Technical Note RN-111b-UG-1.0
WiFLy RN-111B
802.11b “wifi” wireless LAN – OEM Module
Integration Guide and Users Manual
Version 1.25
June 19, 2009
Copyright © 2008 Roving Networks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The contents of this document can be changed by Roving networks without prior notice
and do not constitute any binding undertakings from Roving networks. Roving networks
is not responsible under any circumstances for direct, indirect, unexpected damage or
consequent damage that is caused by this document.
Printed in the United States of America.
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1. Contents
RN-111B Overview ............................................................................................................ 3
RN-111B Features ....................................................................................................... 3
RN-111B Options ........................................................................................................ 3
RN-111B Specifications .............................................................................................. 4
RN-111B Block Diagram ............................................................................................ 4
RN-111B Electrical Characteristics ............................................................................. 5
RN-111B Operating and Environmental Conditions .................................................. 5
RN-111B Dimensions .................................................................................................. 6
RN-111B Pin Description ............................................................................................ 6
Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 7
Hardware Interface ...................................................................................................... 7
Configuration ............................................................................................................... 8
LED indications ........................................................................................................... 8
WiFLY Command Reference ............................................................................................. 9
SET COMMANDS .................................................................................................... 10
GET COMMANDS ................................................................................................... 13
STATUS COMMANDS ............................................................................................ 13
ACTION COMMANDS ............................................................................................ 14
FILE IO COMMANDS ............................................................................................. 14
System timers and other features ...................................................................................... 15
Wake on Sensor INPUTs ........................................................................................... 15
Wake on UART ......................................................................................................... 16
Uart Receiver, RTS/CTS Hardware Flow Control .................................................... 16
Setting PIO directions, Disabling LED drivers ......................................................... 16
Alternate IO functions ............................................................................................... 17
4.6 Setting Print levels ............................................................................................... 17
Making an Outbound Connection .................................................................................... 18
FTP Upgrade and Image Storage ..................................................................................... 19
Security and Authentication Modes ................................................................................. 20
Factory Default Power up Settings ................................................................................... 21
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2. RN-111B Overview
The RN-111b “WiFly” radio module is a complete, stand alone, embedded wireless
LAN access device. The device has on board TCP/IP stack and applications. Requiring
only 4 pins (POWER, TX, RX, GND) to design in. Once initial configuration is set, the
radio can automatically access the WiFi network and send/receive serial data over UART.
Fully Qualified 2.4GHz IEEE 802.11b Wireless LAN radio module.
32bit CPU, 230K ROM, 80KRAM, 4MB on board flash.
On board ECOS -OS, TCP/IP stacks.
3.3V UART and SPI interfaces available to various applications.
Accepts wide voltage range input 3.3V – 12VDC.
Multiple Antennae options, SMA, U.FL, ceramic Chip, ¼ wave wire.
Conforms to FCC, CE and the EMI standard of each country.
Modular Approval: FCC ID: T9J-RN111b, ICS: 6514A-RN111b, CE: 0681
RoHS compliance.
2.1. RN-111B Features
Baud rate speeds: 1200bps up to 921.6Kbps and non-standard baudrates.
Ultra low power consumption (110mA TX, 40ma RX, 12uA deep sleep).
Real time clock for timestamping, auto-sleep and auto-wake modes.
UART local configuration using simple ASCII commands.
Over the air firmware upgrade (FTP), and data file upload.
3 on board LEDs for status.
6 Programmable IO pins, 8 analog sensor inputs.
On board flash can be used for secondary applications,data logging, and stored
data forwarding at intervals to the network.
Small-form factor low profile radio modem 25mm x 36mm x 5mm.
32 pin Standard 2mm DIP socket pin spacing.
2.2. RN-111B Options
Larger flash memory (up to 16Mb) for data logging.
On board boost regulator can power from low voltage 2-3V battery source.
SMA, Chip, U.FL or wire ANT.
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2.3. RN-111B Specifications
Item Specifications
Frequency 2402 ~ 2480MHz
Channel intervals 5MHz
Number of channels 13CH
Transmission rate (over the air) 11/5.5/2/1 Mpbs
Receive sensitivity -85dBm typ.
Output level (Class1) 12dBm max.
