POLES 1 | SPDT 2 | DPDT SP3T 3 | SPDT 4 4PDT DP3T * 4-pole available on vertical models] - only. ON Toggle dimensions are based on use with .350" bushing; add .070" | iz | $ .413" Bat 1/4"-40 Dia. Threaded & .244 Dia. Smooth $2 | .200" Bat A2 | .280" Smooth with Keyway $3_|_ .256" Bat Ai | .280" Threaded with Keyway E .450" Fiatted $2 | .350" Smooth with Keyway E2 | .256" Flatted : $1 | .350" Threaded with Keyway E3 | .646" Flatted Di | .350" Threaded with D Flat E4 | .840" Flatted Deduct bracket thickness of .016" from Q 550" Cone above dimensions. Q2 | .640" Cone Q4 | .840" Cone (__) = Momentary only. *3-ON circuits available with double and four pole bases marking unless specified. Supplement for instructions. IMPORTANT: Switches are supplied without UL & CSA See 2 to toggle length when combining 3 ON OFF ON with a .280" bushing. 5 | ON | NONE | (ON) 8 | (ON) | OFF | (ON) 9 | ON OFF | (ON) 4* | ON ON ON L .201" Dia. Locking Lever .244" Dia. Smooth 6* | (ON) ON (ON) L1 | .214" Dia. Locking Lever L2 | Smooth with Keyway for Lever Lock 7* | ON ON (ON) Standard Combinations _ For angle PC mounted switches, the standard toggle-bushing-terminal combinations are S$2A2G30, S2A2G40, SS2G30, SS2G40, LL2G30, and LL2G40. M18 D Fe GUBREINEY - 7850 E. Gelding Dr. - Scottsdale, AZ 85260 + Phone (602) 991-0942 - Fax (602) 998-1435 98E MM 6428776 OOO202b Sb3 aORDERING EXAMPLE G 40 CONTACT MATERIALS & RATINGS OPTIONAL CAPS CAP COLORS WwW Silver Rated 6A @ 125V AC & B | ForS Bat Toggle A Black A Gold over Silver Rated GA @ 125V AC S Bat Toggle Cc Red & 0.4VA max @ 28V AC/DC max E Yellow Gold Rated 0.4VA max @ 28V G | ACC max F | Green G Blue TERMINALS 39 | -150" Right Angle PC (1-3 Pole) Right Angle PCB 32 7 (t Pole & 0.4VA ene Om 36 DESCRIPTION FOR TYPICAL 40 | 4-4 Pole) ORDERING EXAMPLE (M2012SS2G40-BA) -100" Vertical PC SERIES M TOGGLE 45 | (1-4 Pole) SPDT ON-NONE-ON Circuit a 350" Smocth Bushing with Keyway Black Cap on .413" Bat Toggle eee Gold Contacts with 0.4VA Rating \ Vertical PC Terminals with -150" Terminal Spacing i SWwNcineg + 7850 E. Gelding Dr. + Scottsdale, AZ 85260 + Phone (602) 991-0942 - Fax (602) 998-1435 D 98E MM 6428776 0002027 4TT mm Mi9deduct .016" from the dimensions given in the previous detail drawings. to angle mount devices are in this section. Details regarding the poles and circuits are given in a chart in the unbracketed section. That same section also contains detailed information for the toggles, caps, and bushings. For bushing lengths on these bracketed models Details regarding the contact materials and ratings, terminals, mounting information, and full switch drawings specific Gold over Silver Rated 6A @ 125V AC &0.4VA maximum @ 28V AC/DC maximum y | Silver over Silver Rated 6A | @ 125V AC & 3A @ 250V AC | Gold Rated 0.4VA maximum @ 28V AC/DC maximum "4| -150" Right Angle PC | F3a5] Right Angle PCB .150" Vertical PC 30 32) EES) (1-3 Pole) mcr With Reverse Circuit ] (1-4 Pole) (1 Pole & 0.4VA Rating Only) a5 -100" Vertical PC Single Pole Double Pole Three Pole Four Pole Os Pole) (2,54) Ty 1. (4.8) Typ (254) Typ. (4.8) Typ eo" y ee Lge ge Leg oe be. oS e- & ae 2 | AS it e- @+6- OO Fe-S , te! Te et 8 @ @ @ 7 : rtd { I } : (14,35) (14,35) 500 565 "eS W227) 27 500 5 ; | | | i | 4 } | | | 0+ 0 @ -0-e - (2.54) T 1.8) Dia 2.54) Ty 1,8) Dia Ty i 4) Th 8) Dia Ty 254 Te. | \ugloene salty. soit = @satyp,| | Us)dio typ 254 Typ.) |. L(L}Diatyp lf a threaded bushing is selected, the switch