field............................................................................................................................................... 18
The PRB Protocol Override Field ..............................................................................................................................19
Standard ATA Command PRB Structure ....................................................................................................................19
PACKET Command PRB Structure ........................................................................................................................... 21
Soft Reset PRB Structure ...........................................................................................................................................22
External Command PRB Structure............................................................................................................................. 22
Interlocked Receive PRB Structure............................................................................................................................ 23
Operation ........................................................................................................................................................................24
Methods to Issue Commands......................................................................................................................................24
Reset and Initialization ...............................................................................................................................................24
PERST# Reset ........................................................................................................................................................24
Global Reset ...........................................................................................................................................................25
Port Reset ...............................................................................................................................................................25
Device Reset...........................................................................................................................................................25
Port Initialize ..........................................................................................................................................................25
Port Ready ..............................................................................................................................................................25
Port Reset Operation................................................................................................................................................... 25
Initialization Sequence ...............................................................................................................................................25
SiI3132 PCI Express to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet
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Initialize Port and Retrieve Device Signature ........................................................................................................26
Port Multiplier Enumeration Procedure..................................................................................................................26
ATAPI PACKET Device Procedure .......................................................................................................................26
Disk Drive Procedure .............................................................................................................................................27
Interrupts and Command Completion ........................................................................................................................27
Interrupt Sources ........................................................................................................................................................ 27
Command Completion — The Slot Status Registers..................................................................................................30
The Attention Bit ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
Interrupt Service Procedure........................................................................................................................................ 31
Interrupt No Clear on Read ........................................................................................................................................ 31
Error Processing .........................................................................................................................................................31
Error Recovery Procedures......................................................................................................................................... 32
Auto-Initialization ..............................................................................................................................................................34
Auto-Initialization from Flash........................................................................................................................................34
Auto-Initialization from EEPROM.................................................................................................................................35
Register Definitions............................................................................................................................................................37
PCI Configuration Space................................................................................................................................................ 37
Device ID – Vendor ID...............................................................................................................................................38
PCI Status – PCI Command .......................................................................................................................................38
PCI Class Code – Revision ID ...................................................................................................................................39
BIST – Header Type – Latency Timer – Cache Line Size..........................................................................................39
Base Address Register 0 .............................................................................................................................................39
Base Address Register 1 .............................................................................................................................................40
Base Address Register 2 .............................................................................................................................................40
Subsystem ID — Subsystem Vendor ID..................................................................................................................... 40
Expansion ROM Base Address ..................................................................................................................................41
Capabilities Pointer ....................................................................................................................................................41
Max Latency – Min Grant – Interrupt Pin – Interrupt Line........................................................................................41
Header Write Enable................................................................................................................................................... 42
Power Management Capability...................................................................................................................................42
Power Management Control + Status......................................................................................................................... 43
MSI Capability ...........................................................................................................................................................43
Message Address ........................................................................................................................................................44
MSI Message Data .....................................................................................................................................................44
PCI Express Capability............................................................................................................................................... 44
Device Capabilities..................................................................................................................................................... 45
Device Status and Control .......................................................................................................................................... 45
Link Capabilities ........................................................................................................................................................46
Link Status and Control..............................................................................................................................................46
Global Register Offset................................................................................................................................................ 47
Global Register Data ..................................................................................................................................................47
Port Register Offset ....................................................................................................................................................47
Port Register Data....................................................................................................................................................... 47
Advanced Error Reporting Capability........................................................................................................................ 48
Uncorrectable Error Status .........................................................................................................................................48
Uncorrectable Error Mask .......................................................................................................................................... 49
Uncorrectable Error Severity......................................................................................................................................49
Correctable Error Status .............................................................................................................................................49
Correctable Error Mask ..............................................................................................................................................50
Advanced Error Capabilities and Control ..................................................................................................................50
Header Log ................................................................................................................................................................. 51
Internal Register Space – Base Address 0 ...................................................................................................................... 51
Global Port Slot Status ...............................................................................................................................................52
Global Control............................................................................................................................................................52
Global Interrupt Status................................................................................................................................................53
PHY Configuration.....................................................................................................................................................53
SiI3132 PCI Express to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet
Silicon Image, Inc.
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BIST Control ..............................................................................................................................................................54
BIST Pattern ...............................................................................................................................................................54
BIST Status................................................................................................................................................................. 54
I2C Control..................................................................................................................................................................55
I2C Status.................................................................................................................................................................... 56
I2C Slave Address .......................................................................................................................................................56
I2C Data Buffer........................................................................................................................................................... 57
Flash Address ............................................................................................................................................................. 57
Flash Memory Data / GPIO Control........................................................................................................................... 57
Internal Register Space – Base Address 1 .................................................................................................................. 58
Port LRAM................................................................................................................................................................. 59
Port Slot Status ...........................................................................................................................................................59
Port Control Set ..........................................................................................................................................................60
Port Status...................................................................................................................................................................61
Port Control Clear....................................................................................................................................................... 61
Port Interrupt Status....................................................................................................................................................62
Port Interrupt Enable Set / Port Interrupt Enable Clear.............................................................................................. 63
32-bit Activation Upper Address ................................................................................................................................ 63
Port Command Execution FIFO ................................................................................................................................. 63
Port Command Error ..................................................................................................................................................63
Port FIS Configuration ............................................................................................................................................... 65
Port PCI Express Request FIFO Threshold................................................................................................................ 65
Port 8B/10B Decode Error Counter ...........................................................................................................................66
Port CRC Error Counter ............................................................................................................................................. 66
Port Handshake Error Counter ................................................................................................................................... 67
Port PHY Configuration ............................................................................................................................................. 67
Port Device Status ......................................................................................................................................................68
Port Device QActive...................................................................................................................................................68
Port Context................................................................................................................................................................ 69
SStatus ........................................................................................................................................................................70
SError .........................................................................................................................................................................71
SActive .......................................................................................................................................................................71
Internal Register Space – Base Address 2 ...................................................................................................................... 72
Global Register Offset................................................................................................................................................ 72
Global Register Data ..................................................................................................................................................72
Port Register Offset ....................................................................................................................................................73
Port Register Data....................................................................................................................................................... 73
Power Management............................................................................................................................................................74
Flash, GPIO, EEPROM, and I2C Programming ................................................................................................................. 75
Flash Memory Access..................................................................................................................................................... 75
PCI Direct Access....................................................................................................................................................... 75
Register Access........................................................................................................................................................... 75
Flash Write Operation............................................................................................................................................. 75
Flash Read Operation .............................................................................................................................................75
I2C Operation.................................................................................................................................................................. 75
I2C Master Write Operation........................................................................................................................................76
I2C Master Read Operation......................................................................................................................................... 76
Setup for a Read Operation .................................................................................................................................... 76
Read the Data .........................................................................................................................................................77
I2C Slave Read Operations .........................................................................................................................................77
Standards Documents ......................................................................................................................................................... 78
SiI3132 PCI Express to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet
Silicon Image, Inc.
vi © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved SiI-DS-0138-E
List of Figures
Figure 1. Pin Diagram (Top View) ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Figure 2. Eye Diagram .........................................................................................................................................................4
Figure 3. Package Drawing 88 QFN .................................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 4. Marking Specification.........................................................................................................................................12
Figure 5. SiI3132 Block Diagram.......................................................................................................................................13
Figure 6. Port Logic Block Diagram .................................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 7. SiI3132 Interrupt Map.........................................................................................................................................29
Figure 8. Auto-Initialization from Flash Timing ................................................................................................................34
Figure 9. Auto-Initialization from EEPROM Timing......................................................................................................... 35
SiI3132 PCI Express to Serial ATA Controller
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List of Tables
Table 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings ................................................................................................................................... 3
Table 2. DC Specifications ...................................................................................................................................................3
Table 3. SATA Interface DC Specifications..........................................................................................................................4
Table 4. PCI Express Interface DC Specifications ...............................................................................................................4
Table 5. SATA Interface Timing Specifications....................................................................................................................5
Table 6. SATA Interface Transmitter Output Jitter Characteristics, 1.5 Gbit/s.....................................................................5
Table 7. SATA Interface Transmitter Output Jitter Characteristics, 3 Gbit/s ........................................................................ 5
Table 8. PCI Express Interface Timing Specifications .........................................................................................................6
Table 9. PCI Express Interface Transmitter Output Jitter Characteristics ............................................................................6
Table 10. CLKI SerDes Reference Clock Input Requirement..............................................................................................6
Table 11. Power Supply Noise Requirement ........................................................................................................................6
Table 12. Scatter/Gather Entry (SGE) ................................................................................................................................ 16
Table 13. Scatter/Gather Table (SGT..................................................................................................................................17
Table 14. Control Field Bit Definitions ..............................................................................................................................18
Table 15. Protocol Override Bit Definitions....................................................................................................................... 19
Table 16. Port Request Block for Standard ATA Command............................................................................................... 19
Table 17. PRB FIS Area Definition .................................................................................................................................... 20
Table 18. Port Request Block for PACKET Command......................................................................................................21
Table 19. Port Request Block for Soft Reset Command..................................................................................................... 22
Table 20. Port Request Block for External Commands ...................................................................................................... 23
Table 21. Port Request Block For Receiving Interlocked FIS............................................................................................ 24
Table 22. Interrupt Steering ................................................................................................................................................27
Table 23. Port Interrupt Causes and Control ......................................................................................................................30
Table 24. Auto-Initialization from Flash Timing ................................................................................................................ 34
Table 25. Flash Data Description .......................................................................................................................................34
Table 26. Auto-Initialization from EEPROM Timing.........................................................................................................35
Table 27. Auto-Initialization from EEPROM Timing Symbols.......................................................................................... 35
Table 28. EEPROM Data Description ................................................................................................................................ 36
Table 29. SiI3132 PCI Configuration Space ......................................................................................................................37
Table 30. SiI3132 Internal Register Space – Base Address 0............................................................................................. 51
Table 31. SiI3132 Internal Register Space – Base Address 1............................................................................................. 58
Table 32. Port LRAM layout .............................................................................................................................................. 59
Table 33. Port LRAM Slot layout....................................................................................................................................... 59
Table 34. Command Error Codes .......................................................................................................................................64
Table 35. Default FIS Configurations................................................................................................................................. 65
Table 36. Address Offsets to Port Device Status Registers ................................................................................................68
Table 37. Address Offsets to Port Device QActive Registers.............................................................................................68
Table 38. SError Register Bits (DIAG Field) ..................................................................................................................... 71
Table 39. SiI3132 Internal Register Space – Base Address 2............................................................................................. 72
Table 40. Power Management Register Bits....................................................................................................................... 74
Table 41. Referenced Documents....................................................................................................................................... 78
Table 42. Standards Groups Contact Information ..............................................................................................................78
SiI3132 PCI Express to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet
Silicon Image, Inc.
viii © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved SiI-DS-0138-E
SiI3132 PCI Express to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet
SiI-DS-0138-E © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved. 1
The Silicon Image SiI3132 controller is a two-port PCI
Express to Serial ATA controller. It provides multiple-
port Serial ATA connectivity with minimal host
overhead and host-to-device latency. The controller
supports a 1-lane 2.5 Gbit/s PCI Express bus and the
Serial ATA Generation 2 transfer rate of 3.0 Gbit/s (300
Overall Features
Host Protocol:
Optimized for transaction oriented designs
with minimal Host overhead
Supports two command issuance mechanisms:
Efficient in both embedded and PC
Reduces dependency on bridge behavior
Supports up to 4-Mbit external flash for BIOS
Supports a master/slave I2C interface
Supports external flash or serial EEPROM for
programmable subsystem vendor ID / subsystem
product ID
Fabricated in a 0.18 μ CMOS process with a
1.8 volt core and 3.3 volt I/Os
Available in an 88-pin QFN package (10x10 mm,
0.4 mm lead pitch) with an ePad An EPAD must
be soldered to PCB GND
JTAG boundary scan
PCI Express Features
Supports 1-lane 2.5 Gbit/s PCI Express
Internal application interface multiplexed to 2 ports
All registers appear in unified memory space
All registers accessible through I/O space
Full-chip command completion status accessible
with single PCI Express access
Serial ATA Features
Integrated Serial ATA Link and PHY logic
Compliant with Serial ATA 1.0 specifications
Supports Serial ATA Generation 2 transfer rate of
3.0 Gbit/s
Plesiochronous, Single PLL architecture, 1 PLL for
2 ports
Output Swing Control
Supports two independent Serial ATA channels:
Independent Link, Transport, and data FIFO
Independent command fetch, scatter/gather,
and command execution with hard-coded state
machines — no code space or download
Supports Legacy Command Queuing (LCQ)
Supports Native Command Queuing (NCQ)
Supports Non-zero offsets NCQ
Supports Out of order data delivery NCQ
Supports FIS-based switching with Port
31 Commands and Scatter/Gather Tables per port
Protocol Override per Command
Staggered Spin-up Control
SiI3132 PCI Express to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet
Silicon Image, Inc.
2 © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved SiI-DS-0138-E
Pin Diagram
Figure 1 shows the pin assignments of the controller. A description of the pin functions is in the Pin Descriptions section
beginning on page 7. The package is a 10 mm x 10 mm 88-pin QFN with an ePad, which must be soldered to ground.
Figure 1. Pin Diagram (Top View)
SiI3132 PCI Express to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet
Silicon Image, Inc.
SiI-DS-0138-E © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved. 3
Electrical Characteristics
Electrical Characteristics
Specifications are for commercial temperature range, 0 oC to +70 oC, unless otherwise specified.
Table 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit
VDDO I/O Supply Voltage 4.0 V
VDDD Core Supply Voltage 2.15 V
Supply Voltage for SATA and PCI Express
Receivers, Transmitters, and PLLs, respectively
2.15 V
VIN Input Voltage 0.3 VDD + 0.3 V
IOUT DC Output Current 16 mA
θJA Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient, Still
22.2* °C/W
TSTG Storage Temperature –65 150 o
*Note: The ePad must be soldered to the PCB ground.
Table 2. DC Specifications
Symbol Parameter Condition Type Min Typ Max Unit
VDDD Core Supply Voltage
VDDSRX SATA Receiver Supply Voltage
VDDSTX SATA Transmitter Supply Voltage
VDDSPLL SATA SerDes PLL Supply Voltage
VDDPRX PCI Exp Receiver Supply Voltage
VDDPTX PCI Exp Transmitter Supply Voltage
VDDPTXPLL PCI Exp Transmitter PLL Supply Voltage
VDDPRXPLL PCI Exp Receiver PLL Supply Voltage
VDDX Oscillator Supply Voltage
1.71 1.8 1.89 V
VDDO Supply Voltage (I/O) 3.0 3.3 3.6 V
IDD1.8V-3G Supply Current (1.8 V Supply) 3 GHz Operating 450 570 mA
IDD1.8V-1.5G Supply Current (1.8 V Supply) 1.5 GHz Operating 380 500 mA
VIH Input HIGH Voltage 3.3 V I/O 2.0 V
VIL Input LOW Voltage 3.3 V I/O 0.8 V
V+ Input HIGH Voltage 3.3 V I/O Schmitt 1.8 2.3 V
V- Input LOW Voltage 3.3 V I/O Schmitt 0.5 0.9 V
VH Hysteresis Voltage 3.3 V I/O Schmitt 0.4 V
IIH Input HIGH Current VIN = VDD –10 10 μA
IIL Input LOW Current VIN = VSS –10 10 μA
VOH Output HIGH Voltage 2.4 V
VOL Output LOW Voltage 0.4 V
IOZ 3-State Leakage Current –10 10 μA
Note: 3.3 V power consumption depends on LED, JTAG, Enclosure management status. If all are disabled, 3.3 V power consumption
is insignificant.
SiI3132 PCI Express to Serial ATA Controller
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4 © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved SiI-DS-0138-E
Table 3. SATA Interface DC Specifications
Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit
VSATA_DOUT TX+/TX- differential peak-to-peak voltage swing. Terminated by 50 .
BAR1 1050h [4:0] = 0x0C* 400 550 700 mV
VSATA_DIN RX+/RX- differential peak-to-peak input
sensitivity — 240 mV
VSATA_SQ RX+/RX- OOB Signal Detection Threshold 50 125 240 mV
VSATA_ACCM Tx AC common-mode voltage 50 mV
Z SATA_DIN Tx Pair Differential impedance 85 100 115
Z SATA_DOUT Rx Pair Differential impedance 85 100 115
Z SATA_SIN Tx Single-Ended impedance 40
Z SATA_SOUT Rx Single-Ended impedance 40
*Note: 0x0A is a reset value.
Table 4. PCI Express Interface DC Specifications
Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit
VPCI_DOUT TX+/TX- differential peak-to-peak voltage swing. Terminated by 50 800 1000 1200 mV
VPCI_DE-RATIO Tx De-Emphasized Differential Output Voltage Ratio –3.0 –3.5 –4.0 dB
V PCI_DIN RX+/RX- differential peak-to-peak input
sensitivity — 175 1200 mV
Z PCI_DIN Tx Pair Differential impedance DC impedance 80 100 120
Z PCI_DOUT Rx Pair Differential impedance DC impedance 80 100 120
Z PCI_SIN Tx Single-Ended impedance DC impedance 40 50 60
Z PCI_SOUT Rx Single-Ended impedance DC impedance 40 50 60
IMP-DC Rx Powered Down Impedance DC impedance 200 k
DET-DIFFp-p Electrical Idle Detect Threshold Measured at the Rx pins 65 175 mV
Peak-to peak
Total Jitter
Minimum Amplitude
Maximum Amplitude
Figure 2. Eye Diagram
SiI3132 PCI Express to Serial ATA Controller
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SATA Interface Timing Specifications
Table 5. SATA Interface Timing Specifications
Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit
TTX_RISE_FALL Rise and Fall time at transmitter 20%–80% at Gen 1
20%–80% at Gen 2
67 273
136 ps
TTX_TOL_FREQ Tx Frequency Long Term Stability –350 +350 ppm
TTX_AC_FREQ Tx Spread-Spectrum Modulation
CLKI = SSC AC modulation, subject to the
Downspread SSC triangular modulation
(30–33 kHz) profile per in SATA 1.0
–5000 — +0 ppm
TTX_SKEW Tx Differential Skew 15 ps
SATA Interface Transmitter Output Jitter Characteristics
Table 6. SATA Interface Transmitter Output Jitter Characteristics, 1.5 Gbit/s
Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit
TJ5UI_15G Total Jitter, Data-Data 5 UI Measured at Tx output pins peak-to-peak
phase variation Random data pattern — 80 — ps
DJ5UI_15G Deterministic Jitter, Data-Data 5 UI Measured at Tx output pins peak-to-peak
phase variation Random data pattern — 40 — ps
TJ250UI_15G Total Jitter, Data-Data 250 UI Measured at Tx output pins peak-to-peak
phase variation Random data pattern — 100 — ps
DJ250UI_15G Deterministic Jitter, Data-Data
250 UI
Measured at Tx output pins peak-to-peak
phase variation Random data pattern — 60 — ps
Table 7. SATA Interface Transmitter Output Jitter Characteristics, 3 Gbit/s
Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit
TJfBAND/10_3G Total Jitter, fC3dB = fBAUD/10
Measured at SATA Compliance Point
Random data pattern
Load = LL Laboratory Load
— 60 — ps
DJfBAND/10_3G Deterministic Jitter, fC3dB = fBAUD/10
Measured at SATA Compliance Point
Random data pattern
Load = LL Laboratory Load
— 15 — ps
TJfBAND/500_3G Total Jitter, fC3dB = fBAUD/500
Measured at SATA Compliance Point
Random data pattern
Load = LL Laboratory Load
— 70 — ps
DJfBAND/500_3G Deterministic Jitter, fC3dB =
Measured at SATA Compliance Point
Random data pattern
Load = LL Laboratory Load
— 20 — ps
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6 © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved SiI-DS-0138-E
PCI Express Interface Timing Specifications
Table 8. PCI Express Interface Timing Specifications
Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit
TPCI_UI Tx / Rx Unit Interval SSC disabled 399.88 400 400.12 ps
TPCI_TX_RISE_FALL Rise and Fall time at transmitter 20%–80% 0.125 UI
TPCI_TX-IDLE-MIN Minimum time spent in Electrical Idle 50 UI
Maximum time to transition to a valid Electrical
Idle after sending an Electrical Idle ordered set — — 20 UI
Maximum time to transition to valid TX
specifications after leaving an Electrical Idle
— — 20 UI
TPVPERL Power stable to PERST# inactive 100 ms
TPERST-CLK REFCLK stable before PERST# inactive 100 us
TPERST PERST# active time 100 us
PCI Express Interface Transmitter Output Jitter Characteristics
Table 9. PCI Express Interface Transmitter Output Jitter Characteristics
Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit
TJPCIe Total Jitter Defined by PCI Express Base
Specification Rev 1.1 — 65 — ps
CLKI SATA Reference Clock Input Requirement
Table 10. CLKI SerDes Reference Clock Input Requirement
Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit
TCLKI_FREQ Nominal Frequency 25 — MHz
VCLKI_IH Input HIGH Voltage 0.7xV
DDX — — V
VCLKI_IL Input LOW Voltage 0.3xV
TCLKI_J CLKI frequency tolerance –50 +50 ppm
TCLKI_RISE_FALL Rise and Fall time at CLKI 25 MHz reference 4 ns
TCLKI_RJ Random Jitter
Measured at CLKI pin
10-12 Bit Error Ratio
1 sigma deviation
— — 50 psrms
TCLKI_TJ Total Jitter
Measured at CLKI pin
10-12 Bit Error Ratio
peak-to-peak phase noise
— — 1 ns
TCLKI_RC_DUTY CLKI duty cycle 20%–80% 40 60 %
Power Supply Noise Requirements
Table 11. Power Supply Noise Requirement
Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit
VNOISE_VDDA 1.8 V Analog Power Noise 50 mV
VNOISE_VDDD 1.8 V Digital Power Noise 100 mV
VNOISE_VDDO 3.3 V IO Power Noise
Peak-to-peak sine wave across 500 kHz to
3 GHz frequency range.
Measured with differential probe triggered by
noise source — — 200 mV
SiI3132 PCI Express to Serial ATA Controller
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Silicon Image, Inc.
SiI-DS-0138-E © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved. 7
Pin Descriptions
PCI Express Pins
Name Pin Type Dir Description
PRX+ 25
PRX- 26
Differential Input Receiver.
Serial receiver differential pair; must be AC coupled.
PTX+ 30
PTX- 29
Differential Output Transmitter.
Serial transmitter differential pair; must be AC coupled with a 100 nF capacitor.