With antenna 25.4(W)X36(L)X5(H)mm
2.4. RN-111B Block Diagram
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2.5. RN-111B Electrical Characteristics
Min Typ. Max. Unit
Supply Voltage VIN 4.0 5.0 12 VDC
Supply Voltage VDD 3.0 3.3 3.6 VDC
Supply Voltage (VBATT option) 2.0 3.0 3.3 VDC
Average power consumption
Standby/Idle (default settings) - 35 - mA
Sleep 10 12 15 uA (micro)
Connected(idle, RX) 40 mA
Connected( TX) 110 180 mA
2.6. RN-111B Operating and Environmental Conditions
Operating Temperature Range -40
C ~ 85
Storage Temperature Range -40
C ~ 85
Relative Humidity (Operating) 90%
Relative Humidity (Storage) 90%
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2.7. RN-111B Dimensions
2.8. RN-111B Pin Description
Pin Pin Name Pin Pin Name
6 SENSE-8 27 TX – data output
7 PIO6 (RED LED) 26 RX – data input
8 PIO9 (factory reset ) 25 CTS (PIO2) input
9 NO CONNECT 24 RTS (PIO3) output
11 RESET* (active LOW ) 22 PIO5 (YELLOW LED)
13 VIN (3.6-16VDC) 20 SPI_CS
14 VREG (3.3V LDO output) 19 SPI_CK
16 GND 17 VDD (3.3V )
*** NOTE: Any unused pins should be left floating.
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3. Introduction
This Integration and Users Guide, along with the RN-111b module have been developed
to assist users in embedding Wifi technology into their serial, SPI, and sensor devices.
The goal is to make the implementation of embedded Wifi wireless networks as seamless
and easy as possible. This document will explain how to setup and establish
communications between the RN-111b and Wifi enabled networks for data applications.
3.1. Hardware Interface
There are 3 options to power the RN-111b.
1. Supply 3.6 to 16VDC power to VIN (pin 13). Tie VREG (pin 14) to VBATT(pin 15).
2. Apply 3.3VDC regulated power to VDD (pin 17).
3. Apply battery = 2.0 to 3.0VDc to VBATT (pin 15).
If VIN is powered, VREG will supply 3.3VDC output and can be used for other circuits,
with a current limitation of 50 ma.
Reset is active LOW, is optional and does not need to be connected. There is a built in
voltage monitor that will pull Reset LOW (open drain FET) if the input voltage drops
below 2.7VDC. If external reset is desired, use an OPEN DRAIN driver and do not drive
the Reset pin to any voltage > 1.0 Vdc.
Warning: Do NOT exceed the voltage ratings on the 3.3V pins, damage to the module
will result.
Important Notes:
#1: RESET input is a low voltage (1.2VDC ) input, with a 10K pullup and built in
power monitor circuits. If external reset is desired, use pull down (open drain
or collector) only.
#2: The Sensor inputs SENS1-7 are extremely sensitive to over voltage. Under
no conditions should these pins be pulled high above 1.2VDC. Placing any
voltage above this will permanently damage the radio module and render it
#3: Placing 5VDC or any voltage above 3.3Vdc into the VDD pins of the module
will permanently damage the radio module. Be sure to use the VIN = pin 13
power pin for any power supplied that is > 3.3VDC.
#4: Placing 3.3Vdc into the PIO’s while they are set as outputs will permanently
damage the radio modules. The failure mode is a short across GND and VCC.
Use a 10KΩ resistor in series or a 10KΩ pull up resistor for input and output
PIO’s respectively.
Connect a common ground when using the external TX, RX inputs.
For a 3 wire DB-9 interface (tx, rx, gnd only) connect/short CTS to RTS, Factory
default is hardware flow control disabled, CTS and RTS not connected.
When using a 5.0Vdc Input, PIO’s require a 10K ohm series resistor. PIO’s are 0-
3.3Vdc not 5 volt tolerant.
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3.2. Configuration
Command Mode (vs Normal Data mode)- Upon powerup, the device will be in data
mode. To enter command mode, The characters “$$$” must be sent. The device will
respond with “CMD”. To exit command mode, send “exit<cr>”. The device will respond
with “EXIT”. Parameters, such as the SSid, Channel, IP address, Serial Port settings,
and all other settings can be viewed and configured. While in command mode, the
device will accept ASCII bytes as commands.
