10-2J09.1062 - Single-LED
10-2J09.1062 - Single-LED
Attention: The preview is based on a sample product. This can
differ from your current configuration.
Other Attributes
Weight 0,002 kg
Operation current 7 / 14 mA ±15 %
Operating voltage 12 V AC/DC +10 %
Socket T1 ¾ MG
LED colour red
Lumi. intensity 330 mcd
Dom. wavelength 630 nm
Stand: 25.03.2019
10-2J09.1062 - Single-LED
Additional information
When using AC/DC types with AC operation, slight flickering can
Luminous intensity data of the LEDs on direct voltage
Electrical and optical data are measured at 25 °C
The specified versions are built with a protection diode (halve wave
rectifier) in series and the LED
Luminosity and wave length variations caused by LED
manufacturing processes may cause slight differences regarding
the illumination
For supply voltages above 48 V, it is necessary to use a voltage
reduction element (external series resistor or transformer)
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Stand: 25.03.2019