can be mounted in a panel cutout with the standard hardware provided: AT513, AT507, and AT509, The maximum effective panel thickness and cutouts are shown below. Detailed illustrations of the optional hardware and accessories appear at the end of the catalog. For 1/4"-40 Diameter Bushings Threaded Length W/O Bottom W/O Locking W/O L. Ring y Hardware | Standard Hex Nut Ring & Bottom Nut 3 seconds 315" Panel | 3.3mm/.130" 4.8mm/.189" | 4.1mm/.161" 5.6mm/.220" at 350C 245" Thickness: | 1.9mm/.076" 3.438mm/.135" | 2.7mm/.107" 4.2mm/.166" ss i . 5 seconds $20 G5) Dia 65)dio | at 270C. Cutout: F ea) x26 6.5) Ss _ | -256 & Keg Dia 8 M20 RHE . gutcheg * 7850 E. Gelding Dr. Scottsdale, AZ 85260 - Phone (602) 991-0942 - Fax (602) $98-1435 D 4F6E ME 6428776 0002028 336SERIES M TOGGLE SWITCHES -150 Right Angle PC/Single Pole 16,2) Dia Keyway 244 Ie: =e eg} att | oa Jilue7 l4 OG O50 (1.4) Typ a 055 (6.86),| (7,30),| 02.7) 270 388 500 M201252A2G30 Model-Shown -150 Right Angle PC/Double Pole Keyway GA Die . 4. pied Ls 5 a" : _ _@f_@_@__+. Fe {Fe o-@- Osan Sear- Hien? -e ee 1 . A (127) UT rm) 500 L : J69 tty (0.4) 1 _WU.27)5 1 ILL og -8--@ O16 gr +98 | (2.54) Typ | al) (4.7) Typ 100 185 {1.8} Dia Tyo 6.86), | (7,32) ] | en 80 |___ (13.0) OFS 270, 288 500 150 BI2 M2022S2A2G30 Mode! Shown -150" Right Angle PC/Three Pole 6.2)D 9) Keyway baa 035 a7) tg te oo e- 66. G80 Tye -8@ 13 de2 del - - ore @ ' (14,85) aye Bl, (2.9 ' rr 122 } . - fe T Be i yo ; (0.8 *. (12.54) Typ O53 Pe = OF 185 (1,8) Dia Typ 5.08) (6,86)|, (8.0) |." (14.35)___| nae 30 O73 1200 270315 565 512 M2032S2A2G30 Model Shown PCB/Single Pole oe oe ee = I Keyway ; fe veh er Pio 526) Typ (7.9) _ _ 8.5) pte Go Bi cet " eo Oo : ob 2) i (1.4) Typ 055 4 4) Typ. | L 13.96) Typ as Sf) Tye G09 , \g)010 he M2012S2A2G32 Model Shown RRR? guuitches + 7850 E. Gelding Dr. + Scottsdale, AZ 85260 + Phone (602) 991-0942 - Fax (602) 998-1435 M21 D 48E MM 6428776 0002025 272 a[it SERIES M TOGGLE SWITCHES -150" Vertical PC/Single Pole , (6,2) Dia Keyway 244 | I @t 7 380 Tye _@l50 | 1 | (2.7) * 560 rot 1 \ | _ eo 4) Typ, Ge) he 055 | (5.08) (1.8) Dia Typ 200 rm O73 M2012S2A2G40 Model Shown -150" Vertical PC/Double Pole Keywoy $A Dia : ee Typ . | I _ 3 6 t 8 (3.81) Typ 21 dS 150 13.9) e7e _ - os - * -@ Oo; 4 en val TI | | ea! I I. . | 1 i. (0.4) (2.7) (1.27) B eb tt UAT L ai (0.8)7, He ; + 60." - T shen LA + 5 4.8; . 58 043 Oat 8 555 * (6.08) (12.7) (3,8) Typ (12.7) (1.8) Dia Typ "200 5007 150 500 (073 M2022S2A2G40 Modal Shown -150" Vertical PC/Three Pole Keyway SB oN fr ee | | 7) rT Ly (2.7) Dia | i 106 fi | 4 tom : 4 Ld i | O16 | L oe 1.4) 18) 0.8) T 4.8) 7 oa? 7 BF {By RAGS r [254 Typ 08 (6.86), |. (8.0) 14.35 3.81) Ty , (17.5) Bi O88 S GR 188) 3 689 {1.8} Dia Typ M2032S2A2G40 Model Shown -150" Vertical PC/Four Pole f (4.8) Typ 6.2) Di 0.9 Sia \ aa ; o% 4 ge iS iq 1 ag geg f o-@ ee 7 > fT _ (30 _@ @tle_@ . Le rn si2. 9G @ 77 4 | eS (14.35) rj : | oo - BBS 1 1 1 > 0.4 (2.2) LU27)F L Hi Si2 oar? ; aa 50 _ole 8 0.8) T 4.8) 7, cies he otsgg, 189 | v |. (G5) Be 5.08 6.86),|_ (8.0) (14,35) (3.81) 1 (223) 888) i L270 315 GS igo. 878 $1.8) Dia Typ M2042S2A2G40 Model Shown KR. gwitches + 7850 E. Gelding Dr. + Scottsdale, AZ 85260 - Phone (602) 991-0942 -..Fax (602) 998-1435 Db S6E MM b428??b 0002030 TI4DISTINCTIVE FEATURES Antirotation feature is standard on noncylindrical levers. Antijamming design on toggle switches protects contacts from damage due to excessive downward force on