When passing ASCII characters through UART interface of the RN-111b, The
communications settings of your device or terminal should match the settings of the RN-
111b which default to 9600bps, 8 bits, No Parity, 1 stop bit, and hardware flow control
Run your favorite terminal emulator, Roving Networks provides a free one, Teraterm, at
Type “$$$” on your emulator. You should see “CMD returned to you. This will verify
that your cable and comm. settings are correct. Most valid commands will return an
AOK”, response, and invalid ones will return an Error description.
Commands that are not recognized will return a “ERROR: Unknown Cmd.
To exit command mode, type “exit“<cr>.
You can enter command mode locally over the serial port at any time when not
connected, and also when connected if the appropriate settings are enabled.
3.3. LED indications
Fast BLink NO IP ADDRESS WiFI Receive
Slow Blink IP ADDRESS OK ASSOCIATED, but no Internet
OFF NO power ASSOCIATED and Internet OK
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4. WiFLY Command Reference
The commands begin with a keyword, and have optional additional parameters, generally
space delimited. Commands and options are case sensitive. hex input data can be upper
or lower case. String text data, such as SSID, are also case sensitive.
The first keyword is fully decoded, and the optional parameters can be short-formed.
For example,
set uart baudrate 115200 is valid,
set uart b 115200 is also valid,
set u b 115200 is also valid, however,
s uart baudrate 115200 is NOT valid.
Numbers can be entered as either decimal, (like 115200 above ) or HEX. To enter HEX,
use 0x<value>. For example, the HEX value FF would be entered as 0xFF.
Commands fall into 5 general categories:
SET COMMANDS -Take effect immediately, permanently (save command issued).
GET COMMANDS -Retrieve the permanently stored information for display to user.
STATUS COMMANDS -See what is going on with the interface, IP status, etc.
ACTION COMMANDS- Perform action such as scan, connect, disconnect, etc.
FILE IO COMMANDS - Upgrade, load and save configuration, delete files, etc.
When the system boots, all configuration data is loaded into RAM variables from the file
called “config”. The set commands actually only modify the RAM copy of variables in the
system. This allows temporary change of parameters “on the fly” to test features,
minimizes power usage and saves on flash re-write cycles.
Once all configuration is complete, the user should be sure to use the save command to
store the configuration data, otherwise it will not take effect upon reboot or reset.
Multiple configurations can be stored by using the save <filename> command, and
these configurations can be loaded using the load <filename> command. These files can
be upload to remote FTP site, such that once a desired configuration is created, it can
quickly be copied into additional devices (cloning).
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These commands begin with “set”. There are 6 major categories.
1. COMM- communication and data transfer, timers, matching chars.
IP -IP settings.
SYS - system settings such as sleep and wake timers.
TIME - timer server settings.
UART - serial port settings such as baudrate and parity.
WLAN - wireless interface settings, such as ssid, chan, and security options.
COMM PARAMETERS – TCP connection status strings
set comm close <string> sets the string to send locally when the port is closed.
If no string is desired, use the command set comm close (without the parameter)
set comm open <string> sets the string to send locally when the port is opened.
set comm remote <string> sets the number of bytes to receive before forwarding.
COMM PARAMETERS – receive data forwarding
set comm idle <secs> sets the idle disconnect timer in seconds, causes
disconnect if no transmit or receive data is seen.
set comm match <value> sets the decimal value of the matching character to
search for to initiate forwarding. 0 disables.
set comm size <value> sets the number of bytes to receive before forwarding
0-1 forwards immediately. maximum value = 255 bytes.
set comm time <num *10ms> sets the number of 10 millisecond intervals after a
byte is received to begin forwarding data. 0 disables.
set ip address <addr> sets the IP address. Numbers are SPACE delimited.
Example : “set ip a 10 10 10 2
set ip dchp <0,1> Enable or disable DHCP client.
set ip gateway <addr> sets the gateway address.
set ip host <addr> sets the remote host address.
set ip backup <addr> sets a secondary host address.
set ip localport <num> sets the local port number.
set ip netmask <value> sets the netmask.
