RCV336DPi V.34 Data, V.17 Fax, Voice, Modem Data Pump Introduction The Rockwell RGVS3S60Pi is a V.34 modem data pump family that supports data rates up to 33600 bps, fax operation up to 14400 bos, and voice codingdecoding (optional). The following models are available: Model Valor RACISEDPi No ACVSS60Pi Yes As a data modem, the modem can operate in 2-wire, full- duplex, symchronoua/asynchronous Modes at rates wp to 33600 bos. Using V.34 techniques io optimize modem configuration tor fine eonditions, the modem can connect at the highest data rate that the channel can support from 33600 bps to 2400 bps with automatic fallback to .32 bis. internal HDLC support ebminates the need for an external Serial inputoutput (S10) devioe in the DTE for products incorporating error correction and T.30 protocals. Facsimile models support Group 3 facsimile send and raceve speeds up to 14400 bos. The voice mode! includes an Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) voice coder and decoder (codec). The codec compresses and decompresses vone signals to allow efficient digital storage of voice massages. The codec operates at 28.8k, 21.6k, or 14.4% bps (4-bil, 3+ bit, or 2-bit quantization, respectively) with a 72 kHz Sample rate. A voice pass-through mode in all models allows the host to Transmit and receive uncompressed audio signals Fin-compatible with ihe RCZ8EDPi, a RCEDP/ACVSS60Pi modem can be installed in ROZSEDPi design without board modification with anh crystal circuit component replacement (ACZESDPi interconnect signals corraspond to no connect pins on the RCIS6DPI/ACVS360Pi). Note that the RCV336DPi can be used to upgrade the ACVZ88ACi data pump. The modem operates over the public switched telaphane network (PSTN) through te appropriate lina termination. Additional information is provided in the ROVS36DRi Meadem Designer's Guide (Order No. 1115). Features = 2-wire fullduplex ~ 93.6 kbps, V34, V.32 bis, V.32, V.22 bis, V22, V.25, and V.21 Ball 212 and 103 2-wire hall-duplex - WTULT V.17, W.33, V.29, V.27 ter, and V.21 channel 2 - Bell 208 Short train option in V.17 and V27 tar Serial synchronous and asynchronous data Parallel synchronous and asynchronous data + Parallel synchronous SOLC/HOLC suppert in-band secondary channel (.34 and V.d2 bis) + Automatic mode selection (AMS) Automatic rate adaption (AFA) Digital near-and and far-and echo cancellation * Bulk delay for satellite trangsmiseon + Aulo-dial and autc-answer ADPCM voice mode (optional) * Voice pass-through mode TTL and CMOS compatible OTE interface ITU-T .24 (EIA/TIA-292-E) (datacontral) = Microprocessor bus (data/configuration/contral) + Dynamic range: -9 dBm to -43 dBm Adjustable speaker output to monitor received signal + DMA support interrupt lines Two 16-byte FIFO data buffers for burst data transfer NAZI encoding/decoding 511 pattem generation detection * Diagnostic capability V.8, V.8 bis sagnaling V.13 signaling V.54 inter-DCE signaling V.54 local analog and remote digital bophack +5 operation Typical power consumption: - Normal Mode: 640 mv - Sleep Mode: 3 mW Single package - One 68-pin PLOGRCVS360Pi Technical Description The modem functional interiace is illustrated in Figure 1. Configurations and Rates The selectable modem configurations, signaling rates, and dala rates are lished in Table 1. Automatic Mode Selection When automatic mode selection (AMS) is enabled, the modem configures itsell to the highest compatible data rate supported by ihe remote modem (AUTO bit). Automode operation in V.32 bis, W.92 V.22 bes, V.22, V.21, V.25, Bell oars Bell 103 modes |s in accordance with EIA/TIA- 0, Automatic Rate Adaption (ARIA) In V.34 and V.32 brs modes, automatic rate adaption (ARA) can be enabled to select the highes! data rate possible based on [he measured eye quality monitor (EQM) (EARC bit). This selection ocurs during handshakerretrain and rate renegotiation. Tone Generation The modem can generate single of dual vosce-band tones fram 0 Hz te hz with a resolution of 0.15 Az and an accuracy of + 0.01%. Tones over 3000 Hz are attenuated, DTMF tone generation allows the modem to operais as a programmable OTMF dialer. Data Encoding The data encoding conforms to ITU-T recommendations V4, WSS bis, Vae, V.17, W383, V.28, v.27 ter, V2 bis, Vid2, V.23, or V.21, and is compatible with Ball 208, 2124, or 103, depending on the contiguration. V.94 Data, V.17 Fax, Voice, Modem Data Pump Transmitted Data Spectrum The tranamitter spectrum is shaped by raised cosine filter functions as follows: Raised Goalne Configuration Filter Function Vid, Witte bie, Vi, V.17, W338, Vie Square noct of 12.55, V2? ier, Ball 208 Square root of BORG Vege bia Wate, Beall 212A Squane not of Tas RTS - CTS Response