Page 3 of 11 CW, GCT, & eTPU Driver Inst. & Int. Guide Ver. 1.0, 01/2005
The purpose of this doc ument is to guide the user thro u gh the steps required for installing the Metrowerks development
tools, downloading the latest Freescale eTPU Drivers and integrating these files using the eTPU Graphical Configuration
Tool. At the end of this process, the user will be able to run eTPU drivers on the MCF5235 (ColdFire) Target.
1. Download CodeWarrior
The CodeWarrior (CW) Development Studio for ColdFire Version 5.0 is an integrated development tool that is
used for compiling, debugging and running application “C” code and enhanced Time Processor Unit (eTPU)
code. Download and install the Cod eWarrior Develop ment Studio for ColdFire from the following link:
Note: These installation instruct i ons were d evel o ped usi n g Co deWarrior Developm ent St udio for
ColdFire Version 5.0.
2. Update CodeWarrior with Patch 5.1.1
In order to use the latest ColdFire MCF5 235 stationery the CodeWarrior Development Studio Version 5.0
needs to be updated to Version 5.1.1. First, update to Version 5.1. Second, update 5.1 with the 5.1.1 Patch.
Download and install Version 5.1 Update and Version 5.1.1 Update from the following link:
Note: These 5.1 and 5.1.1 updates require that CodeWarrior® Deve lopment Studio for ColdFire
Architectures Version 5.0 already be installed on your PC in order to update all necessary files.
3. Download the GCT
The eTPU Graphical Configuration Tool (GCT) will create two C-language files (*.c and *.h) that will serve as
an init template to the eTPU module. These two generated files will also initialize the eTPU global and channel
settings, will include API application initialization routines, and run the eTPU. Download and install the eTPU
Graphical Configuration Tool from the Freescale eTPU webpage:
Note: These installation instructions were developed using the GCT Version 1.1.2
4. Create an eTPU Folder
Create a new folder on your desktop and name it “eTPU”.
5. Download the eTPU code and interface files
Download the eTPU code and interface files from the Freescale eTPU webpage mentioned in step 3. The
ANXXXXSW_GENERALSET folder contains the binary image of the eTPU code, source code and interface
files. Each driver consists of an eTPU microcode function and a "C" language Application Program Interface
(API). The API also provides a straightforward user interface to the eTPU functions. Extract the code to the created eTPU folder on your desktop.
6. Download t he API C Code
Download the API Code from the Freescale eTPU webpage mentioned in step 3. The
ANXXXSW_FUNCTION (Where Function is the abbreviation of the driver) folder contains the API C code
for each associated standard mask driver. Please extract the code to the created
eTPU folder on your desktop. Do this for all the functions that want to integrate into the CodeWarr ior project.