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set ip protocol <0,1,2,3> sets the protocol. 0=UDP, 1=TCP client, 2=TCP server,
3=UDP server.
set ip remote <value> sets the remote host port number.
set ip ftp <addr> sets the ftp server address.
set ip uport <num> sets the ftp server port number.
set sys autoconn <secs> TCP mode: sets the auto-connect TCP timer. 0 disables.
set sys autosleep <num *10ms> UDP mode: sets the auto-sleep timer. 0 disables.
set sys iofunc <value> sets the IO port alternate functions. Bit-mapped value.
set sys mask <mask> sets the IO port direction mask. Bit-mapped value.
set sys printlvl <value> sets numerous print functions. Bit-mapped value.
set sys output <value> <mask> sets output PIO pins to HIGH or LOW.
Bit-mapped value. Optional mask only sets a subset of pins.
set sys sleep <secs> sets the sleep timer. 0 disables.
set sys trigger <value> sets the sensor input to wake on (1-4). 0 disables.
set sys wake <secs> sets the auto wake timer. 0 disables.
set time address <addr> sets the time server address. This is also the server
address for UDP packet mode.
set time port <num> sets the time server port number.
set time enable <0,1,2> Enable or disable time server. 1= get time on powerup.
2=get time continuously every 60 seconds.
set uart parity <n,e,o> sets the UART parity.
Example : “set u p e” sets even parity
set uart baud <rate> {1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200,
230400, 460800, 921600 }.
Example : “set u b 9600” sets the baudrate to 9600 baud.
set uart raw <rate> sets a RAW uart value. Used to set non-standard rates.
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Example : “set u r 760” sets the baudrate to 7200 baud.
set uart flow <0,1> sets the flow control mode. 0=off, 1= hardware RTS/CTS.
set uart tx <0, 1> Disables or enables the TX pin= PIO0 of the UART. Disable will
set PIO0 to an INPUT with weak pulldown.
set wlan auth <value> sets the authentication level. 0= disabled, 1=WPA-PSK,
2=WPA2-PSK, 3=WEP-128.
set wlan channel <value> sets the wlan channel, 1-13 is the valid range for a fixed
channel. If 0 is set, then a probe scan is performed, using the ssid,
for all the channels set in the channel mask.
set wlan key <num> <value> sets the WEP key. key must be
EXACTLY 13 bytes (26 ASCII chars). Data is expected in HEX format, “0x” should NOT
be used here.
Example : “set w k 112233445566778899AABBCCDD”
Hex digits > 9 can be either upper or lower case.
set wlan mask <value> sets the wlan channel mask, bit-mapped value. Bit 0 = ch 1.
set wlan num <value> sets the default WEP key to use. 1-4 is the valid range.
Example : “set w n 2” sets the default key to 2.
set wlan phrase <string> sets the passphrase for WPA security modes. 1-64 chars.
The passphrase can be alpha and numeric, and is used along with the ssid to generate a
unique 32 byte Pre-shared key (PSK), which is then hashed into a 256 bit number.
However, if exactly 64 chars are entered, it is assumed that this entry is already an
ASCII HEX representation of the 32 byte PSK and no such processing is done.
Example : “set w p password” sets the phrase.
set wlan ssid <string> sets the wlan ssid to associate with. 1-32 chars.
set wlan rate <value> sets the preferred wlan data rate. Default = 1. Valid settings
are: 1 = 1MBit, 2 = 2Mbit, 4=5Mbit, 8 = 11Mbit. Note that the
effective range will be reduced as the datarate is increased.
set wlan window <value> sets the TCP max. buffer size. Default is 1460 bytes.
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These commands begin with “get”. They represent the stored values as configured.
get com display comm. settings.
get ip display IP address and port number settings.
get mac display the device MAC address.
get port return current value of the PIO pins in hex format.
get sys display system settings, sleep, wake timers, etc.
get time display the time server UDP address and port number.
get wlan display the ssid, chan, and other wlan settings.
get uart display the UART settings.