Time The respones times of CTS relative to a corresponding transition of ATS are fisted in Table 2. Tranamit Levet The transmitter output level is selectable from 0 dBm to 15. dBm in 1 dB steps and is accurate to 20.5 dB when uaed with an extemal hybrid. The output lavel can aleo be fine tuned by changing a gain constant in modem DSP RAM. The maxhnuin V.S4v 30 bes 32 branemit level for secaptatie receive performance should not exceed Note: In .94 mode, the transmit level may be automatically changed during the handshake. This automatic adjustment of the transmit level may be disabled Wie @ parameter in DSP RAM, Transmitter Timing Transmitter timing is selectable between intemal (20.01%), extemal, or slave. * ROVSSIOPIS? models only. MGsGeF 1 FIO Figure t. RCV3360F] MDP Functional interfaceV.34 Data, V.17 Fax, Voice, Modem Data Pump Table 1, Configurations, Signaling Rates, and Data Rates Carrier Frequency | Can Rate (ops) | Symbol haw | GlisSymbol- | BiieGymbol- | Conasalladion Bon Modulation grin) 20.07% a0.01% | (SymbolsSec) | Data TCM Points Wald 33800 TOM ToM Niobe 2 a3a600 Note Z Note 2 Hole = Aleta W334 31200 TON Toh Hele 2 a1200 Note 2 Hote 2 Nove 2 Mote 2 Wida 2B8D0 TOM TOA Niobe 2 25800 Hote 2 Mote 2 Nolen # Note 2 VW.94 Beato TOM TOM Nene 2 26400 Note 2 Note 2 ole Note 2 Wild 28000 TCA TOM Note 2 ao Hobe 2 ete 2 ole = Hote 2 Wild DBO Tok TEM Hote 2 21600 Mobo 2 Note 2 Mole 7 Note 2 Vide 19200 To TOM fot 2 12n0 Hobe Z hioge 2 Hine Note 2 Wad 16000 Toa ToM Note 2 1h Note 2 Mose 2 Ale 2 Now 2 Wok 100 TCM Th Mate 2 400 Mote 2 Hese 2 Note 2 Nee 2 Wie 12000 TCM TOM Nate 2 72000 hnte 2 hicwe 2 Note 2 Nigte 2 Vid BEOO TCA TOM Mode 2 oo Higte 2 Mote 2 Note 2? Hote 2 Vide 7200 TCH TOM Note 2 ram) Hinde 2 Node 2 Note 2 Hote 2 Vid S800 TOM TCH Nee 2 aan) owe 2 Mode 2 Nobe 2 Mote V4 2400 TCM TCM Faerie 240K Niche 2 Migie Hote 2 Mate 2 Vile bis 14000 TOM Ti 10 14400 20 & 1 128 V2 bis 120 TCM TOM 1800 12000 200 1 Ba V2 bis S600 TOM TOM 1800 Bee ae 4 1 ie Vie be 7200 TOM TOM eit Tac 2400 a i 16 Ve big 4800 OAM ibibo 480) 2a00 2 i 4 Vile 600 TOM TCM 1800 Sb) 2iDo 4 1 az Vike BAGO Gana 1800 oo) 2400 a 0 14 v.32 4800 GAM 100 4800 2400 Z 0 4 W222 be BO) ak 1M 2a 600) 4 0 16 WZ? be TA) PSK 120hE400 1200 boo a a a We 1200 DFSR 1a 1200 BOO z 8 4 W22600 BPSK iaeWes00 600 Bon 1 o 4 W239 P2078 FBR 17429 _ TE 12K) i 4 - Wil ESE a el oo aod 1 0 = | Bal 208 a80C OPS, 1800 a6nn 1600 a O a Bel! 2724 OPSK THe 12a B00 z i 4 Bel! 103 FER Vie 125 i) Ea! 1 Oo = Wed VK) PS. FSH iowa Ta00FS 12h 1 G = Wet _FSK OE TFon eo0d __ it 1 b = Way 1aa0 TOMY ay TCM 1800 an 28D Bi 1 128 Var 1z000 TOM 3a? ToM 1800 12000 2800 5 1 64 Vi? Te ToKe TCA 1800 Teak 2400 3 1 1h og ae GAM Trot aa) 2400 4 0 te Veg rang Chan 17 Ta 2400) | 0 H v.ge aaa? OAM 1700 4800 pate z a 4 Virago DFSK. eco 800 1600 J 0 Ez Wor aan? DASE 100 a0 12 Z i 4 Vo21 Chance 2 Fae 1730 300 a0 1 t = Tang Transm = = = = = = Hotes: 1. Modulation legend: TC Trele-Coded Modulation OAM: Quadrature Amplitude Modulation FSX: Frequency Shih Keying BPSK: Ditferential Pnase Shin Keying 2 Adapthee; establehed curing hancihake Carrier Frequency (Hz) Symbol Rate (Baud) V.34 Lew Carrier V4 High Conrier a4) 160) hoo oe) {oa TS? eal 1800 2008 dene) THES 10 weg 1955 7553 9. Models wth dee support ork.RCV3I60Pi V. T Vv Modem Data Table 2. AITS-CTS Response Times Carlier Recovery The carrier recovery circuit can track a +7 Hz frequency ATS-CTS Response! nth ! . offset received carrier. Conliguration Carier Carlet | sequence ee wk : Received Data (RXD) is clamped to a constant m Vidal, V.32 bis, v.32 t2ms NA NA + tha Poectved Lirm Sh (-RLSD) Is V.3SV.17 Long NA | iag9gme" | 15ms4 off, ~ALSD can be clamped olf (RLSDE bil). V3SV47 Short NA 4142 ms 15 mat Echo Canceller Vata NYA 29 me Va ims A data echo cancedler with near-end and far-end echo cancellation is included for 2-wire fuill-dupbex v.27 4800 Long WA | 708me | 7 me! \V.34/V/.82 bisiV.82 operation, The combined echo span of V.27 4800 Short NYA 80) me 7 ms Tat 1 Rn ed een ta ms. be 2 allotted to 8 automatically determined & V2? 2400 Long NA 649 ms" 10: ms modem, The delay between near-end and far-end echoes V2? 240) Short NA 67 mat 40 ms can be up to 1.2 seconds. W.26 NA 60) ms 10 me ADPCM Voice Mode (V Model) WD bois, V2, 2 ma 270 ms AA, Transmit Voice. 16-bit compressed transmit voice can be Bell 2124 sent to the modem ADPCM codec for decompression then 21 a MA to the digital-to-analog converter (DAC) by the host. Wi Bea 10 210 210 NA Recelve Voles. 