Differential Input Reference Clock.
Reference clock differential pair supplied by PCI Express system. This input
signal must be compliant with PCI Express Card Electromechanical
Specification, Revision 1.0a.
PERST_N 34 Schmitt Input Reset.
PERST_N initializes the PCI Express interface and sets internal registers to
their initial state.
Flash Data and Address Pins
Name Pin Type Dir Description
FL_ADDR18 71
FL_ADDR17 70
FL_ADDR16 69
FL_ADDR15 68
FL_ADDR14 65
FL_ADDR13 64
FL_ADDR12 63
FL_ADDR11 62
FL_ADDR10 61
FL_ADDR09 59
FL_ADDR08 58
FL_ADDR07 57
FL_ADDR06 56
FL_ADDR05 55
FL_ADDR04 53
FL_ADDR03 52
FL_ADDR02 51
FL_ADDR01 50
FL_ADDR00 49
8 mA Input
Flash Address.
The 18 FL_ADDRnn pins are the Flash Memory address pins for up to 512 kB
of flash memory. These pins have an internal 70 k pullup resistor.
8 mA Input
Flash Data.
The 8 FL_DATAn pins comprise the 8-bit flash memory data bus. These pins
have an internal 70 k pullup resistor.
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8 © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved SiI-DS-0138-E
FLSAH Control, I2C, and LED Pins
Name Pin Type Dir Description
FL_RD_N 72 8 mA Input
Flash Read Enable.
Active LOW. This pin has an internal 70 k pullup resistor.
FL_WR_N 73 8 mA Input
Flash Write Enable.
Active LOW. This pin has an internal 70 k pullup resistor is required on each
of these pins.
FL_CS_N 74 8 mA Input
Flash Chip Select.
Active LOW. This pin has an internal 70 k pullup resistor.
I2C_SDAT 82 Schmitt
4 mA
I2C Serial Data.
Serial Interface (I2C) data line (internally connected to PHY I2C data line).
This pin has an internal 70 k pullup resistor.
I2C_SCLK 83 Schmitt
4 mA
I2C Serial Clock.
Serial Interface (I2C) clock (internally connected to PHY I2C clock). This pin
has an internal 70 k pullup resistor.
LED1 36
LED0 37
Open drain
12 mA
Output Activity LEDs.
Activity LED drivers for channels 1 and 0.
Serial AT A Pins
Name Pin Type Dir Description
RX1+ 4
RX1- 5
RX0+ 18
RX0- 17
Differential Input Receiver.
Serial receiver differential pair; must be AC coupled.
TX1+ 9
TX1- 8
TX0+ 13
TX0- 14
Differential Output Transmitter.
Serial transmitter differential pair; must be AC coupled.
XTALI/CLKI 87 Analog Input Crystal In.
Crystal oscillator pin for SerDes reference clock. When an external clock
source is selected, the 25 MHz external clock comes through this pin. The
clock must have a 1.8 V swing and the precision recommendation is ±50 ppm.
Refer to Table 10 on page 6 for details.
XTALO 86 Analog Output Crystal Out.
Crystal oscillator pin for SerDes reference clock. A 25 MHz crystal must be
Test Pins
Name Pin Type Dir Description
TMS 76 LVTTL Input JTAG Test Mode Select.
A 70 k pullup resistor is required on this pin.
TCK 77 Schmitt Input JTAG Test Clock.
TDI 78 LVTTL Input JTAG Test Data In.
This pin has an internal 70 k pullup resistor is required on this pin.
TDO 79 4 mA Output JTAG Test Data Out.
TRSTN 80 LVTTL Input JTAG Test Reset.
This pin must be tied to ground if JTAG function is not used. This pin has an
internal 70 k pullup resistor.
SCAN_MODE 81 LVTTL Input Scan Mode.
Used for factory testing; do not connect. This pin has an internal 60 k
pulldown resistor.
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Power/Ground Pins
All like-named power and ground pins shown in this section are connected together within the package.
Name Pin Description Supply
VDDSRX 3, 19 Receiver Power.
These pins provide power for the Serial ATA receivers.
1.8 V
VSSRX 6, 16 Receiver Ground.
These pins provide the ground reference for the Serial ATA receivers.
VDDSTX 7, 10, 12,
Transmitter Power.
These pins provide power for the Serial ATA transmitters.
1.8 V
VSSTX 11 Transmitter Ground.
This pin provides the ground reference for the Serial ATA transmitters.
VDDPRX 27 Receiver Power.
This pin provides power for the PCI Express receivers.
1.8 V
VDDPTX 32 Transmitter Power.
This pin provides power for the PCI Express transmitters.
1.8 V
This pin provides power for the PCI Express transmitter PLL.
1.8 V
This pin provides power for the PCI Express receiver PLL.
1.8 V
VSSA 24, 28, 31 PCI-E Ground.
These pins provide the ground reference for the PCI Express SerDes.
This pin provides power for the Serial ATA PLL and crystal oscillator.
1.8 V
This pin provides the ground reference for the Serial ATA PLL.
VSSREF 22 Reference Clock Ground.
This pin provides the Ground reference for the PCI-Express reference clock receiver.
VDDX 85 Oscillator Power.
This pin provides power for the crystal oscillator associated with the XTALI and XTALO
1.8 V
VSSX 88 Oscillator Ground.
This pin provides the ground reference for the crystal oscillator.
VDDO 44, 67 I/O Power.
These pins provide power for the digital I/O.
3.3 V
VDDD 38, 54,
Digital Power.
These pins provide power for the digital logic.
1.8 V
VSSD 35, 48, 60,
66, 84
Digital Ground.
These pins provide the ground reference for the digital portion of the chip.
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Pin List by Pin Number
See tables above for complete descriptions and more information.
Pin Name Description Pin Name Description
1 VSSSPLL PLL ground (Serial ATA) 45 FL_DATA5
2 VDDSPLL PLL power (Serial ATA) 46 FL_DATA6
3 VDDSRX Receiver power (Serial ATA) 47 FL_DATA7
Flash Data
4 RX1+ 48 VSSD Digital Ground
5 RX1-
Serial Receiver differential pair
(Channel 1) 49 FL_ADDR00
6 VSSRX Receiver ground (Serial ATA) 50 FL_ADDR01
7 VDDSTX Transmitter power (Serial ATA) 51 FL_ADDR02
8 TX1- 52 FL_ADDR03
9 TX1+
Serial Transmitter differential pair
(Channel 1) 53 FL_ADDR04
Flash Address
10 VDDSTX Transmitter power (Serial ATA) 54 VDDD Digital Power
11 VSSTX Transmitter ground (Serial ATA) 55 FL_ADDR05
12 VDDSTX Transmitter power (Serial ATA) 56 FL_ADDR06
13 TX0+ 57 FL_ADDR07
14 TX0-
Serial Transmitter differential pair
(Channel 0) 58 FL_ADDR08
15 VDDSTX Transmitter power (Serial ATA) 59 FL_ADDR09
Flash Address
16 VSSRX Receiver ground (Serial ATA) 60 VSSD Digital Ground
17 RX0- 61 FL_ADDR10
18 RX0+
Serial Receiver differential pair
(Channel 0) 62 FL_ADDR11
19 VDDSRX Receiver power (Serial ATA) 63 FL_ADDR12
Reference Clock differential pair
(PCI Express) 65 FL_ADDR14
Flash Address
22 VSSREF Reference Clock ground (PCI-E) 66 VSSD Digital Ground
23 VDDPRXPLL PLL power (PCI Express receiver) 67 VDDO I/O Power
24 VSSA PCI-E ground 68 FL_ADDR15
25 PRX+ 69 FL_ADDR16
26 PRX-
Serial Receiver differential pair (PCI
Express) 70 FL_ADDR17
27 VDDPRX Receiver power (PCI Express) 71 FL_ADDR18
Flash Address
28 VSSA PCI-E ground 72 FL_RD_N Flash Read Enable
29 PTX- 73 FL_WR_N Flash Write Enable
30 PTX+
Serial Transmitter differential pair
(PCI Express) 74 FL_CS_N Flash Chip Select
31 VSSA PCI-E ground 75 VDDD Digital Power
32 VDDPTX Transmitter power (PCI Express) 76 TMS JTAG Test Mode select
33 VDDPTXPLL PLL power (PCI Express transmitter) 77 TCK JTAG Test Clock
34 PERST_N Reset 78 TDI JTAG Test Data In
35 VSSD Digital Ground 79 TDO JTAG Test Data Out
36 LED1 Activity LED (channel 1) 80 TRSTN JTAG Test Reset
37 LED0 Activity LED (channel 0) 81 SCAN_MODE Scan Mode
38 VDDD Digital Power 82 I2C_SDAT I2C Serial Data
39 FL_DATA0 83 I2C_SCLK I2C Serial Clock
40 FL_DATA1 84 VSSD Digital Ground
41 FL_DATA2 85 VDDX Oscillator Power
42 FL_DATA3 86 XTALO Crystal Out
Flash Data
87 XTALI/CLKI Crystal In
44 VDDO I/O Power 88 VSSX Oscillator Ground
ePad ePad Ground
Note: The ePad must be connected to ground.
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Package Drawing
An ePad must be soldered to PCB ground and the landing area must be incorporated on the PCB within the footprint of
the package corresponding to the ePad. The size of this landing area should be at least the maximum size of the Exposed
Pad of the package (6.65 x 6.65 mm), but can be larger. If the traces are within the maximum size of the pad, they may
short to the pad when the package has an Exposed Pad with the maximum dimension.
Dimensions (mm) Dimensions (mm)
Symbol Min Typ Max
Symbol Min Typ Max
e 0.40 A3 0.20 REF
L 0.30 0.40 0.50 D 10.00 BSC
b 0.15 0.20 0.25 D1 9.75 BSC
D2 5.85 6.001 6.65 E 10.00 BSC
E2 5.85 6.001 6.65 E1 9.75 BSC
A - 0.85 0.90
A1 0.00 0.02 0.05 P 0.24 0.42 0.60
A2 - 0.65 0.70
Figure 3. Package Drawing 88 QFN
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Marking Specification
Marking drawings are not to scale.
Pin Location
Lot# (=Job#)
Figure 4. Marking Specification
Ordering Information
Production Part Numbers: Part Part Number
88-pin QFN lead free package with an exposed pad SiI3132CNU
The universal package can be used in both lead-free and ordinary process lines.
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Programming Model
SiI3132 Block Diagram
The SiI3132 controller programs the major logic modules illustrated in Figure 5.
PCI Express
PCI Ex pr e ss
Controller I
Controller Test
Flash Pins EEP ROM I
C Test Pins
Port Logic 1
Port Logic 0
and Glob al
PCI Express
PCI Express
Figure 5. SiI3132 Block Diagram
The PCI Express Core logic block provides PCI Express 1.0a compatibility. The Global Register File block corresponds
to the registers addressed by Base Address Register 0; refer to PCI Express Capability section on page 44 for
more information.
The initialization function provided by the I2C Controller and Flash Controller is described in the PCI Express
Capability section on page 44.
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14 © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved SiI-DS-0138-E
SiI3132 SATA Port Block Diagram
The block diagram illustrated in Figure 6 shows the logic structure of each of the SiI3132 SATA Ports.
Data Path B
Data Path B
Local Arbiter
DMA Controller
Data Path A
2 Addresses
DMA Controller
Data Path B
1 Address
Command Fetch
Fetch FIFO
31 x 5
Execute FIFO
31 x 5
Receive FIFO
31 x 5
PCI Exp Application
Target PCI Exp / SATA
256 x 64
Registers SATA PHY
Port Register Fil e
Data Path A
(Initiator / Target)
512 x 64
Dual Port
Figure 6. Port Logic Block Diagram
The Port Logic consists of:
a Local Arbiter that arbitrates between the two DMA Controllers
a DMA Controller for the PCI Express to LRAM Data Path
a DMA Controller for the PCI Express to Serial-ATA Data Path
a 512 x 64 Local RAM (LRAM) that contains: 31 LRAM slots each of which is 128 bytes (16 Qwords) and 128
bytes used to support 16 Port Multiplier devices (1 Qword per device)
a data FIFO that contains 2048 bytes (256 Qwords)
a state machine to fetch commands
a state machine to execute commands
a serial-ATA Link
a serial-ATA PHY
Each of the two state machines has an associated FIFO which, when not empty, indicates that processing is required. The
FIFO is loaded with a 5-bit command slot number to activate a state machine. The slot number can range from 0 to 30,
corresponding to the maximum number of active commands supported.
Command flow begins with a host driver building a command in a non-cached region of host memory. The data structure
is referred to as a PRB (Port Request Block). The 64-byte PRB is transferred into an available command slot in the
LRAM by one of two methods: the direct method or the indirect method. The host driver is responsible for determining
which slots are available. Either of the two command transfer methods may be used for each command transfer. The two
methods are described in the following sections.
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Direct Command Transfer Method – Host controlled write to Slot
In systems that have the capability to perform burst writes, this is the preferred method of command transfer. Embedded
systems would most likely use this method. LRAM is directly mapped through use of Base Address Register 1
and appears as a block of memory to the host driver. The host driver writes the PRB contents into the appropriate slot in
LRAM. Ideally, this operation is performed as a single PCI Express transaction. The 5-bit slot number (0–30) is written
to the Command Execution FIFO. The Active bit associated with the selected slot becomes set in the Global Port
Slot Status register. The Command Fetch FIFO and Command Fetch State Machine are not used for the direct
method of command transfer.
Indirect Command Transfer Method – SiI3132 controlled command transfer
The host driver builds a PRB in host memory, selects a free slot, and writes the physical address of the PRB into the
Command Activation register corresponding to the selected slot. This causes the SiI3132 controller to push the 5-bit slot
number (0–30) into the Command Fetch FIFO.
The Command Fetch State Machine, while in an idle state, continuously interrogates the Command Fetch FIFO for a
non-empty condition. Upon retrieval of a 5-bit slot number from the FIFO, the Command Fetch State Machine retrieves
the physical address of the PRB from the corresponding Command Activation register, sets the Active bit associated
with the selected slot in the Port Slot Status register, and queues a PCI Express read of the PRB into the
associated Slot in LRAM. The Command Fetch State Machine waits for completion of the transfer, pushes the 5-bit slot
number into the Command Execution FIFO, and returns to the idle state, waiting for a non-empty condition in the
Command Fetch FIFO.
The Command Execution State Machine is responsible for directing the flow of the command and response FISs
between the command slot and the Serial ATA link, directing the flow of data between PCI Express and the Serial ATA
link, and posting completion status to the host. It is also responsible for error handling when exceptions occur in the
normal command flow.
Command execution begins when the idle Command Execution State Machine recognizes that the Serial ATA bus is in a
non-busy state and the Command Execution FIFO is non-empty. The Command Execution State Machine retrieves the 5-
bit slot number (0-30) from the Command Execution FIFO and uses it to index the command slot in LRAM. The
command FIS is addressed and sent to the Serial ATA link to be sent to the device. Control flags in the command slot
determine the type of data transfer. The Command Execution State Machine waits for a response FIS from the device and
directs its activities accordingly. If the received FIS is a data FIS, the DMA address and count are determined by
examining the scatter/gather entries in the PRB and, if necessary, walking a scatter/gather table. The DMA address and
count are loaded into the DMA controller and the controller is armed. A DMA activate FIS causes similar behavior, with
data flowing from PCI Express to the Serial ATA link. When the command has completed, the Command Completion bit
in the Port Interrupt Status register is set to reflect the successful completion of the command. If an error
occurred, the Command Error bit is set in the Port Interrupt Status register.
The basic command flow proceeds as follows:
1. The host builds a 64-byte Port Request Block (PRB) that contains:
The Register- Host to Device FIS to send to the SATA device.
Up to two scatter/gather entries to define regions of host memory to be accessed for associated read/write data.
Additional scatter/gather entries may be associated with the command.
Various optional control flags to direct the SiI3132 controller to perform special processing, to control interrupt
assertion, to vary the normal protocol flow, etc.
2. The host issues the command to the SiI3132 controller.
3. The controller executes the command, performing all interaction with the SATA device and transferring data
between host memory and the SATA device.
4. The controller asserts a PCI Express interrupt to indicate command completion.
5. The host reads the SiI3132 port slot status to determine which command(s) have completed.
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16 © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved SiI-DS-0138-E
Data Structures
The Command Slot
Each port within the SiI3132 controller contains 31 command slots. The slots are numbered 0 through 30. Each
command issued by the host occupies a single command slot. The host decides which slot to use and issues a command
to the selected slot. A command slot occupies 128 bytes within the SiI3132 RAM array and consists of a 64-byte PRB
(Port Request Block) and a 64-byte scatter/gather table. The host builds the PRB. It contains the Register-Host to Device
FIS to transmit to the attached SATA device and up to two scatter/gather entries that define host memory regions to be
used for any read/write data associated with the command. If more scatter/gather entries are required to define additional
host memory regions, the controller will fetch them from host memory as needed. The host may append the additional
SGT (scatter/gather table) entries to the PRB, or one of the scatter/gather entries in the PRB may be used to define an
SGT that resides in host memory.
The host may issue commands to any number of available command slots. The host may freely intermix non-queued,
legacy queued, native queued, PIO, and DMA command types in any available slot. Commands are always executed in
the order that they were issued. The controller enforces command type issuance to the SATA device and does not allow
incompatible command types to be issued to a device. This relieves the host of the burden of making sure that
incompatible command types are not intermixed in the device.
The host is responsible for managing slot usage. The host must keep track of which slots have commands outstanding
and which slots are available for new commands. Issuing a command to a slot that is currently in use will result in
unpredictable behavior.
For queued commands, the slot number is used as the queue tag. The host must ensure that the tag number in the
Register-Host to Device FIS defined in the PRB matches the slot number to which the command is issued.
The Scatter/Gather Entry (SGE)
A scatter/gather entry (SGE) defines a region of host memory to be used for data transfer associated with a command.
Each scatter/gather entry defines a single contiguous physically addressed region.
Table 12. Scatter/Gather Entry (SGE)
31 0
Data Address Low 0x00
Data Address High 0x04
Data Count 0x08
TRM (31) LNK (30) DRD (29) XCF (28) Reserved[27:0] 0x0C
The first quadword, at offset 0, contains the physical address of the region in host memory. The entire 64-bit address
must be defined. On 32-bit systems the upper 32 bits must be zero. The data address may point to a region to be used for
data transfer, or it may point to a Scatter/Gather Table (SGT), which is a collection of four SGEs. The LNK bit (bit 30 at
offset 0x0C) defines the type of region. When LNK is zero, the region is a data region; when LNK is one, the region is a
scatter/gather table that will be fetched by the SiI3132 controller to obtain a data region definition.
The Data Count field at offset 0x08 defines the length, in bytes, of the contiguous data region. When the LNK bit is set
to one, indicating an SGT link, the controller ignores this field.
The TRM bit (bit 31 at offset 0x0C), when set to one, indicates that this is the final SGE associated with the command
and no additional SGEs follow it.
The DRD bit (bit 29 at offset 0x0C), when set to one, directs the controller to discard the data read from the device for
the length associated with the data count. When this bit is set to one, the controller ignores the data address.
The XCF bit (bit 28 at offset 0x0C) indicates whether the region defined by this SGE is to be used for data transfer
(XCF set to 0) or an external command fetch (XCF set to 1). See the External Command PRB Structure section on page
22 for additional information on external command processing.
The Scatter/Gather Table (SGT)
The SGT is a contiguous collection of four SGEs. The PRB contains two SGEs. When more than two SGEs are required
to fully define the entire data transfer of a command, the SiI3132 controller fetches them in groups of four SGEs at a
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time, which is one SGT. The SGT occupies the upper 64 bytes of a command slot in SiI3132 RAM. When needed, only
one SGT resides in RAM at a time. The controller fetches each required SGT, overwriting the previous SGT in RAM.
Because the first two SGEs reside in the PRB RAM area, they are always available in case the controller needs to rescan
the scatter/gather list for out-of-order data delivery.
SGTs must reside on a quadword-aligned boundary in host memory. In other words, bits[2:0] of the physical address of
the SGT in host memory must be zero.
Table 13. Scatter/Gather Table (SGT
31 0
SGE0 Data Address Low 0x00
SGE0 Data Address High 0x04
SGE0 Data Count 0x08
SGE0 TRM SGE0 LNK SGE0 DRD SGE0 XCF Reserved[27:0] 0x0C
SGE1 Data Address Low 0x10
SGE1 Data Address High 0x14
SGE1 Data Count 0x18
SGE1 TRM SGE1 LNK SGE1 DRD SGE1 XCF Reserved[27:0] 0x1C
SGE2 Data Address Low 0x20
SGE2 Data Address High 0x24
SGE2 Data Count 0x28
SGE2 TRM SGE2 LNK SGE2 DRD SGE2 XCF Reserved[27:0] 0x2C
SGE3 Data Address Low 0x30
SGE3 Data Address High 0x34
SGE3 Data Count 0x38
SGE3 TRM SGE3 LNK SGE3 DRD SGE3 XCF Reserved[27:0] 0x3C
The Port Request Block (PRB)
The host builds a PRB to define a command to be executed by the controller. The PRB occupies the first 64 bytes of a
command slot in SiI3132 RAM. Once a command is issued, the PRB is overwritten in the RAM as necessary to keep
track of command context and execution status. The host should not depend on being able to read the contents of the
PRB in slot RAM after a command is issued. Upon completing command execution the PRB area of the command slot
may contain status information that can be read by the host, depending on the command type. The PRB structure can
take several forms, depending on the command type that it defines.
The PRB contains the following major elements:
A Control Field to indicate the type of PRB and any features to execute.
A Protocol Override field that can alter the normal SATA protocol flow.
A FIS area that contains the initial FIS to be transmitted to the device upon PRB execution.
Up to two scatter/gather entries (SGEs) to define areas of host memory that will be used for any data transfer
associated with the PRB. For PACKET commands, the first SGE contains the 12- or 16-byte ATAPI command to be
transmitted to the device.
Regardless of whether the command is to be issued with the direct or indirect method, the host driver should build the
PRB as a structure in host memory. If the command is to be issued using the direct method, the PRB can be copied from
host RAM to the appropriate slot in RAM. If the command is to be issued using the indirect method, the host driver
should write the physical address of the PRB to the Command Activation register associated with the desired command
The PRB must reside on a quadword-aligned boundary in host memory. In other words, bits[2:0] of the physical address
of the PRB in host memory must be zero.
