JPEG2000 Video Codec ADV202 FEATURES APPLICATIONS Complete single-chip JPEG2000 compression and decompression solution for video and still images Patented SURFTM (spatial ultraefficient recursive filtering) technology enables low power and low cost wavelet based compression Supports both 9/7 and 5/3 wavelet transforms with up to 6 levels of transform Programmable tile/image size with widths up to 2048 pixels in 3-component 4:2:2 interleaved mode, and up to 4096 pixels in single-component mode Maximum tile/image height: 4096 pixels Video interface directly supporting ITU.R-BT656, SMPTE125M PAL/ NTSC, SMPTE274M, SMPTE293M (525p), ITU.R-BT1358 (625p) or any video format with a maximum input rate of 65 MSPS for irreversible mode or 40 MSPS for reversible mode Two or more ADV202s can be combined to support fullframe SMPTE274M HDTV (1080i) or SMPTE296M (720p) Interlaces temporally coherent frame-based SD video sources for improved performance Flexible asynchronous SRAM-style host interface allows glueless connection to most 16-/32-bit microcontrollers and ASICs 2.5 V to 3.3 V I/O and 1.5 V core supply 12 mm x 12 mm 121-lead CSPBGA, speed grade 115 MHz, or 13 mm x 13 mm 144-lead CSPBGA, speed grade 150 MHz Networked video and image distribution systems Wireless video and image distribution Image archival/retrieval Digital CCTV and surveillance systems Digital cinema systems Professional video editing and recording Digital still cameras Digital camcorders GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ADV202 is a single-chip JPEG2000 codec targeted for video and high bandwidth image compression applications that can benefit from the enhanced quality and feature set provided by the JPEG2000 (J2K)--ISO/IEC15444-1 image compression standard. The part implements the computationally intensive operations of the JPEG2000 image compression standard as well as providing fully compliant code-stream generation for most applications. The ADV202's dedicated video port provides glueless connection to common digital video standards such as ITU.RBT656, SMPTE125M, SMPTE293M [525p], ITU.R-BT1358 [625p], SMPTE274M[1080i], or SMPTE296M[720p]. A variety of other high speed synchronous pixel and video formats can also be supported using the programmable framing and validation signals. (continued on Page 3) FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM ADV202 PIXEL I/F PIXEL I/F WAVELET ENGINE EC1 EC2 EC3 EXTERNAL DMA CTRL PIXEL FIFO CODE FIFO ATTRIBUTE FIFO ANCILLARY FIFO INTERNAL BUS AND DMA ENGINE EMBEDDED RISC PROCESSOR SYSTEM MEMORY SYSTEM 04723-001 HOST I/F Figure 1. Rev. 0 Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 Fax: 781.326.8703 (c) 2004 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. ADV202 TABLE OF CONTENTS General Description ......................................................................... 3 Video Interface (VDATA Bus).................................................. 26 JPEG2000 Feature Support.......................................................... 3 Host Interface (HDATA Bus) ................................................... 26 Specificatons...................................................................................... 4 Direct and Indirect Registers .................................................... 26 Supply Voltages and Current....................................................... 4 Control Access Registers ........................................................... 27 Input/Output Specifications........................................................ 4 Pin Configuration and Bus Sizes/Modes ................................ 27 Clock and RESET Specifications ................................................ 5 Stage Register .............................................................................. 27 Normal Host Mode--Read Operation ...................................... 6 JDATA Mode............................................................................... 27 Normal Host Mode--Write Operation ..................................... 7 External DMA Engine ............................................................... 27 DREQ/DACK DMA Mode--Single FIFO Write Operation .. 8 SPI Port ........................................................................................ 27 DREQ/DACK DMA Mode--Single FIFO Read Operation . 10 Internal Registers............................................................................ 28 External DMA Mode--FIFO Write, Burst Mode................... 12 Direct Registers........................................................................... 28 External DMA Mode--FIFO Read, Burst Mode.................... 13 Indirect Registers........................................................................ 29 Streaming Mode (JDATA)--FIFO Read/Write ...................... 15 PLL ............................................................................................... 30 VDATA Mode Timing ............................................................... 15 Hardware Boot............................................................................ 31 Raw Pixel Mode Timing ............................................................ 17 Video Input Formats ...................................................................... 32 SPI Port Timing .......................................................................... 18 Applications..................................................................................... 34 Pin BGA Assignments and Function Descriptions.................... 19 Encode--Multichip Mode......................................................... 34 Pin BGA Assignments ............................................................... 19 Decode--Multichip Master/Slave ............................................ 35 Pin Function Descriptions ........................................................ 22 Digital Still Camera/Camcorder .............................................. 35 Theory of Operation ...................................................................... 25 Encode/Decode SDTV Video Application.............................. 36 Wavelet Engine ........................................................................... 25 ASIC Application (32-Bit Host/32-Bit ASIC) ......................... 37 Entropy Codecs........................................................................... 25 HIPI (Host Interface--Pixel Interface) ................................... 38 Embedded Processor System .................................................... 25 JDATA Interface ......................................................................... 38 Memory System .......................................................................... 25 Outline Dimensions ....................................................................... 39 Internal DMA Engine ................................................................ 25 Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 40 ADV202 Interface........................................................................... 