16-bit received voice samples from the Notes: = = modem analog-to-cigital converter (ADC) can be sent to 1. Times feed are CTS tunn-on. The CTS OF F-in-OM napence time |e host progremmabe in OSF FAM, (Full-dupies noes only.) 2. Add echo protector tone duration plus 20 ms when echo PrObeCbOe toe 1S Ube Churn buon 3. Tunm-olf sequence consist: of transmission of mmaining data and ecrambled ones tor controlled carer operation. CTS turn-off te less Than 2 1s bor al configurations. 4, Pius 20 ms of no ransmined energy. & NA = fol applicable. Scrambler/Deserambler A selt-synchronizing scramblerdescrambler ig used In accordance with the selecied configuration. Answer Tone When the NV25 bit is a zero, the modem generates a 2100 Hz answer tone at the beginning of the answer handshake, for 5.0 seconds (.8) or 3.6 seconds (V.32 bis, V.32, V.22 bis, V.22, V.23, and V.21). The answer tone has 180 phaee reversal avery 0.45 second to disable network echo cancellers (V.8, V.d2 bis, V.32}. Receive Level The modem satishes performance raquiramenis for received line signal levels irom9 dBm to 43 dBm measured al the Receiver Analog (AXA) (TIP and RING) input {-15 dBm at Alt). Note: 46 dB pad is required between TIF and RING and the RIN input. Reodver Timing The timing recovery circuit can track a frequency error in the associated transmil timing source of 0.035% (V.22 bis) or 0.01% (other configurations). the ADPCM codec for compression, and then be read by the host. Volce Pass-Through Mode Transmit Voice. 16-bit transmit woice samples can be sent to the modem DAC from the host. Receive Voice. 16-bit received voice samples from the modem ADC can be read by the hast. Data Formats Serial Synchronous Data Data rate: 2300-39600 bps 40.01%, Selectable clock: intemal, exdiernal, or slave, Serial Asynchronous Data Data rate: 4600-33600 bps +1% (or +2.3%), -2.5%: 0-300 bps (V.21 and Bell 103); TevTS bos (W235). Bits per character: 7, 8,9, 10,or 71. Parallel Synchronous Data Normal syne: &-ba data for transmit and receive Data rate: 300-33600 bos +0.09%. SOLG/HDLC support: Transmitter: Flag generation, 0 bit stuffing, CRC-16 or CRC-32 generation. Receiver; Flag detection, 0 bit deletion, CRC-16 or CRC-32 checking. Parallel Asynchronous Data Data rate: $9600-33600 bps +1% (or 2.3%), -2.5%; 1200, 300, or 75 bps (FSK). Data bits per character: 5, 6, 7, or 8. Parity generationchecking: Odd, even, or 9th data bit,V.34 Data, V.17 Fax, Voice, Modem Data Pump Asyne/Syne and Sync/Async Conversion An asynchronous-to-synchronous converter is provided in the transmitter and a synchronous-to-asynchronous converter is provided in the receiver. The converters operate in both serial and parallel modes. The asynchronous character format is 1 start bit, 5 to 8 data bits, an optional parity bit, and 1 oF 2 stop bits. Valid character size, including all bits, is 7,8, 9, 10, or 11 bits per character. Two ranges of signaling rates are provided: Basic range: +1% to 2.5% Extended overspeed range: +2.3% to 2.5% When the transmitter's converter is operating at the basic signaling rate, no more than one slop bit will be deleted per 8 consecutive characters. When operating at the extended rale, no more than one stop bit will be deleted per 4 consecutive characters. Break handling is performed as described in V.14. Asynchronous characters are accepted on the TXD serial input and are issued on the AXD serial output. V.54 Inter-DCE Signaling The modem supports V.54 inter-DCE signaling procedures in synchronous and asynchronous configurations. Transmission and detection of ihe preparatory, acknowledgment, and termination phases as defined in V.54 are provided. Three contro! bits in the transmitter allow the host to send the appropriate bit patterns (W547, W5dA, and V54P bits), Three control bits in the receiver are used to enable one of three bit patiarn detectors (VS4TE, V544E, and VS4PE bets). A status bit indicates when the selected pattem detector has found the corresponding ba pattern (V54DT bit). V.13 Remote ATS Signaling The modem supports V.13 remote RTS signaling. Transmission and detection of signaling bit patterns in response to a change of state in the ATS bit or the ~ATS input signal are provided. The RATSE bit enables V.13 signaling. The ATSDE bit enables detection of V.13 pattems. The RTSOT status bil indicates the state of the remote ATS signal. This feature may be used to clamp/unclamp the local ~RLSD and RXD signals in response to a change in the remote ATS signal in order to simulate controlled carrier operation in a conmsiant carrier environment, The modem automatically clamps and unclamps ~RALSD. Auto-Dialing and Auto-Answering Control The host can perform auto-dialing and aulo-angwering. These functions include OTMPF or pulse dialing, ringing detection, and a comprehensive supervisory tone detection scheme. The major parameters are host programmable. Supervisory Tone Detection Thrae parallel tone detectors (A, 