DATA SHEET BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PC8112TB SILICON MMIC 1st FREQUENCY DOWN-CONVERTER FOR CELLULAR/CORDLESS TELEPHONE DESCRIPTION The PC8112TB is a silicon monolithic integrated circuit designed as 1st frequency down-converter for cellular/cordless telephone receiver stage. This IC consists of mixer and local amplifier. The PC8112TB features high impedance output of open collector. Similar ICs of the PC2757TB and PC2758TB feature low impedance output of emitter follower. These TB suffix ICs which are smaller package than conventional T suffix ICs contribute to reduce your system size. The PC8112TB is manufactured using the 20 GHz fT NESATTMIII silicon bipolar process. This process uses silicon nitride passivation film and gold electrodes. These materials can protect chip surface from external pollution and prevent corrosion/migration. Thus, this IC has excellent performance, uniformity and reliability. FEATURES * Excellent RF performance * * * * * * : IIP3 = -7 dBm@fRFin = 1.9 GHz (reference) IM3 = -88 dBm@PRFin = -38 dBm, 1.9 GHz (reference) Similar conversion gain to PC2757 and lower noise figure than PC2758 Minimized carrier leakage : RFLO = -80 dB@fRFin = 900 MHz (reference) RFLO = -55 dB@fRFin = 1.9 GHz (reference) High linearity : PO(sat) = -2.5 dBm TYP.@fRFin = 900 MHz PO(sat) = -3 dBm TYP.@fRFin = 1.9 GHz Low current consumption : ICC = 8.5 mA TYP. Supply voltage : VCC = 2.7 to 3.3 V High-density surface mounting : 6-pin super minimold package APPLICATIONS * 1.5 to 1.9 GHz cellular/cordless telephone (PHS, DECT, PDC1.5G and so on) * 800 to 900 MHz cellular telephone (PDC800M and so on) ORDER INFORMATION Part Number PC8112TB-E3-A Package Markings 6-pin super minimold C2K Supplying Form Embossed tape 8 mm wide. Pin 1, 2, 3 face the tape perforation side. Qty 3kpcs/reel. Remark To order evaluation samples, please contact your local nearby sales office (Part number for sample order: PC8112TB-A). Caution Electro-static sensitive devices Document No. P12808EJ3V0DS00 (3rd edition) Date Published November 2000 N CP(K) The mark shows major revised points. PC8112TB CONTENTS 1. PIN CONNECTIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 3 2. PRODUCT LINE-UP ............................................................................................................................................. 3 3. INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................................... 4 4. SYSTEM APPLICATION EXAMPLE ................................................................................................................... 4 5. PIN EXPLANATION ............................................................................................................................................. 5 6. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ...................................................................................................................... 6 7. RECOMMENDED OPERATING RANGE ............................................................................................................ 6 8. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................................................... 6 9. STANDARD CHARACTERISTICS FOR REFERENCE ..................................................................................... 7 10. TEST CIRCUIT ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 11. ILLUSTRATION OF THE TEST CIRCUIT ASSEMBLED ON EVALUATION BOARD ................................. 