26 REVISION HISTORY 7/04--Revision 0: Initial Version Rev. 0 | Page 2 of 40 ADV202 GENERAL DESCRIPTION (continued from Page 1) The ADV202 can process images at a rate of 40MSPS in reversible mode and at higher rates when used in irreversible mode. The ADV202 contains a dedicated wavelet transform engine, three entropy codecs, an on-board memory system, and an embedded RISC processor that can provide a complete JPEG2000 compression/decompression solution. The wavelet processor supports the 9/7 irreversible wavelet transform and the 5/3 wavelet transform in reversible and irreversible modes. The entropy codecs support all features in the JPEG2000 Part 1 specification, except Maxshift ROI. The ADV202 operates on a rectangular array of pixel samples called a tile. A tile can contain a complete image, up to the maximum supported size, or some portion of an image. The maximum horizontal tile size supported depends on the wavelet transform selected and the number of samples in the tile. Images larger than the ADV202's maximum tile size can be broken into individual tiles and then sent sequentially to the chip while still maintaining a single, fully compliant JPEG2000 code stream for the entire image. JPEG2000 FEATURE SUPPORT The ADV202 supports a broad set of features that are included in Part 1 of the JPEG2000 standard (ISO/IEC 15444). See Getting Started with ADV202 for information on the JPEG2000 features that the ADV202 currently supports. Depending on the particular application requirements, the ADV202 can provide varying levels of JPEG2000 compression support. It can provide raw code-block and attribute data output, which allows the host software to have complete control over the generation of the JPEG2000 code stream and other aspects of the compression process such as bit-rate control. Otherwise, the ADV202 can create a complete, fully compliant JPEG2000 code stream (.j2c) and enhanced file formats such as .jp2, .jpx, and .mj2 (Motion JPEG2000). See Getting Started with ADV202 for information on the formats that the ADV202 currently supports. Rev. 0 | Page 3 of 40 ADV202 SPECIFICATONS SUPPLY VOLTAGES AND CURRENT Table 1. Parameter VDD IOVDD PLLVDD VInput Temp IDD 1 2 Description DC Supply Voltage, Core DC Supply Voltage, I/O DC Supply Voltage, PLL Input Range Operating Ambient Temperature Range in Free Air Static Current1 Dynamic Current, Core (JCLK Frequency = 150 MHz)2 Dynamic Current, Core (JCLK Frequency = 108 MHz) Dynamic Current, Core (JCLK Frequency = 81 MHz) Dynamic Current, I/O Dynamic Current, PLL Min 1.425 2.375 1.425 -0.3 -40 Typ 1.5 3.3 1.5 +25 Max 1.575 3.63 1.575 VDDI/O + 0.3 +85 300 570 420 325 20 2.6 Unit V V V V C mA mA mA mA mA mA No clock or I/O activity. ADV202-150 only. INPUT/OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS Table 2. Parameter VIH (3.3 V) VIH (2.5 V) VIL (3.3 V, 2.5 V) VOH (3.3 V) VOH (2.5 V) VOL (3.3 V, 2.5 V) IIH IIL IOZH IOZL IDD IDD CI CO Description High Level Input Voltage High Level Input Voltage Low Level Input Voltage Hi-Level Output Voltage High Level Output Voltage Low Level Output Voltage High Level Input Current Low Level Input Current High Level Three-State Leakage Current Low Level Three-State Leakage Current Supply Current (Power Down) Supply Current (Active) Input Pin Capacitance Output Pin Capacitance Test Conditions VDD = max VDD = max VDD = min VDD = min, IOH = -0.5 mA VDD = min, IOH = -0.5 mA VDD = min, IOL = 2 mA VDD = max, VIN = VDD VDD = max, VIN = 0V VDD = max, VIN = VDD VDD = max, VIN = 0V VDD = max VDD = max Rev. 0 | Page 4 of 40 Min 2.2 1.9 Typ Max 0.6 2.4 2.0 0.4 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 100 100 8 8 Unit V V V V V V A A A A A mA pF pF ADV202 CLOCK AND RESET SPECIFICATIONS Table 3. Parameter tMCLK tMCLKL tMCLKH tVCLK tVCLKL tVCLKH tRST Min 13.3 6 6 13.4 5 5 5 Typ Max 100 Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns MCLK cycles1 50 For a definition of MCLK, see the PLL section. tMCLK tMCLKL tMCLKH MCLK tVCLK tVCLKL tVCLKH 04723-010 1 Description MCLK Period MCLK Width Low MCLK Width High VCLK Period VCLK Width Low VCLK Width High RESET Width Low VCLK Figure 2. Input Clock Rev. 0 | Page 5 of 40 ADV202 NORMAL HOST MODE--READ OPERATION Table 4. Parameter tACK [dir] Description RD to ACK, Direct Registers and FIFO Accesses Min 5 ns tACK [indir] RD to ACK, Indirect Registers 10.5 x JCLK 15.5 x JCLK + 7.0 ns tDRD [dir] tDRD [indir] tHZRD tSC tSA tHC tHA tRH tRL tRCYC Read Access Time, Direct Registers Read Access Time, Indirect Registers Data Hold CS to RD Setup Address Setup CS Hold Address Hold Read Inactive Pulse Width Read Active Pulse Width Read Cycle Time, Direct Registers 5 ns 10.5 x JCLK 2 0 2 0 2 2.5 2.5 5.0 1.5 x JCLK + 7.0 ns 15.5 x JCLK + 7.0 ns 8.5 Max 1.5 x JCLK + 7.0 ns For a definition of JCLK, see the PLL section. tSA tHA ADDR tSC tHC CS tRCYC tRL tRH RD tACK ACK tDRD HDATA tHZRD VALID Figure 3. Normal Host Mode--Read Operation Rev. 0 | Page 6 of 40 04723-011 1 Typ Unit ns ns ns ns ns JCLK 1 JCLK JCLK ADV202 NORMAL HOST MODE--WRITE OPERATION Table 5. Parameter tACK (Direct) Description WE to ACK, Direct Registers and FIFO Accesses Min 5 tACK (Indirect) WE to ACK, Indirect Registers 5 tSD tHD tSA tHA tSC tHC tWH tWL tWCYC Data Setup Data Hold Address Setup Address Hold CS to WE Setup CS Hold Write Inactive Pulse Width (Minimum Time until Next WE Pulse) Write Active Pulse Width Write Cycle Time 3.0 1.5 2 2 0 0 2.5 2.5 5 Max 1.5 x JCLK + 7.0 ns Unit ns 2.5 x JCLK + 7.0 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns JCLK1 JCLK JCLK For a definition of JCLK, see the PLL section. tSA tHA ADDR tSC tHC CS tWCYC tWL tWH WE tACK ACK tHD tSD HDATA 04723-012 1 Typ VALID Figure 4. Normal Host Mode--Write Operation Rev. 0 | Page 7 of 40 ADV202 DREQ/DACK DMA MODE--SINGLE FIFO WRITE OPERATION Table 6. Parameter DREQPULSE1 tDREQ Description DREQ Pulse Width DACK Assert to Subsequent DREQ Delay 2.5 tWESU WE to DACK Setup 0 ns tSU tHD DACKLO DACKHI tWEHD Data to DACK Deassert Setup Data to DACK Deassert Hold DACK Assert Pulse Width DACK Deassert Pulse Width 2 2 2 2 ns ns JCLK cycles JCLK cycles WE Hold after DACK Deassert 0 ns WFSRQ tDREQRTN WE Assert to FSRQ Deassert (FIFO Full) 1.5 2.5 x JCLK + 7.5 ns JCLK cycles DACK to DREQ Deassert (DR x PULS = 0) 2.5 3.5 x JCLK + 7.5 ns JCLK cycles Max 15 Unit JCLK cycles2 3.5 x JCLK + 7.5 ns JCLK cycles Applies to assigned DMA channel, if EDMOD0 or EDMOD1 <14:11> is programmed to a value that is not 0. Pulse width depends on the value programmed. For a definition of JCLK, see the PLL section. DREQPULSE tDREQ DREQ DACKHI DACKLO DACK tWESU tWEHD WE tHD tSU 0 HDATA 1 2 3 04723-013 2 Typ Figure 5. Single Write for DREQ/DACK DMA Mode for Assigned DMA Channel (EDMOD0/EDMOD1 <14:11> NOT Programmed to a Value of 0000) tDREQRTN DREQ DACKHI DACKLO DACK tWESU tWEHD WE tHD tSU HDATA 0 1 2 Figure 6. Single Write for DREQ/DACK DMA Mode for Assigned DMA Channel (EDMOD0/EDMOD1 <14:11> Programmed to a Value of 0000) Rev. 0 | Page 8 of 40 04723-014 1 Min 1 ADV202 DREQPULSE tDREQ DREQ DACKHI DACKLO DACK tWESU tWEHD WEFB tHD 0 HDATA 1 04723-015 tSU 2 Figure 7. Fly-By DMA Mode --Single Write Cycle (DREQ Pulse Width Is Programmable) FSC0 WE WFSRQ FIFO NOT FULL HDATA 0 1 2 NOT WRITTEN TO FIFO Figure 8. DCS DMA Mode--Single Write Access (Rev. 0.1 and Higher) Rev. 0 | Page 9 of 40 04723-016 FIFO FULL FSRQ0 ADV202 DREQ/DACK DMA MODE--SINGLE FIFO READ OPERATION Table 7. Parameter DREQPULSE tDREQ Description DREQ Pulse Width1 DACK Assert to Subsequent DREQ Delay Min 1 2.5 tRDSU RD to DACK Setup 0 tRD DACK to Data Valid 2.5 tHD DACKLO DACKHI tRDHD Data Hold DACK Assert Pulse Width DACK Deassert Pulse Width RD Hold after DACK Deassert 1.5 2 2 0 RDFSRQ tDREQRTN RD Assert to FSRQ Deassert (FIFO Empty) DACK to DREQ Deassert (DR x PULS = 0) 1.5 2.5 11 ns ns JCLK cycles JCLK cycles ns 2.5 x JCLK + 7.5 ns 3.5 x JCLK + 7.5 ns Applies to assigned DMA channel, if EDMOD0 or EDMOD1 <14:11> is programmed to a nonzero value. For a definition of JCLK, see the PLL section. DREQPULSE tDREQ DREQ DACKHI DACKLO DACK tRDHD tRDSU RD tRD HDATA tHD 0 1 2 Figure 9. Single Read for DREQ/DACK DMA Mode for Assigned DMA Channel (EDMOD0/EDMOD1 <14:11> NOT Programmed to a Value of 0000) tDREQRTN DREQ DACKHI DACKLO DACK tRDHD tRDSU RD tRD HDATA tHD 0 1 2 Figure 10. Single Read forDREQ/DACK DMA Mode for Assigned DMA Channel (EDMOD0/EDMOD1 <14:11> Programmed to a Value of 0000) Rev. 0 | Page 10 of 40 Unit JCLK cycles2 JCLK cycles ns 04723-018 2 Max 15 3.5 x JCLK + 7.5 ns 04723-019 1 Typ JCLK cycles JCLK cycles ADV202 DREQPULSE tDREQ DREQ DACKHI DACKLO DACK tRDSU tRDHD tRD tHD 0 HDATA 1 2 04723-020 RDFB Figure 11. Fly-By DMA Mode--Single Read Cycle (DREQ Pulse Width Is Programmable) FCS0 RD RDFSRQ FIFO NOT EMPTY FIFO EMPTY HDATA 0 1 Figure 12. DCS DMA Mode--Single Read Access (Rev. 0.1 and Higher) Rev. 0 | Page 11 of 40 04723-021 FSRQ0 ADV202 EXTERNAL DMA MODE--FIFO WRITE, BURST MODE Table 8. Parameter DREQPULSE tDREQRTN Desription DREQ Pulse Width1 DACK to DREQ Deassert (DR x Pulse = 0) Min 1 2.5 Typ Max 15 3.5 x JCLK + 7.5 ns Unit JCLK cycles2 JCLK cycles tDACKSU DACK to WE Setup 0 ns tSU tHD WELO WEHI tDREQWAIT Data Setup Data Hold WE Assert Pulse Width WE Deassert Pulse Width DACK Deassert to Next DREQ 2.5 2 1.5 1.5 2.5 ns ns JCLK cycles JCLK cycles JCLK cycles 4.5 x JCLK + 7.5 ns3 1 Applies to assigned DMA channel, if EDMOD0 or EDMOD1 <14:11> is programmed to a value that is NOT 0. Pulse width depends on the value programmed. For a definition of JCLK, see the PLL section. 