The PRB can take various forms, depending on the type of command being issued. The command types are:
S tandard A TA Commands. This includes all the common ATA commands such as READ SECTORS, WRITE
SECTORS, READ DMA, WRITE DMA, IDENTIFY DEVICE, SMART, etc. Also included are the queued
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18 © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved SiI-DS-0138-E
commands in both legacy and SATA native queue modes. For these commands, the PRB contains the entire Register
– Host to Device FIS containing the ATA command. By default, the controller decodes the ATA command type and
executes the necessary SATA protocol automatically. As an option, the host driver can execute any desired SATA
protocol on a per-command basis.
PACKET Commands. ATAPI PACKET commands operate in a similar fashion to the standard ATA commands. The
Register – Host to Device FIS contains the ATA PACKET command. The 12- or 16-byte ATAPI command is placed
in the area normally reserved for the first SGE. The SiI3132 controller does not decode the contents of the 12- or
16-byte ATAPI command, so the host driver indicates the direction of any data transfer associated with the
Soft Reset. A special form of the PRB instructs the controller to transmit a soft-reset sequence to a device. The
controller creates the necessary Register–Host to Device FISs required for the sequence. No SGEs are required for
this PRB type. Other than the control field, the only item that needs to be populated is the PMP field, to direct the
soft reset sequence to the proper device in the event that a port multiplier is attached. Upon successful command
completion, the Register–Device to Host FIS is available in the command slot, allowing the host driver to view the
device signature.
External Command. The external command feature allows the host driver to transmit any arbitrary FIS that will not fit
in the FIS area of the PRB. This feature is useful in custom applications that have a need to send large FISs or Data
FISs in a fashion that does not comply with the defined SATA protocol.
Interlocked FIS Reception. The interlocked FIS feature allows the host driver to receive any desired FIS type directly
to a host memory buffer, bypassing all SATA protocol for that FIS type. To use this feature, the host first specifies
the FIS type(s) to be interlocked. Then, any number of available command slots can be reserved for the reception of
FISs matching the defined type(s).
The PRB Control Field
The Control Field (offset 0x00, bits [15:0]) is used to indicate the type of PRB and features that are desired. For a
standard ATA command, this field will normally contain a default value of 0x0000. Table 14 describes the bit functions
for each bit in the Control Field.
Table 14. Control Field Bit Definitions
Bit Name Description
0 control_protocol_override The Protocol Override Field is to be used instead of the default protocol for this
1 control_retransmit Allows retransmission if an error occurs during an external command transmission.
2 control_external_command The command FIS shall be fetched from host memory. This feature is used to send
arbitrary FISs that will not fit in the command FIS area of the PRB.
3 control_receive Reserves a command slot to be used to receive an interlocked FIS as described by the
port FIS_CONFIG register.
4 control_packet_read Indicates that the packet command associated with this PRB will transfer data from the
device to the host. This bit must be set for all packet commands that perform read data
5 control_packet_write Indicates that the packet command associated with this PRB will transfer data from the
host to the device. This bit must be set for all packet commands that perform write data
6 control_interrupt_mask Setting this bit to one will prevent the SiI3132 controller from issuing a normal
successful completion interrupt for this command.
7 control_soft_reset Causes the SiI3132 controller to issue a soft reset FIS sequence to the device.
15:8 reserved Must be zero
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The PRB Protocol Override Field
The Protocol Override Field (offset 0x00, bits [31:16]) is used to specify a protocol behavior other than the default for
this PRB. PRBs for which the default protocol is to be used should set this field to 0x0000. The SiI3132 controller will
decode the 8-bit ATA command at PRB offset 0x0A and automatically execute the default protocol for the command. In
certain cases it might be desirable to specify a non-default protocol to be used, such as with vendor specific device
commands. To override the protocol, the host driver must set control_protocol_override (Control Field, bit 0) to 1 and
place the desired protocol in this field. Table 15 on the next page describes the Protocol Override bit definitions.
Table 15. Protocol Override Bit Definitions
Bit Name Description
16 protocol_packet This command is to be executed as an ATAPI packet command.
17 protocol_legacy_queue This command is to be executed as an ATA legacy queued command.
18 protocol_native_queue This command is to be executed as a SATA native queued command.
19 protocol_read This command is expected to transfer data from device to host.
20 protocol_write This command is expected to transfer data from host to device.
21 protocol_transparent This command is to be executed with no protocol. After the initial command FIS is
successfully sent to the device, completion status will be posted without waiting for
additional device transmissions.
31:22 Reserved Must be zero.
There is no distinction between DMA and PIO data transfers in the protocol. The SiI3132 controller is a native Serial
ATA device and relies on the SATA interface protocol to determine the data transfer type between the device and the
controller. From the host driver perspective, all commands, whether PIO or DMA, transfer data through use of
scatter/gather entries defined in the PRB and scatter/gather tables.
Standard ATA Command PRB Structure
Table 16 shows the layout for standard ATA commands. The Control and Protocol override fields must be populated as
described above.
Table 16. Port Request Block for Standard ATA Command
31 0
Protocol Override Control 0x00
Received Transfer Count (Reserved Input) 0x04
Features / Error Command / Status C R R R PMP FIS Type 0x08
Dev/Head Cyl High Cyl Low Sector Number 0x0C
Features (Exp) Cyl High (Exp) Cyl Low (Exp) Sector Num (Exp) 0x10
Device Control Reserved Sector Count (Exp) Sector Count 0x14
Reserved 0x18
Reserved – Must Be Zero 0x1C
SGE0 Data Address Low 0x20
SGE0 Data Address High 0x24
SGE0 Data Count 0x28
SGE0 LNK SGE0 DRD SGE0 XCF Reserved[27:0] 0x2C
SGE1 Data Address Low 0x30
SGE1 Data Address High 0x34
SGE1 Data Count 0x38
SGE1 LNK SGE1 DRD SGE1 XCF Reserved[27:0] 0x3C
The Received Transfer Count field (offset 0x04) is reserved as an input to the SiI3132 controller and should be
populated with a value of all zeroes. Upon successful command completion, this field will contain the total number of
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data bytes received during the command execution. The host driver may use this field to determine the transfer size for
commands in which the total transfer size is unknown, such as ATAPI inquiries.
The FIS area (offset 0x08 through 0x1F) must be populated with the initial FIS to be sent to the device. This area
contains the FIS header and all task file registers to describe the ATA command. Table 17 describes the FIS area fields.
Table 17. PRB FIS Area Definition
Offset Bit(s) Name Description
7:0 FIS Type The FIS type field must be populated with a valid SATA FIS
type. In all but special custom cases this value will be 0x27,
which defines a Register–Host to Device FIS type.
11:8 PMP 4-bit Port Multiplier Port field that defines the port to which
this command is directed. If no port multiplier is attached, this
field should be populated with all zeros.
14:12 Reserved Must be zero.
15 Command/Device Control This bit must be set to 1 to indicate that this FIS contains a
23:16 Task File Command Populate with the desired ATA command type.
31:24 Features Populate with the desired features for this ATA command.
7:0 Sector Number (LBA[7:0])
15:8 Cylinder Low (LBA[15:8])
23:16 Cylinder High (LBA[23:16])
31:24 Device/Head (LBA[27:24] for non-
extended commands)
These fields should be populated with desired command-
specific parameters.
7:0 Sector Number (Exp.) (LBA[31:24] for
extended commands)
15:8 Cylinder Low (Exp.) (LBA[39:32] for
extended commands)
23:16 Cylinder High (Exp.) (LBA[47:40] for
extended commands)
31:24 Features (Exp.)
These fields should be populated with desired command-
specific parameters.
7:0 Sector Count
15:8 Sector Count (Exp.)
23:16 Reserved
31:24 Device Control
These fields should be populated with desired command-
specific parameters. The Reserved field must be 0 for standard
ATA commands that use the Register –Host to Device FIS to
initiate a command.
0x18 31:0 Reserved This field is reserved and must be 0 for standard ATA
commands that use the Register – Host to Device FIS to
initiate a command.
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PACKET Command PRB Structure
Table 18 shows the layout for PACKET commands. The Control and protocol override fields must be populated as
described above. The PACKET PRB FIS area is structured the same as a standard ATA command. The FIS area contains
the PACKET ATA command. After the initial PACKET command is transmitted, the device responds with a PIO Setup
FIS, requesting a 12- or 16-byte ATAPI command. The host driver must populate the area normally used for the first
SGE with the desired ATAPI command. The length of the ATAPI command is determined by the value of the packet
length bit (Port Control, bit 5). If packet length is 0, 12 bytes are transmitted. If packet length is one, 16 bytes are
transmitted. The packet length field must be initialized with the packet length value returned by the device in the
IDENTIFY PACKET command. Table 18 on the next page shows a representative 12-byte ATAPI command layout. The
highlighted ATAPI packet is an example typical of some commands; other command packets will have different formats
within the highlighted bytes.
Table 18. Port Request Block for PACKET Command
31 0
Protocol Override Control 0x00
Received Transfer Count 0x04
Features / Error Command / Status C R R R PMP FIS Type 0x08
Dev/Head Cyl High Cyl Low Sector Number 0x0C
Features (Exp) Cyl High (Exp) Cyl Low (Exp) Sector Num (Exp) 0x10
Device Control Reserved Sector Count (Exp) Sector Count 0x14
Reserved 0x18
Reserved – Must Be Zero 0x1C
LBA LBA (MSB) Reserved ATAPI opcode 0x20
XFR Length (MSB) Reserved LBA (LSB) LBA 0x24
Reserved XFR Length (LSB) 0x28
Reserved 0x2C
SGE1 Data Address Low 0x30
SGE1 Data Address High 0x34
SGE1Data Count 0x38
SGE1 TRM SGE1 LNK SGE1 DRD SGE1 XCF Reserved[27:0] 0x3C
The SiI3132 controller does not decode the ATAPI command to determine the necessity or direction of any associated
data transfer. The host driver must supply this information by setting control_packet_read (control field, bit 4) or
control_packet_write (control field, bit 5) for any PACKET command that requires data transfer. Failure to set one of
these bits for an ATAPI command that requests data transfer will result in an Overrun or Underrun Command Error
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Soft Reset PRB Structure
To send a soft-reset sequence, the host driver only needs to fill in the PMP field (offset 0x8, bits[11:8]) and set
control_soft_reset (control field, bit 7). The controller will send a soft reset sequence to the device and wait for a
Register – Device to Host FIS to deliver the device signature and terminate the command. Upon successful command
completion, the host may inspect the FIS area of the slot in SiI3132 RAM (offset 0x08 through 0x1F) to determine the
returned device signature. A soft reset is executed in the same manner as other PRBs, in the order in which it was issued.
Port Ready (Port Status, bit 31) must be 1 in order to issue this command. The lightly shaded areas of Table 19 depict
valid fields in slot RAM following successful command completion. These fields do not need to be supplied as inputs
and may remain in any state upon command issuance.
Table 19. Port Request Block for Soft Reset Command
31 0
N/A Control (0x0080) 0x00
N/A 0x04
Features / Error Command / Status C R R R PMP FIS Type 0x08
Dev/Head Cyl High Cyl Low Sector Number 0x0C
Features (Exp) Cyl High (Exp) Cyl Low (Exp) Sector Num (Exp) 0x10
Device Control Reserved Sector Count (Exp) Sector Count 0x14
N/A 0x18
N/A 0x0C
N/A 0x10
N/A 0x14
N/A 0x18
N/A 0x1C
N/A 0x20
N/A 0x24
N/A 0x28
N/A 0x2C
N/A 0x30
N/A 0x34
N/A 0x38
N/A 0x3C
External Command PRB Structure
An external command PRB is indicated by setting control_external_command (control field, bit 2). External commands
execute in a manner similar to standard commands except that the initial command FIS is fetched from host memory
instead of the PRB FIS area. By default, an external command uses the transparent protocol. That means the command
is terminated immediately following the successful transmission of the external command FIS. If this is not the desired
protocol, the host driver can set control_protocol_override (control field, bit 0) and place the desired protocol in the
Protocol Override field (offset 0x00, bits [31:16]).
The external command FIS length may be of any size (up to the 8 kB SATA limit) and is automatically padded to a
Dword boundary. The SiI3132 controller will frame the FIS, adding SOF, EOF, and CRC. The host memory FIS image
must contain the FIS header (FIS Type, PMP, etc.). The PRB PMP field (offset 0x08, bits [11:8]) must be populated to
direct the FIS to the desired port multiplier port, or must be 0 if no port multiplier is attached. For port multiplier
applications, it is important that the PMP field in the host-resident FIS and the PRB match for proper operation.
The location of the external command FIS is defined in additional SGEs with the XCF bit (SGE offset 0x0C, bit 28) set
to one. Any type of command may be sent using an external command, including commands that have associated data
transfers. Data transfer host memory locations are defined in SGEs with the XCF bit (SGE offset 0x0C, bit 28) set to
zero. SGEs used to define the external command FIS and SGEs used to define data transfer may be freely mixed in any
order. The presence or absence of the XCF bit informs the controller whether an SGE should be used for the current
transfer operation.
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Table 20. Port Request Block for External Commands
31 0
Protocol Override Control 0x00
Received Transfer Count 0x04
Reserved N/A PMP Reserved 0x08
N/A 0x0C
N/A 0x10
N/A 0x14
N/A 0x18
Reserved – Must Be Zero 0x1C
SGE0 Data Address Low 0x20
SGE0 Data Address High 0x24
SGE0 Data Count 0x28
SGE0 TRM SGE0 LNK SGE0 DRD SGE0 XCF Reserved[27:0] 0x2C
SGE1 Data Address Low 0x30
SGE1 Data Address High 0x34
SGE1 Data Count 0x38
SGE1 TRM SGE1 LNK SGE1 DRD SGE1 XCF Reserved[27:0] 0x3C
Interlocked Receive PRB Structure
Reserving a command slot to receive an interlocked FIS is indicated by setting control_receive (control field, bit 3). To
receive an interlocked FIS into host memory, the host driver first specifies the FIS type(s) to be interlocked by writing
the appropriate value to the Port FIS Configuration register (port registers, offset 0x1028). The PRB is
populated with SGEs that define the host memory region(s) that will be used to receive the interlocked FIS. When a FIS
of the defined type is received, it is written to the defined host memory area and the command is completed. If an error
occurs during receipt of the FIS, or if the SGEs define an area that is not large enough to contain the entire FIS, the FIS
is rejected with an R_ERR response and the command is not completed. When an interlocked FIS is received without
error into a memory region that is large enough to contain it, the command is successfully completed and the host driver
may use the received FIS in any manner. The command slot is then free, and can be redefined as a receive slot or as any
other command type.
After successfully receiving an interlocked FIS, the low-level link will be receiving WTRM primitives from the
transmitting device, which is expecting a response. By default, the controller waits for the host driver to write a response
bit to the port control register. If the host driver writes Interlock Accept (Port Control Set register, bit 12), an
R_OK response is transmitted. If the host driver writes Interlock Reject (Port Control Set register, bit 11), an
R_ERR response is transmitted. The host driver may also choose to set Auto Interlock Accept (Port Control Set
register, bit 14) before performing interlocked operations. By setting this bit, an R_OK response is sent for all
subsequently received interlocked FISs, without additional intervention from the host driver. In this mode, it is possible
to receive one or more additional interlocked FISs before the host driver has had a chance to reserve command slots to
receive them. If this occurs, any interlocked FIS that arrives without a reserved slot available will be acknowledged and
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Table 21. Port Request Block For Receiving Interlocked FIS
31 0
Protocol Override Control 0x00
Received Transfer Count 0x04
Reserved – Must Be Zero 0x1C
SGE0 Data Address Low 0x20
SGE0 Data Address High 0x24
SGE0 Data Count 0x28
SGE0 TRM SGE0 LNK SGE0 DRD SGE0 XCF Reserved[27:0] 0x2C
SGE1 Data Address Low 0x30
SGE1 Data Address High 0x34
SGE1 Data Count 0x38
SGE1 TRM SGE1 LNK SGE1 DRD SGE1 XCF Reserved[27:0] 0x3C
Methods to Issue Commands
Before a command is executed, it must reside in a slot in SiI3132 controller RAM and must inform the controller that the
PRB is ready to be executed. To accomplish this, the host must issue the command in one of two ways:
Indirect Method. The indirect method is the most common and flexible method of issuing commands. With this
method, the host builds the PRB in host memory and writes the physical address of the PRB into one of 31
Command Activation registers, each associated with a command slot. This causes the controller to fetch the PRB
from host memory and deposit it in the selected slot of SiI3132 RAM. After the command is fetched, the controller
automatically informs the execution unit that the command is ready for execution.
The host may issue commands through additional Command Activation registers at any time regardless of whether
the previous PRB has been fetched. The controller will fetch the PRBs in the order requested when the necessary
resources are available.
Direct Method. The host may write the 64-byte PRB directly into SiI3132 slot RAM. The RAM area is defined in the
port register map and the host can easily calculate the slot offset to write the PRB. After the PRB is written to RAM,
the host informs the execution unit that it is ready to process by writing the slot number into the command execution
FIFO register.
When the direct command issue method is used, it is not possible to append scatter/gather entries to the PRB
without defining a LNK in one of the PRB resident scatter/gather entries.
Reset and Initialization
The SiI3132 controller has a hierarchical reset structure that allows initialization of the entire chip, a single port, an
attached device, or the internal command queue. In general, asserting a reset at a HIGH level causes all underlying
circuits to be reset. There are five levels of reset and initialization possible. The resets, listed from highest to lowest
level, are described in the sections that follow.
PERST# Reset
The PERST# reset pin, when asserted, holds the entire chip in a reset state. All configuration, global, and port registers
are initialized to their default state. When de-asserted, PCI Express configuration space is programmable, but the global
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and port register spaces and the port state machines/command queue remain in a reset state until the Global and Port
Resets are de-asserted through software control.
Global Reset
The Global Reset (Global Control register, bit 31), when asserted, initializes all global registers, except PHY
Configuration, and all port registers to the default state. All port resets are set to one (asserted) while Global Reset is
asserted. The Global Reset must be cleared to 0 to allow access to the global register space or to release any Port Reset.
Software may use the Global Reset to initialize all ports with a single operation.
Port Reset
Each port contains a Port Reset bit (Port Control Set and Port Control Clear registers, bit 0) that remains
set to 1 after the Global Reset is cleared to zero. While Port Reset is asserted, all port registers, except Port PHY
Configuration and OOB Bypass (Port Control Set/Clear, bit 25), are initialized to their default state. The port state
machines are reset and the command queue is cleared. The Port Reset must be cleared to 0 by writing a 1 to bit 0 of the
Port Control Clear register to release the Port Reset condition. Software may assert the port reset condition at any
time by writing a 1 to bit 0 of the Port Control Set register.
Device Reset
Each port contains a Device Reset (Port Control Set, bit 1) that may be used by software to reset an attached device
without affecting the contents of the port registers. Writing a 1 to bit 1 of Port Control Set causes the execution state
machines and pending command queue to be initialized. Then, a COMRESET is transmitted to the attached device. The
effect of this sequence is to clear any outstanding commands and reset the attached device. The Device Reset bit is self-
clearing. After the reset sequence has completed, the bit will be cleared to 0.
Port Initialize
Each port contains a Port Initialize (Port Control Set, bit 2) that may be used by software to initialize the port data
structures without affecting the contents of the port registers or resetting the device. Writing a 1 to bit 1 of Port Control
Set causes the execution state machines and pending command queue to be initialized. The effect of this sequence is to
clear any outstanding commands. The Port Initialize bit is self-clearing. After the initialization sequence has completed,
the bit will be cleared to 0.
Port Ready
Each port contains a Port Ready indicator (Port Status, bit 31) that is cleared to 0 by any of the above reset conditions.
The Port Ready signal, when 1, indicates that the port is ready to execute commands. For all resets except Port Initialize,
the Port Ready signal will not be asserted until a PHY ready condition is achieved. When Port Initialize is set, Port
Ready will be cleared to 0 then set to 1 after any currently active data transfers or FIS transmission or reception
operations have completed and port initialization has completed.
Port Reset Operation
Upon release of Port Reset, the low-level power management state machine is enabled and OOB signaling is initiated to
the device. The SiI3132 controller starts OOB signaling by transmitting a COMRESET to the device. If the device
responds with COMINIT and the OOB sequence is successful, a PHY ready condition results, indicating that a link has
been successfully established and the device may transmit an initial register FIS. At this time, the Port Ready signal will
be asserted, indicating that the host driver may issue commands. If the device does not respond within the prescribed
time allowed for OOB, the low-level power management machine initiates another OOB sequence after a fixed delay.
The period between OOB attempts is approximately 100 ms.
Upon receipt of an initial Register – Device to Host FIS that clears the task file status BSY state, the port is
allowed to transmit commands to the device.
Initialization Sequence
The following is an example sequence of events that software might use to initialize the controller and enumerate an
attached device or port multiplier. The sequence assumes that the system is powered up, the PERST# Reset has been
deasserted, and the system has enumerated the PCI Express bus. Configuration space, including the Base Address
Registers, has been initialized. It is now necessary to enable each port and to determine the device type, if any, that is
attached to that port.
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Initialize Port and Retrieve Device Signature
These steps initialize each port and retrieves the device signature for that port. Perform these steps for each port to be
1. Remove the Global Reset by writing 0x00000000 to the Global Control register (Global offset 0x40).
2. Clear Port Reset by writing 1 to the Port Reset bit of the Port Control Clear register (Port offset
(port 0x2000) + 0x1004, bit 0).
3. If 32-bit platform and 32-bit activation is desired, write a 1 to the 32-bit Activation bit of the Port Control Set
register (Port offset (port 0x2000) + 0x1000, bit 10).
4. To enable interrupts for command completion and command errors, write 0x00000003 to the Port Interrupt
Enable Set / Port Interrupt Enable Clear (Port offset (port 0x2000) + 0x1010).
5. To determine if device is present, poll the SStatus register (Port offset (port 0x2000) + 0x1f04) for a PHYRDY
condition indicated if the DET field (bits[3:0]) have a value of 0x3.
6. Wait until the Port Ready bit in the Port Status register (Port offset (port 0x2000) + 0x1000, bit 31) is set to
1. If desired, an interrupt may be armed in the Port Interrupt Set Register (bit 2). Any change in Port Ready state
asserts an interrupt.
7. If the software supports port multipliers, build a Soft Reset PRB in host memory. Set the PMP field to 0x0F to direct
the command to the control port of the port multiplier. Issue the command to any available slot.
Important: If the software does not support port multipliers, skip this step. Sending this command will cause the
port multiplier to disable legacy access to device 0.
8. Upon successful completion of the soft reset command, read the device signature from the command slot (Port
offset (port 0x2000) + (slot 0x80) + 0x14(LSB), 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E(MSB)).