In addition to the above, there are a few other useful commands available.
ver return the software release version
These commands begin with “show”, and they return the current values of
variables in the system. In some cases, for example IP addresses, the current values
are received from the network, and may not match the stored values.
show net Displays current network status, association, authentication, etc.
show rssi Displays current last received signal strength.
show stats Displays current statistics, packet rx/tx counters, etc.
show time Displays number of seconds since last powerup or reboot
show i Displays IO pin levels status in this HEX format: 8ABC
Example: show I returns 8103 indicates pins 0, 1 and 9 high level.
show c Displays connection status in this HEX format: 8XYZ
Bit loc 13-16 9-12 7 6 5 4 0-3
function fixed channel DNS found DNS server Authen Assoc TCP status
value 8 1-13 1=resolved 1=
1= OK 1=OK 0= Idle,
4= Connecting
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$$$ Enter command mode Characters are PASSED until this exact
sequence is seen. If any bytes are seen before these chars, or after
these chars, in a 1 second window, command mode will not be
entered and these bytes will be passed on to other side.
close Disconnect a TCP connection.
exit Exit command mode. Exit command mode. “EXIT” will be displayed.
open TCP connect. The device will attempt to connect to the remote
stored address and port number.
Ping <g,ip adr> <num> Ping remote host. Default sends 1 packet. Optional <num>
sends <num> pings at 10 pings per second.
Use “Ping 0” to terminate a ping command.
ping g pings the gateway.
reboot Forces a reboot of the device (similar to power cycle)
scan <time> <active> Performs an active probe scan of access points on all 13
channels, and prints out MAC address, receive signal strength, and
SSID name. Optional <time> in ms to scan per channel, default =
200ms. If the <active> option is set = 0, passive scan is
performed. This command will cause the device to disassociate if it
is connected to an AP, and the user should reboot the device once
scanning is complete.
time Sends a UDP time server request packet out.
del <name> <num> deletes a file. Optional <num> will override the name and use
the sector number shown in the “ls” command.
load <name> reads in a new config file.
ls Displays the files in the system
save Saves the configuration to “config” (the default file).
save <name> Saves the configuration data to a new file name
set boot <file#> Makes file# the new boot image.
set factory 1 Loads factory defaults into the RAM configuration.
ftp get <name> Retrieves a file from the remote FTP server. If <name> not
specified, the default “wifly.img” filename is used.
ftp update <name> Deletes the backup image, retrieves new image and updates the
boot image.
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5. System timers and other features
There are 2 timers that can be used to put the module to sleep, and perform a wake up.
If the sleep timer is enabled, the module will automatically go into low power mode after
the timer counts down to 0. The countdown is disabled if the module has an IP
connection, or the module is in COMMAND mode. The timer is reset when characters
are received on the UART.
The sleep timer is set with : set sys sleep <time> time=decimal in seconds.
The wake timer is set with: set sys wake <time> time=decimal in seconds.
UDP sleep, and Connection timers
There is another timer than can be used to put the device to sleep.
In UDP protocol mode, the auto-conn timer is re-defined as an auto-sleep timer.
Upon the start of transmission of the first UDP data packet this timer will count down.
set sys autosleep <value> UDP mode: sets the auto-sleep timer. 0 disables
the timer is decremented every 10 milliseconds. Because the timer is asynchronous, the
actual value can vary by 10ms. Using a minimum value of 2 is recommended to ensure
that the UDP packet gets transmitted. For larger packets the value should be increased.
In TCP-Client mode, the auto-conn timer is used as a connect out timer. If set, the
device will automatically attempt a connection when the timer expires.
set sys autoconn <secs>
In TCP-Client AND TCP-Server mode, there is also a disconnect timer.
set comm idle <secs> sets the idle disconnect timer. This causes a disconnect if no
transmit or receive data is seen.
5.1. Wake on Sensor INPUTs
There are 4 inputs available to wake the module from sleep, SENS1-4.
To enable 1 of these inputs, use: set sys trigger <0,1,2,3,4>. 0 disables.
Only the SENS1 input has a resistor divider ( 24K in series with 10K to GROUND) which
allows this pin to tolerate 3V logic. The other sensor pins DO NOT, so care must be taken.
WARNING: Under no conditions should the voltage on any SENS2-8 input exceed
1.2VDC. Permanent damage to the module will result.
The SENS1-4 inputs have a small current source that is activated in sleep mode. This source
is approximately 100nA, and will cause the input to float up to about 1.2VDC. IF SENSE1
for example, is enabled, pulling the SENS1 pin to GROUND will wake the device. An open
drain FET is a good device to tie to the pin. The threshold is about 500mV. Additional
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pullup to 1.2VDC may need be used if the circuit has an impedance (due to leakage current)
of less than 5Mohms ( 500mv / 100nA ). SENS1-4 pins that are not used should be left
5.2. Wake on UART
When the module is in Sleep mode, the UART itself is disabled. However, wake on UART
can be accomplished by connecting the SENS1 pin to the RX data pin.