3 If sufficient space is available in FIFO. 2 DREQPULSE tDREQWAIT DREQ DACK tDACKSU WELO WEHI WE tHD HDATA 0 1 13 14 04723-022 tSU 15 Figure 13. Burst Write Cycle forDREQ/DMA Mode for Assigned DMA Channel (EDMOD0/EDMOD1 <14:11> NOT Programmed to a Value of 0000) tDREQRTN tDREQWAIT DREQ DACK tDACKSU WELO WEHI WE HDATA 0 1 13 14 15 Figure 14. Burst Write Cycle for DREQ/DMA Mode for Assigned DMA Channel (EDMOD0/EDMOD1 <14:11> Programmed to a Value of 0000) Rev. 0 | Page 12 of 40 04723-023 tHD tSU ADV202 tDREQRTN tDREQWAIT DREQ DACK tDACKSU WELO WEHI WEFB tHD 0 HDATA 1 13 14 04723-024 tSU 15 Figure 15. Burst Write Cycle for Fly-By DMA Mode (DREQ Pulse Width Is Programmable) EXTERNAL DMA MODE--FIFO READ, BURST MODE Table 9. Parameter DREQPULSE tDREQRTN Description DREQ Pulse Width1 Min 1 DACK to DREQ Deassert (DR x PULS = 0) 2.5 tDACKSU DACK to RD Setup 0 tRD DACK to Data Valid Data Hold RD Assert Pulse Width RD Deassert Pulse Width DACK Deassert to Next DREQ 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 9.7 ns ns JCLK cycles JCLK cycles 2.5 3.5 x JCLK + 7.5 ns3 JCLK cycles tHD RDLO RDHI tDREQWAIT Typ Max 15 Unit JCLK cycles2 3.5 x JCLK + 7.5 ns JCLK cycles ns 1 Applies to assigned DMA channel, if EDMOD0 or EDMOD1 <14:11> is programmed to a value that is not 0. Pulse width depends on the value programmed. For a definition of JCLK, see the PLL section. 3 If sufficient data is available in FIFO. 2 DREQPULSE tDREQWAIT DREQ DACK tDACKSU RDLO RDHI RD 0 HDATA 1 13 14 15 tRD Figure 16. Burst Read Cycle for DREQ/DACK DMA Mode for Assigned DMA Channel (EMOD0/EDMOD1 <14:11> NOT Programmed to a Value of 0 Rev. 0 | Page 13 of 40 04723-025 tHD ADV202 tDREQRTN tDREQWAIT DREQ DACK tDACKSU RDLO RDHI RD 0 HDATA 1 13 14 04723-026 tHD 15 tRD Figure 17. Burst Read Cycle for DREQ/DACK DMA Mode for Assigned DMA Channel ( EMOD0/EDMOD1 <14:11> Programmed to a Value of 0000) tDREQRTN tDREQWAIT DREQ DACK tDACKSU RDFB 0 HDATA 1 13 14 tRD Figure 18. Burst Read Cycle, Fly-By DMA Mode (DREQ Pulse Width Is Programmable) Rev. 0 | Page 14 of 40 15 04723-027 tHD ADV202 STREAMING MODE (JDATA)--FIFO READ/WRITE Table 10. Parameter JDATATD VALIDTD HOLDSU HOLDHD JDATASU JDATAHD 1 Description MCLK to JDATA Valid MCLK to VALID Assert/ Deassert HOLD Setup to Rising MCLK HOLD Hold from Rising MCLK JDATA Setup to Rising MCLK JDATA Hold from Rising MCLK Min 1.5 1.5 3 3 3 3 Typ Max 2.5 x JCLK + 7.0 ns 2.5 x JCLK + .7.0 ns Unit JCLK cycles1 JCLK cycles ns ns ns ns For a definition of JCLK, see the PLL section. MCLK JDATATD JDATAHD JDATA VALIDTD JDATASU VALID HOLDSU 04723-028 HOLDHD HOLD Figure 19. Streaming Mode Timing--Encode Mode JDATA Output MCLK JDATASU JDATAHD JDATA VALIDTD VALID HOLDHD 04723-029 HOLDSU HOLD Figure 20. Streaming Mode Timing--Decode Mode JDATA Input VDATA MODE TIMING Table 11. Parameter VDATATD VDATASU VDATAHD HSYNCSU HSYNCHD HSYNCTD VSYNCSU VSYNCHD VSYNCTD FIELDSU Description VCLK to VDATA Valid Delay (VDATA Output) VDATA Setup to Rising VCLK (VDATA Input) VDATA Hold from Rising VCLK (VDATA Input) HSYNC Setup to Rising VCLK HSYNC Hold from Rising VCLK VCLK to HSYNC Valid Delay VSYNC Setup to Rising VCLK VSYNC Hold from Rising VCLK VCLK to VSYNC Valid Delay FIELD Setup to Rising VCLK Rev. 0 | Page 15 of 40 Min Typ Max 12 4 4 3 4 12 3 4 12 4 Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ADV202 Parameter FIELDHD FIELDTD SYNC DELAY Description FIELD Hold from Rising VCLK VCLK to FIELD Valid Decode Data Sync Delay for HD Input with EAV/SAV Codes Decode Data Sync Delay for SD Input with EAV/SAV Codes Decode Data Sync Delay for DUAL_LANE (Extended) Input Decode Data Sync Delay for HVF Input (from First Rising VCLK after HSYNC Low to First Data Sample) Min 3 Typ Max Unit ns 12 7 9 7 10 VCLK cycles VCLK cycles VCLK cycles VCLK cycles VCLK VDATAHD VDATASU VDATA(IN) Cr Y Cb Y FF EAV FF SAV Cb Y Cr SAV Cb ENCODE CCIR-656 LINE VCLK VDATATD VDATA(OUT) Cr Y Cb Y FF EAV FF Y Cr DECODE MASTER CCIR-656 LINE VCLK VDATATD VDATA(OUT) Y Cr Y SYNC DELAY Cb Y FF EAV FF SAV Cb Y DECODE SLAVE CCIR-656 LINE VCLK VDATATD Cb VDATA(OUT) Y Cr SYNC DELAY Y Cb Y Cb Y Cr Y Cb HSYNCHD* HSYNC VSYNCHD* VSYNC DECODE SLAVE HVF MODE VCLK VDATA(IN) Y Cr Y Cb Y Cr Y Cb Y Cb Y HSYNCSU HSYNCHD VSYNCSU ENCODE HVF MODE *HSYNC AND VSYNC DO NOT HAVE TO BE APPLIED SIMULTANEOUSLY VSYNCHD Cr Y Cb HSYNC Figure 21. Video Mode Timing Rev. 0 | Page 16 of 40 04723-030 VSYNC ADV202 RAW PIXEL MODE TIMING Table 12. Description VCLK to PIXELDATA Valid Delay (PIXELDATA Output) PIXELDATA Setup to Rising VCLK (PIXELDATA Input) PIXELDATA Hold from Rising VCLK (PIXELDATA Input) VCLK to VRDY Valid Delay VFRM Setup to Rising VCLK (VFRAME Input) VFRM Hold from Rising VCLK (VFRAME Input) VCLK to VFRM Valid Delay (VFRAME Output) VSTRB Setup to Rising VCLK VSTRB Hold from Rising VCLK Min Typ Max 12 Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 4 4 12 3 4 12 4 3 VCLK VDATAHD VDATASU PIXEL DATA(IN) N-1 N 0 1 2 VFRMHD VFRMSU VFRM(IN) VRDYTD VRDY VSTRBHD VSTRBSU VSTRB VCLK VDATATD PIXEL DATA N N 0 1 2 VRFMTD 04723-031 Parameter VDATATD VDATASU VDATAHD VRDYTD VFRMSU VFRMHD VFRMTD VSTRBSU VSTRBHD VFRM(OUT) Figure 22. Raw Pixel Mode Timing Rev. 0 | Page 17 of 40 ADV202 SPI PORT TIMING Table 13. Description S_CLK Fall Time S_CLK Rise Time SCLK high time SCLK Low Time Data Setup Time Data Hold Time Active Setup Time Active Hold Time SCLK to Output Data Valid CS to Output Data Valid SCLK Period Min Typ 5 5 75 75 Max Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 6.5 6.5 135 155 2 36 150 S_CLK SCLK_LO SCLKRISE SCLKFALL SCLK_HI MSB S_MO LSB DV_SCLK S_MI MSB LSB DATASU S_CSEL DATAHD CSELSU DC_CS CSELHD Figure 23. SPI Port--Input Timing Rev. 0 | Page 18 of 40 04723-032 Parameter SCLKFALL SCLKRIS SCLK_hi SCLK_lo Data_su Data_hd CSEL_SU CSEL_HD DV_SCLK DV_CS SCLK ADV202 PIN BGA ASSIGNMENTS AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS PIN BGA ASSIGNMENTS Table 14. Pin BGA Assignments for 121-Lead Package Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Pin Location A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 Pin Description DGND HDATA[2] VDD DGND HDATA[0] HDATA[1] VDATA[1] VDD DGND VDATA[0] DGND HDATA[3] HDATA[4] HDATA[5] HDATA[7] HDATA[8] IOVDD VDATA[6] VDATA[5] VDATA[4] VDATA[2] VDATA[3] DGND HDATA[6] HDATA[9] HDATA[10] HDATA[11] IOVDD VDATA[9] IOVDD VDATA[8] VDATA[7] DGND HDATA[12] HDATA[13] HDATA[14] HDATA[15] IOVDD DGND VDD VSYNC HSYNC VDATA[10] VDATA[11] DGND HDATA[18]_VDATA[14] HDATA[17]_VDATA[13] HDATA[16]_VDATA[12] DGND Pin No. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Rev. 0 | Page 19 of 40 Pin Location E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 H11 J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 J9 Pin Description DGND DGND IOVDD VCLK FIELD DGND DGND HDATA[19]_VDATA[15] HDATA[20]_VDATA[16] HDATA[21]_VDATA[17] DGND DGND DGND DREQ0 DACK0 DREQ1 DGND DGND HDATA[22]_VDATA[18] HDATA[23]_VDATA[19] HDATA[24]_VDATA[20]_JDATA[0] DGND DGND DGND IOVDD DACK1 IRQ DGND HDATA[28]_JDATA[4] HDATA[27]_VDATA[23]_JDATA[3] HDATA[26]_VDATA[22]_JDATA[2] HDATA[25]_VDATA[21]_JDATA[1] IOVDD DGND VDD ACK RD ADDR[1] ADDR[3] DGND HDATA[31]_JDATA[7] HDATA[30]_JDATA[6] HDATA[29]_JDATA[5] IOVDD TEST1 WE CS ADDR[0] ADV202 Pin No. 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Pin Location J10 J11 K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 K10 Pin Description TEST3 DGND SCOMM[4] SCOMM[3] SCOMM[0] SCOMM[1] IOVDD IOVDD IOVDD ADDR[2] TEST2 TEST5 Pin No. 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Pin Location K11 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 Pin Description DGND DGND SCOMM[7] SCOMM[6] SCOMM[5] SCOMM[2] TEST4 RESET DGND MCLK PLLVDD DGND Pin No. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Pin Location D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 G1 Pin Description HDATA[10] HDATA[9] IOVDD DGND VDD VDD DGND IOVDD VDATA[11] VDATA[10] VDATA[9] HDATA[14] HDATA[13] HDATA[12] DGND DGND DGND DGND DGND FIELD VSYNC HSYNC VCLK HDATA[18]_VDATA[14] HDATA[17]_VDATA[13] HDATA[16]_VDATA[12] HDATA[15] DGND DGND DGND DGND DACK1 DREQ1 DACK0 DREQ0 HDATA[22]_VDATA[18] Table 15. Pin BGA Assignments for 144-Lead Package Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Pin Location A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 D1 Pin Description DGND HDATA[2] HDATA[1] HDATA[0] DGND DGND DGND DGND VDATA[2] VDATA[1] VDATA[0] DGND HDATA[5] HDATA[4] HDATA[3] IOVDD DGND VDD VDD DGND IOVDD VDATA[5] VDATA[4] VDATA[3] HDATA[8] HDATA[7] HDATA[6] IOVDD DGND VDD VDD DGND IOVDD VDATA[8] VDATA[7] VDATA[6] HDATA[11] Rev. 0 | Page 20 of 40 ADV202 Pin No. 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Pin Location G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 H11 H12 J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 J9 J10 J11 J12 K1 Pin Description HDATA[21]_VDATA[17] HDATA[20]_VDATA[16] HDATA[19]_VDATA[15] DGND DGND DGND DGND DGND IRQ ACK RD HDATA[26]_VDATA[22]_JDATA[2] HDATA[25]_VDATA[21]_JDATA[1] HDATA[24]_VDATA[20]_JDATA[0] HDATA[23]_VDATA[19] DGND DGND DGND DGND DGND WR CS ADDR[0] HDATA[30]_JDATA[6] HDATA[29]_JDATA[5] HDATA[28]_JDATA[4] HDATA[27]_VDATA[23]_JDATA[3] DGND VDD VDD DGND DGND ADDR[1] ADDR[2] ADDR[3] SCOMM[1] Pin No. 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 Rev. 0 | Page 21 of 40 Pin Location K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 K10 K11 K12 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 Pin Description SCOMM[0] HDATA[31]_JDATA[7] IOVDD DGND VDD VDD DGND IOVDD TEST3 TEST2 TEST1 SCOMM[4] SCOMM[3] SCOMM[2] IOVDD DGND VDD VDD DGND IOVDD TEST5 RESET MCLK DGND SCOMM[7] SCOMM[6] SCOMM[5] DGND DGND DGND DGND TEST4 PLLVDD DGND DGND ADV202 PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS Table 16. Mnemonic MCLK Pins Used 1 121-Pin Package L9 144-Pin Package L12 I/O I RESET 1 L7 L11 I HDATA<15:0> 16 D4-D1, C5- C3, B5, B4, C2, B3-B1, A2, A6-A5 F4, E1-E3, D1-D3, C1- C3, B1-B3, A2, A3, A4 I/O ADDR<3:0> 4 1 J12, J11, J10, H12 H11 I CS H11, K8, H10, J9 J8 WE RDFB 1 J7 H10 I RD WEFB 1 H9 G12 I ACK 1 H8 G11 O IRQ 1 G10 G10 O DREQ0 1 F8 F12 O I FSRQ0 O VALID O CFG<1> I DACK0 1 F9 F11 I Description System Input Clock. For details, see the PLL section. Maximum input frequency on MCLK is 74.25 MHz. Reset. Causes the ADV202 to immediately reset. CS, RD, WE, DACK0, DACK1, DREQ0, and DREQ1 must be held high when a RESET is applied. Host Data Bus. With HDATA<23:16>, <27:24>, <31:28>, these pins make up the 32-bit wide host data bus. The async host interface is interfaced together with ADDR<3:0>, CS, WE, RD, and ACK. Unused HDATA pins should be pulled down via a 10 k resistor. Address Bus for the Host Interface. Chip Select.This signal is used to qualify addressed read and write access to the ADV202 using the host interface. Write Enable Used with the Host Interface. Read Enable when Fly-By DMA Is Enabled. Note: Simultaneous assertion of WE and DACK low activates the HDATA bus, even if the DMA channels are disabled. Read Enable Used with the Host Interface. Write Enable when Fly-By DMA Is Enabled. Note: Simultaneous assertion of RD and DACK low activates the HDATA bus, even if the DMA channels are disabled. Acknowledge. Used for direct register accesses. This signal indicates that the last register access was successful. Note: Due to synchronization issues, control and status register accesses might incur an additional delay, so the host software should wait for acknowledgment from the ADV202. Accesses to the FIFOs (external DMA modes), on the other hand, are guaranteed to occur immediately, provided that space is available, and should not wait for ACK, provided that the timing constraints are observed. If ACK is shared with more than one device, ACK should be connected to a pull-up resistor (10 k) and the PLL_HI register, Bit 4, must be set to 1. Interrupt. This pin indicates that the ADV202 requires the attention of the host processor. This pin can be programmed to indicate the status of the internal interrupt conditions within the ADV202. The interrupt sources are enabled via bits in register EIRQIE. Data Request for external DMA Interface. Indicates that the ADV202 is ready to send/receive data to/from the FIFO assigned to DMA Channel 0. Used in DCS-DMA Mode. Service request from the FIFO assigned to Channel 0 (asynchronous mode). Valid Indication for JDATA Input/Output Stream. Polarity of this pin is programmable in the EDMOD0 register. VALID is always an output. Boot Mode Configuration. This pin is read on reset to determine the boot configuration of the on-board processor. The pin should be tied to IOVDD or DGND through a 10 k resistor. Data Acknowledge for External DMA Interface. Signal from the host CPU, which indicates that the data transfer request (DREQ0) has been acknowledged and data transfer can proceed. This pin must be held high at all times, if the DMA interface is not used, even if the DMA channels are disabled. Rev. 0 | Page 22 of 40 ADV202 Mnemonic HOLD Pins Used 121-Pin Package 144-Pin Package I FCS0 DREQ1 I/O I 1 F10 F10 O FSRQ1 O CFG<2> I DACK1 1 G9 F9 I FCS1 HDATA<31:28> JDATA<7:4> HDATA<27:24> JDATA<3:0> VDATA<23:20> HDATA<23:16> 4 J2-J4, H1 K3, J1-J3 4 H2-H4, G4 J4, H1-H3 8 G3, G2, F4, F3, F2 E2, E3, E4 H4, G1-G4, F1-F3 VDATA<19:12> SCOMM<7> SCOMM<6> SCOMM<5> I I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O 8 L2 L3 L4 M2 M3 M4 I/O I/O I/O SCOMM<4> K1 L1 O SCOMM<3> K2 L2 O SCOMM<2> L5 L3 O SCOMM<1> K4 K1 I SCOMM<0> K3 K2 O VCLK 1 E9 E12 I VDATA<11:0> 12 D11, D10, C7, C9, C10, B7, B8, B9, B11, B10, A7, A10 D10-D12, C10-C12, B10-B12, A9-A11 I/O Description External Hold Indication for JDATA Input/Output Stream. Polarity is programmable in the EDMOD0 register. This pin is always an input. Used in DCS-DMA Mode. Chip select for the FIFO assigned to Channel 0 (asynchronous mode). Data Request for External DMA Interface. Indicates that the ADV202 is ready to send/receive data to/from the FIFO assigned to DMA Channel 1. Used in DCS-DMA Mode. Service request from the FIFO assigned to Channel 1 (asynchronous mode). Boot Mode Configuration. This pin is read on reset to determine the boot configuration of the on-board processor. The pin should be tied to IOVDD or DGND through a 10 k resistor. Data Acknowledge for External DMA Interface. Signal from the host CPU, which indicates that the data transfer request (DREQ1) has been acknowledged and data transfer can proceed. This pin must be held high at all times unless a DMA or JDATA access is occurring. This pin must be held high at all