9. Continue with one of the following, depending on the device signature:
a. If the signature is 0x96690101, perform the Port Multiplier Enumeration Procedure.
b. If the signature is 0xEB140101, perform the ATAPI PACKET Device Procedure.
c. If the signature is 0x00000101, perform the Disk Drive Procedure.
10. Repeat Steps 2 through 9 for each port to be initialized.
Port Multiplier Enumeration Procedure
The attached device is a port multiplier. Perform these steps.
1. Enable Port Multiplier context switching by writing a 1 to PM Enable in the Port Control Set register (Port
offset (port 0x2000) + 0x1000, bit 13).
2. Read the Port Multiplier GSCR[2] register by issuing a Read Port Multiplier command to the control port. This
register contains the number of device ports on the Port Multiplier.
3. Enable the PHY by writing a 1, then a 0, to the SControl register (PSCR[2]) DET field. Issue a Port Multiplier
Write command for each of these operations.
4. Wait for a PHYRDY condition in the port by polling the Port Control Set register (PSCR[0]) .
5. Clear the X-bit and all other error bits in the SError register (PSCR[1]) by writing all ones to the register with a
Write Port Multiplier command. The port is now ready for operation.
6. Issue a Soft Reset command with the PMP field set to the appropriate port. This will return a device signature
for the attached device.
7. Issue the appropriate Identify Device or Identify Packet Device command and any associated Set
Features, Set Write Multiple commands necessary to initialize the device.
8. Repeat Steps 3 through 7 for each Port Multiplier Device Port.
ATAPI PACKET Device Procedure
The attached device is an ATAPI PACKET device. Perform these steps.
1. Issue an Identify Packet Device command to get device specific parameters.
2. While the drive is not ready and timeout has not expired, issue the Test unit ready PACKET command.
3. If the command completes successfully, go to Step 5.
4. If the command error indicates a Device error condition due to drive not ready, do the following:
a. Write a 1 to the Port Control Set Register (port 0x2000) + 0x1000, bit 2).
b. Wait until Port Ready in Port Status register (Port offset (port 0x2000) + 0x1000, bit 31) is 1. If desired,
an interrupt may be armed by setting bit 2 in the Port Interrupt Enable Set / Port Interrupt
Enable Clear to 1. Any change in Port Ready state asserts an interrupt.
5. The drive is ready for use. Issue appropriate Set Features, Set Read Multiple commands as needed.
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Disk Drive Procedure
The attached device is a disk drive. Perform these steps.
1. Issue an Identify Device command to get device-specific parameters
2. The drive is ready for use. Issue appropriate Set Features, Set Read Multiple commands as needed.
Interrupts and Command Completion
Each port of the controller produces a single interrupt, which is an accumulation of various possible interrupt events. In
its default mode, the device combines the interrupts from the ports into a single interrupt that may be used either for
INTA emulation or for a Message Signaled Interrupt. In certain embedded environments, it might be desirable for each
port to generate an independent interrupt. Software may configure each port to direct its interrupt to one of four
emulated interrupts. The Interrupt Steering field in the Port Interrupt Enable Set / Port Interrupt
Enable Clear register (Port offset 0x1010/1014, bit [31:30]) is used to direct the port interrupt. By default, this field
is set to 0, indicating that the interrupt is directed to INTA. The register may be set to one of four values, shown in Table
Table 22. Interrupt Steering
Steering Value Interrupt
Interrupt Sources
Figure 7 on page 29 depicts a logical representation of the interrupt routing for the SiI3132 controller. For each port, the
possible interrupt causes are:
Command Completion. Indicates that one or more commands have successfully completed. This interrupt is cleared in
one of two ways, depending on the state of Interrupt NCoR (Port Control Set register, bit 3). Reading the
Global Port Slot Status register clears this interrupt condition if Interrupt NCoR is 0. Writing a one to bit 0 or
bit 16 of the Port Interrupt Status register clears this interrupt condition if Interrupt NCoR is 1. This
interrupt is enabled or disabled with the corresponding bit in the Port Interrupt Enable Set / Port
Interrupt Enable Clear register.
Command Error. Indicates that a command did not complete successfully. The port Port Command Error register
will contain an error code indicating the actual cause of failure. When this bit is set, Port Ready is set to 0 and no
additional commands will be processed until the port is initialized by one of the reset methods and Port Ready is
asserted. Writing a one to bit 1 or bit 17 of the Port Interrupt Status register clears this interrupt condition.
This interrupt is enabled or disabled with the corresponding bit in the Port Interrupt Enable Set / Port
Interrupt Enable Clear.
Port Ready. Indicates that the Port Ready state has changed from zero to one. Writing a 1 to bit 2 or bit 18 of the port
Interrupt Status Register clears this interrupt condition. This interrupt is enabled or disabled with the corresponding
bit in the Port Interrupt Enable Set / Port Interrupt Enable Clear register.
Power Management Change. Indicates that the port power management state has been modified. The current power
management state can be determined by reading the port SStatus register. Writing a 1 to bit 3 or bit 19 of the
Port Interrupt Status register clears this interrupt condition. This interrupt is enabled or disabled with the
corresponding bit in the Port Interrupt Enable Set / Port Interrupt Enable Clear register.
PHY Ready Change. Indicates that the PHY state has changed from Not Ready to Ready or from Ready to Not Ready.
The current PHY state can be determined by reading the port SStatus register. Writing a one to bit 4 or bit 20 of
the Port Interrupt Status register clears this interrupt condition. This interrupt is enabled or disabled with
the corresponding bit in the Port Interrupt Enable Set / Port Interrupt Enable Clear register.
COMWAKE Received. Indicates that a COMWAKE OOB signal has been decoded on the receiver. Writing a one to
bit 5 or bit 21 of the Port Interrupt Status register clears this interrupt condition. This interrupt is enabled
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or disabled with the corresponding bit in the Port Interrupt Enable Set / Port Interrupt Enable
Clear register.
Unrecognized FIS. Indicates that the F-bit has been set in the Serror Diag field. Writing a one to bit 6 or bit 22 of the
Port Interrupt Status register clears this interrupt condition. This interrupt is enabled or disabled with the
corresponding bit in the Port Interrupt Enable Set / Port Interrupt Enable Clear register.
Device Exchanged. Indicates that the X-bit has been set in the Serror Diag field. The X-bit is set upon receipt of a
COMINIT from the device. Writing a one to bit 7 or bit 23 of the Port Interrupt Status register clears this
interrupt condition. This interrupt is enabled or disabled with the corresponding bit in the Port Interrupt
Enable Set / Port Interrupt Enable Clear register.
8b/10b Decode Error Threshold Exceeded. Indicates that the 8b/10b Decode Error counter has exceeded the
programmed non-zero threshold value. Writing any value to the Port 8B/10B Decode Error Counter
register or writing a 1 to bit 8 or 24 of the Port Interrupt Status register clears this interrupt condition. This
interrupt is enabled by writing a non-zero value to the threshold field (bit [31:16]) of the Port 8B/10B Decode
Error Counter register. Writing a 0 the threshold field disables this interrupt.
CRC Error Threshold Exceeded. Indicates that the CRC Error counter has exceeded the programmed non-zero
threshold value. Writing any value to the Port CRC Error Counter register or writing a 1 to bit 9 or bit 25 of
the Port Interrupt Status register clears this interrupt condition. This interrupt is enabled by writing a non-
zero value to the threshold field (bit [31:16]) of the Port CRC Error Counter register. Writing a 0 to the
threshold field disables this interrupt.
Handshake Error Threshold Exceeded. Indicates that the Handshake Error counter has exceeded the programmed
non-zero threshold value. A handshake error occurs when an R_ERR primitive is received. Writing any value to the
Port Handshake Error Counter register or writing a 1 to bit 10 or bit 26 of the Port Interrupt
Status register clears this interrupt condition. This interrupt is enabled by writing a non-zero value to the
threshold field (bit [31:16]) of the Port Handshake Error Counter register. Writing a 0 to the threshold
field disables this interrupt.
SDB Notify. Indicates that a Set Device Bits FIS has been received with the N-bit set in the control field. ATAPI
and Port Multiplier devices optionally use this feature to signal the host that an event has occurred that requires
further scrutiny. Writing a 1 to bit 11 or bit 27 of the Port Interrupt Status register clears this interrupt
condition. This interrupt is enabled or disabled with the corresponding bit in the Port Interrupt Enable
Set / Port Interrupt Enable Clear register.
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Command Error
Port_Ready_Int W1C
Command Success
Port 0
Port 1
Figure 7. SiI3132 Interrupt Map
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Table 23. Port Interrupt Causes and Control
Interrupt Status Bit
Interrupt Cause Masked Raw To Clear: To Enable: To Disable:
Command Complete 0 16
If Interrupt W1C == 0
Read Slot Status
If Interrupt W1C == 1
Write 1 to Port Interrupt
Status bit 0 or 16,
write one to desired port
bit(s) in Global Interrupt
Write 1 to Interrupt
Enable Set bit 0
Write 1 to Interrupt Enable
Clear bit 0
Write 1 to
control_interrupt_mask in
PRB Control field
Command Error 1 17 Write 1 to Interrupt
Status bit 1 or 17
Write 1 to Interrupt
Enable Set bit 1
Write 1 to Interrupt Enable
Clear bit 1
Port Ready 2 18 Write 1 to Interrupt
Status bit 2 or 18
Write 1 to Interrupt
Enable Set bit 2
Write 1 to Interrupt Enable
Clear bit 2
Power Management
Change 3 19
Write 1 to Interrupt
Status bit 3 or 19
Write 1 to Interrupt
Enable Set bit 3
Write 1 to Interrupt Enable
Clear bit 3
PHY Ready Change 4 20 Write 1 to Interrupt
Status bit 4 or 20
Write 1 to Interrupt
Enable Set bit 4
Write 1 to Interrupt Enable
Clear bit 4
Received 5 21
Write 1 to Interrupt
Status bit 5 or 21
Write 1 to Interrupt
Enable Set bit 5
Write 1 to Interrupt Enable
Clear bit 5
Unrecognized FIS
Received 6 22
Write 1 to Interrupt
Status bit 6 or 22
Write 1 to Interrupt
Enable Set bit 6
Write 1 to Interrupt Enable
Clear bit 6
Device Exchanged 7 23 Write 1 to Interrupt
Status bit 7 or 23
Write 1 to Interrupt
Enable Set bit 7
Write 1 to Interrupt Enable
Clear bit 7
8b/10b Decode Error
Threshold 8 24
Write 1 to Interrupt
Status bit 8 or 24
Write any value to
8b/10b Decode Error
Counter bits[15:0]
Write non-zero value to
8b/10b Decode Error
Counter bits[31:16]
Write 0 to 8b/10b Decode
Error Counter bits[31:16]
CRC Error Threshold 9 25
Write 1 to Interrupt
Status bit 9 or 25
Write any value to CRC
Error Counter bits[15:0]
Write non-zero value to
CRC Error Counter
Write 0 to CRC Error
Counter bits[31:16]
Handshake Error
Threshold 10 26
Write 1 to Interrupt
Status bit 10 or 26
Write any value to
Handshake Error
Counter bits[15:0]
Write non-zero value to
Handshake Error Counter
Write zero to Handshake
Error Counter bits[31:16]
Set Device Bits
11 27
Write 1 to Interrupt
Status bit 11 or 27
Write 1 to Interrupt
Enable Set bit 11
Write 1 to Interrupt Enable
Clear bit 11
Command Completion — The Slot Status Registers
The Slot Status registers are designed such that with a single read, an interrupt service routine can determine the
successful completion state of outstanding commands, dismiss the command completion interrupt, and determine if any
other enabled interrupt events are pending in a port.
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The Port Slot Status register (Port offset 0x1800) or Global Port Slot Status (Global offset
0x00 + (port 4)) bits 0 through 30 reflect the status of each of the 31 command slots in a port. When a PRB is issued to
a command slot, the corresponding bit in the Slot Status register is set to 1, indicating that the command is in progress.
When a command is successfully completed, the corresponding command slot bit is cleared in the Slot Status register.
The host driver can read the Slot Status register at any time to determine the activity state of any issued commands.
By default, a successfully completed command will set the command complete bit in the Port Interrupt Status
register. If the Command Complete interrupt is enabled, an interrupt will be asserted simultaneously. The host driver can
optionally set control_interrupt_mask in the PRB Control field to prevent the command complete bit from being set on a
per-command basis. This is useful when the host issues a series of commands and wants to be interrupted only after a
selected command completes.
The command complete bit and associated interrupt are cleared when the Slot Status register is read, unless the host
driver has set Interrupt No Clear on Read (Port Control Set or Port Control Clear register, bit 3) to 1. If
Interrupt No Clear on Read is set, the host driver must write 1 to the Command Complete bit in the Port Interrupt
Status register in order to clear the command complete bit and associated interrupt.
The Attention Bit
Bit 31 of the Slot Status register is the Attention bit. When set to 1, it indicates that an enabled interrupt source, other
than command completion, is asserted. It is possible that the Slot Status register indicates an Attention condition while
also showing that commands have successfully completed in bits 0 through 30. The interrupt service routine should
always post-process any completed commands in addition to servicing a possible Attention condition. The Attention bit
is set only for interrupt conditions that have been enabled as described in the Interrupt Sources section on page 27. The
Attention bit remains set to 1 in the Slot Status register until all enabled interrupt conditions are cleared.
Interrupt Service Procedure
The SiI3132 controller services interrupt events with minimal host overhead. There are two methods the host can use to
determine the cause of an interrupt within any of the ports.
The Global Interrupt Status register (Global offset 0x44) can be read to determine which ports are causing
the interrupt. Then, the Slot Status register for the interrupting ports can be read to determine the cause of an
Alternately, all port Slot Status registers can be read in a single burst operation from the Global Register space
starting at Global offset 0x00. If Interrupt No Clear on Read (Port Control Set or Port Control Clear,
Bit 3) is 0, any command complete interrupt is cleared. The host driver should then compare the outstanding
command status in bits 0 through 30 to its internal copy of outstanding commands to determine which, if any,
commands have successfully completed.
Once the successful command completions have been noted, the host should check the Attention bit (bit 31) to determine
if any other enabled interrupt events are pending on the port. If the Attention bit is one, the host should read the Port
Interrupt Status register (Port offset (port 0x2000) + 0x1008) to determine the cause for the Attention
condition. Once the Attention condition has been resolved and cleared, normal processing can continue.
Interrupt No Clear on Read
By default, the Command Completion interrupt condition is cleared when the port Slot Status register is read. In some
cases, such as in debug environments, clearing of the Command Completion interrupt might not be the desired effect of
reading the Slot Status register. In these cases, the host driver should set the Interrupt No Clear on Read bit (bit 3) in the
Port Control Set register. When this bit is set, the host must clear the Command Completion interrupt by one of
the following methods:
Write one to the corresponding port interrupt status bit(s) in the Global Interrupt Status register (Global offset
0x44). This method clears Command Complete interrupts for multiple ports in a single write operation..
Write 1 to bit 0 or bit 16 of the Port Interrupt Status register (Port offset (port 0x2000) + 0x1008).This
clears Command Complete only for the corresponding port.
Error Processing
When an error occurs during command processing, the controller records the error condition and halts execution until
the host driver is able to restore normal operation. It does not attempt to automatically recover from error conditions.
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32 © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved SiI-DS-0138-E
Rather, it provides the host with the necessary information to handle the error condition. Errors that occur during
command execution cause the Command Error bit to be set to one in the Port Interrupt Status register (Port
offset (port0x2000) + 0x1008) and an error code to be placed in the Port Command Error register
(Port offset (port 0x2000) + 0x1024). Refer to the Port Command Error section on page 63 for a complete list of
possible error codes. Then execution halts and Port Ready (Port Status Register, bit 31) is cleared to zero. Only the port
with the error condition halts and all other ports will continue to process normally. If the Command Error interrupt is
enabled, an interrupt is asserted and the Attention bit is asserted in the port Slot Status register. The corresponding Slot
Status bit for the command in error will not be cleared to 0, because the command did not complete successfully. If only
non-queued commands are outstanding, the slot number for the command in error is available in the Port Status
register, bits[20:16]. The host may use this information to ascertain which outstanding command caused the error
To recover from a Command Error condition, it is necessary to initialize the port by one of the Port Reset methods
described in the Reset and Initialization starting on page 24. It might not be necessary to reset the device in all error
cases. In fact, to properly recover from native queued error conditions, it may be necessary to send additional commands
to the device in error to obtain additional error information. At the minimum, it will be necessary to assert a Port
Initialize and wait for Port Ready before additional commands may be issued.
Errors may be grouped into three categories to determine the proper recovery action:
Recoverable errors. Error codes 1 and 2 are device specific errors. These errors occur when the device returns an error
bit in the final register FIS or in a Set Device Bits FIS. Depending upon the severity of the error type reported by the
device, it may not be necessary to reset the device. If the error code is 1, the register FIS received from the device is
available in the command slot PRB. The host may determine the error reported by the device by examining the error
register field of this structure. See the Error Recovery Procedures section below for more information regarding
error recovery procedures.
Locally detected data errors. Error code 3 is a unique error type. It indicates that the controller detected an error during
command execution but the device failed to report the error upon command completion. For non-queued
commands, this type of error type can be treated in the same as a recoverable error. If queued commands are
outstanding, the device must be reset because it is necessary to make sure that all queued commands are flushed
from the device when an error condition occurs. Since the device did not report an error, it is unlikely that the queue
has been flushed in the device.
Fatal Errors. All other error codes indicate that an error condition has occurred that requires both the device and the
internal operational state of the SiI3132 controller to be reset. The most common method to perform this function is
to issue a Device Reset.
Error Recovery Procedures
When a device returns error status for an outstanding command, the controller will halt command processing, post an
error type of 1 or 2 in the Port Command Error register, set the command error bit in the Port Interrupt Status
register and, if enabled, assert an interrupt to the host. The host driver can try to attempt error recovery without resetting
the device that issued the error. Note that error recovery procedures should only be attempted for error types 1 and 2.
Error type 3 is also recoverable if no queued commands are outstanding. Silicon Image recommends that all other error
types result in a reset of the affected device(s).
If the device in error is directly attached to the SiI3132 controller port, the host may issue a Port Initialize by setting bit 2
in the Port Control Set register and waiting for a Port Ready condition. The host may then re-issue any commands that
were outstanding when the error occurred. If native queued commands were outstanding, the host should issue a READ
LOG EXTENDED for Log Page 10h to determine the details of the error condition. Refer to the Serial ATA II
specification for further details on error handling with native queuing.
If the device in error is attached to a port multiplier, it is necessary for the host driver to wait until all outstanding
commands to other devices attached to the port multiplier have completed before issuing the Port Initialize function.
This is accomplished through a series of steps:
1. The host driver must note the PM port number for the device in error by extracting the PMP field (bit[8:5]) from the
Port Context register (port offset 0x1E04). The PMP field contains the PM port number for the device in error.
It is then necessary to determine if any commands are outstanding for non-error devices. If there are no commands
outstanding for non-error devices, the host driver may proceed to step 4 to issue a Port Initialize command and wait
for a Port Ready condition before reissuing commands.
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2. If commands are outstanding to non-error devices, the host should set the Port Resume bit (bit 6) in the Port
Control Set register. Setting this bit forces a Device Busy condition for the currently selected PM port (the port
to which the device in error is attached) so that no additional issued commands will be sent to the device in error.
Processing of commands that have already been issued continues.
3. The host driver must monitor command completion progress and determine when all commands for non-error
devices have completed. Please note that the Port Slot Status register will still have a bit set for each
outstanding command on the device in error. These bits will not be cleared and the host must ignore them while
waiting for command completion on non-error devices. If another recoverable error occurs while waiting for
commands to complete, the host driver must follow the same recovery steps for the new device in error, starting
with step 1 above. It is possible to have multiple devices in an error recovery state concurrently. When the host
driver detects that all commands for non-error devices have completed, it must perform the following steps.
a. Clear Port Resume Port Control Clear register, Bit 6).
b. Clear bit[16:13] in the Port Device Status register for the device(s) in error ((port 0x2000) + 0xF80 +
(PM port of device in error 8)). This action clears the Device_Busy, Native_Queue, Legacy_Queue, and
Service_Pending bits to ready the device for further command processing.
c. Write zeroes (0x00000000) to the Port Device QActive register for the device(s) in error ((port
0x2000) + 0xF84 + (PM port of device in error 8)). This action ensures that all queued command context is
removed before re-issuing commands.
d. Issue a Port Initialize command and wait for Port Ready condition.
4. The host driver may now resume normal command processing. The host driver must determine which commands
need to be reissued to the device in error. If native queued commands were outstanding to the device in error, the
host must issue a READ LOG EXTENDED command to clear the pending error condition and determine the tag
number (slot number) of the command in error before resuming command processing.
Note: It is a good idea to clear Port Resume (Port Control Clear register, Bit 6) whenever Port Initialize
or Port Device Reset command is issued. This ensures that the Port Resume bit is always cleared when starting
normal processing in the event that an abnormal exit is taken from the error recovery procedure.
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34 © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved SiI-DS-0138-E
The controller supports an external flash or EEPROM device for BIOS extensions and user-defined PCI configuration
header data.
Auto-Initialization from Flash
The SiI3132 controller initiates the flash detection and configuration space loading sequence on the release of PERST#.
It begins by reading the highest two addresses (7FFFFH and 7FFFEH), checking for the correct data signature pattern
(AAH and 55H, respectively). If the data signature pattern is correct, the controller continues to sequence the address
downward, reading a total of twelve bytes. If the Data Signature is correct (55H at 7FFFCH), the last eight bytes are
loaded into the PCI Configuration Space registers.
If both flash and EEPROM are installed, the PCI Configuration Space registers will be loaded with data from the
While the sequence is active, the controller responds to all PCI bus accesses with a Target Retry.
Figure 8. Auto-Initialization from Flash Timing
Table 24. Auto-Initialization from Flash Timing
Parameter Value Description
t1 660 ns PCI reset to flash Auto-Initialization cycle begin
t2 4200 ns Flash Auto-Initialization cycle time
Table 25. Flash Data Description
Address Data Byte Description
7FFFFH D00 Data Signature = AAH
7FFFEH D01 Data Signature = 55H
7FFFDH D02 AA = 120 ns flash device / Else, 240 ns flash device
7FFFCH D03 Data Signature = 55H
7FFFBH D04 PCI Device ID [23:16]
7FFFAH D05 PCI Device ID [31:24]
7FFF9H D06 PCI Class Code [15:08]
7FFF8H D07 PCI Class Code [23:16]
7FFF7H D08 PCI Sub-System Vendor ID [07:00]
7FFF6H D09 PCI Sub-System Vendor ID [15:08]
7FFF5H D10 PCI Sub-System ID [23:16]
7FFF4H D11 PCI Sub-System ID [31:24]
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Auto-Initialization from EEPROM
The SiI3132 controller initiates the EEPROM detection and configuration space loading sequence after the flash read
sequence. The SiI3132 controller supports EEPROMs with an I2C serial interface. The sequence of operations consists
of the following.