8, and C) are provided for Supemisory lone detection. The signal path to these detectors is separaie from the main received signal path. Each tone detecion consists of two cascaded second order IFA biquad filters. The coeflicients are host programmable. Each fourth order filter i followed by @ level detector whieh has host programmatie turn-on and turn-off thresholds allowing hysteresis. Tone detector C is preceded by a prefitter and squarar. This circuit i weetul for detecting a tone with frequency qual to the difference between two tones that may be simuhanously present on the line. The RCV336DPi detector to be an eighih order titer, The tone detectors are disabled in data mode. The tone detection sample rate is 9600 Hz in V.8 and V.34 modes and is 7200 Hz in non-V.34 modes. The defaull call progress fitter coefficients are based on a 7200 Hz sampling rate and apply to non-V.34 modes only. The maximum detection bandwidth is equal to one-hall the sample rate. The tone detectors default bandwidihs and thresholds are: Tum-On Turn-Ott Tone Delector Bandwidth Threshold | Threshold A 245 650 Hz =f dam =31 dim Bi 360 440 Hz =24.d5m =31 dam CG Preditier 0-500 Hz NA Bua, G = 110 Hz . . * Tone Detector C will detect a differance lone within its bandwidth when the hwo tones present are inthe range1 dBm to268 dBm. 511 Pattern Generation/Detection ina synchronous mode, a 511 patiem can be generated and detected (control bit $511). Use of this bit pattern during sall-tesi eliminates the need for external tes! equipment, In-Band Secondary Channel A fulkduplex in-band secondary channel is provided In V.d4 {all speeds} (19200 bps and above), and V.32 bis/V 32 (F200 bos and above) modes. Gontrol bit SECEN enables and disables the secondary channel operation. The secondary channel operates in parallel data mode with independant transmit and reserve interrupts and data butfers. The main channel may operate in parallel or serial rricclie. In V.34 modes, the secondary channel rate is 200 bps. In V3? big V.32 modes, Ihe secondary channel rate is 150 bos. This rate is also host programmable in V.32 bis/.de modes. Transmit and Receive FIFO Data Butters Two 16-byte first-in first-out (FIFO) data butfera allow the DTEwhos! to rapidly output upto 16 byes of transmit data and input up to 16 bytes of accumulated received data. The receiver FIFO is always enabled. The transmitter FIFO is enabled by tha FIFOEN control bat. TXHF and AXHF bits indicate the comesponding FIFO bufier half full (8 or more bytes loaded) stalus. TXFNF and AXFNE bits indicate the TX FIFO buffer not fult and AX FIFO buffer not empty status, respectively. An intarupl mask register allows. an interrupt request to be generated whenever the TXFNF, AXFNE, RXHF, or F status bit changes slate. DMA Support interrup! Request Lines DMA su is available in synchronous, asynchronous, and HDLC parallel data modes. Control bli DMAE enables and disables DMA support. When DMA support is enabled, the modem -Fil and ~DSA lines are aesigned to Transmitter Request (TXROQ} and Receiver Request (AXAQ) hardware output interrupt request ines, respectively. The TXAG and RXRG signals follow the assertion of the TOBE and ADGF interrupt bis thus allowing the DTE/host to respond immediately to the interrupt request without masking oul status bits to determing ihe Interrupt source. quarer may be disabled by Ihe SODIS bf causing toneRCV336DPi NRZI Encoding/Decoding NRZI data encoding/decoding may be selected in synchronous and HDLC modes instead of the default NRZ (contro! bit NRZIEN). In NRZ encoding, a 1 is represented by a high level and a 0 is represented by a low level. In NRZI encoding, a 1 is represented by no change in level and a 0 is represented by a change in level. CRC-32 Support CRC-32 generation/checking may be selected instead of the default CRC-16 in HDLC mode using DSP RAM access. Caller ID Demodulation Caller ID information can be demodulated in V.23 1200 receive configuration and presented to the host/DTE in serial (TXD) and parallel (RBUFFER) form. Telephone Line interface Line Transformer Interface. V.34/V.32 bis/V.32 places high requirements upon the Data Access Arrangement (DAA) to the telephone line. These modes use the same bandwidth for transmission of data in both directions. Any non-linear distortion generated by the DAA in the transmit direction cannot be canceled by the modem's echo canceller and interferes with data reception. The designer must, therefore, ensure that the total harmonic distortion seen at the RXA input to the modem be at least 45 dB below the minimum ievel of received signal. Due to the wider bandwidth requirements in V.34, the DAA must maintain linearity from 150 Hz to 3950 Hz. Relay