times, if the DMA interface is not used, even if the DMA channels are disabled. Used in DCS-DMA Mode. Chip select for the FIFO assigned to Channel 1 (asynchronous mode). Host Expansion Bus. JDATA Bus (JDATA Mode). Host Expansion Bus. JDATA Bus (JDATA Mode). Video Data Expansion Bus. Host Expansion Bus. Video Data Expansion Bus. Extended pixel interface mode. Used for video formats that use Y and CrCb on separate buses. When not used, this pin should be tied low. When not used, this pin should be tied low. This pin must be used in multiple chip mode to align the outputs of two or more ADV202s. For details, see the Applications section and the ADV202 Multichip Application application note. When not used, this pin should be tied low. LCODE Output in Encode Mode. When LCODE is enabled, the output on this pin indicates on a high transition that the last data-word for a field has been read from the FIFO. For an 8-bit interface, such as JDATA, LCODE is asserted for four consecutive bytes and is enabled by default. SPI interface: S_CSEL. When not used, this pin should be tied low. Used only with boot mode 6. SPI interface: S_MO. When not used, this pin should be tied low. Used only with boot mode 6. SPI interface: S_MI. When not used, this pin should be tied low. Used only with boot mode 6. SPI interface: S_CLK. When not used, this pin should be tied low. Used only with boot mode 6. Video Data Clock. Must be supplied, if video data is input/output on the VDATA bus. Video Data. Unused pins should be pulled down via a 10 k resistor. Rev. 0 | Page 23 of 40 ADV202 Mnemonic VSYNC VFRM HSYNC VRDY FIELD VSTRB TEST1 TEST2 TEST3 TEST4 TEST5 VDD Pins Used 1 121-Pin Package D8 144-Pin Package E10 1 D9 E11 1 E10 E9 1 1 1 1 1 J6 K9 J10 L6 K10 A3, A8, D7, H7 K12 K11 K10 M9 L10 B6, B7, C6, C7, D6, D7, J6, J7, K6, K7, L6, L7 A1, A5-A8, A12, B5, B8, C5, C8, D5, D8, E4-E8, F5-F8, G5-G9, H5- H9, J5, J8-J9, K5, K8, L5, L8, M1, M5-M8, M11, M12 M10 B4, B9, C4, C9, D4, D9, K4, K9, L4, L9 DGND PLLVDD IOVDD 1 A1, A11, A4, A9, C1, C11, D6, E1, E5-E7, E11, F1, F5- F7, F11, G1, G5-G7, G11, H6, J1, J11, K11, L1, L8, L11 L10 B6, C6, C8, D5, E8, G8, H5, J5, K5, K6, K7 I/O I/O I/O O I/O I I I I I O V Description Vertical Sync for Video Mode. Raw Pixel Mode Framing Signal. Indicates first sample of a tile when asserted high. Horizontal Sync for Video Mode. Raw Pixel Mode Ready Signal. Field Sync for Video Mode. Raw Pixel Mode Transfer Strobe. This pin should be connected to ground via a pull-down resistor. This pin should be connected to ground via a pull-down resistor. This pin should be connected to ground via a pull-down resistor. This pin should be connected to ground via a pull-down resistor. No connect. Positive Supply for Core. GND Ground. V V Positive Supply for PLL. Positive Supply for I/O. Rev. 0 | Page 24 of 40 ADV202 THEORY OF OPERATION The input video or pixel data is passed on to the ADV202's pixel interface, where samples are de-interleaved and passed on to the wavelet engine, where each tile or frame is decomposed into subbands using the 5/3 or 9/7 filters. The resultant wavelet coefficients are then written to internal memory. The entropy codecs then code the image data so that it conforms to the JPEG2000 standard. An internal DMA provides high bandwidth memory-to-memory transfers, as well as high performance transfers between functional blocks and memory. ENTROPY CODECS WAVELET ENGINE EMBEDDED PROCESSOR SYSTEM The ADV202 provides a dedicated wavelet transform processor based on the Analog Devices proven and patented SURFTM technology. This processor can perform up to six wavelet decomposition levels on a tile. In encode mode, the wavelet transform processor takes in uncompressed samples, performs the wavelet transform and quantization, and writes the wavelet coefficients in all frequency subbands to internal memory. Each of these subbands is then further broken down into code blocks. The code-block dimensions can be user-defined, and are used by the wavelet transform processor to organize the wavelet coefficients into code blocks when writing to internal memory. Each completed code block is then entropy coded by one of the entropy codecs. The ADV202 incorporates an embedded 32-bit RISC processor. This processor is used for configuration, control, and management of the dedicated hardware functions, as well as for parsing and generation of the JPEG2000 code stream. The processor system includes ROM and RAM for both program and data memory, an interrupt controller, standard bus interfaces, and other hardware functions such as timers and counters. In decode mode, wavelet coefficients are read from internal memory and recomposed into uncompressed samples. The entropy codec block performs context modeling and arithmetic coding on a code block of the wavelet coefficients. Additionally, this block also performs the distortion metric calculations during compression that are required for optimal rate and distortion performance. Because the entropy coding process is the most computationally intensive operation in the JPEG2000 compression process, three dedicated hardware entropy codecs are provided on the ADV202. MEMORY SYSTEM The memory system's main function is to manage wavelet coefficient data, interim code-block attribute data, and temporary work space for creating, parsing, and storing the JPEG2000 code stream. The memory system can also be used for program and data memory for the embedded processor. INTERNAL DMA ENGINE The internal DMA engine provides high bandwidth memoryto-memory transfers, as well as high performance transfers between memory and functional blocks. This function is critical for high speed generation and parsing of the code stream. Rev. 0 | Page 25 of 40 ADV202 ADV202 INTERFACE There are several possible modes to interface to the ADV202 using the VDATA bus and the HDATA bus or the HDATA bus alone. VIDEO INTERFACE (VDATA BUS) The video interface can be used in applications in which uncompressed pixel data is on a separate bus from compressed data. For example, it is possible to use the VDATA bus to input uncompressed video while using the HDATA bus to output the compressed data. This interface is ideal for applications requiring very high throughput such as live video capture. The control and data channel bus widths can be specified independently, which allows the ADV202 to support applications that require control and data buses of different widths. The host interface is used for configuration, control, and status functions, as well as for transferring compressed data streams. It can be used for uncompressed data transfers in certain modes. The host interface can be shared by as many as four concurrent data streams in addition to control and status communications. The data streams are * Uncompressed tile data (for example, still image data) * Fully encoded JPEG2000 code stream (or unpackaged code blocks) * Code-block attributes * Ancillary data Optionally, the ADV202 interlaces ITU.R-BT656 resolution video on the fly prior to wavelet processing, which yields significantly better compression performance for temporally coherent frame-based video sources. Additionally, high definition digital video such as SMPTE274M (1080i) is supported using two or more ADV202 devices. The video interface can support video data or still image data input/output, 8-, 10-, and 12-bit single or multiplexed components, and dual-lane 8-, 10-, and 12-bit components. The VDATA interface supports digital video in YCbCr format in single input mode or Y and CbCr in dual-lane input mode. YCbCr data must be in 4:2:2 format. The ADV202 uses big endian byte alignment for 16- and 32-bit transfers. All data is left-justified (MSB). Pixel Input on the Host Interface Video data can