1. START condition defined as a HIGH-to-LOW transition on I2C_SDAT while I2C_SCLK is HIGH.
2. Control byte = 1010 (Control Code) + 000 (Chip Select) + 0 (Write Address).
3. Acknowledge.
4. Starting address field = 00000000.
5. Acknowledge.
6. Sequential data bytes separated by Acknowledges.
7. STOP condition.
While the sequence is active, the controller responds to all PCI bus accesses with a Target Retry.
I2C_SDAT t1t2
S1010000W PANDDD
Figure 9. Auto-Initialization from EEPROM Timing
Table 26. Auto-Initialization from EEPROM Timing
Parameter Value Description
t1 26.00 μs End of Auto-Initialization from flash to start of Auto-Initialization from
t2 1.4 ms Auto-Initialization from EEPROM cycle time
t3 10 μs EEPROM serial clock period
Table 27. Auto-Initialization from EEPROM Timing Symbols
Parameter Description
S START condition
W R/W 0 = Write Command, 1 = Read Command
A Acknowledge
D Serial data
N No-Acknowledge
P STOP condition
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36 © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved SiI-DS-0138-E
Table 28. EEPROM Data Description
Address Data Byte Description
00H D00 Memory Present Pattern = AAH
01H D01 Memory Present Pattern = 55H
02H D02 Data Signature = AAH
03H D03 Data Signature = 55H
04H D04 PCI Device ID [23:16]
05H D05 PCI Device ID [31:24]
06H D06 PCI Class Code [15:08]
07H D07 PCI Class Code [23:16]
08H D08 PCI Sub-System Vendor ID [07:00]
09H D09 PCI Sub-System Vendor ID [15:08]
0AH D10 PCI Sub-System ID [23:16]
0BH D11 PCI Sub-System ID [31:24]
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Register Definitions
This section describes the registers within the SiI3132 controller.
PCI Configuration Space
As shown in Table 29, the PCI Configuration Space registers define the operation of the controller on the PCI Express
Table 29. SiI3132 PCI Configuration Space
Offset Register Name
00H Device ID Vendor ID
04H PCI Status PCI Command
08H PCI Class Code Revision ID
0CH BIST Header Type Latency Timer Cache Line Size
14H Base Address Register 0
1CH Base Address Register 1
20H Base Address Register 2
24H Reserved
28H Reserved
2CH Subsystem ID Subsystem Vendor ID
30H Expansion ROM Base Address
34H Reserved Capabilities Ptr
38H Reserved
3CH Max Latency Min Grant Interrupt Pin Interrupt Line
40H Reserved
44H Reserved
48H Reserved Hdr Wr Ena
4CH Reserved
50H Reserved
54H Power Management Capabilities Next Capability Pwr Mgt Cap ID
58H Data Reserved Control and Status
5CH Message Control Next Capability MSI Cap ID
64H Message Address
68H Reserved Message Data
6CH Reserved
70H PCI Express Capabilities Register Next Capability PCI Exp Cap ID
74H Device Capabilities
78H Device Status Device Control
7CH Link Capabilities
80H Link Status Link Control
84H–EFH Reserved
F0H–FFH Indirect Access
100H Advanced Error Reporting Capability
104H Uncorrectable Error Status
108H Uncorrectable Error Mask
10CH Uncorrectable Error Severity
110H Correctable Error Status
114H Correctable Error Mask
118H Advanced Error Capabilities and Control
11CH-12BH Header Log
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38 © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved SiI-DS-0138-E
Device ID – Vendor ID
Address Offset: 00H
Access Type: Read /Write
Reset Value: 0x3132_1095
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Device ID Vendor ID
This register defines the Device ID and Vendor ID associated with the SiI3132 controller. The register bits are defined as
Bit [31:16]: Device ID (R/W) – Device ID. The value in this bit field is one of the following:
a. The default value of 0x3132 to identify the device as a Silicon Image SiI3132 controller.
b. The value loaded from an external memory device; if an external memory device, flash or EEPROM, is present
with the correct signature, the Device ID is loaded from that device after reset. See the Auto-Initialization from
Flash section on page 34 for more information.
c. System programmed value; if bit 0 of the Configuration register (48H) is set, the Device ID is system
Bit [15:00]: Vendor ID (R) – Vendor ID. This field defaults to 0x1095 to identify the vendor as Silicon Image.
PCI Status – PCI Command
Address Offset: 04H
Access Type: Read/Write/Write-One-to-Clear
Reset Value: 0x0010_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Det Par Err
Sig Sys Err
Rcvd M Abort
Rcvd T Abort
Sig T Abort
Det M Par Err
Capabilities List
Int Status
Int Disable
SERR Enable
Par Error Resp
Bus Master
Memory Space
IO Space
This register defines the various control functions associated with the PCI bus. The register bits are defined below.
Bit 31: Det Par Err (R/W1C) – Detected Parity Error.
Bit 30: Sig Sys Err (R/W1C) – Signaled System Error.
Bit 29: Rcvd M Abort (R/W1C) – Received Master Abort.
Bit 28: Rcvd T Abort (R/W1C) – Received Target Abort.
Bit 27: Sig T Abort (R/W1C) – Signaled Target Abort.
Bit 24: Det M Par Err (R/W1C) – Detected Master Data Parity Error.
Bit 20: Capabilities List (R) – PCI Capabilities List. This bit is hardwired to 1 to indicate that the controller
implements Capabilities registers for Power Management, PCI-X, and Message Signaled Interrupt.
Bit [19]: Interrupt Status (R).
Bit [26:25,23:21,18:11,9,7,5:3]: Reserved (R) – This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [10]: Interrupt Disable (R/W).
Bit 08: SERR Enable (R/W) – SERR Enable.
Bit 06: Par Error Resp (R/W) – Parity Error Response Enable.
Bit 02: Bus Master (R/W) – Bus Master Enable. This bit set enables the controller to act as PCI bus master, for
example, to issue Memory Requests.
Bit 01: Memory Space (R/W) – Memory Space Enable. This bit set enables the controller to respond to memory
space accesses.
Bit 00: I/O Space (R/W) – I/O Space Enable. This bit is hardwired to 0; the controller does not respond to I/O space
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PCI Class Code – Revision ID
Address Offset: 08H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0180_0001
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
PCI Class Code Revision ID
This register defines the various control functions associated with the PCI bus. The register bits are defined below.
Bit [31:08]: PCI Class Code (R) – PCI Class Code. This value in this bit field is one of the following:
a. The default value of 018000h for Mass Storage Class.
b. The value loaded from an external memory device; if an external memory device – flash or EEPROM – is
present with the correct signature, the PCI Class Code is loaded from that device after reset. See the Auto-
Initialization from Flash section on page 34 for more information.
c. System programmed value; if bit 0 of the Configuration register (48H) is set the PCI Class Code is system
Bit [07:00]: Revision ID (R) – Chip Revision ID. This bit field is hardwired to indicate the revision level of the chip
design; revision 01H is defined by this specification.
BIST – Header Type – Latency Timer – Cache Line Size
Address Offset: 0CH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
BIST Header Type Latency Timer Cache Line Size
This register defines the various control functions associated with the PCI bus. The register bits are defined below.
Bit [31:24]: BIST (R). This bit field is hardwired to 00H.
Bit [23:16]: Header Type (R). This bit field is hardwired to 00H.
Bit [15:08]: Latency Timer (R). This field is hardwired to 00H.
Bit [07:00]: Cache Line Size (R/W). This bit field is Read/Write for legacy purposes. The field is not used by the
SiI3132 controller.
Base Address Register 0
Address Offset: 10H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000_0000_0004
63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
Base Address Register 0
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Base Address Register 0 0000100
This register defines the addressing of the Global Registers within the SiI3132 controller. The register bits are defined as
Bit [63:07]: Base Address Register 0 (R/W). This register defines the base address for the 128-byte Memory Space
containing the Global Registers.
Bit [06:00]: (R). This bit field is hardwired to 0000100B to indicate a 64-bit base address.
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Base Address Register 1
Address Offset: 18H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000_0000_0004
63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
Base Address Register 1
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Base Address Register 1 00 0000 0000 0100
This register defines the addressing of the Port Registers and LRAM within the controller. The register bits are defined
as follows:
Bit [63:15]: Base Address Register 1 (R/W). This register defines the base address for the 16 kB Memory Space
containing the Port Registers.
Bit [14:00]: (R). This bit field is hardwired to 0004H to indicate a 64-bit base address.
Base Address Register 2
Address Offset: 20H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0001
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Base Address Register 2 000 0001
This register defines the addressing of the Indirect I/O registers within the SiI3132 controller. The register bits are
defined as follows:
Bit [31:04]: Base Address Register 2 (R/W). This register defines the base address for the 128-byte I/O Space.
Bit [03:00]: (R). This bit field is hardwired to 000_0001B.
Subsystem ID — Subsystem Vendor ID
Address Offset: 2CH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x3132_1095
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Subsystem ID Subsystem Vendor ID
This register defines the Subsystem ID fields associated with the PCI bus. The register bits are as follows.
Bit [31:16]: Subsystem ID (R/W) – Subsystem ID. The value in this bit field is one of the following:
a. The default value of 0x3132
b. The value loaded from an external memory device; if an external memory device (flash or EEPROM) is present
with the correct signature, the Subsystem ID is loaded from that device after reset. See Auto-Initialization from
Flash section on page 34 for more information.
c. System programmed value; if bit 0 of the Configuration register (48H) is set, the Subsystem ID is system
Bit [15:00]: Subsystem Vendor ID (R/W) – Subsystem Vendor ID. The value in this bit field is one of the following:
a. The default value of 0x1095
b. The value loaded from an external memory device; if an external memory device (flash or EEPROM) is present
with a correct signature, the Subsystem Vendor ID is loaded from that device after reset. See the Auto-
Initialization from Flash section on page 34 for more information.
c. System programmed value; if bit 0 of the Configuration register (48H) is set, the Subsystem Vendor ID is
system programmable.
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Expansion ROM Base Address
Address Offset: 30H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Expansion ROM Base Address 000_0000_0000_0000_000
Exp ROM Enable
This register defines the Expansion ROM base address associated with the PCI bus. The register bits are defined as
Bit [31:19]: Expansion ROM Base Address (R/W) – Expansion ROM Base Address. This bit field defines the upper
bits of the Expansion ROM base address.
Bit [18:01]: (R). This bit field is hardwired to 00000H to indicate that the Expansion ROM address range is 512 kB.
Bit [00]: Exp ROM Enable (R/W) – Expansion ROM Enable. This bit is set to enable Expansion ROM access.
Capabilities Pointer
Address Offset: 34H
Access Type: Read
Reset Value: 0x0000_0054
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved Capabilities Pointer
This register defines the link to a list of new capabilities associated with the PCI bus. The register bits are defined below.
Bit [31:08]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [07:00]: Capabilities Pointer (R) – Capabilities Pointer. This bit field contains 54H, the address for the first
Capabilities register set, the PCI Power Management Capability register.
Max Latency – Min Grant – Interrupt Pin – Interrupt Line
Address Offset: 3CH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0100
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Max Latency Min Grant Interrupt Pin Interrupt Line
This register defines various control functions associated with the PCI bus. The register bits are defined as follows:
Bit [31:24]: Max Latency (R) – Maximum Latency. This bit field is hardwired to 00H.
Bit [23:16]: Min Grant (R) – Minimum Grant. This bit field is hardwired to 00H.
Bit [15:08]: Interrupt Pin (R) – Interrupt Pin Used. This bit field is hardwired to 01H to indicate that the controller
uses the INTA interrupt. The INTB, INTC, and INTD interrupts can be used by enabling them in the Port
Interrupt Enable Set / Port Interrupt Enable Clear registers but it is outside the PCI
Bit [07:00]: Interrupt Line (R/W) – Interrupt Line. This bit field is used by the system to indicate interrupt line
routing information. The controller does not use this information.
SiI3132 PCI Express to Serial ATA Controller
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42 © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved SiI-DS-0138-E
Header W rite Enable
Address Offset: 48H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Ind Acc Ena
Hdr Wr Ena
Bit [31:02]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [01]: Ind Acc Ena (R) – Indirect Access Enable. This bit enables the Indirect Access registers at offset F0H-FFH.
Bit [00]: Hdr Wr Ena (R) – Header Write Enable. This bit enables writing to registers defined as read-only by the
PCI specification. This bit is required to meet PCI compliance testing and expects certain registers to be read-only.
This bit is set to Enable Write Access to the registers; Device ID (03-02H), PCI Class Code (09-0BH), Subsystem
Vendor ID (2D-2CH), and Subsystem ID (2F-2EH) in the PCI Configuration Header.
Power Management Capability
Address Offset: 54H
Access Type: Read Only
Reset Value: 0x0622_5C01
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
PME Support
PPM D2 Support
PPM D1 Support
Dev Special Init
PME Clock
Next Capability
Pointer120 Capability ID
This register defines the power management capabilities associated with the PCI bus. The register bits are defined as
Bit [31:27]: PME Support (R) – Power Management Event Support. This bit field is hardwired to 00H. The
controller does not support PME.
Bit [26]: PPM D2 Support (R) – PCI Power Management D2 Support. This bit is hardwired to 1.
Bit [25]: PPM D1 Support (R) – PCI Power Management D1 Support. This bit is hardwired to 1.
Bit [24:22]: Auxiliary Current (R) – Auxiliary Current. This bit field is hardwired to 000B.
Bit [21]: Dev Special Init (R) – Device Special Initialization. This bit is hardwired to 1 to indicate that the controller
requires special initialization.
Bit [20]: Reserved (R). This bit is reserved and returns 0 on a read.
Bit [19]: PME Clock (R) – Power Management Event Clock. This bit is hardwired to 0.
Bit [18:16]: PPM Rev (R) – PCI Power Management Revision. This bit field is hardwired to 010B to indicate
compliance with the PCI Power Management Interface Specification revision 1.1.
Bit [15:08]: Next Capability Pointer (R) – PCI Next Capability Pointer. This bit field is hardwired to 5CH to point to
the second Capabilities register, the MSI Capability register.
Bit [07:00]: Capability ID (R) – PCI Capability ID. This bit field is hardwired to 01H to indicate that this is a PCI
Power Management Capability.
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Power Management Control + Status
Address Offset: 58H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0C00_2000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
PPM Data Reserved
PME Status
PPM Data
PPM Data
PPM Power
This register defines the power management capabilities associated with the PCI bus. The register bits are defined as
Bit [31:24]: PPM Data (R) – PCI Power Management Data. This bit field is hardwired to 0x0C to indicate a power
consumption of 1.2 Watt.
Bit [23:16]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [15]: PME Status (R) – PME Status. This bit is hardwired to 0. The controller does not support PME.
Bit [14:13]: PPM Data Scale (R) – PCI Power Management Data Scale. This bit field is hardwired to 01B to indicate
a scaling factor of 100 mW.
Bit [12:09]: PPM Data Sel (R/W) – PCI Power Management Data Select. This bit field is set by the system to
indicate which data field is to be reported through the PPM Data bits (although current implementation hardwires
the PPM Data to indicate 1.2 Watt).
Bit [08]: PME Ena (R) – PME Enable. This bit is hardwired to 0. The controller does not support PME.
Bit [07:02]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [01:00]: PPM Power State (R/W) – PCI Power Management Power State. This bit field is set by the system to
dictate the current Power State: 00 = D0 (Normal Operation), 01 = D1, 10 = D2, and 11 = D3 (Hot).
MSI Capability
Address Offset: 5CH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0080_7005
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
64-bit Addr
MSI Enable
Next Capability Pointer Capability ID
This register defines the MSI Capability Message Control. The register bits are defined as follows:
Bit [31:24]: Reserved (R) – This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [23]: 64-bit Addr (R) – 64-bit Address Capable. This bit is hardwired to 1.
Bit [22:20]: Multiple Message Enable (R/W) – This bit field defaults to 000B.
Bit [19:17]: Multiple Message Capable (R/W) – This bit field defaults to 000B.
Bit [16]: MSI Enable (R/W) – This bit is set to enable Message Signaled Interrupts.
Bit [15:08]: Next Capability Pointer (R) –Next Capability Pointer. This bit field is hardwired to 70H to point to the
third Capabilities register, the PCI Express Capability register.
Bit [07:00]: Capability ID (R) – This bit field is hardwired to 05H to indicate that this is a MSI Capability.
SiI3132 PCI Express to Serial ATA Controller
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44 © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved SiI-DS-0138-E
Message Address
Address Offset: 60H–67H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000_0000_0000
63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
Message Address Upper
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Message Address 00
This register specifies the memory address for an MSI memory write transaction. The memory address must be of a
Dword (bits 1:0 must be 0).
MSI Message Data
Address Offset: 68H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved Message Data
This register specifies the MSI Message Data. The register bits are defined as follows:
Bit [31:16]: Reserved (R) – This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [15:00]: Message Data (R/W) – This bit field specifies the Message Data for an MSI memory write transaction.
PCI Express Capability
Address Offset: 70H
Access Type: Read Only
Reset Value: 0x0011_0010
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Type Version Next Capability Pointer Capability ID
Bit [31:30,24]: Reserved (R) – These bits are reserved and return zero on a read.
Bit [29:25]: Interrupt Message Number (R) – This bit field is hardwired to 0.
Bit [23:20]: Device Type (R) – This bit field is hardwired to 0001B to indicate a PCI Express Legacy Endpoint
Bit [19:16]: Version (R) – This bit field is hardwired to 01H to indicate compliance with the PCI Express
Specification revision 1.0a.
Bit [15:08]: Next Capability Pointer (R) – PCI Next Capability Pointer. This bit field is hardwired to 00H (this is the
last capability).
Bit [07:00]: Capability ID (R) – PCI Capability ID. This bit field is hardwired to 10H to indicate that this is a PCI
Express Capability.
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Device Capabilities
Address Offset: 74H
Access Type: Read Only
Reset Value: 0x0000_0003
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved Slot Power Reserved
Pwr Indicator
Atten Indicator
Atten Button
Ext Tag Sup
Bit [31:28,17:15]: Reserved (R) – These bits are reserved and return zero on a read.
Bit [27:18]: Slot Power (R) – Captured Slot Power Limit Value and Limit Scale. This bit field is hardwired to 0.
Bit [14]: Pwr Indicator (R) – Power Indicator Present. This bit field is hardwired to 0.
Bit [13]: Atten Indicator (R) – Attention Indicator Present. This bit field is hardwired to 0.
Bit [12]: Atten Button (R) – Attention Button Present. This bit field is hardwired to 0.
Bit [11:09]: L1 Latency (R) – This bit field is hardwired to 000B.
Bit [08:06]: L0s Latency (R) – This bit field is hardwired to 000B.
Bit [05]: Ext Tag Sup (R) – Extended Tag Field Supported. This bit is hardwired to 0.
Bit [04:03]: Phantom Functions (R) – This bit field is hardwired to 0.
Bit [02:00]: Max Payload (R) – Max_Payload_Size Supported. This bit field is hardwired to 011B to indicate that a
maximum 1024-byte payload is supported.
Device Status and Control
Address Offset: 78H
Access Type: Read/Write/Write 1 to Clear
Reset Value: 0x0000_2000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Trans Pending
AUX Power
Unsup Req Det
Fatal Error Det
Non-Fatal Error
Corr Error Det
EnSnp Not Req
Aux Pwr PM En
Phntm Fnc En
Ext Tag Fld En
En Rlxd Ord
UnsReq Rep En
Fatal Err Rep En
NonFtl Err Rep En
Corr Err Rep En
Bit [31:22,15]: Reserved (R) – These bits are reserved and return zero on a read.
Bit [21]: Trans Pending (R) – Transactions Pending.
Bit [20]: AUX Power (R) – AUX Power Detected. This bit is hardwired to 0.
Bit [19]: Unsup Req Det (R/W1C) – Unsupported Request Detected.
Bit [18]: Fatal Error Det (R/W1C) – Fatal Error Detected.
Bit [17]: Non-Fatal Error (R/W1C) – Non-Fatal Error Detected.
Bit [16]: Corr Error Det (R/W1C) – Correctable Error Detected.
Bit [14:12]: Max Read Request Size (R/W) – Allowable values are 000B to 011B (128 to 1024 bytes). Default is
010B (512 bytes).
Bit [11]: EnSnp Not Req (R) – Enable No Snoop. This bit is hardwired to 0.
Bit [10]: Aux Pwr PM En (R) – Auxiliary Power PM Enable. This bit is hardwired to 0.
Bit [09]: Phntm Fnc En (R) – Phantom Functions Enable. This bit is hardwired to 0.
Bit [08]: Ext Tag Fld En (R) – Extended Tag Field Enable. This bit is hardwired to 0.
Bit [07:05]: Max Payload Size (R/W) – Allowable values are 000B to 011B (128 to 1024 bytes). Default is 000B
(128 bytes).
SiI3132 PCI Express to Serial ATA Controller
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46 © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved SiI-DS-0138-E
Bit [04]: En Rlxd Ord (R) – Enable Relaxed Ordering. This bit field is hardwired to 0.
Bit [03]: UnsReq Rep En (R/W) – Unsupported Request Reporting Enable.
Bit [02]: Fatal Err Rep En (R/W) – Fatal Error Reporting Enable.
Bit [01]: NonFtl Err Rep En (R/W) – Non-Fatal Error Reporting Enable.
Bit [00]: Corr Err Rep En (R/W) – Correctable Error Reporting Enable.
Link Capabilities
Address Offset: 7CH
Access Type: Read Only
Reset Value: 0x0000_7411
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Port Number Reserved L1 Exit
ASPM Support
Maximum Link
Link Speed
Bit [31:24]: Port Number (R) – This bit field is hardwired to 00H.
Bit [23:18]: Reserved (R) – These bits are reserved and return zero on a read.
Bit [17:15]: L1 Exit Latency (R) – This bit field is hardwired to 000B.
Bit [14:12]: L0s Exit Latency (R) – This bit field is hardwired to 111B.
Bit [11:10]: ASPM Support (R) – This bit field is hardwired to 01B.