To enable or disable this function, use: set sys trig 1.
It should be noted that the first byte sent into the module will likely be lost, so the designer
should take care to send a preamble byte to wake up the module before sending valid data
5.3. Uart Receiver, RTS/CTS Hardware Flow Control
The UART receive buffer is approx. 1024 bytes, and at lower baudrates (9600, 19200) the
system can process data into the device without need for flow control.
If constant streaming of data into RX on the device is required, care should be taken to set the
comm parameters to optimize the performance. If data has a termination char, this can be
used. Also, if data has a particular frame size, this can be used.
set comm match <value> sets the value of the packet terminator.
set comm size <value> sets the number of bytes to receive before forwarding
0-1 forwards immediately. maximum value = 255 bytes.
The comm size is automatically set whenever the baudrate is set, but should be modified if
Even at higher baudrates (115K and higher ) it is possible to operate without flow control if
packets are uniform and a protocol is used to ensure that data is delivered on the remote side
before the next packet is sent.
However, given the uncertainty of packet delays in a TCP/IP network and the affects of loss
and retries inherent in wireless networks, flow control is usually required to guarantee no data
is lost.
GPIO 2 and 3 implement UART hardware flow control if enabled.
By default flow control is disabled. To enable hardware flow contol, use
set uart flow 1.
5.4. Setting PIO directions, Disabling LED drivers
The table below shows the usage of the PIO pins and their default values:
Use the command: s
et sys mask <hex val>
to enable or disable certain pins as outputs.
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For example, set sys mask 0 will default all pins to INPUT.
Note that PIO 7, and 8 are used internally by the module and cannot be changed.
Setting or clearing bits in these locations will be ignored.
5.5. Alternate IO functions
There are a number of alternate IO functions that can be enabled. These functions override
the default IO function given in section 4.4, and described in the LED table of section 2.3.
If no bits are set for a particular PIO pin, that pin is available to be used as general purpose
input or output, based on the IOMASK setting.
set sys iofunc <value> sets numerous alternate functions. Bit-mapped value.
Bit Function
0 PIO4 - Output. HIGH once associated/authenticated and have IP address.
1 PIO5 - Input. Set HIGH to trigger TCP connection, LOW to disconnect.
2 PIO6 - Output. HIGH when connected over TCP, LOW when disconnected.
5.6. 4.6 Setting Print levels
There are a number of print functions that can be enabled to assist in debugging the operation
and status of the module. The following command is used to control these printouts.
set sys printlvl <value> sets additional print functions. Bit-mapped value.
Bit Function
1 Print startup messages showing progress of association, dhcp, etc.
Once the configuration has been checked, this can then be turned off so that these messages
do not interfere with the datastream.
9 input Used for factory reset
8,7 NA Not available
6 output RED LED- (Associated, internet OK/ TCP conn )
5 output YELLOW LED – (wifi RX or RSSI )
4 output GREEN LED - (system status /ASSOC-AUTH)
3 output UART RTS – goes HIGH on POWERUP, LOW once system is READY.
If HW Flow control enabled, toggles HIGH to indicate RX buffer full.
2 input UART CTS – throttles transmitter if HW flow control enabled.
LOW enables transmitter, HIGH will disable.
1 input UART RX
0 output UART TX
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6. Making an Outbound Connection
Setup steps:
set the remote IP address with set ip host 10 10 10 20 for example. default remote
port is 2000, set the port with set ip remote 4000 if you need to change it.
Open the Connection: choose one of three ways.
A: go into command mode using $$$ and then send the OPEN command.
You can simply connect in-line with OPEN 10 10 10 20 2000 for example.
B: set PIO5 to control the TCP connection ( use set sys io 1 to configure it )
Then setting PIO5 will connect, low will disconnect.
C: Auto connect after timer by using the command set sys auto 5 for example.
This will automatically connect 5 seconds after powerup.
Monitoring Connect Status: if needed, connection status can be monitored by
A: reading PIO6. use the command set sys io 2 to enable this mode.