8 12. TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................................................... 9 12.1 Without Signals .......................................................................................................................................... 9 12.2 IF 100 MHz Matching (fRFin = 900 MHz) .....................................................................................................10 12.3 IF 100 MHz Matching (fRFin = 1.5 GHz) ......................................................................................................12 12.4 IF 240 MHz Matching .................................................................................................................................14 13. S-PARAMETERS .................................................................................................................................................16 13.1 Calibrated on pin of DUT ..........................................................................................................................16 13.2 IF Output Matching ....................................................................................................................................17 14. PACKAGE DIMENSIONS .....................................................................................................................................18 15. NOTE ON CORRECT USE .................................................................................................................................19 16. RECOMMENDED SOLDERING CONDITIONS ...................................................................................................19 2 Data Sheet P12808EJ3V0DS00 PC8112TB 1. PIN CONNECTIONS 3 2 1 Pin Name 1 RFinput 2 GND 3 LOinput 4 PS 5 VCC 6 IFoutput (Bottom View) C2K (Top View) Pin No. 4 4 3 5 5 2 6 6 1 2. PRODUCT LINE-UP (TA = +25C, VCC = VPS = 3.0 V, ZS = ZL = 50 ) Items No RF ICC Part Number PC2757T 900 MHz 1.5 GHz 1.9 GHz SSB * NF SSB * NF SSB * NF 900 MHz 1.5 GHz 1.9 GHz 900 MHz 1.5 GHz CG CG CG IIP3 IIP3 1.9 GHz IIP3 (mA) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) 5.6 10 10 13 15 15 13 -14 -14 -12 11 9 10 13 19 18 17 -13 -12 -11 8.5 9 11 11 15 13 13 -10 -9 -7 900 MHz 1.5 GHz 1.9 GHz 900 MHz 1.5 GHz 1.9 GHz PO(sat) PO(sat) PO(sat) RFLO RFLO RFLO (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dB) (dB) (dB) -3 - -8 - - - PC2757TB PC2758T PC2758TB PC8112T PC8112TB Items Part Number PC2757T IF Output Configuration Emitter follower PC2757TB PC2758T 6-pin minimold 6-pin super minimold +1 - -4 - - - 6-pin minimold PC2758TB PC8112T Package 6-pin super minimold -2.5 -3 -3 -80 -57 -55 Open collector PC8112TB 6-pin minimold 6-pin super minimold Remark Typical performance. Please refer to ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS in detail. Cautions 1. The PC2757 and PC2758's IIP3 are calculated with IM3 = 3 which is the same IM3 inclination as PC8112. On the other hand, OIP3 of Standard characterisitcs in page 7 is cross point IP. 2. This document is to be specified for PC8112TB. The other part number mentioned in this document should be referred to the data sheet of each part number. Data Sheet P12808EJ3V0DS00 3 PC8112TB 3. INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAM RFinput IFoutput LOinput 4. SYSTEM APPLICATION EXAMPLE Digital cordless phone Low noise Tr. PC8112TB RX DEMOD. VCO SW /N I Q PLL PLL 0 I TX PA 90 Q 4 Data Sheet P12808EJ3V0DS00 PC8112TB 5. PIN EXPLANATION Pin Pin No. Name 1 RFinput Applied Voltage (V) - Pin Voltage (V) 1.2 Function and Application Internal Equivalent Circuit RF input pin of mixer. This mixer is designed as double balanced type. This pin should be externally coupled to front stage with DC cut capacitor. 