Control. Direct control of the off-hook and talk/data relays is provided. Internal relay drivers allow direct connection to the off-hook and talk/data relays. The talk/data relay output can optionally be used for pulse dial. Speaker Interface A SPK output is provided with on/off and volume control logic incorporated in the modem, requiring only an external amplifier to drive a loudspeaker. V.34 Data, V.17 Fax, Voice, Modem Data Pump Hardware Interface Signals A functional interconnect diagram showing the typical modem connection in a system is illustrated in Figure 2. Any point that is active low is represented by a small circle at the signal point. Edge triggered inputs are denoted by a smail triangle (e.g., TDCLK). An active low signal is indicated by a tilde preceding the signal name (e.g., ~RESET). A clock intended to activate logic on its rising edge (low-to- high transition) is called active low (e.g., ~RDCLK), while a clock intended to activate logic on its falling edge (high-to- low transition) is called active high (e.g., TOCLK). When a clock input is associated with a small circle, the input activates on a falling edge. If no circle is shown, the input activates on a rising edge. The pin assignments for the modem packaged in a 68-pin PLCC are shown Figure 3 and are listed in Table 3. The modem hardware interface signals are described in Table 4. The digital interface characteristics are defined in Table 5. The analog interface characteristics are defined Table 6. The power requirements are defined in Table 7. The absolute maximum ratings are defined in Table 8. Me 7811073 0034328 655 MD165RCV336DPi MCU EXTERNAL BUS MCU: IRQ MCU: ~RES SERIAL OTE INTERFACE +5V o = ane q = a wr ols 4.7 uH DO xT 2 we Ot nL sor Lisp be 56.448 MHz [1] Op SPF D3 xtto P23 D4 100 7 re 10pF 5% = 5S ~RLYA - RS0 ~RLYB [22 RSt RINGD F8 RS2 RIN 27 Fea TXAI TELEPHONE LINE/ txa2 [26 VOICE/AUDIO RS MICM = INTERFACE ~WRITE SPK F539 ~READ NC Fg NC Nc F425 we NC NC IRQ nc 42 neo ~RESET ~POR vrer L-25 meal GPO 10 0.1 CER ~ROCLK ve 24 mae TDCLK FB* XTCLK 10 0.1 CER TXD RXD ~RTS ~CTS ~DTR -DSR ~RALSD RI vDD VDD vDD VDD RESERVED NC GND RESERVED }- NC GND RESERVED 2 ne GND NC | 5 NC GND NC |- Nc GND Nc} = ne NC }-2 NC Ne Lf NC VAA AGND AGND NOTES: 4. TOLERANCES AND RATINGS (UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED): RESISTOR VALUES IN OHMS; 5%, 1/8W CAPACITOR VALUES IN MICROFARADS; 10%, 20V 2. VW DENOTES ANALOG GROUND. DENOTES DIGITAL GROUND. e * IMPEDANCE = 70 OHMS AT A TYPICAL FREQUENCY OF 100 MHZ; RATED CURRENT = 200 mA; MAXIMUM DC RESISTANCE = 0.5 OHM. MD165F2 SC-MD68LP Figure 2. MDP Hardware Interface Signals MD165 MB 7811073 0034329 791RCV336DPi V.34 Data, V.17 Fax, Voice, Modem Data Pump a 5 a cr i OES poo sagsge Beets e erase ere TF OOO oOo 60 ~READ O 59 fF) ~RESET 53 [9 ~DSR 57 [ TXD 56 VDD 55 [ GND 54 [ XTCLK 53 GPO 52 ~ROCLK 51 [2 ~RLSD 50 TDOCLK 49 NS 48 [5 RESERVED 47 [ 3ESERVED 46 SESERVED 45D NG 44 NS RRRSoSSSSBESSSs3F UUUOGUUUUDUUUUUUUUL rMOYodcesroOoOnvvooHva L>OZS>OOEXOn SZ 2022 PrP Set soto o> oO MD165F3 MDP L68 Figure 3. MDP Pin Signals - 68-Pin PLCC 8 MD165 Mm 7811073 0034330 403V.34 Data, V.17 Fax, Voice, Modem Data Pump Table 3. MDP Pin Signals -68-Pin PLCC RCV336DPi Pin Signal Label VO Type interface? Pin Signal Label VO Type Interface 1 RESERVED NC (Note 6) 35 RXD OA DTE Serial Interface 2 NC NC (Note 5) 36 VDD PWR | +5VD 3 NC NC (Note 5) 37 ~CTS OA OTE Serial interface 4 NC NC (Note 5) 38 NC NC (Note 5) 5 ~Ri OA DTE Serial interface 39 NC NC (Note 5) 6 RINGD 1A Line interface 40 GND GND DGND 7 ~RTS lA DTE Serial Interface 41 VDD PWR { +5VD 8 IRQ OA Host Parailel Interface 42 NC NC (Note 5) 9 01 \A/OB Host Parallel Interface 43 GND GND DGND 10 GND GND DGND 44 NC NC (Note 5) 11 VDD PWR | +5VD 45 NC NC (Note 5) 12 XTLI ! Crystal/Clock Circuit 46 RESERVED NC (Note 6) 13 XTLO QO Crystal/Clock Circuit 47 RESERVED NC (Note 6} 14 DO \A/OB _| Host Paratlel interface 48 RESERVED NC (Note 6) 15 D2 |A/OB _} Host Parallel Interface 49 NC NC (Note 5) 16 D3 \A/OB __| Host Parailel interface 50 TOCLK OA OTE Serial Interface 17 D5 \A/OB _} Host Parallel Interface 51 ~RLSO OA OTE Serial interface 18 D7 IA/OB _ | Host Parallel interface 52 ~RDCLK OA DTE Serial interface 19 GND GND DGND 53 GPO MI To ~RDCLK 20 RSO 1A Host Parallel interface 54 XTCLK IA OTE Serial Interface 21 VAA PWR | +5VA 55 GND GND DOGNO 22 AGND GND _| AGND 56 VOD PWR | +5VD 23 RIN (DA) Line Interface 57 TXD IA DTE Serial Interface 24 vc REF To GND through capacitors 58 ~DSR OA DTE Serial 25 VREF REF | To VC through capacitors 59 ~RESET OA Host Parailel Interface 26 TXA2 O(DD} Line interface 60 ~READ 1A Host Parallel interface 27 TXAI O(DD) _| Line interface 61 ~WRITE IA Host Parailet interface 28 RLYB OA Line Interface 62 ~CS 1A Host Parallel Interface 29 SPK O(DF) | Speaker Circuit 63 RS4 iA Host Parallel interface 30 AGND2 GNO AGND 64 RS3 lA Host Parallel Interface 31 RLYA OD Line Interface 65 RS2 JA Host Parallel interface 32 ~POR Mi MDP: ~RESET 66 RS1 tA Host Paraliet interface 33 MICM 1A Audio Interface 67 D6 IA/OB _| Host Paraliel interface 34 ~DTR 1A DTE Serial interlace 68 D4 |IA/OB _ | Host Parallel Interface Notes: 1. VO types: a MI = Modem interconnect. IA, IB = Digital input. OA, OB = Digital output. I(DA) = Analog input. Q(DD), O(DF) = Anaiog output. 