COG (NPO) Dielectric f. rm General Specifications COG (NPO) is the most popular formulation of the ternper- ature-compensating, EIA Class | ceramic materials. Modern NPO formulations contain neodymium, samarium and other rare earth oxides. NPO ceramics offer one of the most stable capacitor dielectrics available. Capacitance change with temperature is QO +30ppm/C which is less than +0.3% A C from -55C to +125C. Capacitance drift or hysteresis for NPO ceramics is negligible at less than +0.05% versus up to +2% for films. Typical capacitance change with life is less than +0.1% for NPOs, one-fifth that shown by most other dielectrics. NPO formulations show no aging characteristics. The NPO formulation usually has a Q in excess of 1000 and shows little capacitance or Q changes with frequency. Their dielectric absorption is typically less than 0.6% which is similar to mica and most films. (see pat 5 A 2 A = an qT ] Size Voltage Dielectric Capacitance Capacitance Failure Terminations Packaging Special (L" x W*) 25V =3 COG (NPO) =A Code Tolerance Rate T = Plated Ni 2= 7" Reel Code 50V=5 Preferred A= Not and Solder = Paper/Unmarked A= Std. 100V = 1 K = 410% Applicable Product 200V = 2 J=+5% PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Capacitance Range 0.5 pF to .068 UF (1.0 +0.2 Vrms, 1kHz, for <100 pF use 1 MHz} Capacitance Tolerances Preferred +5%, +10% others available: +.25 pF, +.5 pF, +1% (225pF}, +2%(213pF), +20% For values < 10 pF preferred tolerance is +.5 pF, also available +.25 pF. Operating Temperature Range -55C to +125C Temperature Characteristic 0+ 30 pom/C (EIA COG) Voltage Ratings 25, 50, 100 & 200 VDC (+125C) Dissipation Factor and Q For values >30 pF: 0.1% max. (+25C and +125C) For values $30 pF: Q = 400 + 20 x C (C in pF) Insulation Resistance (+25C, RVDC) 100,000 megohms min. or 1000 MQ - uF min., whichever is less insulation Resistance (+125C, RVDC) 10,000 megohms min. or 100 MQ - pF min., whichever is less Dielectric Strength 250% of rated voltage for 5 seconds at 50 mamp max. current Test Voltage 140.2 Vims Test Frequency For values $100 pF: 1 MHz For values >100 pF: 1 KHz 8 INADA COG (NPO) Dielectric Typical Characteristic Curves ** Temperature Coefficient Variation of Impedance with Cap Vaiue Impedance vs. Frequency PO 10 pF vs. 100 pF vs. 1000 pF + e a % A Capacitance wn OQ et = % A Capacitance Qo 9,000 insulation Resistance (Ohm-Farads) 55-35-15 45 42 +45 Temperature C 100 KHz +85 +105 +4 A Capacitance vs. Frequency 1 MHz Insulation Resistance vs Temperature +60 +860 +100 Temperature C 10 MHz Impedance, 1 impedance, (2 Frequency, MHz Variation of Impedance with Chip Size impedance vs. Frequency 1000 pF - NPO 4100 Frequency, MHz Variation of impedance with Ceramic Formulation impedance vs. Frequency 1000 pF - NPO vs X7AR 0805 Impedance, Q SUMMARY OF CAPACITANCE RANGES VS. CHIP SIZE Fraquency, MAZ Style 25V 50V 100V 200V 0402* O.5pF - 220pF O.5pF - 120pF _ 0504. 0.50F - 330pF 0.5pF - 150pF O.5pF - 68pF 0603* O.5pF - 1nF O.5pF - nF 0.5pF - 330pF _ 0805* O.5pF - 4.7nF O0.5pF - 2.2nF 0.5pF - inF 0.5pF - 470pF 1206* 0.5pF - 10nF 0.5pF - 4.7nF O.5pF - 2.2nF O.5pF - 1nF 1210* 560pF - 10nF 560pF - 10nF 560pF - 3.9nF 560pF - 1.5nF 1505 _ 10pF - 1.5nF 1OpF - 820pF 1OpF - S560pF 1808 > tnF - 4.7nF InF - 3.9nF INF - 2.2nF 18142" ink - 15nF inf - 10nF ink - 4.7nF inF - 3.3nF 1825* aad InF - 22nF tnF - 12nF InF - 6.8nF 2220 > 4.7nF - 47 nF 4.7nF - 39nF 3.3nF - 27nF 2225 ~ inF - 68nF ink - 39nF InF - 39nF * Standard Sizes **For additional information on performance changes with operating conditions consult AVXs software SpiCap. INAS COG (NPO) Dielectric Capacitance Range ca SIZE 1206 1505 MM (L) Length fin) 1.27 2.25 (060 + 010} 1.004.168 (.063 + 006) 2.01.2 20 (079-2 008} 3.20 4.20 (126 + 008) B.8t +25 (150 + O10) q MM (Wy Width fin) 1.02 + .25 (040 .010) 8ts 16 (032 008} 1.28 2.20 (049 = 008} 1.60 .20 {063 + 008) 1.27 2 26 {050 = 010} MM Max, Thickness ") fin) 1.02 (.040) (085) 4.30 (651) 4.50 {059} 127 (050) MM {} Terminal (n) 38 2.13 {018 + 005) 35 #18 (014 + 006) 4.28 {020 + 01 BO + 28 (020 + 010} OO 2 25 {020 + 010: WDC Cap 05 (ph) 4.0 4.2 1.5 18 22 27 3.3 3.9 47 5.6 68 8.2 10 12 16 18 22 27 3 39 47 56 68 82 26 50 100 25 50 100 820 4200 1500 25 50 | 100 200 1800 2200 270) 2 50 | 100 50 10 200 toy "| 3300 4700 5600 6800 8200 es 40000 *IR and vapor phase soldering only recommended. NOTES: For higher voltage chips, see pages 24 and 25. 10 INAK COG (NPO) Dielectric Capacitance Range ial ii SIZE 1210 1808* 1812* 1825" 2200 2205 (Length MM 3.20 +. 657 *.25 43+ 4.50 + 30 5.7 +.40 5.72 2.25 (in.) {.126 + 008) {.180 + 010} (477 + 012) (477 = O12 (225 016) (.225 = O10} ON) Width MM 2502 20 2.03 + 25 3.20 4.20 6.44.40. 502.40 6.35 = .25 (in} (098 + 008) (.080 + 010} (128 = 008} (252 + 016} L197 = 016) (250 + 010} . MM 170 1.52 1.76 1.70 2.30 1.70 Max. Thicks Max. Thickness fin} (067) (060) (067) (067 (090) 1067) &) Terminal MM Dt 26 84+ .39 Bt + 38. 81 + 36 64+ 39 64+ 39 . tin) (020 + 010} {.025 + .015) (024 + 014) 024 + O14) (025 + 015) (025 + 015) WYDC 25 50 100 | 200 50 100 200 25 50 100 50 100 200 100 200 50 100 200 Cap 560 : (pF) 680 ae 1000 1200 1506 > 1800 { 2200 2700 3300 3900 4700 600 6800 ij 8200 a Cap. O10 z uF) O12 O15 018 022 O27 033 i 033 : ee O47 068 *IR and vapor phase soldering only recommended. NOTES: For higher voltage chips, see pages 24 and 25. INA 4