2 GND GND - Ground pin. This pin must be connected to the system ground. Form the ground pattern as wide as possible and the truck length as short as possible to minimize ground impedance. 5 VCC 2.7 to 3.3 - Supply voltage pin. This pin should be connected with bypass capacitor (example: 1 000 pf) to minimize ground impedance. 6 IFoutput as same as - IF output pin. This output is VCC voltage configured with open collector of through high impedance. This pin should external be externally equipped with inductor matching circuit of inductor should be selected as small resistance and high frequency use. 3 LOinput - 1.4 Input pin of local amplifier. This amplifier is designed as differential type. This pin should be externally coupled to local signal source with DC cut capacitor. Recommendable input level is -15 to 0 dBm. 4 PS VCC or GND - Power save control pin. This pin can control ON/OFF operation with bias as follows; Bias: V VPS Operation 2.5 ON 0 to 0.5 OFF Data Sheet P12808EJ3V0DS00 5 PC8112TB 6. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Symbol Conditions Ratings Unit Supply Voltage VCC TA = +25C, 5 pin and 6 pin 3.6 V Total Circuit Current ICC TA = +25C 77.7 mA Total Power Dissipation PD Mounted on double sided copper clad 50 x 50 x 270 mW 1.6 mm epoxy glass PWB (TA = +85C) Operating Ambient Temperature TA -40 to +85 C Storage Temperature Tstg -55 to +150 C 7. RECOMMENDED OPERATING RANGE Parameter Supply Voltage Symbol MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit VCC 2.7 3.0 3.3 V Remarks 5 pin and 6 pin should be applied to same voltage. TA -40 +25 +85 C LO Input Power PLOin -15 -10 0 dBm RF Input Frequency fRFin 0.8 1.9 2.0 GHz IF Output Frequency fIFout 100 250 300 MHz Operating Ambient Temperature Zs = 50 With external matching 8. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Unless otherwise specified, TA = +25C, VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V, PLOin = -10 dBm, ZS = ZL = 50 ) Parameter Circuit Current Circuit Current at Power Save Symbol ICC ICC(PS) Test Conditions MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit 4.9 8.5 11.7 mA - - 0.1 A fRFin = 900 MHz, fLOin = 1 000 MHz 11.5 15 17.5 dB fRFin = 1.9 GHz, fLOin = 1.66 GHz 9.5 13 15.5 No input signal VCC = 3.0 V, VPS = 0.5 V Mode Conversion Gain SSB Noise Figure Saturated Output Power CG SSB*NF Po(sat) fRFin = 900 MHz, fLOin = 1 000 MHz - 9.0 11 fRFin = 1.9 GHz, fLOin = 1.66 GHz - 11.2 13.2 -6.5 -2.5 - -7 -3 - fRFin = 900 MHz, fLOin = 1 000 MHz fRFin = 1.9 GHz, fLOin = 1.66 GHz (PRFin = -10 dBm each) 6 Data Sheet P12808EJ3V0DS00 dB dBm PC8112TB 9. STANDARD CHARACTERISTICS FOR REFERENCE (TA = +25C, VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V, PLOin = -10 dBm, ZS = ZL = 50 ) Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Reference Unit Conversion Gain CG fRFin = 1.5 GHz, fLOin = 1.6 GHz 13 dB SSB Noise Figure SSB*NF fRFin = 1.5 GHz, fLOin = 1.6 GHz 11 dB dB LO Leakage at RF pin RF Leakage at LO pin LO Leakage at IF pin 3rd Order Distortion Input Intercept Point LORF RFLO LOif IIP3 Note fRFin = 900 MHz, fLOin = 1 000 MHz -45 fRFin = 1.5 GHz, fLOin = 1.6 GHz -46 fRFin = 1.9 GHz, fLOin = 1.66 GHz -45 fRFin = 900 MHz, fLOin = 1 000 MHz -80 fRFin = 1.5 GHz, fLOin = 1.6 GHz -57 fRFin = 1.9 GHz, fLOin = 1.66 GHz -55 fRFin = 900 MHz, fLOin = 1 000 MHz -32 fRFin = 1.5 GHz, fLOin = 1.6 GHz -33 fRFin = 1.9 GHz, fLOin = 1.66 GHz -30 fRFin = 900 MHz, fLOin = 1 000 MHz -10 fRFin = 1.5 GHz, fLOin = 1.6 GHz -9 fRFin = 1.9 GHz, fLOin = 1.66 GHz -7 dB dB dBm Note IIP3 is determined by comparing two method; theoretical calculation and cross point of IM3 curve. IIP3 = (IM3 x Pin + CG - IM3) / (IM3 - 1) (dBm) [IM3: IM3 curve inclination in linear range] PC8112's IM3 is closer to 3 (theoretical inclination) than PC2757 and PC2758 of conventional ICs. 10. TEST CIRCUIT (Top View) POWER SAVE Signal Generator 50 1 000 pF 3 LOinput PS 4 2 GND VCC 5 C2 Signal Generator 50 C4, C5 3V L1 1 000 pF 1 RFinput IFoutput C1 50 6 C6 Spectrum Analyzer Data Sheet P12808EJ3V0DS00 7 PC8112TB 11. ILLUSTRATION OF THE TEST CIRCUIT ASSEMBLED ON EVALUATION BOARD PS bias C3 LO input C2 PS C4 GND VCC C5 L1 Voltage supply C6 RF input Short Chip C1 IF output Short Chip = 1 000 pF Component Number IF 100 MHz Matching IF 240 MHz Matching Remarks C1 to C5 1 000 pF 1 000 pF CHIP C C6 5 pF 2 pF CHIP C L1 330 nH 84 nH CHIP L EVALUATION BOARD CHARACTERS AND NOTE (1) 35 m thick double-sided copper clad 35 x 42 x 0.4 mm polyimide board (2) Back side: GND pattern (3) Solder plated patterns (4) {: Through holes (5) To mount C6, pattern should be cut. Caution Test circuit or print pattern in this sheet is for testing IC characteristics. They are not an application circuit or recommended system circuit. In the case of actual system application, external circuits including print pattern and matching circuit constant of output port should be designed in accordance with IC's S-parameters and environmental components. Remark External circuits of the IC can be referred to following application notes. * USAGE AND APPLICATION CHARACTERISTICS OF PC2757, PC2758, AND PC8112, 3-V POWER SUPPLY, 1.9-GHz FREQUENCY DOWN-CONVERTER ICS FOR MOBILE COMMUNICATION (Document No. P11997E) 8 Data Sheet P12808EJ3V0DS00 PC8112TB 12. TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = +25C, unless otherwise specified, measured on test circuits) 12.1 Without Signals CIRCUIT CURRENT vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE CIRCUIT CURRENT vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE 12 12 VCC = VPS = VIFout 10 Circuit Current ICC (mA) Circuit Current ICC (mA) 10 VCC = VPS = VIFout 8 6 4 2 TA = +85C 8 TA = +25C 6 TA = -40C 4 2 0 0 2 3 1 Supply Voltage VCC (V) 4 0 0 2 3 1 Supply Voltage VCC (V) 4 CIRCUIT CURRENT vs. PS PIN APPLIED VOLTAGE 12 VCC = VIFout VCC = 3.3 V Circuit Current ICC (mA) 10 8 VCC = 3.0 V 6 VCC = 2.7 V 4 2 0 0 2 3 1 PS Pin Applied Voltage VPS (V) 4 Data Sheet P12808EJ3V0DS00 9 PC8112TB 12.2 IF 100 MHz Matching (fRFin = 900 MHz) -5 -5 -10 -15 -20 IF Output Power of Each Tone PIFout(each) (dBm) 3rd Order Intermodulation Distortion IM3 (dBm) fRFin = 900 MHz fLOin = 1 000 MHz fIFout = 100 MHz PLOin = -10 dBm VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V -25 -30 -30 -20 -40 -10 RF Input Power PRFin (dBm) IF Output Power PIFout (dBm) 0 -35 -50 10 IF OUTPUT POWER vs. RF INPUT POWER 0 IF OUTPUT POWER OF EACH TONE, IM3 vs. RF INPUT POWER 0 -10 Pout -20 -50 -60 -70 -50 VCC = 2.7 V -15 -20 fRFin = 900 MHz fLOin = 1 000 MHz fIFout = 100 MHz PLOin = -10 dBm VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V -25 -30 -30 -20 -40 -10 RF Input Power PRFin (dBm) 0 20 10 -40 VCC = 3.0 V CONVERSION GAIN vs. LO INPUT POWER 20 -30 VCC = 3.3 V -10 -35 -50 