2. NC =No external connection allowed. 3. Interface Legend: MDP = Modem Data Pump DTE = Data Terminal Equipment 4. This pin is a no connect for the RCS6DPi and RCVS6DPi models. NC (no connect) pins are not connected to internal circuitry. 6 RESERVED pins may be connected to internal circuitry and should not be connected to external circuitry. MD165 Me 7411073 0034331 347RCV336DPi V.34 Data, V.17 Fax, Voice, Modem Data Pump Table 4. MDP Signal Definitions Label | VO Type Signat/Definition OVERHEAD SIGNALS XTLI, XTLO 1,0 Crystal In and Crystal Out. Connect the MDP to an external crystal circuit consisting of a 56.448 MHz crystal, three capacitors, and an inductor. ~RESET iA Reset. ~RESET low holds the modem in the reset state. ~RESET going high releases the modem from the reset state and initiates normal operation using power turn-on (default) values. ~RESET must be held jow for at least 3 ps. The modem is ready to use 400 ms after the low-to-high transition of ~RESET. VDD, PWR + 5V Digital Power Supply. Connect to +5V+ 5% and digital circuits power supply filter. AVOD AVAA PWR + 5V Analog Power Supply. Connect to +5V+ 5% and analog circuits power supply filter. GND GND Digital Ground. Connect to digital ground. AGND GND Analog Ground. Connect to analog ground. PARALLEL HOST INTERFACE Address, data, control, and interrupt hardware interface signals allow modem connection to an 8086-compatible microprocessor bus. With the addition of external logic, the interface can be made compatible with a wide variety of other microprocessors such as the 6502, 8086 or 68000. The microprocessor interface allows a microprocessor to change modem configuration, read or write channel and diagnostic data, and supervise modem operation by whiting control bits and reading status bits. DO-D7 \A/OB Data Lines. Eight bidirectional data lines (D0-D7) provide parallel transfer of data between the host and the modem. The most significant bit is D7. Data direction is controlled by the Read Enable and Write Enable signals. RSO-RS4 1A Register Select Lines. The five active high register select lines (RSO-RS4) address interface memory registers within the modem interface memory. These lines are typically connected to the five least significant lines (AQ-A4) of the address bus. The modem decodes RSO through RS4 to address one of 32 internal interface memory registers (00-1F). The most significant address bit is RS4, while the least significant address bit is RSO. The selected register can be read from or written into via the 8-bit parallel data bus (D0-D7). The most significant data bit is D7, while the least significant data bit is DO. ~CS iA Chip Select. ~CS selects the modem for microprocessor bus operation. ~CS is typically generated by decoding host address bus lines. ~READ lA Read Enable. During a read cycle (~READ asserted), data from the selected interface memory register is gated onto the data bus by means of three-state drivers in the modem. These drivers force the data lines high for a one bit, or low for a zero bit. When not being read, the three-state drivers assume their high-impedance (off) state. ~WRITE IA Write Enable. During a write cycle (~WRITE asserted), data from the data bus is copied into the selected modem interface memory register, with high and low bus levels representing one and zero bit states, respectively. IRQ OA Interrupt Request. The modem IRQ output may be connected to the host processor interrupt request input in order to interrupt host program execution for immediate modem service. The [RQ output can be enabled in the modem interface memory to indicate immediate change of conditions. The use of {RQ is optional depending upon modem application. The !ROQ output is driven by a TTL-compatible CMOS driver. 