be input/output in several different modes on the VDATA bus, as described in Table 17. In all these modes, the pixel clock must be input on the VCLK pin. Pixel input on the host interface supports 8-, 10-, 12-, 14-, and 16-bit raw pixel data formats. It can be used for pixel (still image) input/output or compressed video output. Because there are no timing codes or sync signals associated with the input data on the host interface, dimension registers and internal counters are used and must be programmed to indicate the start and end of the frame. See the ADV202 in HIPI Mode technical note for details on how to use the ADV202 in this mode. Table 17. Video Input/Output Modes Host Bus Configuration Mode EAV/SAV HVF Extended Raw video HDTV Description Accepts video with embedded EAV/SAV codes, where the YCbCr data is interleaved onto a single bus. Accepts video data accompanied with separate H, V, and F signals where YCbCr data is interleaved onto a single bus. Y and CrCb are on separate buses accompanied by EAV/SAV codes. Used for still picture data and nonstandard video. VFRM, VSTRB, and VRDY are used to program the dimensions of the image. For applications in which video data is clocked into the part at higher rates than 27 MHz. HOST INTERFACE (HDATA BUS) The ADV202 can connect directly to a wide variety of host processors and ASICs using an asynchronous SRAM-style interface, DMA accesses or streaming mode (JDATA) interface. The ADV202 supports 16- and 32-bit buses for control and 8-, 16-, and 32-bit buses for data transfer. For maximum flexibility, the host interface provides several configurations to meet particular system requirements. The default bus mode uses the same pins to transfer control, status, and data to and from the ADV202. In this mode, the ADV202 can support 16- and 32-bit control transfers and 8-, 16-, and 32-bit data transfers. The size of these busses can be selected independently, allowing, for example, a 16-bit microcontroller to configure and control the ADV202 while still providing 32-bit data transfers to an ASIC or external memory system. DIRECT AND INDIRECT REGISTERS To minimize pin count and cost, the number of address pins has been limited to four, which yields a total direct address space of 16 locations. These locations are most commonly used by the external controller and are, therefore, accessible directly. All other registers in the ADV202 can be accessed indirectly through the IADDR and IDATA registers. Rev. 0 | Page 26 of 40 ADV202 CONTROL ACCESS REGISTERS With the exception of the indirect address and data registers (IADDR and IDATA), all control/status registers in the ADV202 are 16 bits wide and are half-word (16-bit) addressable only. When 32-bit host mode is enabled, the upper 16 bits of the HDATA bus are ignored on writes and return all zeros on reads of 16-bit registers. PIN CONFIGURATION AND BUS SIZES/MODES The ADV202 provides a wide variety of control and data configurations, which allows it to be used in many applications with little or no glue logic. The following modes are configured using the BUSMODE register. In the following descriptions, host refers to normal addressed accesses (CS/RD/WR/ADDR) and data refers to external DMA accesses (DREQ/DACK). 32-Bit Host/32-Bit Data In this mode, the HDATA<31:0> pins provide full 32-bit wide data access to PIXEL, CODE, ATTR, and ANCL FIFOs. The expanded video interface (VDATA) is not available in this mode. 16-Bit Host/32-Bit Data This mode allows a 16-bit host to configure and communicate with the ADV202 while still allowing 32-bit accesses to the PIXEL, CODE, ATTR, and ANCL FIFOs using the external DMA capability. All addressed host accesses are 16 bits and, therefore, use only the HDATA<15:0> pins. The HDATA<31:16> pins provide the additional 16 bits necessary to support the 32-bit external DMA transfers to and from the FIFOs only. The expanded video interface (VDATA) is not available in this mode. 16-Bit Host/16-Bit Data This mode uses 16-bit transfers, if used for host or external DMA data transfers. This mode allows for the use of the extended pixel interface modes. has been provided to allow 16-bit hosts to access these registers and memory locations using the stage register (STAGE). STAGE is accessed as a 16-bit register using HDATA[15:0]. Prior to writing to the desired register, the stage register must be written with the upper (most significant) half-word. When the host subsequently writes the lower half-word to the desired control register, HDATA is combined with the previously staged value to create the required 32-bit value that is written. When a register is read, the upper (most significant) half-word is returned immediately on HDATA and the lower half-word can be retrieved by reading the stage register on a subsequent access. For details on using the stage register, see the ADV202 User's Guide. Note: The stage register does not apply to the four data channels (PIXEL, CODE, ATTR, or ANCL). These channels are always accessed at the specified data width and do not require the use of the stage register. JDATA MODE JDATA mode is typically used only when the dedicated video interface (VDATA) is also enabled. This mode allows code stream data (compressed data compliant with JPEG2000) to be input or output on a single dedicated 8-bit bus (JDATA<7:0>). The bus is always an output during compression operations, and is an input during decompression. A 2-pin handshake is used to transfer data over this synchronous interface. VALID is used to indicate that the ADV202 is ready to provide or accept data and is always an output. HOLD is always an input and is asserted by the host if it cannot accept/provide data. For example, JDATA mode allows real-time applications, in which pixel data is input over the VDATA bus while the compressed data stream is output over the JDATA bus. EXTERNAL DMA ENGINE 16-Bit Host/8-Bit Data (JDATA Bus Mode) This mode provides separate data input/output and host control interface pins. Host control accesses are 16 bits and use HDATA<15:0>, while the dedicated data bus uses JDATA<7:0>. The external DMA interface is provided to enable high bandwidth data I/O between an external DMA controller and the ADV202 data FIFOs. Two independent DMA channels can each be assigned to any one of the four data stream FIFOs (PIXEL, CODE, ATTR, or ANCL). JDATA uses a valid/hold synchronous transfer protocol. The direction of the JDATA bus is determined by the mode of the ADV202. If the ADV202 is encoding (compression), then JDATA<7:0> is an output. If the ADV202 is decoding (decompression), then JDATA<7:0> is an input. Host control accesses remain asynchronous. See also JDATA section below. The controller supports asynchronous DMA using a Data-Request/Data-Acknowledge (DREQ/DACK) protocol in either single or burst access modes. Additional functionality is provided for single address compatibility (fly-by) and dedicated chip select (DCS) modes. STAGE REGISTER The SPI port provides serial communication to and from the ADV202. The ADV202 is always the SPI master. Because the ADV202 contains both 16-bit and 32-bit registers and its internal memory is mapped as 32-bit data, a mechanism SPI PORT Rev. 0 | Page 27 of 40 ADV202 INTERNAL REGISTERS This section describes the internal registers of the ADV202. The host must first initialize the direct registers before any application-specific operation can be implemented. DIRECT REGISTERS The ADV202 has 16 direct registers, as listed in Table 18. The direct registers are accessed over the ADDR [3-0], HDATA[31...0], CS, RD, WR, and ACK pins. For additional information on accessing and configuring these registers, see the ADV202 User's Guide. Table 18. Direct Registers Address 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 0x0A 0x0B 0x0C 0x0D 0x0E 0x0F Name PIXEL CODE ATTR ANCL CMDSTA EIRQIE EIRQFLG SWFLAG BUSMODE MMODE STAGE IADDR IDATA BOOT PLL_HI PLL_LO Description Pixel FIFO Access Register Compressed Code Stream Access Register Attribute FIFO Access Register Ancillary FIFO Access Register Command Stack External Interrupt Enabled External Interrupt Flags Software Flag Register Bus Mode Configuration Register Miscellaneous Mode Register Staging Register Indirect Address Register Indirect Data Register Boot Mode Register PLL Control Register--High Byte PLL Control Register--Low Byte Rev. 0 | Page 28 of 40 ADV202 INDIRECT REGISTERS The indirect registers, listed in Table 19, are accessed by both the host system and the internal 32-bit embedded processor, via the ESF or the firmware. Both 32-bit and 16-bit hosts can access the indirect registers. 