0 IM3 fRFin1 = 900 MHz fRFin2 = 905 MHz fLOin = 1 000 MHz PLOin = -10 dBm VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V fIFout = 100 MHz -30 -20 -40 -10 RF Input Power PRFin (dBm) 0 Conversion Gain CG (dB) IF Output Power PIFout (dBm) IF OUTPUT POWER vs. RF INPUT POWER 15 10 5 0 fRFin = 900 MHz PRFin = -40 dBm fLOin = 1 000 MHz fIFout = 100 MHz VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V -5 -10 -50 Data Sheet P12808EJ3V0DS00 -40 -30 -20 0 -10 LO Input Power PLOin (dBm) 10 PC8112TB CONVERSION GAIN vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE SSB NOISE FIGURE vs. LO INPUT POWER 20 15 10 5 0 fRFin = 900 MHz fLOin = 1 000 MHz fIFout = 100 MHz VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V 2 3 3.5 2.5 Supply Voltage VCC (V) 4 SSB Noise Figure SSB*NF (dB) Conversion Gain CG (dB) 20 18 16 fRFin = 900 MHz fLOin = 1 000 MHz fIFout = 100 MHz VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V 14 12 10 8 6 -40 -20 -10 -30 LO Input Power PLOin (dBm) 0 CONVERSION GAIN vs. IF OUTPUT FREQUENCY 20 Conversion Gain CG (dB) 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 fRFin = 900 MHz PRFin = -40 dBm PLOin = -10 dBm VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V -15 -20 -25 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 IF Output Frequency fIFout (MHz) Data Sheet P12808EJ3V0DS00 11 PC8112TB 12.3 IF 100 MHz Matching (fRFin = 1.5 GHz) 0 0 -5 -10 -15 IF Output Power of Each Tone PIFout(each) (dBm) 3rd Order Intermodulation Distortion IM3 (dBm) fRFin = 1.5 GHz fLOin = 1.6 GHz PLOin = -10 dBm fIFout = 100 MHz VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V -20 -25 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 RF Input Power PRFin (dBm) IF Output Power PIFout (dBm) 5 -30 -50 12 IF OUTPUT POWER vs. RF INPUT POWER 5 -5 VCC = 3.3 V IF OUTPUT POWER OF EACH TONE, IM3 vs. RF OUTPUT POWER VCC = 2.7 V -10 VCC = 3.0 V -15 fRFin = 1.5 GHz fLOin = 1.6 GHz PLOin = -10 dBm fIFout = 100 MHz VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V -20 -25 -30 -50 10 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 RF Input Power PRFin (dBm) 10 CONVERSION GAIN vs. LO INPUT POWER 10 15 0 Pout -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -40 IM3 fRFin1 = 1.5 GHz fRFin2 = 1.505 GHz fLOin = 1.6 GHz PLOin = -10 dBm fIFout = 100 MHz VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V -30 -20 -10 RF Input Power PRFin (dBm) 0 Conversion Gain CG (dB) IF Output Power PIFout (dBm) IF OUTPUT POWER vs. RF INPUT POWER 10 5 0 -5 fRFin = 1.5 GHz fLOin = 1.6 GHz PRFin = -40 dBm fIFout = 100 MHz VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V -10 -15 -50 Data Sheet P12808EJ3V0DS00 -40 -30 -20 0 -10 LO Input Power PLOin (dBm) 10 PC8112TB CONVERSION GAIN vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE SSB NOISE FIGURE vs. LO INPUT POWER 30 10 5 0 fRFin = 1.5 GHz fLOin = 1.6 GHz fIFout = 100 MHz VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 SSB Noise Figure SSB*NF (dB) Conversion Gain CG (dB) 15 25 20 15 10 fRFin = 1.5 GHz fLOin = 1.6 GHz fIFout = 100 MHz VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V 5 0 -40 Supply Voltage VCC (V) -30 -20 -10 0 LO Input Power PLOin (dBm) Data Sheet P12808EJ3V0DS00 13 PC8112TB 12.4 IF 240 MHz Matching IF OUTPUT POWER vs. RF INPUT POWER IF OUTPUT POWER vs. RF INPUT POWER -5 TA = +25C -10 TA = -40C -15 TA = +85C -20 -25 -30 -35 IF Output Power of Each Tone PIFout(each) (dBm) 3rd Order Intermodulation Distortion IM3 (dBm) -40 -50 14 