10 MD165 @ 7411073 0034332 2756V.34 Data, V.17 Fax, Voice, Modem Data Pump RCV336DPi Table 4. MDP Signal Definitions (Cont'd) Label} VO Type Signal Name/Description DTE SERIAL INTERFACE Timing, data, control, and status signals provide a V.24-compatible serial interface. These signals are TTL compatible in order to drive the short wire lengths and circuits normally found within a printed circuit board, stand- alone modem enclosures, or equipment cabinets. For driving longer cables, these signals can be easily converted to EIA/RS-232-D voltage levels. TXD Transmitted Data. The modem obtains serial data to be transmitted trom the local DTE on the Transmitted Data (TXD) input. RXD Received Data. The modem presents received serial data to the iocal DTE on the Received Data (RXD) output. ~RTS Request to Send. Activating ~RTS causes the modem to transmit data on TXD when ~CTS becomes active. The ~RTS pin is logically ORed with the RTS bit. ~CTS OA Clear To Send. ~CTS active indicates to the local DTE that the modem will transmit any data present on TXD. CTS response times from an active condition of RTS are shown in Table 2. ~RLSD OA Received Line Signal Detector. ~RLSD active indicates to the local DTE that energy above the receive level threshold is present on the receiver input, and that the energy is not a training sequence. One of four ~RLSD receive level threshold options can be selected (RTH bits). A minimum hysteresis action of 2 dB exists between the actual off-to-on and on-to-off transition levels. The threshold level and hysteresis action are measured with a modulated signal applied to the Receiver Analog (RXA) input. Note that performance may be degraded when the received signal level is less than -43 dBm. The ~RLSD on and off thresholds are host programmable in DSP RAM. ~DTR Data Terminal Ready. In V.34, V.32 bis, V.32, V.22 bis, V.22, or Bell 212A configuration, activating ~DTR initiates the handshake sequence, provided that the DATA bit is a 1. If in answer mode, the modem immediately sends answer tone. In V.21, V.23, or Bell 103 configuration, activating ~DTR causes the modem to enter the data state provided that the DATA bit is a 1. If in answer mode, the modem immediately sends answer tone. in these modes, if controlled carrier is enabled, carrier is controlled by RTS. During the data mode, deactivating ~DTR causes the transmitter and receiver to turn off and return to the idle state. The ~DTR input and the DTR control bit are logically ORed. ~DSR OA Data Set Ready. ~DSR ON indicates that the modem is in the data transfer state. ~DSR OFF indicates that the DTE is to disregard all signals appearing on the interchange circuits except Ring Indicator (~Rl). ~DSR is OFF when the modem is in a test mode (i.e., local analog or remote digital loopback). The DSR status bit reflects the state of the ~DSR output. OA Ring Indicator. ~Al output follows the ringing signal present on the line with a low level (0 V) during the ON time, and a high level (+5 V) during the OFF time coincident with the ringing signal. The RI status bit reflects the state of the ~Rl output. TDCLK OA Transmit Data Clock. The modem outputs a synchronous Transmit Data Clock (TDCLK) for USRT timing. The TDCLK frequency is the data rate (+0.01%) with a duty cycle of 50+1%. The TDCLK source can be intemal, external (input on XTCLK), or slave (to ~RDCLK) as selected by TXCLK bits in interlace memory. XTCLK External Transmit Clock. In synchronous communication, an external transmit data clock can be connected to the modem XTCLK input. The clock supplied at XTCLK must exhibit the same characteristics as TDCLK. The XTCLK input is then reflected at the TDCLK output. ~RDCLK OA Receive Data Clock. The modem outputs a synchronous Receive Data Clock (~RDCLK) for USRT timing. The ~RDCLK frequency is the data rate (+0.01%) with a duty cycle of 501%. The ~RDCLK low-to-high transitions coincide with the center of the received data bits. MD165 11 M@ 7811073 0034333 112RCV336DPi V.34 Data, V.17 Fax, Voice, Modem Data Pump Table 4, MDP Signal Definitions (Cont'd) Label | VOType | Signal Name/Description TELEPHONE LINE/TELEPHONE/AUDIO INTERFACE SIGNALS AND REFERENCE VOLTAGE TXA1, TXA2 | O(DF) Transmit Analog 1 and 2 Output. The TXAt and TXA2 outputs are differential outputs 180 degrees out of phase with each other. Each output can drive a 300 load. Typically, TXA1 and TXA2 are connected to the telephone line interface or an optional extemal hybrid circuit. RIN (DA) Recelve Analog Input. RIN is a single-ended input with 70K input impedance. Typically, RIN is connected to telephone line interface or an optional extemal hybrid circuit. RINGD IA Ring Detect. The RINGD input is monitored for puises in the range of 15 Hz to 68 Hz. The frequency detection range may be changed by the host in DSP RAM. The circuit driving RINGD should be a 4N35 optoisolator or equivalent. The circuit driving RINGD should not respond to momentary bursts of ringing less than 125 ms in duration, or less than 40 VRMS (15 Hz to 68 Hz) across TIP and RING. Detected ring signals are