Document Number: 001-69257 Rev. *F Page 31 of 39
Development Tool Selection
PSoC Designer™
At the core of the PSoC development software suite is
PSoC Designer, used to generate PSoC firmware applications.
PSoC Designer is a Microsoft® Windows-based, integrated
development environment for the Programmable System-on-
Chip (PSoC) devices. The PSoC Designer IDE and application
runs on Windows XP and Windows Vista.
This system provides design database management by project,
in-system programming support, and built-in support for third-
party assemblers and C compilers. PSoC Designer also
supports C language compilers developed specifically for the
devices in the PSoC family. PSoC Designer is available free of
charge at
http://www.cypress.com/psocdesigner and includes a free C
PSoC Designer Software Subsystems
You choose a base device to work with and then select different
onboard analog and digital components called user modules that
use the PSoC blocks. Examples of user modules are ADCs,
DACs, Amplifiers, and Filters. You configure the user modules
for your chosen application and connect them to each other and
to the proper pins. Then you generate your project. This
prepopulates your project with APIs and libraries that you can
use to program your application.
The tool also supports easy development of multiple
configurations and dynamic reconfiguration. Dynamic
reconfiguration allows for changing configurations at run time.
Code Generation Tools PSoC Designer supports multiple third-
party C compilers and assemblers. The code generation tools
work seamlessly within the PSoC Designer interface and have
been tested with a full range of debugging tools. The choice is
Assemblers. The assemblers allow assembly code to be
merged seamlessly with C code. Link libraries automatically use
absolute addressing or are compiled in relative mode, and linked
with other software modules to get absolute addressing.
C Language Compilers. C language compilers are available
that support the PSoC family of devices. The products allow you
to create complete C programs for the PSoC family devices. The
optimizing C compilers provide all the features of C tailored to
the PSoC architecture. They come complete with embedded
libraries providing port and bus operations, standard keypad and
display support, and extended math functionality.
PSoC Programmer
PSoC Programmer is flexible enough and is used on the bench
in development and is also suitable for factory programming.
PSoC Programmer works either as a standalone programming
application or operates directly from PSoC Designer. PSoC
Programmer software is compatible with both PSoC ICE Cube
in-circuit Emulator and PSoC MiniProg. PSoC programmer is
available free of cost at
Development Kits
All development kits are sold at the Cypress Online Store.
Evaluation Tools
All evaluation tools are sold at the Cypress Online Store.
The CY3210-MiniProg1 kit allows you to program PSoC devices
through the MiniProg1 programming unit. The MiniProg is a
small, compact prototyping programmer that connects to the PC
through a provided USB 2.0 cable. The kit includes:
■MiniProg programming unit
■MiniEval socket programming and evaluation board
■28-pin CY8C29466-24PXI PDIP PSoC device sample
■28-pin CY8C27443-24PXI PDIP PSoC device sample
■PSoC Designer software CD
■Getting Started guide
■USB 2.0 cable
The CY3210-PSoCEval1 kit features an evaluation board and
the MiniProg1 programming unit. The evaluation board includes
an LCD module, potentiometer, LEDs, and plenty of bread-
boarding space to meet all of your evaluation needs. The kit
■Evaluation board with LCD module
■MiniProg programming unit
■Two 28-pin CY8C29466-24PXI PDIP PSoC device samples
■PSoC Designer software CD
■Getting Started guide
■USB 2.0 cable
Device Programmers
All device programmers are purchased from the Cypress Online
CY3216 Modular Programmer
The CY3216 Modular Programmer kit features a modular
programmer and the MiniProg1 programming unit. The modular
programmer includes three programming module cards and
supports multiple Cypress products. The kit includes:
■Modular programmer base
■Three programming module cards
■MiniProg programming unit
■PSoC Designer software CD
■Getting Started guide
■USB 2.0 cable