fRFin = 1.9 GHz fLOin = 1.66 GHz PLOin = -10 dBm fIFout = 240 MHz VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V -30 -20 -40 -10 RF Input Power PRFin (dBm) IF Output Power PIFout (dBm) 0 IF OUTPUT POWER OF EACH TONE, IM3 vs. RF INPUT POWER 0 -10 Pout -30 -50 -60 -70 -50 -15 VCC = 2.7 V -20 VCC = 3.0 V -25 fRFin = 1.9 GHz fLOin = 1.66 GHz PLOin = -10 dBm fIFout = 240 MHz VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V -30 -35 -30 -20 -40 -10 RF Input Power PRFin (dBm) 0 15 10 -40 VCC = 3.3 V -10 CONVERSION GAIN vs. LO INPUT POWER 20 -20 -5 -40 -50 0 IM3 fRFin1 = 1.9 GHz fRFin2 = 1.905 GHz fLOin = 1.66 GHz PLOin = -10 dBm VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V fIFout = 240 MHz -30 -20 -40 -10 RF Input Power PRFin (dBm) 0 Conversion Gain CG (dB) IF Output Power PIFout (dBm) 0 10 5 0 -5 fRFin = 1.9 GHz PRFin = -40 dBm fLOin = 1.66 GHz fIFout = 240 MHz VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V -10 -15 -50 Data Sheet P12808EJ3V0DS00 -40 -30 -20 0 -10 LO Input Power PLOin (dBm) 10 PC8112TB CONVERSION GAIN vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGE SSB NOISE FIGURE vs. LO INPUT POWER 20 10 fRFin = 1.9 GHz PRFin = -40 dBm fLOin = 1.66 GHz PLOin = -10 dBm fIFout = 240 MHz VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V 5 0 2 3 3.5 2.5 Supply Voltage VCC (V) SSB Noise Figure SSB*NF (dB) Conversion Gain CG (dB) 15 18 16 14 12 10 6 -40 4 -20 -10 -30 LO Input Power PLOin (dBm) 0 5 SSB NOISE FIGURE vs. OPERATING AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CONVERSION GAIN vs. IF OUTPUT FREQUENCY 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 fRFin = 1.9 GHz PRFin = -40 dBm PLOin = -10 dBm VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V -15 -20 0 300 400 100 200 500 IF Output Frequency fIFout (MHz) 600 SSB Noise Figure SSB*NF (dB) 15 Conversion Gain CG (dB) fRFin = 1.9 GHz fLOin = 1.66 GHz fIFout = 240 MHz VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V 8 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 fRFin = 1.9 GHz fLOin = 1.66 GHz PLOin = -10 dBm VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V 7 6 5 -40 100 0 60 20 80 40 -20 Operating Ambient Temperature TA (C) Remark The graphs indicate nominal characteristics. Data Sheet P12808EJ3V0DS00 15 PC8112TB 13. S-PARAMETERS 13.1 Calibrated on pin of DUT S11 Z REF 1.0 Units 1 200.0 mUnits/ 76.656 -421.67 hp S11 Z REF 1.0 Units 1 200.0 mUnits/ 62.711 -224.07 hp MARKER 1 500.0 MHz MARKER 1 500.0 MHz 1 1 2 5 4 RF PORT VCC = VPS = 3.0V 1:500 MHz 62.711 -j224.07 2:900 MHz 48.977 -j219.18 3:1 500 MHz 40.641 -j129.94 4:1 900 MHz 37.422 -j101.51 5:2 500 MHz 34.801 -j74.141 2 3 5 RF PORT VCC = 3.0V VPS = GND 1:500 MHz 76.656 -j421.67 2:900 MHz 53.102 -j234.55 3:1 500 MHz 44.844 -j140.82 4:1 900 MHz 40.898 -j109.73 5:2 500 MHz 38.063 -j80.547 START 0.050000000 GHz STOP 3.000000000 GHz 4 3 START 0.050000000 GHz STOP 3.000000000 GHz S11 Z REF 1.0 Units 1 200.0 mUnits/ 135.53 -575.06 hp S11 Z REF 1.0 Units 1 200.0 mUnits/ 169.11 -429.98 hp MARKER 1 500.0 MHz MARKER 1 500.0 MHz 1 1 2 2 5 LO PORT VCC = VPS = 3.0V 1:500 MHz 169.11 -j429.98 2:900 MHz 91.875 -j263.7 3:1 500 MHz 60.781 -j162.56 4:1 900 MHz 56.789 -j125.66 5:2 500 MHz 49.652 -j97.602 4 3 5 LO PORT VCC = 3.0V VPS = GND 1:500 MHz 135.53 -j575.06 2:900 MHz 78.266 -j337.66 3:1 500 MHz 55.883 -j201.43 4:1 900 MHz 52.734 -j159.63 5:2 500 MHz 44.262 -j122.66 START 0.050000000 GHz STOP 3.000000000 GHz S22 Z REF 1.0 Units 1 200.0 mUnits/ 201.00 -1.7173 k