B: Setup a string to be sent upon connect and disconnect:
set comm open %OPEN sends %OPEN out of the UART when the port is opened
set comm close %CLOSE sends %CLOSE out of the UART when the port is closed
set comm remote $HELLO sends $HELLO to the remote host upon port opened.
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7. FTP Upgrade and Image Storage
Image Storage
WiFly contains a built file system for storing the firmware image(s). Files can be viewed with
the ls command. Here is an example result:
File# Size
2 12 wifly-1.05
14 1 config
113 Free, Boot=2, Backup=22.
Multiple files can be stored, and the boot image can be modified per below.
FTP Upload and Upgrade
WiFly contains a built in FTP client for getting files and updating the firmware. The client
uses passive mode FTP, which allows operation thru firewalls and the Internet.
There are 3 fixed settings that need to be used. The username is roving. The password
is Pass123. The default directory is /public.
To setup FTP, the IP address of the remote server is stored using this command:
set ip ftp <addr> sets the ftp server address. .
To use FTP, enter the following command:
ftp get <name> Retrieves remote file.
Firmware Upgrade - automatic
To use FTP to upgrade the firmware, enter the following command:
ftp upload <filename> (filename is optional, default is “wifly.img” )
This will overwrite the current backup image, and updates the boot image.
Here is an example of what you should see after a successful update:
File# Size Flgs
2 12 3 wifly-1.23-WPA2 (old image)
14 1 10 config
15 12 3 wifly-1.26-OPEN (new image)
101 Free, Boot=15, Backup=2.
Firmware Upgrade – manual
If it desirable to keep old images, retrieve the file using ftp get, and then use the
Set boot <sector> command to set the current boot image number
Roving Networks Wifly RN-111B User Guide Version 1.23
Phone 408-395-6539
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8. Security and Authentication Modes
The current release of Wifly firmware supports these security modes:
WEP-128 (open mode only, NOT shared mode )
WPA2-PSK (AES only)
WPA1-PSK (TKIP only) this requires special firmware.
For WEP-128, shared mode is not supported as it is know to be quite easily
compromised, and has been deprecated from the WiFi standards.
Roving Networks discourages the use of WPA1-PSK as it has been proven that mode can
be compromised easily. Other modes, such as WPA-PSK mixed mode, and WPAenterprise
are not yet supported, but may be offered in future releases. Contact Roving
Networks if you wish to discuss potential future support of other modes.
Listed below are the commands used to set authentication.
set wlan auth <value> sets the authentication level. 0= Open mode, 2=WPA2-PSK
(AES only supported) , 3=WEP-128.
set wlan key <num> <value> sets the WEP key. key must be EXACTLY 13 bytes (26
ASCII chars). Data is expected in HEX format, “0x” should NOT be used here.
Example : “set w k 112233445566778899AABBCCDD”
Hex digits > 9 can be either upper or lower case.
set wlan phrase <string> sets the passphrase for WPA security modes. 1-64 chars.
The passphrase can be alpha and numeric, and is used along with the ssid to generate a
unique 32 byte Pre-shared key (PSK), which is then hashed into a 256 bit number.
Example : “set w p password” sets the phrase.
DIRECT PSK entry mode: If exactly 64 chars are entered, it is assumed that this entry
is already an ASCII HEX representation of the 32 byte PSK and no processing is done.
Example : “set w p 0123456789…..AABBCCDD”
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Phone 408-395-6539
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9. Factory Default Power up Settings
Note: PIO(9) IF pulled HIGH (3.3V) at power up time, and then toggled 3 times will
change all settings below back to their factory values.
Close string <null>
Open string <null>
Remote string <null>
FlushSize 16
MatchByte 0
FlushTimer 2
IdleTimer 0
protocol TCP-Server
localport 2000
remoteport 2000
ftp ( roving default update server ) (port fixed at 21)
dhcp 1 (enabled)
sleeptimer 0
waketimer 10 (10 seconds after sleep we wake up)
trigger 1 (SENS1 pin wakes up the device)
auto connect 0
iomask 0x78 ( 3,4,5,6 outputs ).
print level 0 (prints disabled)
enable 0= disabled
port 0
Baudrate 9600
parity n (none)
flow 0=disabled
authentication 0=disabled
channel 1
ssid roving1
rate 1 (1= 1Mbit)
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Phone 408-395-6539
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