reflected on the ~RI output signal as well as the Rl bit. ~RLYA OD Relay A Control. The ~RLYA open collector output can directly drive a +5V reed relay coil with a minimum (~OHRC, resistance of 360 ohms (13.9 mA max. @ 5.0V) and a must-operate voltage no greater than 4.0 VDC. A clamp ~CALLID) diode, such as a 1N4148, should be installed across the relay coil. An external transistor can be used to drive heavier loads (e.g., electro-mechanical relays). ~RLYA is controlled by host setting/resetting of the RA bit. In a typical application, ~RLYA is connected to the normally open Off-Hook relay (~OHRC). In this case, ~RLYA active closes the relay to connect the modem to the telephone line. Alternatively, in a typical application, ~RLYA is connected to the normally open Caller ID relay (~CALLID). When the modem detects a Calling Number Delivery (CND) message, the ~RLYA output is asserted to close the Caller ID relay in order to AC couple the CND information to the modem RIN input (without closing the off-hook relay and allowing loop current flow which would indicate an off-hook condition). ~RLYB OD Relay A Control. The ~RLYB open collector output can directly drive a +5V reed relay coil with a minimum (~TALK) resistance of 360 ohms (13.9 mA max. @ 5.0V) and a must-operate voltage no greater than 4.0 VDC. A clamp diode, such as a 1N4148, should be installed across the relay coil. An external transistor can be used to drive heavier loads (e.9., electro-mechanical relays). ~RLYB is controlled by host setting/resetting of the RB bit. Typically, ~RLYB is connected to the normally closed Talk/Data relay (~TALK). In this case, ~RLYB active opens the relay to disconnect the handset from the telephone line. MICM (DA) Modem Microphone Input. MICM is a single-ended microphone input with 70K input impedance. Typically, MICM is connected to a sound board output for routing recorded music or voice onto the telephone line. SPK O(DF) Modem Speaker Analog Output. The SPK analog output reflects the received analog input signal. The SPK orvoff and three levels of attenuation are controlled by bits in DSP RAM. When the speaker is turned off, the SPK output is clamped to the voltage at the VC pin. Typically, the SPK is connected to the input to an external LM386 audio power amplifier. VREF REF High Voltage Reference. Connect to VC through 10 uF (polarized, + terminal to VREF) and 0.1 pF (ceramic) in Parallel. vc REF Low Voltage Reference. Connect to analog ground through 10 pF (polarized, + terminal to VC) and 0.1 pF (ceramic) in parallel. " M0165 mm 7811073 0034334 059 aV.34 Data, V.17 Fax, Voice, Modem Data Pump RCV336DPi Table 5. Digital Electrical Characteristics Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions Input High Voltage Vin Vde Type IA and IB 2.0 - Vec Type ID 0.8 Voc - Voc Input High Current hy - - 40 pA Input Low Voltage Vib 0.3 0.8 vbc Input Low Current a - - 40 pA Input Leakage Current IN - - 42.5 pADC Vin = 0 to +5V, Voc = 5.25V Output High Voltage Vou _ - voc Type OD lLoap =9 mA Output Low Voltage Vo. VDC Type OA - - 0.4 lLoaD =16mA Type OB - - 0.4 lLoap = 0-8 mA Type OD - - 0.75 OAD =15mA Three-State (Off} Current lrey +10 pADC Vin = 0.4 to Veco Table 6. Analog Electrical Characteristics Signal Name Type Characteristic Value RIN, MICM 1 (DA) Input Impedance > 70K Q AC Input Voltage Range 1.1 VP-P Reference Voltage +2.5 VDC TXA1, TXA2 O (DD) Minimum Load 300 2 Maximum Capacitive Load 0 UF Output impedance 102 AC Output Voltage Range 2.2 VP-P (with reference to ground and a 600 2 load) Reference Voltage +2.5 VDC DC Offset Voltage + 200 mV SPK O (DF) Minimum Load 300 2 Maximum Capacitive Load 0.01 pF Output Impedance 109 AC Output Voltage Range 2.2 VP-P Reference Voltage +2.5 VDC DC Otfset Voltage +20 mV MD165 Me 7811073 0034335 T55 13RCV336DPi Table 7. Current and Power Requirements V.34 Data, V.17 Fax, Voice, Modem Data Pump Typical Maximum Typical Maximum Notes Mode Current Current Power Power (mA) (mA) (mW) (mW) Normal mode 128 188 640 990 fin = 56.448 MHz Sleep mode 18 _ 9.0 _ Notes: 1. Test conditions: VCC = 5.0 VDC for typical values; VCC = 5.25 VDC for maximum values. 2. Input Ripple < 0.1 Vpeak-peak. Table 8. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbo! Limits Units Supply Voltage Vop -0.5 to +7.0 Vv Input Voltage Vin -0.5 to (+5VD +0.5) Vv Operating Temperature Range Ta -0 to +70 C Storage Temperature Range Tst -55 to +125 C Analog Inputs Vin -0.3 to (+5VA + 0.3) Voltage Applied to Outputs in High Impedance (Off) State Vuz -0.5 to (+5VD + 0.5) Vv DC Input Clamp Current NK +20 mA DC Output Clamp Current lox +20 mA Static Discharge Voltage (25C) Vesp +2500 Vv Latch-up Current (25C) RIG +200 mA 14 Mf 7811073 0034336 92) MD165