Bit [09:04]: Maximum Link Width (R) – This bit field is hardwired to 000001B.
Bit [03:00]: Maximum Link Speed (R) – This bit field is hardwired to 0001B.
Link Status and Control
Address Offset: 80H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0011_0000 or 0x1011_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Slot Clk Config
Link Training
Link Train Err
Negotiated Link
Width Link Speed Reserved
Ext Synch
Comm Clk Cfg
Retrain Link
Link Disable
ASPM Control
Bit [31:29,15:08,02]: Reserved (R) – These bits are reserved and return zero on a read.
Bit [28]: Slot Clk Config (R) – Slot Clock Configuration. This bit is 1 if the reference clock is detected.
Bit [27]: Link Training (R) –This bit is hardwired to 0.
Bit [26]: Link Train Err (R) – This bit is hardwired to 0.
Bit [25:20]: Negotiated Link Width (R) – This bit field is hardwired to 000001B.
Bit [19:16]: Link Speed (R) – This bit field is hardwired to 0001B.
Bit [07]: Ext Synch (R/W) – Extended Synch.
Bit [06]: Comm Clk Cfg (R/W) – Common Clock Configuration.
Bit [05]: Retrain Link (R) – This bit is hardwired to 0.
Bit [04]: Link Disable (R) – This bit is hardwired to 0.
Bit [03]: RCB (R/W) – Read Completion Boundary.
Bit [01:00]: ASPM Control (R/W)
SiI3132 PCI Express to Serial ATA Controller
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Global Register Offset
Address Offset: F0H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved Dword Offset 00
This register provides indirect addressing of a Global Register otherwise accessible directly through Base Address
Register 0. The Dword address offset for an indirect access is in bits 6 to 2; bits 31 to 7, 1, and 0 are reserved and
should always be 0.
This is physically the same register that is addressed by Base Address Register 2, Offset 00H.
Global Register Data
Address Offset: F4H
Access Type: Read/Write
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
As defined for indirectly accessed register
This register provides the indirect access addressed by the Global Register Offset register.
Port Register Offset
Address Offset: F8H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved Dword Offset 00
This register provides indirect addressing of a Port Register otherwise accessible directly through Base Address
Register 1. The Dword address offset for an indirect access is in bits 13 to 2; bits 31 to 14, 1, and 0 are reserved and
should always be 0.
This is physically the same register that is addressed by Base Address Register 2, Offset 08H.
Port Register Data
Address Offset: FCH
Access Type: Read/Write
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
As defined for indirectly accessed register
This register provides the indirect access addressed by the Port Register Offset register.
SiI3132 PCI Express to Serial ATA Controller
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48 © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved SiI-DS-0138-E
Advanced Error Reporting Capability
Address Offset: 100H
Access Type: Read Only
Reset Value: 0x0001_0001
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Next Capability Pointer Version Extended Capability ID
Bit [31:20]: Next Capability Pointer (R) – PCI Next Capability Pointer. This bit field is hardwired to 000H (this is
the last capability).
Bit [19:16]: Version (R) – This bit field is hardwired to 01H to indicate compliance with the PCI Express
Specification revision 1.0a.
Bit [15:00]: Extended Capability ID (R) – PCI Capability ID. This bit field is hardwired to 0001H to indicate that
this is an Advanced Error Reporting Capability.
Uncorrectable Error Status
Address Offset: 104H
Access Type: Read/Write 1 to Clear
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Unsup Req Err
ECRC Error
Malformed TLP
Rx Overflow (0)
Unexp Comp
Comp Abort
Comp Timeout
FC Protocol Err
Poisoned TLP
DL Protocol Err
Training Error
Bit [31:21,11:05,03:01]: Reserved (R) – These bits are reserved and return zero on a read.
Bit [20]: Unsup Req Err (R/W1C) – Unsupported Request Error Status.
Bit [19]: ECRC Error (R/W1C) – ECRC Error Status.
Bit [18]: Malformed TLP (R/W1C) – Malformed TLP Status.
Bit [17]: Rx Overflow (R) – Receiver Overflow Status; always 0.
Bit [16]: Unexp Comp (R/W1C) – Unexpected Completion Status.
Bit [15]: Comp Abort (R/W1C) – Completer Abort Status.
Bit [14]: Comp Timeout (R/W1C) – Completion Timeout Status.
Bit [13]: FC Protocol Err (R/W1C) – Flow Control Protocol Error Status. This bit is hardwired to 0 (as are its mask
and error severity bits).
Bit [12]: Poisoned TLP (R/W1C) – Poisoned TLP Status.
Bit [04]: DL Protocol Err (R/W1C) – Data Link Protocol Error Status.
Bit [00]: Training Error (R) – This bit is hardwired to 0 (as are its mask and error severity bits).
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Uncorrectable Error Mask
Address Offset: 108H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Unsup Req Err
ECRC Error
Malformed TLP
Rx Overflow (0)
Unexp Comp
Comp Abort
Comp Timeout
FC Protocol Err
Poisoned TLP
DL Protocol Err
Training Error
The bits of this register are the mask bits for corresponding bits of the Uncorrectable Error Status register.
Uncorrectable Error Severity
Address Offset: 10CH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0004_0010
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Unsup Req Err
ECRC Error
Malformed TLP
Rx Overflow (0)
Unexp Comp
Comp Abort
Comp Timeout
FC Protocol Err
Poisoned TLP
DL Protocol Err
Training Error
The bits of this register are the error severity bits for corresponding bits of the Uncorrectable Error Status register.
Correctable Error Status
Address Offset: 110H
Access Type: Read/Write 1 to Clear
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Replay Timeout
Rx Error
Bit [31:13,11:09,05:01]: Reserved (R) – These bits are reserved and return zero on a read.
Bit [12]: Replay Timeout (R/W1C) – Replay Timer Timeout Status.
Bit [08]: REPLAY_NUM (R/W1C) – REPLAY_NUM Rollover Status.
Bit [07]: Bad DLLP (R/W1C) – Bad DLLP Status.
Bit [06]: Bad TLP (R/W1C) – Bad TLP Status.
Bit [00]: Rx Error (R/W1C) – Receiver Error Status. This bit is hardwired to 0 (as is the corresponding mask bit).
SiI3132 PCI Express to Serial ATA Controller
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50 © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved SiI-DS-0138-E
Correctable Error Mask
Address Offset: 114H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Replay Timeout
Rx Error
The bits of this register are the mask bits for corresponding bits of the Correctable Error Status register.
Advanced Error Capabilities and Control
Address Offset: 118H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_00A0
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
ECRC Chk Cap
ECRC Gen Cap
First Error
Bit [31: 09]: Reserved (R) – These bits are reserved and return zero on a read.
Bit [08]: ECRC Chk En (R/W) – ECRC Check Enable.
Bit [07]: ECRC Chk Cap (R) – ECRC Check Capable. This bit is hardwired to 1.
Bit [06]: ECRC Gen En (R/W) – ECRC Generation Enable.
Bit [05]: ECRC Gen Cap (R) – ECRC Generation Capable. This bit is hardwired to 1.
Bit [04:00]: First Error Pointer (R).
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Header Log
Address Offset: 11CH / 120H / 124H / 128H
Access Type: Read Only
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Header Log (1st Dword)
Header Byte 0 Header Byte 1 Header Byte 2 Header Byte 3
Header Log (2nd Dword)
Header Byte 4 Header Byte 5 Header Byte 6 Header Byte 7
Header Log (3rd Dword)
Header Byte 8 Header Byte 9 Header Byte 10 Header Byte 11
Header Log (4th Dword)
Header Byte 12 Header Byte 13 Header Byte 14 Header Byte 15
This 16-byte register contains the header of a TLP associated with an error.
Internal Register Space – Base Address 0
These registers are 32 or 64 bits wide and are the Global Registers of the SiI3132 controller. Access to this register space
is through the PCI Memory space.
Table 30. SiI3132 Internal Register Space – Base Address 0
Offset Register Name
00H Port 0 Slot Status
04H Port 1 Slot Status
08H–3FH Reserved
40H Global Control
44H Global Interrupt Status
48H PHY Configuration
4CH–5FH Reserved
60H I
2C Control
64H I
2C Status
68H I
2C Slave Address
2C Data Buffer
70H Flash Address
74H GPIO Flash Data
78H–7FH Reserved
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52 © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved SiI-DS-0138-E
Global Port Slot Status
Address Offset: 00H-07H
Access Type: Read
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Slot Status
These two registers provide the Status for the 31 Command Slots for each of the 2 ports. These registers also appear in
Port register space. Reading this register clears the Command Completion Status for the port if the Interrupt No Clear on
Read bit (bit 3) of the Port Control Set register is 0. The register bits are defined as follows:
Bit [31]: Attention (R) – This bit indicates that something occurred in the corresponding port and it requires the
attention of the host. Other port registers must be examined to determine the origin of the error. This bit is the
logical OR of the masked interrupt conditions, except for Command Completion, reported in the Port
Interrupt Status register.
Bit [30:00]: Slot Status (R) – These bits are the Active status bits corresponding to Slot numbers 30 to 0. The Active
status bit for a slot is set when the Slot number is written to the Command Execution FIFO using the direct
command transfer method or when a Command Activation register is written using the indirect command transfer
Global Control
Address Offset: 40H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x8100_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Global Reset
I2C Int Enable
3Gb/s Capable
Port 1 Int Enable
Port 0 Int Enable
This register controls various functions of the chip.
Bit [31]: Global Reset (R/W). This bit, when set to 1, asserts a port reset to all ports. This bit must be cleared to 0 to
allow normal operation. Once set by this bit, all port resets will remain set to one until explicitly cleared to zero
through the individual port control clear registers. Refer to the Port Control Set register description on page
60 for more information.
Bit [30]: MSI Acknowledge (W). Writing 1 to this bit acknowledges a Message Signaled Interrupt (MSI) and
permits generation of another MSI. This bit is cleared immediately after the acknowledgement is recognized by the
control logic, hence the bit will always be read as a 0. If all interrupt conditions are removed following an MSI, it is
not necessary to assert this Acknowledge; another MSI will be generated when an interrupt condition occurs.
Bit [29]: I2C Int Enable (R/W). This bit, when set to 1, allows assertion of an interrupt when the I2C interrupt is
asserted. When set to 0, the interrupt is masked.
Bit [28:25,23:2]: Reserved (R). These bits are reserved and will return zeroes when read.
Bit [24]: 3Gb/s Capable (R). This bit is hardwired to 1.
Bit [1:0]: Port Interrupt Enable (R/W). These bits, when set to 1, allow assertion of an interrupt of the
corresponding ports. When set to 0, the corresponding port interrupts are masked.
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Global Interrupt Status
Address Offset: 44H
Access Type: Read/Write 1 Clear
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
I2C Interrupt
Port 1 Interrupt
Port 0 Interrupt
This register is used to determine the status of various chip functions.
Bit [31:30]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeroes when read.
Bit [29]: I2C Interrupt (R). This bit indicates that the I2C Interrupt is pending. The interrupt source must be cleared
(in the I2C Status register) for this bit to be 0. This bit will not report interrupt sources that are not enabled in
the I2C Control register.
Bit [28:2]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeroes when read.
Bit [1:0]: Port Interrupt Status (R/W1C). These bits, when set to 1, indicate that the corresponding port has an
interrupt condition pending. Writing a 1 to any of these bits clears the corresponding Command Completion
Interrupt Status, but not other interrupt sources.
PHY Configuration
Address Offset: 48H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_2C40
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved PHY Config
This register is reset to 0x00002C40.
Bit [31:16]: Reserved (R/W) – This bit field is reserved and must be always be zeros.
Bit [15:04]: PHY Configuration (R/W) – These bits should not be changed from their defaults as erratic operation
may result.
Bit [03:00]: SATA SSC (R/W) – If this bit field is set to 1111b, all channel Tx outputs Spread Spectrum Clocking.
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BIST Control
Address Offset: 50H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved BISTrun
This register is used to control Data Loopback BIST.
Bit [31]: BISTenable (R/W) – This bit enables the data paths for running data loopback BIST.
Bit [30]: BISTpatsel (R/W) – This bit selects whether a repeating pattern (supplied from the BIST Pattern
register) or a pseudorandom pattern is used for running data loopback BIST. Setting the bit to 1 selects the repeating
Bit [29:18]: Reserved (R/W). These bits are reserved and must be written as zeros.
Bit [17:16]: BISTcompsel (R/W). This bit field selects the port from which loopback data is selected for pattern
Bit [15:04]: Reserved (R/W). These bits are reserved and must be written as zeros.
Bit [03:00]: BISTrun (R/W). This bit field selects the port(s) that transmit loopback data.
BIST Pattern
Address Offset: 54H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
BIST Pattern
This register contains the 32-bit fixed pattern that is repeatedly transmitted in data loopback when the BISTpatsel bit (bit
30) of the BIST Control register is set to 1.
BIST Status
Address Offset: 58H
Access Type: Read
Reset Value: 0x8000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved BISTerrcnt
Bit [31]: BISTgood (R) – This bit indicates that all comparisons have been good since initiating data loopback
BIST. This bit is initialized to 1 when the BISTenable bit is zero in the BIST Control register.
Bit [30:12]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [11:00]: BISTerrcnt (R). This bit field indicates the number of comparisons that have been in error since
initiation of data loopback BIST. This counter is a saturating counter (it stops counting at 0FFFH). This counter is
cleared when the BISTenable bit is 0 in the BIST Control register.
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I2C Control
Address Offset: 60H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Fast Mode
Unit Reset
Addr Det Int En
Arb Loss Det Int En
STOP Det Int En
Bus Error Int En
Rx Full Int En
Tx MT Int En
Gen Call Disable
Unit Enable
SCL Enable
Master Abort
Transfer Byte
This register contains bits to control the operation of the I2C interface.
Bit [31:16]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [15]: Fast Mode (R/W). This bit, when set, enables 400 kbit/s operation (instead of 100 kbit/s)
Bit [14]: Unit Reset (R/W). This bit, when set, resets the I2C controller.
Bit [13]: Addr Det Int En (R/W). Slave Address Detected Interrupt Enable – This bit enables interrupt generation
when the Slave Address or the General Call Address is detected.
Bit [12]: Arb Loss Det Int En (R/W). Arbitration Loss Detected Interrupt Enable – This bit enables interrupt
generation upon losing arbitration in Master Mode. If this bit is not set, and arbitration is lost during transmission of
the control byte, the arbitration and transmission will be automatically repeated.
Bit [11]: STOP Det Int En (R/W). Slave STOP Detected Interrupt Enable – This bit enables interrupt generation
when a STOP condition while in Slave Mode is detected.
Bit [10]: Bus Error Int En (R/W). Bus Error Interrupt Enable – This bit enables interrupt generation when an I2C
error is detected.
Bit [09]: Rx Full Int En (R/W). Receive Buffer Full Interrupt Enable – This bit enables interrupt generation when a
byte has been received and is in the I2C Data Buffer register.
Bit [08]: Tx MT Int En (R/W). Transmit Buffer Empty Interrupt Enable – This bit enables interrupt generation after
the data byte in the I2C Data Buffer register is transmitted.
Bit [07]: Gen Call Disable (R/W). General Call Disable – This bit disables detection of a General Call Address.
Bit [06]: Unit Enable (R/W). This bit must be set to enable any I2C controller operations.
Bit [05]: SCL Enable (R/W). This bit must be set to enable the I2C Clock output for Master Mode operations.
Bit [04]: Master Abort (R/W). This bit may be set along with STOP to send a STOP without first transferring a byte.
Bit [03]: Transfer Byte (R/W). Set to initiate the transfer to/from the Data Buffer.
Bit [02]: ACK/NACK Ctrl (R/W). Set to send a NACK instead of an ACK after receiving a data byte. An ACK is
sent in response to slave address detection regardless of this bit. Sending a NACK in Slave Mode will set the Bus
Error status.
Bit [01]: STOP (R/W). Set to send a STOP following transfer of a byte (using Transfer Byte) or immediately (using
Master Abort).
Bit [00]: START (R/W). Set to send a START prior to transfer of a byte (using Transfer Byte).
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I2C Status
Address Offset: 64H
Access Type: Read/Write 1 to Clear
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Bus Error Det
Slave Addr Det
Gen Call Det
Rx Full
Arb Loss Det
Bus Busy
Unit Busy
This register contains bits to report the status of the I2C interface.
Bit [31:11]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [10]: Bus Error Det (R/W1C). Bus Error Detected – This bit reports the detection of an illegal NACK either
received in Master Mode or sent in Slave Mode. This bit is not set by the legal NACK at the end of a transfer that
signals the end to the slave.
Bit [09]: Slave Addr Det (R/W1C). Slave Address Detected – This bit reports the detection of the Slave Address or
of the General Call Address (when enabled). The byte received containing the address is placed into the I2C Data
Buffer register.
Bit [08]: Gen Call Det (R/W1C). General Call Address Detected – This bit reports the detection of the General Call
Bit [07]: Rx Full (R/W1C). I2C Data Buffer Receive Full – A data byte has been received and an ACK or NACK
has been sent. This bit is set on the rising edge of the I2C clock allowing for some minimal (one bit) time for an
interrupt before insertion of wait states.
Bit [06]: Tx MT (R). I2C Data Buffer Transmit Empty – A data byte has been transmitted and an ACK or NACK has
been received. This bit is set on the rising edge of the I2C clock allowing for some minimal (one bit) time for an
interrupt before insertion of wait states.
Bit [05]: Arb Loss Det (R/W1C). Arbitration Loss Detected – This bit indicates that arbitration has been lost. If the
corresponding interrupt is not enabled, and the arbitration loss is detected during selection, i.e., during the control
byte transmission, the arbitration will be repeated automatically; if arbitration is lost later during data transmission,
no repeat is possible and is not attempted.
Bit [04]: STOP Det (R/W1C). Slave STOP Detected.
Bit [03]: Bus Busy (R). Indicates that the I2C bus is busy because of activity other than that generated by the I2C
Bit [02]: Unit Busy (R). Indicates that the I2C controller is busy.
Bit [01]: ACK/NACK Status (R). Indicates status of last ACK or NACK sent or received.
Bit [00]: Read/Write (R). Indicates state of the R/W# bit of the I2C slave address (either the one sent in Master
Mode or the one received in Slave Mode).
I2C Slave Address
Address Offset: 68H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved Slave Address
This register contains the 7-bit Slave Address to which the I2C controller will respond.
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I2C Data Buffer
Address Offset: 6CH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved Data Buffer
This register contains the buffer for I2C send/receive data.
Flash Address
Address Offset: 70H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0xXXXX_XXXX
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
GPIO Enable
Mem Present
Mem Access Start
Mem Access Type
Reserved Memory Address
This register is the address and command/status register for the flash memory interface. The register bits are defined as
Bit [31]: GPIO Enable (R/W). This bit, when set to 1, enables the use of the flash Data pins for General Purpose
Bit [30:27]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns 0001 on a read.
Bit [26]: Mem Present (R) – Memory Present. This bit set indicates that the auto-initialization signature was read
correctly from the flash Memory.
Bit [25]: Mem Access Start (R/W) – Memory Access Start. This bit is set to initiate an operation to flash memory.
This bit is self-clearing when the operation is complete.
Bit [24]: Mem Access Type (R/W) – Memory Access Type. This bit is set to define a read operation from flash
memory. This bit is cleared to define a write operation to flash memory.
Bit [23:19]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [18:00]: Memory Address (R/W). This bit field is programmed with the address for a flash memory read or
write access.
Flash Memory Data / GPIO Control
Address Offset: 74H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved GPIO Control Transition Detect Memory Data
This register contains the GPIO data/control fields and the flash memory data register.
Bit [31:24]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [23:16]: GPIO Control (R/W). The bits of this field are written to control the output type for corresponding flash
data lines; if a bit is a 1 the corresponding output is an open drain output (only driven LOW); if a bit is 0 the
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corresponding output is always driven. To use a GPIO pin as an input, the control bit must be set to 1 (open-drain
output) and the data bit must be set to 1 (undriven).
Bit [15:08]: Transition Detect (R/C). The bits of this field report signal transition detection on the corresponding
Flash data input; reading the register resets the transition detect bits.
Bit [07:00]: Memory Data (R/W) – Flash Memory Data. This bit field is used for flash write data on a write
operation, and returns the flash read data on a read operation. For GPIO, this field is used to write the GPIO output
register and to read the GPIO input signals.
Internal Register Space – Base Address 1
These registers are 32 bits wide and are the Port Registers and LRAM of the SiI3132 controller. Access to these registers
is through the PCI Memory space. Register descriptions that follow specify the address offset for Port 0; Port 1 registers
are at the Port 0 offset plus 2000H.
Table 31. SiI3132 Internal Register Space – Base Address 1
Address Offset Register Name
000H–F7FH Port 0 LRAM Slots
F80H–FFFH Port Multiplier Device Status/QActive Registers
1000H Write: Port 0 Control Set / Read: Port 0 Status
1004H Write: Port 0 Control Clear
1008H Port 0 Interrupt Status
100CH Reserved
1010H Port 0 Interrupt Enable Set
1014H Port 0 Interrupt Enable Clear
1018H Reserved
101CH 32-bit Activation Upper Address
1020H Port 0 Command Execution FIFO
1024H Port 0 Command Error
1028H Port 0 FIS Configuration
102CH Port 0 PCI Exp Request FIFO Threshold
1030H–103FH Reserved
1040H Port 0 8B/10B Decode Error Counter
1044H Port 0 CRC Error Counter
1048H Port 0 Handshake Error Counter
104CH Reserved
1050H Port PHY Configuration
1054H–17FFH Reserved
1800H Port 0 Slot Status
1804H–1BFFH Reserved
1C00H–1CF7H Command Activation Registers
1CF8H–1E03FH Reserved
1E04H Port Context Register
1E08H–1EFFH Reserved
1F00H Port 0 SControl
1F04H Port 0 SStatus
1F08H Port 0 SError
1F0CH Port 0 SActive (indirect location)
1F10H Port 0 SNotification
1F14H–1FFFH Reserved
2000H–3FFFH Port 1 Registers mapped as above
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Address Offset: 000H-FFFH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: indeterminate
The Port LRAM consists of 31 Slots of 128 bytes each and a 32nd slot used to hold 16 Port Multiplier Device Specific
Table 32. Port LRAM layout
Address Offset Description
000H–07FH Slot 0
080H–0FFH Slot 1
100H–17FH Slot 2
180H–EFFH Slots 3–29
F00H–F7FH Slot 30
F80H–F83H Port Multiplier Device 0 Status Register
F84H–F87H Port Multiplier Device 0 QActive Register
F88H–F8BH Port Multiplier Device 1 Status Register
F8CH–F8FH Port Multiplier Device 1 QActive Register
F90H–FF7H Port Multiplier Device Registers for Devices 2–14
FF8H–FFBH Port Multiplier Device 15 Status Register
FFCH–FFFH Port Multiplier Device 15 QActive Register
Table 33. Port LRAM Slot layout
Address Offset Description
000H–01FH Current FIS and Control
020H–02FH Scatter/Gather Entry 0 or ATAPI command packet
030H–03FH Scatter/Gather Entry 1
Port Request
Block (PRB)
040H–047H Command Activation Register (Actual)
040H–07FH Scatter/Gather Table
1C00H–1C07H Command Activation Register (Shadow)
Note: A Port LRAM Slot is 128 bytes used to define Serial-ATA commands. The addresses shown above are for slot 0.