32-bit hosts use the IADDR and IDATA registers, while the 16 bit hosts use IADDR, IDATA, and the stage register. In certain modes such as custom-specific input format or HIPI mode, indirect registers must be accessed by the user through the use of the IADDR and IDATA registers. The indirect register address space starts at Internal Address 0xFFFF0000. For additional information on accessing and configuring these registers, see the ADV202 User's Guide. Table 19. Indirect Registers Address 0xFFFF0400 0xFFFF0404 0xFFFF0408 0xFFFF040C 0xFFFF0410 0xFFFF0414 0xFFFF0418 0xFFFF041C 0xFFFF0420 0xFFFF0424 0xFFFF0428 0xFFFF042C 0xFFFF0430 0xFFFF0440 0xFFFF0444 0xFFFF0448 0xFFFF044C 0xFFFF1408 0xFFFF140C 0xFFFF1410 0xFFFF1414 0xFFFF1418 0xFFFF141C 0xFFFF1420 0xFFFF1424 0xFFFF1428 0xFFFF142C 0xFFFF1430 0xFFFF1434 to 0xFFFF14FC Name PMODE1 COMP_CNT_STATUS LINE_CNT_STATUS XTOT YTOT F0_START F1_START V0_START V1_START V0_END V1_END PIXEL_START PIXEL_END MS_CNT_DEL LINE_CNT_INTERRUPT PMODE2 VMODE EDMOD0 EDMOD1 FFTHRP FFCNTP FFMODE FFTHRC FFTHRA FFTHRN FFCNTC FFCNTA FFCNTN Reserved Description Pixel/Video Format Horizontal Count Vertical Count Total Samples per Line Total Lines per Frame Start Line of Field 0 [F0] Start Line of Field 1 [F1] Start of Active Video Field 0 [F0] Start of Active Video Field 1 [F1] End of Active Video Field 0 [F0] End of Active Video Field 1 [F1] Horizontal Start of Active Video Horizontal End of Active Video Master/Slave Delay Line Count Interrupt Pixel Mode 2 Video Mode External DMA Mode Register 0 External DMA Mode Register 1 FIFO Threshold for Pixel FIFO FIFO Full/Empty Count for Pixel FIFO FIFO Mode Register FIFO Threshold for Code FIFO FIFO Threshold for ATTR FIFO FIFO Threshold for ANCL FIFO FIFO Full/ Empty Count for CODE FIFO FIFO Full/Empty Count for ATTR FIFO FIFO Full/Empty Count for ANCL FIFO Reserved Rev. 0 | Page 29 of 40 ADV202 PLL The ADV202 uses the PLL_HI and PLL_LO direct registers to configure the PLL. Any time the PLL_LO register is modified, the host must wait at least 20 s before reading or writing any other register. If this delay is not implemented, erratic behavior might result. The PLL can be programmed to have any possible final multiplier value as long as * JCLK > 50 MHz and < 150 MHz (144-pin version). * For MCLK frequencies greater than 50 MHz, the input clock divider must be enabled, that is, IPD set to 1. * IPD cannot be enabled for MCLK frequencies below 20 MHz. To achieve the lowest power consumption, an MCLK frequency of 27 MHz is recommended for a standard definition CCIR656 input. The PLL circuit is recommended to have a multiplier of 3. This sets JCLK and HCLK to 81 MHz. BYPASS * JCLK > 50 MHz and < 115 MHz (121-pin version). IPD * JCLK 2 x VCLK for single-component input. /2 PHASE DETECT LPF JCLK VCO /2 /2 * JCLK 2 x VCLK for YCrCb [4:2:2] input. HCLKD LFB * In JDATA mode (JDATA), JCLK must be 4 x MCLK or higher. Figure 24. PLL Architecture and Control Functions * The maximum burst frequency for external DMA modes is 0.36 JCLK. Table 20. Recommended PLL Register Settings IPD 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 LFB 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 PLLMULT N N N N N N N N HCLKD 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 HCLK N x MCLK N x MCLK/2 2 x N x MCLK N x MCLK N x MCLK/2 N x MCLK/4 N x MCLK N x MCLK/2 JCLK N x MCLK N x MCLK 2 x N x MCLK 2 x N x MCLK N x MCLK/2 N x MCLK/2 N x MCLK N x MCLK PLL_HI 0x0008 0x0008 0x0008 0x0008 PLL_LO 0x0004 0x0004 0x0004 0x0084 Table 21. Recommended Values for PLL_HI and PLL_LO Registers Video Standard SMPTE125M or ITU-R.BT656 (NTSC or PAL) SMPTE293M (525p) ITU-R.BT1358 (625p) SMPTE274M (1080i) CLKIN Frequency on MCLK 27 MHz 27 MHz 27 MHz 74.25 MHz Rev. 0 | Page 30 of 40 HCLK /PLLMULT 04723-009 MCLK * HCLK < 115 MHz. ADV202 HARDWARE BOOT The boot mode can be configured via hardware using the CFG pins or via software (see the ADV202 User's Guide). The first boot mode after power-up is set by the CFG pins. Only boot modes 2, 4, and 6, described in Table 22, are available via hardware. Table 22. Hardware Boot Modes Boot Mode Hardware Boot Mode 2 Settings CFG<1> tied high, CFG<2> tied low Hardware Boot Mode 4 Hardware Boot Mode 6 CFG<1> tied low, CFG<2> tied high CFG<1> and <2> tied high Description No-Boot Host Mode. ADV202 does not boot, but all internal registers and memory are accessible through normal host I/O operations. For details, see the ADV202 User's Guide and the Getting Started with the ADV202 application note. SoC boot mode. The embedded software framework (ESF) takes control and establishes communications with the host. SPI boot mode. Boot firmware over SPI from external flash memory. Rev. 0 | Page 31 of 40 ADV202 VIDEO INPUT FORMATS The ADV202 supports a wide variety of formats for uncompressed video and still image data. The actual interface and bus modes selected for transferring uncompressed data dictates the allowed size of the input data and the number of samples transferred with each access. The host interface can support 8-, 10-, 12-, 14-, and 16-bit data formats. The video interface can support video data or still image data input/output. Supported formats are 8-, 10-, 12-, or 16-bit single or 2 x 8-bit, 2 x 10-bit, 2 x 12-bit multiplexed formats. See the ADV202 User's Guide for details. All formats can support less precision than provided by specifying the actual data width/precision in the PMODE register. The maximum allowable data input rate is limited by using irreversible or reversible compression modes and the data width (or precision) of the input samples. Use Table 23 and Table 24 to determine the maximum data input rate. Table 23. Maximum Pixel Data Input Rates Compression Interface Mode 144-PIN PACKAGE HDATA Irreversible Irreversible Irreversible Irreversible Reversible Reversible Reversible Reversible VDATA Irreversible Irreversible Irreversible Reversible Reversible Reversible 121-PIN PACKAGE HDATA Irreversible Irreversible Irreversible Irreversible Reversible Reversible Reversible Reversible VDATA Irreversible Irreversible Irreversible Reversible Reversible Reversible Input Format Input Rate Limit Active Resolution (MSPS)1 Approx Min Peak Output Rate, Compressed Data2 (Mbps) Approx Max Output Rate, Compressed Data3 (Mbps) 8-bit data 10-bit data 12-bit data 16-bit data 8-bit data 10-bit data 12-bit data 14-bit data 8-bit data 10-bit data 12-bit data 8-bit data 10-bit data 12-bit data 45 45 45 45 40 32 27 23 65 65 65 40 32 27 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 8-bit data 10-bit data 12-bit data 16-bit data 8-bit data 10-bit data 12-bit data 14-bit data 8-bit data 10-bit data 12-bit data 8-bit data 10-bit data 12-bit data 34 34 34 34 30 24 20 17 48 48 48 30 24 20 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 1 Input rate limits for HDATA might be less for certain applications depending on input picture size and content, host interface settings, and DMA transfer settings. Minimum peak output rate or guaranteed sustained output rate. 3 Maximum output rate, or output rate above this value is not possible. 