hp 16 3 START 0.050000000 GHz STOP 3.000000000 GHz S22 Z REF 1.0 Units 1 200.0 mUnits/ 056.56 -1.7468 k hp MARKER 1 100.0 MHz IF PORT VCC = VPS = 3.0V 1:100 MHz 201.88 -j1.7173 k 2:240 MHz 92.094 -j715.72 4 MARKER 1 100.0 MHz START 0.050000000 GHz STOP 3.000000000 GHz 1 1 2 2 IF PORT VCC = 3.0V VPS = GND 1:100 MHz 56.56 -j1.7468 k 2:240 MHz 85.5 -j722.22 Data Sheet P12808EJ3V0DS00 START 0.050000000 GHz STOP 3.000000000 GHz PC8112TB 13.2 IF Output Matching (VCC = VPS = VIFout = 3.0 V) -on Test Circuit- (This S11 is monitored at IF connector on test circuit fixture) IF 100 MHz MATCHING S11 1 hp U FS 1: 50.277 IF 240 MHz MATCHING -22.559 70.552 pF 100.000 000 MHz S11 1 hp MARKER 1 100 MHz U FS 1 : 31.052 -84.961 m 7.8053 nF 240.000 000 MHz MARKER 1 240 MHz 1 1 START 50.000 000 MHz S11 STOP 3 000.000 000 MHz log MAG. 10 dB/ REF 0 dB 1 : -27.655 dB hp 102.366 002 MHz MARKER 1 102.366002 MHz START 50.000 000 MHz S11 STOP 3 000.000 000 MHz log MAG. 10 dB/ REF 0 dB 1 : -13.556 dB hp 241.770 000 MHz MARKER 1 241.770000 MHz 1 1 START 90.000 000 MHz STOP 110.000 000 MHz START 230.000 000 MHz STOP 250.000 000 MHz The data in this page are to make clear the test condition of impedance matched to next stage, not specify the recommended condition. The S11 smith charts of the test fixture setting IC are normalized to ZO = 50 , because the IC's load is the measurement equipment of 50 impedance. In your use, the output return loss value can be helpful information to adjust your circuit matching to next stage. Data Sheet P12808EJ3V0DS00 17 PC8112TB 14. PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 6-PIN SUPER MINIMOLD (UNIT: mm) 2.10.1 0.2+0.1 -0.05 0.65 0.65 1.3 2.00.2 1.250.1 18 Data Sheet P12808EJ3V0DS00 0.15+0.1 -0.05 0 to 0.1 0.7 0.90.1 0.1 MIN. PC8112TB 15. NOTE ON CORRECT USE (1) Observe precautions for handling because of electro-static sensitive devices. (2) Form a ground pattern as widely as possible to minimize ground impedance (to prevent undesired oscillation). Keep the track length of the ground pins as short as possible. (3) The bypass capacitor (example: 1 000 pF) should be attached to the VCC pin. (4) The matching circuit should be externally attached to the IF output pin. (5) The DC cut capacitor must be each attached to the input and output pins. 16. RECOMMENDED SOLDERING CONDITIONS This product should be soldered under the following recommended conditions. For soldering methods and conditions other than those recommended below, contact your NEC sales representative. Soldering Method Infrared Reflow Soldering Condition Recommended Condition Symbol Package peak temperature: 235C or below IR35-00-3 Time: 30 seconds or less (at 210C) Count: 3, Exposure limit: None VPS Note Package peak temperature: 215C or below VP15-00-3 Time: 40 seconds or less (at 200C) Count: 3, Exposure limit: None Wave Soldering Note Soldering bath temperature: 260C or below WS60-00-1 Time: 10 seconds or less Count: 1, Exposure limit: None Partial Heating Note - Pin temperature: 300C Time: 3 seconds or less (per side of device) Exposure limit: None Note Note After opening the dry pack, keep it in a place below 25C and 65% RH for the allowable storage period. Caution Do not use different soldering methods together (except for partial heating). For details of recommended soldering conditions for surface mounting, refer to information document SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE MOUNTING TECHNOLOGY MANUAL (C10535E). Data Sheet P12808EJ3V0DS00 19