the actuator. High torque bushing construction prevents rotation or separation from frame during installation. Stainless steel frame resists corrosion. Patented silver contacts of specially composed alloy for hardness. High insulating barriers, formed in the molded diallyiphthalate case, increase isolation of circuits in multipole devices and provide added protection to contact points. Epoxy sealed terminals prevent entry of ____ solder flux and other contaminants. Prominent external insulating barriers - increase insulation resistance and dielectric strength. Actual Size Interlocked actuator block prevents switch failure due to biased lever movement. Longer center solder lug terminal simplifies wiring and soldering. Clinching of the frame to the case well above the base and terminals provides 1500V. dielectric strength. MLE? SUDIREIN@E . 7850 E. Gelding Dr. - Scottsdale, AZ 85260 - Phone (602) 991-0942 - Fax (602) 998-1435 D SE MM 6426776 0002011 032 M3SERIES M TOGGLE SWITCHES, _. 3 __..._. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS _ (Resistive Load) 6A @ 30V DC 700 grams for Three Pole 800 grams for Four Pole Electrical Capacity: 6A @ 125V AC & 3A @ 250V AC 0.4VA maximum @ 28V AC/DC maximum (Applicable Range 0.1mA ~ 0.1A @ 20mV ~ 28V) Contact Resistance: 10 millichms maximum for silver 20 milliohms maximum for gold Insulation Resistance: 1,000 megohms minimum @ 500V DC Dielectric Strength: 1,000V AC minimum between contacts 1,500 AC minimum between contacts and case Mechanical Life: 100,000 operations minimum 50,000 operations minimum for flat, locking, & splashproof devices Electrical Life: 25,000 operations minimum for silver 50,000 operations minimum for gold Ambient Temp Range: -15C through +85C (+5F through +185F) Optional low temperature lubricant available Toggle Angle of Throw: 25 Nominal Operating Force: 400 grams for Single Pole 450 grams for Double Pole . __ANTIROTATION DESIGN Toggle Brass with chrome plating Bushing Brass with nickel plating Frame Stainless steel Case Diallylphthalate resin (UL 94V-0) Movable Contactor Phosphor bronze with silver or gold plating* Movable Contacts Silver alloy (code W); or silver alloy with gold plating* over nickel (code A); or copper with gold plating* over nickel (code G) Stationary Contacts Silver with silver plating (code W); or silver with gold plating* over nickel (code A); or copper or brass with gold plating* over nickel (code G) Terminals , . Copper or brass with silver plating; or copper or brass with gold plating over nickel * Gold plating on contacts is 1 micron minimum. When the lever is pushed in a diagonal direction instead of the mecha- nism's direction of operation, biased movement is transmitted to the. actuator block and causes misalignment of contacts. However, internal construction of the M Series case prevents this biased movement. Three of the M Series toggle types are designed with the antirotation feature: the flatted toggles which are coded E, E2, E3, E4, F and R; the locking levers L and L1; and the snap top toggles which receive the paddle cap and which are coded Ki and K2. The bottom portion of all these toggles has two flatted sides which fit into a complementary opening inside the bushing. Turning of the toggle is pre- vented by the specially designed fit of these two structures. RRH gwitches + 7850 E. Gelding Dr. Scottsdale, AZ 85260 + Phone (602) 991-0942 -. Fax (602) 998-1435 D SE MM 6426776 0002013 905 Ms