Port Slot Status
Address Offset: 1800H
Access Type: Read
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Slot Status
This register provides the status for the 31 Command Slots for the Serial-ATA port. This register also appears along with
the Global Port Slot Status register of the other port in Global register space. Reading this register clears the
Command Completion Status for the port if the Interrupt No Clear on Read bit (bit 3) of the Port Control Set
register is 0. The register bits are defined as follows:
Bit [31]: Attention (R) – This bit indicates that something occurred in the port that requires the attention of the host.
Other port registers must be examined to determine the origin of the error. This bit is the logical OR of the masked
interrupt conditions reported in the Port Interrupt Status register.
Bit [30:0]: Slot Status (R) – These bits are the Active status bits corresponding to Slot numbers 30 to 0. The Active
status bit is set when a command is transferred to the Slot RAM.
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Port Control Set
Address Offset: Set: 1000H
Access Type: Write One To Set
Reset Value: N/A
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
OOB Bypass
Auto Interlock Accept
PM Enable
Interlock Accept
Interlock Reject t
32–bit Activation
Scramble Disable
CONT Disable
Transmit BIST
Packet Length
LED Disable
Interrupt NCoR
Port Initialize
Device Reset
Port Reset
This register is used to direct various port operations. A 1 written to a bit position sets that bit in the control register.
Bit [31:26,24:16]: Reserved (R). These bits are reserved.
Bit [25]: OOB Bypass (W1S). If this bit is set, the Link will bypass the OOB initialization sequence following a
reset. This bit is reset by Global Reset, not by Port Reset.
Bit [15]: LED On (W1S). This bit turns on the LED Port Activity indicator regardless of the state of LED Disable
(bit 4).
Bit [14]: Auto Interlock Accept (W1S). When this bit is set the link will accept any interlocked FIS reception. The
link will transmit R_OK in response to the received FIS.
Bit [13]: PM Enable (W1S). This bit enables Port Multiplier support.
Bit [12]: Interlock Accept (W1S). This bit is used to signal the link to accept an interlocked FIS reception. The link
will transmit R_OK in response to the received FIS. This bit is self-clearing.
Bit [11]: Interlock Reject (W1S). This bit is used to signal the link to reject an interlocked FIS reception. The link
will transmit R_ERR in response to the received FIS. This bit is self-clearing.
Bit [10]: 32-bit Activation (W1S). When this bit is set to 1, a write to the low 32 bits of a Command Activation
register causes the contents of the 32-bit Activation Upper Address register to be written to the upper 32 bits of the
Command Activation register and triggers command execution. When this bit is 0, a write to the upper 32 bits or all
64 bits of a Command Activation register is required to trigger command execution. This bit is set for environments
that do not address more than 232 bytes of host memory.
Bit [9]: Scrambler Disable (W1S). When this bit is set to 1, the Link scrambler operation is disabled.
Bit [8]: CONT Disable (W1S). When this bit is set to 1, the Link will not generate a CONT following repeated
Bit [7]: Transmit BIST (W1S). This bit causes transmission of a BIST FIS.
Bit [6]: Resume (W1S). This bit is used to enable processing of outstanding commands to additional devices
connected to a port multiplier after a command error has occurred. When this bit is set, the internal BUSY status is
set for the device corresponding to the value of the current Port Multiplier Port. This prevents additional commands
from being sent to the device in error until a Port Initialize operation is performed.
Bit [5]: Packet Length (W1S). This bit directs the length of the packet command to be sent for commands with
packet protocol. When this bit is 0, a 12-byte packet is sent. When this bit is 1, a 16-byte packet is sent. This bit
should be set to the same value as derived from word 0 of the data returned by the identify packet command.
Bit [4]: LED Disable (R/W). This bit disables the operation of the LED Port Activity indicator.
Bit [3]: Interrupt No Clear on Read (W1S). When this bit is set to 1, a command completion interrupt may be
cleared only by writing a one to the Command Completion bit in the Port Interrupt Status register. When
this bit is 0, reading the Port Slot Status register may also be used to clear the Command Completion
Bit [2]: Port Initialize (W1S). Setting this bit to 1 causes all commands to be flushed from the port and all command
execution parameters to be set to an initialized state. Setting this bit to 1 causes the Port Ready bit in the Port
Status register to be cleared to 0. When the initialization procedure is complete, the Port Ready bit is set to 1. This
bit is self-clearing and is cleared upon execution by the port.
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Bit [1]: Device Reset (W1S). Setting this bit to 1 causes all commands to be flushed from the port and all command
execution parameters to be set to an initialized state. Setting this bit to 1 causes the Port Ready bit in the Port
Status register to be cleared to 0. The port will generate the COMRESET primitive on the Serial ATA bus. When
the out of band sequence and initialization procedure is complete, the Port Ready bit is set to 1. This bit is self-
clearing and is cleared upon execution by the port.
Bit [0]: Port Reset (W1S). Setting this bit to 1 causes the port to be held in a reset state. No commands are executed
while in this state. All port registers and functions are reset to their initial state, except as noted below. All
commands are flushed from the port and all command execution parameters are set to an initialized state. Setting
this bit to 1 causes the Port Ready bit in the Port Status register to be cleared to 0. Upon setting this bit to 0
from an asserted state, the port generates the COMRESET primitive on the Serial ATA bus. When the out of band
sequence and initialization procedure is complete, the Port Ready bit is set to 1. This bit is set to 1 by the Global
reset, which is set by a PCI reset, and remains set until cleared by the host by writing a 1 to bit 0 of the Port
Control Clear register.
The register bits that are not initialized by the Port Reset are:
OOB Bypass (bit 25) in Port Control (this register)
Port PHY Configuration register (all bits)
Port Status
Address Offset: 1000H
Access Type: Read
Reset Value: 0x001F_0001
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Port Ready
OOB Bypass
Reserved Active Slot
Auto Interlock Accept
PM Enable
Interlock Accept
Interlock Reject
32-bit Activation
Scramble Disable
CONT Disable
Transmit BIST
Packet Length
LED Disable
Interrupt NCoR
Port Initialize
Device Reset
Port Reset
This register is used to determine the status of various port functions.
Bit [31]: Port Ready (R). This bit reports the Port Ready status. The transition from 0 to 1 of this bit generates the
Port Ready Interrupt Status (bit 18/2 of the Port Interrupt Status register).
Bit [30:26,24:21]: Reserved (R). These bits are reserved.
Bit [20:16]: Active Slot (R). This bit field contains the slot number of the command currently being executed. When
a command error occurs, this bit field indicates the slot containing the command in error.
Bit [25,15:0]: These bits reflect the current state of the corresponding bits in the Port Control Set register.
Refer to that register for a complete description.
Port Control Clear
Address Offset: 1004H
Access Type: Write 1 To Clear
Reset Value: N/A
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
OOB Bypass
Auto Interlock Accept
PM Enable
32-bit Activation
Scramble Disable
CONT Disable
Transmit BIST
Packet Length
LED Disable
Interrupt NCoR
Port Reset
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This register is used to direct various port operations. A 1 written to a bit position clears that bit in the Port Control
Set register.
Bit [31:26,24:16,12:11,2:1]: Reserved (R). These bits are reserved.
Bit [25, 15:13,10:3,0]: (W1C) Writing a 1 to these bits clears the associated bit position of the Port Control
Set register. Refer to that register for bit descriptions.
Port Interrupt Status
Address Offset: 1008H
Access Type: Read/Write 1 Clear
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
SDB Notify
Hshk Error Thresh
CRC Error Thresh
8b/10 Error Thresh
PM Change
Port Ready
Command Error
Cmd Completion
SDB Notify
Hshk Error Thresh
CRC Error Thresh
8b/10 Error Thresh
PM Change
Port Ready
Command Error
Cmd Completion
This register is used to report the interrupt status. The status bits in the upper half of the register report the described
condition. The status bits in the lower half of the register are masked by the corresponding interrupt enable bits or by the
setting in the corresponding threshold registers. Writing a 1 to either interrupt status bit clears it.
Bit [31:28,15:12]: Reserved (R). These bits are reserved.
Bit [27/11]: SDB Notify (W1C). This bit indicates that a Set Device Bits FIS was received with the N-bit (bit 15 of
first Dword) set to 1.
Bit [26/10]: Handshake Error Threshold (W1C). This bit indicates that the Handshake error count is equal to or
greater than the Handshake error threshold. Bit 10 is masked if the Port Handshake Error Counter
Threshold register contains a zero threshold setting. When a 1 is written to this bit, both the status bit and the
Handshake Error Counter are cleared.
Bit [25/9]: CRC Error Threshold (W1C). This bit indicates that the CRC error count is equal to or greater than the
CRC error threshold. Bit 9 is masked if the Port CRC Error Counter Threshold register contains a zero
threshold setting. When a 1 is written to this bit, both the status bit and the CRC Error Counter are cleared.
Bit [24/8]: 8b/10b Decode Error Threshold (W1C). This bit indicates that the 8b/10b Decode error count is equal to
or greater than the 8b/10b Decode error threshold. Bit 8 is masked if the Port 8B/10B Decode Error
Counter Threshold register contains a zero threshold setting. When a 1 is written to this bit, both the status bit and
the 8b/10b Decode Error Counter are cleared.
Bit [23/7]: DevExchg (Device Exchanged) (W1C) – This bit is the X bit in the DIAG field of the SError register.
It may be cleared by writing a 1 to the corresponding bit of either register.
Bit [22/6]: UnrecFIS (Unrecognized FIS Type) (W1C) – This bit is the F bit in the DIAG field of the SError
register. It may be cleared by writing a corresponding one bit to either register.
Bit [21/5]: ComWake (W1C) – This bit is the W bit in the DIAG field of the SError register. It may be cleared by
writing a corresponding one bit to either register.
Bit [20/4]: PhyRdyChg (W1C) – This bit is the N bit in the DIAG field of the SError register. It may be cleared by
writing a corresponding one bit to either register.
Bit [19/3]: PM Change (W1C). This bit indicates that a change has occurred in the power management state.
Bit [18/2]: Port Ready (W1C). This bit indicates that the port has become ready to accept and execute commands.
This status indicates that Port Ready (bit 31 in the Port Status register) has made a 0 to 1 transition. Clearing
this status does not change the Port Ready bit in the Port Status register and this status is not set subsequently
until the Port Ready bit changes state.
Bit [17/1]: Command Error (W1C). This bit indicates that an error occurred during command execution. The error
type can be determined via the Port Command Error register.
Bit [16/0]: Command Completion (W1C). This bit indicates that one or more commands have completed execution.
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Port Interrupt Enable Set / Port Interrupt Enable Clear
Address Offset: 1010H / 1014H
Access Type: Read/Write 1 Set/Write 1 Clear
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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Interrupt Steering
SDB Notify
PM Change
Port Ready
Command Error
Cmd Completion
The Interrupt Enable register is controlled by these registers. Writing to the Port Interrupt Enable Set register
sets the Interrupt Enable bits. The enable bit is set for each corresponding bit to which 1 is written. Writing to the Port
Interrupt Enable Clear register clears the Interrupt Enable bits; the enable bit is cleared for each corresponding
bit to which a 1 is written. The Interrupt Enable register may be read at either address offset.
Bits 8, 9, and 10 do not have an enable bit; the corresponding interrupts are enabled by corresponding threshold
Bit [31:30]: Interrupt Steering (R/W). This bit field specifies which one of the four interrupts is to be used for
interrupts from this port. INTA is selected by 00B; INTB by 01B; INTC by 10B; and INTD by 11B.
Bit [29:12,10:8]: Reserved (R). These bits are reserved and return 0s on a read.
Bit [11,7:0]: Interrupt Enables (R/W1S/W1C). These bits are the interrupt enables for the corresponding bits of the
Interrupt Status register.
32-bit Activation Upper Address
Address Offset: 101CH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Upper Address
This register contains the 32-bit value written to the upper half of the Command Activation register when the lower half
of that register is written and the 32-bit Activation control bit (bit 10) is set in the Port Control Set register.
Port Command Execution FIFO
Address Offset: 1020H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_00XX
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Reserved Execution Slot
When written, this register causes the supplied slot number to be pushed into the tail of the command execution FIFO. A
valid PRB must be populated in the associated slot in port LRAM. When read, this register supplies the entry at the head
of the command execution FIFO. The FIFO is not popped as a result of a read operation.
Port Command Error
Address Offset: 1024H
Access Type: Read
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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Error Code
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This register contains the error type resulting from a command error. Table 34 lists the error codes, error names, and
error descriptions.
Table 34. Command Error Codes
Error Name Code Description
DEVICEERROR 1 The ERR bit was set in a register - device to host FIS received from the device. The
task file registers are written back to PRB slot for host scrutiny.
SDBERROR 2 The ERR bit was set in a set device bits FIS received from the device.
DATAFISERROR 3 The controller detected an error during command execution that was not reported by
the device upon command completion.
SENDFISERROR 4 The controller was unable to send the Initial command FIS for a command. This can
occur if a low-level link error occurs during command transmission.
INCONSISTENTSTATE 5 The controller detected an inconsistency in protocol. Any departure from standard
Serial ATA protocol that causes indecision in the internal sequencers will cause this
DIRECTIONERROR 6 A Data FIS was received when a write data protocol was specified or a DMA
Activate FIS was received when a read data protocol was specified.
UNDERRUNERROR 7 While transferring data from the controller to a device, the end of the Scatter Gather
list was encountered before the entire transfer was completed. The device is
requesting additional data but there is no Scatter Gather Entry to define the source of
OVERRUNERROR 8 While transferring data from a device to the controller, the end of the Scatter Gather
list was encountered before the entire transfer was completed. Data was received
from the device but there is no Scatter Gather Entry to define where the data should
be deposited.
LLOVERRUNERROR 9 Low level overrun error. While transferring data from a device to the controller, the
transfer count received in a PIO Setup or DMA Setup FIS has been satisfied and
there is additional data being received from the device.
PACKETPROTOCOLERROR 11 During the first PIO setup of Packet command, the data direction bit was invalid,
indicating a transfer from device to host.
PLDSGTERRORBOUNDARY 16 A requested Scatter Gather Table not aligned on a quadword boundary. All addresses
defining Scatter Gather Tables must be quadword aligned. Bits[2:0] must be zeroes.
PLDSGTERRORTARGETABORT 17 A PCI Target Abort occurred while the controller was fetching a Scatter Gather Table
from host memory.
PLDSGTERRORMASTERABORT 18 A PCI Master Abort occurred while the controller was fetching a Scatter Gather
Table from host memory.
PLDSGTERRORPCIPERR 19 A PCI Parity Error occurred while the controller was fetching a Scatter Gather Table
from host memory.
PLDCMDERRORBOUNDARY 24 The address of a PRB written to a Command Activation register was not aligned on a
quadword boundary. All PRB addresses must be quadword aligned. Bits[2:0] must be
PLDCMDERRORTARGETABORT 25 A PCI Target Abort occurred while the controller was fetching a Port Request Block
(PRB) from host memory.
PLDCMDERRORMASTERABORT 26 A PCI Master Abort occurred while the controller was fetching a Port Request Block
(PRB) from host memory.
PLDCMDERRORPCIPERR 27 A PCI Parity Error occurred while the controller was fetching a Port Request Block
(PRB) from host memory.
PSDERRORTARGETABORT 33 A PCI Target Abort occurred while data transfer was underway between the
controller and host memory.
PSDERRORMASTERABORT 34 A PCI Master Abort occurred while data transfer was underway between the
controller and host memory.
PSDERRORPCIPERR 35 A PCI Parity Error occurred while data transfer was underway between the controller
and host memory.
SENDSERVICEERROR 36 A FIS was received while attempting to transmit a Service FIS. Following the receipt
of a Set Device Bits FIS containing a service request, the device sent another FIS
before allowing the host to send a Service FIS.
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Port FIS Configuration
Address Offset: 1028H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x1000_1555
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This register contains bits for controlling Serial ATA FIS reception. For each possible FIS type, a 2-bit code defines the
desired reception behavior as follows:
00 – Accept FIS without interlock.
01 – Reject FIS without interlock
10 – Interlock FIS. Receive FIS into slot reserved for interlocked FIS reception. If no slot has been reserved, reject
the FIS.
11 – Reserved.
Bit[1:0] (FISOcfg) defines the 2-bit code for all other FIS types not defined by bits [29:2].
Table 35 defines the default behavior of FIS configuration.
Table 35. Default FIS Configurations Configuration Bits
Code FIS Name Signals Default Value Default Action
27h Register (Host to Device) fis27cfg[1:0] 01b reject FIS without interlock
34h Register (Device to Host) fis34cfg[1:0] 00b accept FIS without interlock
39h DMA Activate fis39cfg[1:0] 00b accept FIS without interlock
41h DMA Setup fis41cfg[1:0] 00b accept FIS without interlock
46h Data fis46cfg[1:0] 00b accept FIS without interlock
58h BIST Activate fis58cfg[1:0] 00b accept far-end retimed loopback, reject any other
5Fh PIO Setup fis5Fcfg[1:0] 00b accept FIS without interlock
A1h Set Device Bits fisa1cfg[1:0] 00b accept FIS without interlock
A6h reserved fisa6cfg[1:0] 01b reject FIS without interlock
B8h reserved fisb8cfg[1:0] 01b reject FIS without interlock
BFh reserved fisbFcfg[1:0] 01b reject FIS without interlock
C7h reserved fisc7cfg[1:0] 01b reject FIS without interlock
D4h reserved fisd4cfg[1:0] 01b reject FIS without interlock
D9h reserved fisd9cfg[1:0] 01b reject FIS without interlock
Others reserved fisocfg[1:0] 01b reject FIS without interlock
Port PCI Express Request FIFO Threshold
Address Offset: 102CH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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Reserved PCI Exp Write Request
Threshold Reserved PCI Exp Read Request
Threshold Reserved
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This register contains threshold levels at which the PCI Express master state machine requests the PCI Express bus
relative to the amount of data or free space in the data FIFO. The data FIFO capacity is 2 kB (256 Qwords). When
writing to host memory (reading data from a device), the PCI Express Write Request Threshold is compared to the
amount of data in the data FIFO. When the FIFO contents exceed the threshold value, a request is issued to write the
data to host memory, emptying the contents of the data FIFO. Before the SiI3132 controller loads its FIFO with data
from the host memory that it intends to write to a device, it compares the PCI Express Read Request Threshold register
to the amount of free space in the data FIFO. When the free space in the FIFO exceeds the threshold value, the controller
proceeds to fill the FIFO from host memory.
Bit [31:27]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [26:19]: PCI Exp Write Request Threshold (R/W). This field defines the number of Qwords that must be in the
data FIFO before issuing a PCI Express request. A value of 0 causes a request if the FIFO contains any amount of
Bit [18:16]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read. This field is defined so that the host
may write a byte count value into the threshold register.
Bit [15:11]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [10:3]: PCI Exp Read Request Threshold (R/W). This field defines the number of Qwords that must be
available in the data FIFO before issuing a PCI Express request. A value of 0 causes a request if the FIFO contains
any free space and the DMA is active.
Bit [2:0]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read. This field is defined so that the host
may write a byte count value into the threshold register.
Port 8B/10B Decode Error Counter
Address Offset: 1040H
Access Type: Read/Write/Clear
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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8B/10B Decode Error Threshold 8B/10B Decode Error Counter
This register counts the number of 8B/10B Decode Errors that have occurred since last cleared.
Bit [31:16]: 8B/10B Decode Error Threshold (R/W). This bit field defines the count at which an interrupt is asserted.
When the count in bits 15:0 is equal to this value, an 8B/10B interrupt will be latched. A threshold value of 0 disables
interrupt assertion and masks the corresponding interrupt status bit in the Port Interrupt Status register.
Bit [15:0]: 8B/10B Decode Error Count (R/WC). This bit field represents the count of 8B/10B errors that have
occurred since this register was last written. Any write to this register field clears both the counter and the interrupt
condition. Clearing the interrupt status bit also clears the counter. The count will not overflow. Once this register
reaches its maximum count, it retains that count until cleared to 0 by a write operation.
Port CRC Error Counter
Address Offset: 1044H
Access Type: Read/Write/Clear
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
CRC Error Counter Threshold CRC Error Counter
This register counts the number of Serial ATA CRC Errors that have occurred since it was cleared the last time.
Bit [31:16]: Serial ATA CRC Error Threshold (R/W). This bit field defines the count at which an interrupt will be
asserted. When the count in bits 15:0 is equal to this value, a Serial ATA CRC interrupt is latched. A threshold value
of 0 disables interrupt assertion and masks the corresponding interrupt status bit in the Port Interrupt
Status register.
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Bit [15:0]: Serial ATA CRC Error Count (R/WC). This bit field represents the count of Serial ATA CRC errors that
have occurred since this register was written the last time. Any write to this register will clear both the counter and
the interrupt condition. Clearing the interrupt status bit will also clear the counter and the count will not overflow.
Once this register reaches its maximum count, it will retain that count until cleared to 0 by a write operation.
Port Handshake Error Counter
Address Offset: 1048H
Access Type: Read/Write/Clear
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Serial ATA Handshake Error Counter Threshold Serial ATA Handshake Error Counter
This register counts the number of Serial ATA Handshake Errors that have occurred since it was cleared the last time.
Bit [31:16]: Serial ATA Handshake Error Threshold (R/W). This bit field defines the count at which an interrupt is
asserted. When the count in bits 15:0 is equal to this value, a Serial ATA Handshake interrupt will be latched. A
threshold value of zero disables interrupt assertion and masks the corresponding interrupt status bit in the Port
Interrupt Status register.
Bit [15:0]: Serial ATA Handshake Error Count (R/WC). This bit field represents the count of Serial ATA Handshake
errors that have occurred since it was written the last time.. Any write to this register will clear both the counter and
the interrupt condition. Clearing the interrupt status bit will also clear the counter. The count will not overflow.