2 Rev. 0 | Page 32 of 40 ADV202 Table 24. Maximum Supported Tile Width for Data Input on HDATA and VDATA Buses Compression Mode 9/7i 9/7i 9/7i 5/3i 5/3i 5/3i 5/3r 5/3r 5/3r Input Format Single-component Two-component Three-component Single-component Two-component Three-component Single-component Two-component Three-component Tile/Precinct Maximum Width 2048 1024 each 1024 (Y) 4096 2048 (each) 2048 (Y) 4096 2048 1024 Rev. 0 | Page 33 of 40 ADV202 APPLICATIONS This section describes typical video applications for the ADV202 JPEG2000 video processor. In decode mode, a master/slave configuration (as shown in Figure 26) or a slave/slave configuration can be used to synchronize the outputs of the two ADV202s. See the ADV202 Multichip Application application note for details on how to configure the ADV202s in a multichip application. ENCODE--MULTICHIP MODE Due to the data input rate limitation (see Table 23), an 1080i application requires at least two ADV202s to encode or decode full-resolution 1080i video. In encode mode, the ADV202 accepts Y and CbCr data on separate buses. The input data must be in EAV/SAV format. An encode example is shown in Figure 25. ADV202 _1_SLAVE 32-BIT HOST CPU DATA[31:0] ADDR[3:0] ADV7402 10-BIT SD/HD VIDEO DECODER HDATA[31:0] ADDR[3:0] CS CS RD RD WR WE ACK ACK IRQ IRQ VCLK LLC 1080i VIDEO OUT MCLK VDATA[11:2] DREQ DREQ DACK DACK G I/O Applications that have two separate VDATA outputs sent to an FPGA or buffer before they are sent to an encoder do not require synchronization at the ADV202 outputs. Y FIELD VSYNC HSYNC SCOMM[5] Y[9:0] CbCr C[9:0] ADV202 _2_SLAVE HDATA[31:0] ADDR[3:0] CS RD RD WR WE ACK ACK IRQ IRQ DREQ DREQ DACK DACK MCLK HSYNC VSYNC FIELD VDATA[11:2] CbCr SCOMM[5] Figure 25. Encode--Multichip Application Rev. 0 | Page 34 of 40 04723-002 CS VCLK ADV202 In a slave/slave configuration, the common HVF for both ADV202s is generated by an external house sync and each SCOMM[5] is connected to the same GPIO output on the host. DECODE--MULTICHIP MASTER/SLAVE In a master/slave configuration, it is expected that the master HVF outputs are connected to the slave HVF inputs and that each SCOMM[5] pin is connected to the same GPIO on the host. SWIRQ1, Software Interrupt 1 in the EIRQIE register, must be unmasked on both devices to enable multichip mode. ADV202 _1_MASTER 32-BIT HOST CPU DATA[31:0] HDATA[31:0] ADDR[3:0] ADDR[3:0] CS CS RD RD WR WE ACK ACK IRQ IRQ ADV730xA 10-BIT SD/HD VIDEO DECODER VCLK CLKIN 1080i VIDEO OUT MCLK VDATA[11:2] DREQ DREQ DACK DACK G I/O 74.25MHz OSC Y Y FIELD VSYNC HSYNC SCOMM[5] Y[9:0] CbCr C[9:0] ADV202 _2_SLAVE HDATA[31:0] ADDR[3:0] CS RD WR WE ACK ACK IRQ IRQ DREQ DREQ DACK DACK HSYNC VSYNC FIELD VDATA[11:2] CbCr 04723-003 CS RD VCLK MCLK SCOMM[5] Figure 26. Decode --Multichip Master/Slave Application DIGITAL STILL CAMERA/CAMCORDER Figure 27 is a typical configuration for a digital camera or camcorder. FPGA D[9:0] SDATA SCK SL 10 DATA INPUTS[9:0] SERIAL DATA SERIAL CLK SERIAL EN ADV202 MCLK VCLK VFRM VRDY VSTRB VDATA[11:2] HDATA[15:0] ADDR[3:0] CS RD WE ACK IRQ Figure 27. Digital Still Camera/Camcorder Application Rev. 0 | Page 35 of 40 16-BIT HOST CPU DATA[15:0] ADDR[3:0] CS RD WE ACK IRQ 04723-004 AD9843A ADV202 ENCODE/DECODE SDTV VIDEO APPLICATION Figure 28 shows two ADV202 chips using 10-bit CCIR656 in normal host mode. ADV202 ADV7189 10-BIT VIDEO DECODER VDATA[11:2] 32-BIT HOST CPU DATA[31:0] INTR ADDR[3:0] CS RD WE ACK DECODE MODE VCLK MCLK LLC1 HDATA[31:0] IRQ ADDR[3:0] CS RD WE ACK ADV202 ADV7301A 10-BIT VIDEO ENCODER VDATA[11:2] P[9:0] VCLK CLKIN 32-BIT HOST CPU DATA[31:0] INTR ADDR[3:0] CS RD WE ACK VIDEO IN P[19:10] VIDEO OUT MCLK HDATA[31:0] IRQ ADDR[3:0] CS RD WE ACK 27MHz OSC Figure 28. Encode/Decode--SDTV Video Application Rev. 0 | Page 36 of 40 04723-005 ENCODE MODE ADV202 ASIC APPLICATION (32-BIT HOST/32-BIT ASIC) Figure 29 shows two ADV202 chips using 10-bit CCIR656 in normal host mode. ASIC ADV7189 ADV202 10-BIT VIDEO DECODER DREQ0 DREQ0 DACK0 DACK0 VDATA[11:2] DATA[31:0] HDATA[31:0] VIDEO IN P[19:10] VCLK LLC1 MCLK 32-BIT HOST CPU DATA[31:0] ASIC IRQ ADDR[3:0] CS RD WE ACK ENCODE MODE ADV730xA ADV202 10-BIT VIDEO ENCODER DREQ0 DREQ0 DACK0 DACK0 VDATA[11:2] P[9:0] VCLK CLKIN DATA[31:0] HDATA[31:0] 31 -BIT HOST CPU DATA[31:0] IRQ ADDR[3:0] CS RD WE ACK VIDEO OUT MCLK 27MHz OSC IRQ ADDR[3:0] CS RD WE ACK Figure 29. Encode/Decode ASIC Application Rev. 0 | Page 37 of 40 DECODE MODE 04723-006 IRQ ADDR[3:0] CS RD WE ACK ADV202 HIPI (HOST INTERFACE--PIXEL INTERFACE) Figure 30 is a typical configuration using HIPI mode. ADV202 Y0/G0 Y0/G0<6> Y0/G0<5> Y0/G0<4> Y0/G0<3> Y0/G0<2> Y0/G0<1> Y0/G0<0> Cb0/G1 Cb0/G1<6> Cb0/G1<5> Cb0/G1<4> Cb0/G1<3> Cb0/G1<2> Cb0/G1<1> Cb0/G1<0> Y1/G2 Y1/G2<6> Y1/G2<5> Y1/G2<4> Y1/G2<3> Y1/G2<2> Y1/G2<1> Y1/G2<0> Cr0/G3 Cr0/G3<6> Cr0/G3<5> Cr0/G3<4> Cr0/G3<3> Cr0/G3<2> Cr0/G3<1> Cr0/G3<0> 32-BIT HOST HDATA<31> HDATA<30> HDATA<29> HDATA<28> HDATA<27> HDATA<26> HDATA<25> HDATA<24> HDATA<23> HDATA<22> HDATA<21> HDATA<20> HDATA<19> HDATA<18> HDATA<17> HDATA<16> HDATA<15> HDATA<14> HDATA<13> HDATA<12> HDATA<11> HDATA<10> HDATA<9> HDATA<8> HDATA<7> HDATA<6> HDATA<5> HDATA<4> HDATA<3> HDATA<2> HDATA<1> HDATA<0> DATA<31:0> CS CS RD RD WR WE ACK ACK IRQ IRQ DREQ0 DACK0 RAW PIXEL DATAPATH DREQ DACK DREQ1 DACK1 COMPRESSED DATAPATH 74.25MHz 04723-007 DREQ DACK MCLK Figure 30. Host Interface--Pixel Interface mode JDATA INTERFACE Figure 31 shows a typical configuration using JDATA with a dedicated JDATA output, 16-bit host, and 10-bit CCIR656. ADV202 JDATA[7:0] HOLD VALID 16-BIT HOST CPU ADV7189 VDATA[11:2] YCrCb FIELD VSYNC HSYNC FIELD VS HS VIDEO IN VCLK MCLK DATA[15:0] IRQ ADDR[3:0] CS RD WE ACK P[19:10] HDATA[15:0] IRQ ADDR[3:0] CS RD WE ACK Figure 31. JDATA Application Rev. 0 | Page 38 of 40 LLC1 04723-008 ASIC ADV202 OUTLINE DIMENSIONS A1 CORNER INDEX AREA 12.20 12.00 SQ 11.80 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A BALL A1 INDICATOR TOP VIEW B C D E F G J 10.00 BSC SQ H K L 1.00 BSC BOTTOM VIEW 1.85* 1.71 1.40 DETAIL A 1.31* 1.21 1.11 DETAILA 0.50 NOM 0.30 MIN 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.20 NOM COPLANARITY SEATING PLANE BALL DIAMETER COMPLIANT WITH JEDEC STANDARDS MO-192-ABD-1 EXCEPT FOR DIMENSIONS INDICATED BY A "*" SYMBOL Figure 32. 121-Lead Chip Scale Ball Grid Array [CSPBGA] (BC-121) Dimensions shown in millimeters A1 CORNER INDEX AREA 13 .00 BSC SQ 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 A B C D E F G H J K L M BALL A1 INDICATOR TOP VIEW DETAIL A 1 11.00 BSC BOTTOM VIEW 1.00 BSC *1.85 MAX DETAILA *1.32 1.21 1.11 0.53 0.43 0.70 SEATING 0.60 PLANE 0.50 BALL DIAMETER COMPLIANT WITH JEDEC STANDARDS MO-192-AAD-1 EXCEPT FOR DIMENSIONS INDICATED BY A "*" SYMBOL Figure 33. 144-Lead Chip Scale Ball Grid Array [CSPBGA] (BC-144-3) Dimensions shown in millimeters Rev. 0 | Page 39 of 40 COPLANARITY 0.20 MAX ADV202 ORDERING GUIDE Model ADV202BBC-115 ADV202BBCZ-1151 ADV202BBC-150 ADV202BBCZ-1501 ADV202-HD-EB ADV202-SD-EB 1 Temperature Range -40C to +85C -40C to +85C -40C to +85C -40C to +85C Speed Grade 115 MHz 115 MHz 150 MHz 150 MHz Operating Voltage 1.5 V internal, 2.5 V or 3.3 V I/O 1.5 V internal, 2.5 V or 3.3 V I/O 1.5 V internal, 2.5 V or 3.3 V I/O 1.5 V internal, 2.5 V or 3.3 V I/O Z = Pb-free part. (c) 2004 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. D04723-0-7/04(0) Rev. 0 | Page 40 of 40 Package Description 121-Lead CSPBGA 121-Lead CSPBGA 144-Lead CSPBGA 144-Lead CSPBGA High Definition Evaluation Board Standard Definition Evaluation Board Package Option BC-121 BC-121 BC-144-3 BC-144-3