Once this register reaches its maximum count, it will retain that count until cleared to 0 by a write operation.
Port PHY Configuration
Address Offset: 1050H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_020C
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PHY Status PHY Config
The Port PHY Configuration register is reset by the Global Reset, not by the Port Reset. The reset value is
Bit[31:16]: PHY Status (R). These bits report status of the PHY (currently always 0).
Bit[15:5]: PHY Config (R/W). These bits configure the PHY. The value should not be changed because erratic
operation may result.
Bit[4:0]: Tx Amplitude (R/W) These bits set the nominal output swing for the Transmitter. The amplitude is
increased by 50 mV by an increment of the value.
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Port Device Status
Table 36 gives the offset to the Port Device Status registers for each of the 16 possible port multiplier ports.
Table 36. Address Offsets to Port Device Status Registers
Offset PM Port Address
Offset PM Port Address
Offset PM Port Address
Offset PM Port
F80H 0 FA0H 4 FC0H 8 FE0H 12
F88H 1 FA8H 5 FC8H 9 FE8H 13
F90H 2 FB0H 6 FD0H 10 FF0H 14
F98H 3 FB8H 7 FD8H 11 FF8H 15
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exec_active_slot pio_end_status
These 16 registers contain information useful for diagnosing behavior of the execution unit. These 16 registers contain
Port Multiplier device specific information. Address Offset bits 6 to 3 are the Port Multiplier Port number for the device
to which the status bits apply. There is one register for each of 16 possible port multiplier ports. These registers are part
of the LRAM.
Bit [31:17]: Reserved
Bit [16]: service_pending (R/W). Indicates that a service request has been received from this device and a
SERVICE command has not yet been acknowledged.
Bit [15]: legacy_queue (R/W). Indicates that one or more legacy queued commands are outstanding to this device.
Bit [14]: native_queue (R/W). Indicates that one or more native queued commands are outstanding to this device.
Bit [13]: device_busy (R/W). Virtual BSY bit indicating that a command has been issued to the device without
receipt of a final register FIS or that a data transfer is in progress.
Bit [12:08]: exec_active_slot (R/W). Contains the slot number of the last command active on this device.
Bit [07:00]: pio_end_status (R/W). Contains the PIO ending status of the last PIO setup command received from
this device.
Port Device QActive
Table 37 gives the offset to the Port Device QActive registers for each of the 16 possible port multiplier ports.
Table 37. Address Offsets to Port Device QActive Registers
Offset PM Port Address
Offset PM Port Address
Offset PM Port Address
Offset PM Port
F84H 0 FA4H 4 FC4H 8 FE4H 12
F94H 2 FB4H 6 FD4H 10 FF4H 14
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These 16 registers contain Port Multiplier device specific status indicating outstanding queued commands in the device.
For each bit set to 1, a queued command, legacy or native, is outstanding associated with the slot number corresponding
to the bit position. There is one register for each of 16 possible port multiplier ports. Address Offset bits 6 to 3 are the
Port Multiplier Port number for the device to which the status bits apply.
Bit [31:00]: Each bit corresponds to a slot number that contains an active outstanding legacy or native queued
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Port Context
Address Offset: 1E04H
Access Type: Read
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Reserved PM Port Slot
Bit [31:09]: Reserved
Bit [08:05]: PM Port (R). This field contains the Port Multiplier port number corresponding to the last FIS
transferred (transmit or receive). After a device specific error causes a processing halt, this field contains the PM
port corresponding to the device that returned error status.
Bit [04:00]: Slot (R). This field contains the slot number of the last command processed by the execution unit. This
slot number does not necessarily correspond to the command in error during error halt conditions. For native queue
error recovery, the command slot in error must be determined by issuing a READ LOG EXTENDED to the device
to determine the tag number of the command in error.
Address Offset: 1F00H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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This register is the SControl register as defined by the Serial ATA specification.
Bit [31:20]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [19:16]: PMP (R/W). This field identifies the currently selected Port Multiplier port for accessing the SActive
register and some bit fields of the Diagnostic registers.
Bit [15:12]: SPM (R/W). This field selects a power management state. A non-zero value written to this field causes
initiation of the select power management state. This field self-resets to 0 as soon as action begins to initiate the
power management state transition.
Value Definition
0000 No power management state transition requested
0001 Transition to the Partial power management state initiated
0010 Transition to the Slumber power management state initiated
0100 Transition from a power management state initiated (ComWake asserted)
others Reserved
Bit [11:08]: IPM (R/W) – This field identifies the interface power management states that may be invoked via the
Serial ATA interface power management capabilities.
Value Definition
0000 No interface power management restrictions (Partial and Slumber modes enabled)
0001 Transitions to the Partial power management state are disabled
0010 Transitions to the Slumber power management state are disabled
0011 Transitions to both the Partial and Slumber power management states are disabled
others Reserved
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Bit [07:04]: SPD (R/W) – This field identifies the highest allowed communication speed the interface is allowed to
Value Definition
0000 No restrictions (default value)
0001 Limit to Generation 1 (1.5 Gbit/s)
0010 Limit to Generation 2 (3.0 Gbit/s)
others Reserved
Bit [03:00]: DET (R/W) – This field controls host adapter device detection and interface initialization.
Value Action
0000 No action
0001 COMRESET is periodically generated until another value is written to the field
0100 No action
Others Reserved, no action
Address Offset: 1F04H
Access Type: Read
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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Reserved IPM SPD DET
This register is the SStatus register as defined by the Serial ATA specification.
Bit [31:12]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [11:08]: IPM (R) – This field identifies the current interface power management state.
Value Definition
0000 Device not present or communication not established
0001 Interface in active state
0010 Interface in Partial power management state
0110 Interface in Slumber power management state
Others Reserved
Bit [07:04]: SPD (R) – This field identifies the negotiated interface communication speed.
Value Definition
0000 No negotiated speed
0001 Generation 1 communication rate (1.5 Gbit/s)
0010 Generation 2 communication rate (3.0 Gbit/s)
Others Reserved
Bit [03:00]: DET (R) – This field indicates the interface device detection and PHY state.
Value Action
0000 No device detected and PHY communication not established
0001 Device presence detected but PHY communication not established
0011 Device presence detected and PHY communication established
0100 PHY in offline mode as a result of the interface being disabled or running in a BIST loopback mode
Others Reserved, no action
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Address Offset: 1F08H
Access Type: Read/Write 1 Clear
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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This register is the SError register as defined by the Serial ATA specification.
Bit [31:16]: DIAG (R/W1C) – This field contains bits defined as shown in the following table. Writing 1 to the
register bit clears the B, C, F, N, H, W, and X bits. Writing 1 to the corresponding bits in the Port Interrupt
Status register also clears the F, N, W, and X bits. The B, C, and H bits operate independently of the
corresponding error counter registers; if the error counters are used, these bits should be ignored.
Table 38. SError Register Bits (DIAG Field)
Bit Definition Description
B 10b to 8b decode error Latched decode error or disparity error from the Serial ATA PHY
C CRC error Latched CRC error from the Serial ATA PHY
D Disparity error N/A, always 0; this error condition is combined with the decode error and reported
as B error
F Unrecognized FIS type Latched Unrecognized FIS error from the Serial ATA Link
I PHY Internal error N/A, always 0
N PHYRDY change Indicates a change in the status of the Serial ATA PHY
H Handshake error Latched Handshake error from the Serial ATA PHY
R Reserved Always 0
S Link Sequence error N/A, always 0
T Transport state transition error N/A, always 0
W ComWake Latched ComWake status from the Serial ATA PHY
X Device Exchanged Latched ComInit status from the Serial ATA PHY
Bit [15:00]: ERR – This field is not implemented; all bits are always 0.
Address Offset: 1F0CH
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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Active bits
This register provides indirect access of the Port Device QActive registers. It contains the Active bits used to
determine the activity of native queued commands for the selected Port Multiplier port (selection in SControl). A 1 in
any bit position indicates that the corresponding command is still active in the device.
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Address Offset: 1F10H
Access Type: Read/Write 1 to Clear
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
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Reserved Notify bits
This register reports the devices that have sent a Set Device Bits FIS with the Notification bit set.
Bit [31:16]: Reserved (R). This bit field is reserved and returns zeros on a read.
Bit [15:00]: Notify bits (R/W1C) – These 16 bits correspond to the 16 possible devices connected to a Port
Multiplier on this port.
Internal Register Space – Base Address 2
These registers are 32-bits wide and provide Indirect Register Access to the registers of the SiI3132 controller. Access to
this register space is through the PCI I/O space.
Table 39. SiI3132 Internal Register Space – Base Address 2
Offset Register Name
00H Global Register Offset
04H Global Register Data
08H Port Register Offset
0CH Port Register Data
Global Register Offset
Address Offset: 00H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved Dword Offset 00
This register provides indirect addressing of a Global Register that is otherwise accessible directly through the Base
Address 0 Register Space. The Dword address offset for an indirect access is in bits 6 to 2; bits 31 to 7, 1, and 0 are
reserved and should always be 0.
Global Register Data
Address Offset: 04H
Access Type: Read/Write
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As defined for indirectly accessed register
This register provides the indirect access that is addressed by the Global Register Offset register.
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Port Register Offset
Address Offset: 08H
Access Type: Read/Write
Reset Value: 0x0000_0000
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Reserved Dword Offset 00
This register provides indirect addressing of a Port Register otherwise accessible directly through the Base Address 1
Register Space. The Dword address offset for an indirect access is in bits 13 to 2; bits 31 to 14, 1, and 0 are reserved and
should always be 0.
Port Register Data
Address Offset: 0CH
Access Type: Read/Write
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As defined for indirectly accessed register
This register provides the indirect access addressed by the Port Register Offset register.
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Power Management
The register bits described in Table 40 control Power Management in a SiI3132 controller port.
Table 40. Power Management Register Bits
Register Bits Description
Port Interrupt Status PM Change
(bit 3)
This bit reports a change in the Power Management mode. It corresponds to the
interrupt enabled by bit 3 of the Port Interrupt Enable register.
SError W
(bit 18)
Port Interrupt Status ComWake
(bit 5)
This bit reports a ComWake received from the Serial ATA bus. It corresponds to
the interrupt enabled by bit 5 of the Port Interrupt Enable register.
SControl SPM
(bits 15–12)
This bit field initiates transitions to/from Partial or Slumber power management
states; bit 14 corresponds to ComWake (exit power management); bit 13
corresponds to Slumber mode; bit 12 corresponds to Partial mode.
SControl IPM
(bits 11–8)
This bit field disables transitions to Partial or Slumber power management states;
bit 9 corresponds to Slumber mode; bit 8 corresponds to Partial mode.
SStatus IPM
(bits 11–8)
This bit field reports the power management state.
0110 – Slumber mode
0010 – Partial mode.
There are two power management modes: Partial and Slumber. These power management modes may be software
initiated through the SControl register or device initiated from the Serial ATA device.
Transitions to and from either power management mode generate an interrupt, the Power Management Mode Change
Interrupt, which may be masked in the Port Interrupt Enable register (bit 3).
Partial/Slumber mode may be initiated by software through the SControl register. By setting the SPM field to either
0b0001 (Partial) or 0b0010 (Slumber), software causes a PMREQ to the Serial ATA device, which responds with either a
PMACK or PMNAK. If a PMACK is received the Partial/Slumber mode is entered. If a PMNAK is ignored; the request
remains asserted.
The Serial ATA device may initiate Partial/Slumber mode. Software enables the acknowledgement of this request by
setting the IPM field in the SControl register to 0b0001 (Partial), 0b0010 (Slumber), or 0b0011 (Partial or Slumber). If
enabled, a PMACK is sent to the device; if not enabled, a PMNAK is sent. When the request is received and its
acknowledgement is enabled, Partial/Slumber mode is entered.
Partial/Slumber mode status is reported in the SStatus register (0b0010/0b0110 in the IPM field).
Partial/Slumber mode is cleared by ComWake (asserted when the SPM field is set to 0b0100).
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Flash, GPIO, EEPROM, and I2C Programming
Flash Memory Access
The SiI3132 controller supports an external flash memory device of up to 4 Mbits (512 kB) capacity. Access to the flash
memory is available using either PCI Direct Access or Register Access.
PCI Direct Access
Access to the Expansion ROM is enabled by setting bit 0 in the Expansion ROM Base Address register at Offset 30h of
the PCI Configuration Space. When this bit is set, bits [31:19] of the same register are programmable by the system to
set the base address for all flash memory accesses. Read and write operations with the flash memory are initiated by
Memory Read and Memory Write commands on the PCI bus, which can be accessed as bytes, words, or Dwords.
Register Access
This type of flash memory access is carried out through a sequence of internal register read and write operations. The
proper programming sequences are as follows:
Flash Write Operation
1. Verify that Flash Address register bit 25 (Mem Access Start) is 0. The bit is 1 when a memory access is in
progress. It is 0 when the memory access is complete and ready for another operation.
2. Program the write address for the flash memory access. The address field is bits [18:0] in the Flash Address
3. Program the write data for the flash memory access. The data field is bits [7:0] in the Flash Memory Data /
GPIO Control register.
4. Program Flash Address register bit 24 (Mem Access Type) to 0 for a memory write.
5. Initiate the flash memory access by setting bit 25 in the Flash Address register.
Flash Read Operation
1. Verify that Flash Address register bit 25 (Mem Access Start) is 0. The bit is 1 when a memory access is in
progress. It is 0 when the memory access is complete and ready for another operation.
2. Program the read address for the flash memory access. The address field is bits [18:0] in the Flash Address
3. Program Flash Address register bit 24 (Mem Access Type) to 1 for a memory read.
4. Initiate the flash memory access by setting bit 25 in the Flash Address register.
5. Verify that Flash Address register bit 25 (Mem Access Start) is clear. The bit is 1 when a memory access is in
progress. It is 0 when the memory access is complete.
6. Read the data from bits [7:0] in the Flash Memory Data / GPIO Control register.
I2C Operation
The SiI3132 controller provides a Multimaster I2C interface. For Auto-initialization of some PCI Configuration registers
an external 256-byte EEPROM memory device may be connected to this I2C interface (refer to the Auto-Initialization on
page 34). Four registers are provided for programmed read/write access to the interface: the I2C Slave Address
register, I2C Control register, I2C Data Buffer register, and I2C Status register.
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I2C Master Write Operation
1. Verify that I2C Status register bits 02 (Unit Busy) and 03 (Bus Busy) are 0. These bits are 1 when an access is in
progress. They are 0 when the access is complete and another operation can be started.
2. Write 1 to clear bits [10:4] in the I2C Status register. These bits are set if an error occurred during a previous
3. Program the I2C Data Buffer register (bits 7:0) with the first byte to be sent. In most applications, the first byte
should consist of the I2C Slave address and a 0 value for the RW bit (bit 7).
4. Initiate the I2C write by setting bits of the I2C Control register. At a minimum, set the following bits:
a. Assert the START bit (Bit[0] is 1) for the first byte in a series.
b. Leave the STOP bit clear (Bit[1] is 0) for bytes other than the last byte in a series.
c. Leave the ACK/NACK Ctrl bit clear (Bit[2] is 0) to allow standard ACK/NACK support.
d. Assert Transfer Byte (Bit[3] is 1).
e. Clear the Master Abort bit (Bit[4] is 0).
f. Assert bits [8:5].
g. Clear bits [15:14].
h. Set bits [13:9] to subscribe to interrupts as needed.
5. Poll I2C Status register bit 02 (I2C Unit Busy). The bit is 1 while an access is in progress. It becomes 0 when
the access is complete. (Alternatively, the appropriate I2C Interrupt may be enabled. See the Global Control register
and Global Interrupt Status register descriptions on pages 52 and 53, respectively.)
6. Check the I2C Status register for a value of 1 in bit 6 (Tx MT), bit 1 (ACK/NACK Status), and error bit 10. If
the error bits are set or the slave returned a NACK, an error occurred and the write should be aborted.
7. To abort the write, write 0x2FFA to the I2C Control register to issue a Master Abort. In case I2C Status bits
02 (I2C Unit Busy) and 03 (Bus Busy) are set after issuing a Master Abort, reset the SiI3132 controller by setting
I2C Control bit 14 (Unit Reset).
Note: Leave the START bit clear (bit 0 of I2C Control register is 0) for bytes sent other than the first byte and leave
the STOP bit clear (bit 1 of I2C Control register is 0) for bytes other than the last byte in a series.
I2C Master Read Operation
Setup for a Read Operation
1. Verify that I2C Status register bits 02 (Unit Busy) and 03 (Bus Busy) are 0.
2. Write 1 to clear bits [10:4] in the I2C Status register.
3. Program the I2C Data Buffer register (bits 7:0) with the first byte to be sent. In most applications, the first byte
should consist of the I2C Slave address and a 1 value for the RW bit.
4. Initiate the I2C write by setting bits of the I2C Control register. At a minimum, set the following bits:
a. Assert the START bit (Bit[0] is 1) for the first byte in a series.
b. Leave the STOP bit clear (Bit[1] is 0) for bytes other than the last byte in a series.
c. Leave the ACK/NACK Ctrl bit clear (Bit[2] is 0) to allow standard ACK/NACK support.
d. Assert Transfer Byte (Bit[3] is 1).
e. Clear the Master Abort bit (Bit[4] is 0).
f. Assert bits [8:5].
g. Clear bits [15:14].
h. Set bits [13:9] to subscribe to interrupts as needed.
5. Poll I2C Status register bit 02 (I2C Unit Busy). The bit is 1 while an access is in progress. It becomes 0 when
the access is complete. (Alternatively, the appropriate I2C Interrupt may be enabled. See the Global Control register
and Global Interrupt Status register descriptions on pages 52 and 53, respectively.)
6. Check the I2C Status register for a value of 1 in bit 6 (Tx MT), bit 1 (ACK/NACK Status), and error bit 10. If
the error bits are set or the slave returned a NACK, an error occurred and the read should be aborted.
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Silicon Image, Inc.
SiI-DS-0138-E © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved. 77
Read the Data
If an error did not occur and the I2C Slave returned an ACK to the first byte sent, setup the SiI3132 controller for a read
by continuing:
1. Verify that I2C Status register bits 02 (Unit Busy) and 03 (Bus Busy) are 0.
2. Write 1 to clear bits [10:4] in the I2C Status register.
3. Initiate the I2C write by setting bits of the I2C Control register. At a minimum, set the following bits:
a. Assert the START bit (Bit[0] is 1) for the first byte in a series.
b. Leave the STOP bit clear (Bit[1] is 0) for bytes other than the last byte in a series.
c. Leave the ACK/NACK Ctrl bit clear (Bit[2] is 0) to allow standard ACK/NACK support.
d. Leave Transfer Byte clear (Bit[3] is 0).
e. Clear the Master Abort bit (Bit[4] is 0).
f. Assert bits [8:5].
g. Clear bits [15:14].
h. Set bits [13:9] to subscribe to interrupts as needed.
4. Poll I2C Status register bit 02 (I2C Unit Busy). The bit is 1 while an access is in progress. It becomes 0 when
the access is complete. (Alternatively, the appropriate I2C Interrupt may be enabled. See the Global Control register
and Global Interrupt Status register descriptions on pages 52 and 53, respectively.)
5. Check the I2C Status register for a 1 value in bit 7 (Rx Full) and error bit 10. If the error bits are set an error
occurred and the read should be aborted.
6. To abort the write, write 0x2FFA to the I2C Control register to issue a Master Abort. In case I2C Status bits
02 (I2C Unit Busy) and 03 (Bus Busy) are set after issuing a Master Abort, reset the SiI3132 controller by setting
I2C Control bit 14 (Unit Reset).
Note: Leave the START bit clear (0 value for bit 0 of I2C Control register) for bytes sent other than the first byte and
leave the STOP bit clear (0 value for bit 1 of I2C Control register) for bytes other than the last byte in a series.
I2C Slave Read Operations
To set SiI3132 controller to respond as an I2C slave, do the following.
1. Set the I2C Slave Address register with the static address assigned to the SiI3132-enabled I2C Slave
2. Poll I2C Status register bit 09 (Slave Addr Det). (Alternatively, the appropriate I2C Interrupt may be enabled.)
3. Verify that I2C Status register bits 02 (Unit Busy) and 03 (Bus Busy) are 0.
4. Write 1 to clear bits [10:4] in the I2C Status register.
5. Program the I2C Data Buffer register (bits 7:0) with the byte to be sent.
6. Initiate the I2C write by setting bits of the I2C Control register. At a minimum, set the following bits:
a. Clear the START bit (Bit[0] is 0).
b. Clear the STOP bit clear (Bit[1] is 0).
c. Leave the ACK/NACK Ctrl bit clear (Bit[2] is 0) to allow standard ACK/NACK support.
d. Assert Transfer Byte (Bit[3] is 1).
e. Clear the Master Abort bit (Bit[4] is 0).
f. Clear the SCL Enable bit (Bit[5] is 0).
g. Assert bits [8:6].
h. Clear bits [15:14].
i. Set bits [13:9] to subscribe to interrupts as needed.
7. Poll I2C Status register bit 02 (I2C Unit Busy). The bit is 1 while an access is in progress. It becomes 0 when
the access is complete. (Alternatively, the appropriate I2C Interrupt may be enabled. See the Global Control register
and Global Interrupt Status register descriptions on pages 52 and 53, respectively.)
8. Check the I2C Status register for a value of 1 in bit 6 (Tx MT), bit 1 (ACK/NACK Status), and error bit 10. If
the error bits are set or the master returned a NACK, an error occurred and the read should be aborted.
9. To abort the write, write 0x2FFA to the I2C Control register to issue a Master Abort. In case I2C Status
bits 02 (I2C Unit Busy) and 03 (Bus Busy) are set after issuing a Master Abort, reset the SiI3132 controller by
setting I2C Control bit 14 (Unit Reset).
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Data Sheet
Silicon Image, Inc.
78 © 2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved SiI-DS-0138-E
Standards Documents
Table 41 lists the abbreviations of the standards mentioned in this document. For more information on these
specifications contact the responsible standards groups listed in Table 42.
Table 41. Referenced Documents
Abbreviation Standards publication, organization, and date
SATA-IO Serial ATA / High Speed AT Attachment Specification, Revision 1.0
PCI-E PCI Express Base Specification, Revision 1.0a
Table 42. Standards Groups Contact Information
Standards Group Web URL e-mail phone
SATA-IO (503) 619-0572
PCI-SIG (503) 619-0569
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Data Sheet
Silicon Image, Inc.
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