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Home » HMC194MS8
HMC194MS8 - SPDT Hi Isolation Switch SMT, DC - 3 GHz
Click here to review the HMC194MS8 product data sheet in PDF format.
When Ordering Please Note:
zEnter bulk Die and SMT IC quantities in multiples of 10 pieces.
zFor Evaluation PCBs, Reels & Designer's Kits enter any quantity.
zPricing is initially shown for the 10-99 piece price break. Orders for quantities within the 100-999 and 1,000-
9,999 piece price breaks will be properly calculated when the "Click to Order" button is selected.
zContact Hittite Sales for pricing of quantities 10,000 or greater.
zReels: Pricing shown for single 7" reel = 500 piece price break. Orders for 2 or more reels will reflect the 1000
piece price break. Hittite reserves the right to ship 13" reels of 2500 pieces for orders = 2500 pieces.
zPrice for "Evaluation PCB" includes mounted and tested IC product.
zThe "E" suffix indicates RoHS Compliant Product for plastic packaged products.
zHittite may substitute RoHS compliant units when non-RoHS compliant units are ordered and factory stock is
depleted. If this will not be acceptable please contact Hittite Sales directly to arrange the sale of non-RoHS
compliant product; 978-250-3343 or sales@hittite.com.
zECCN (Export Commodity Control Number): These commodities may only be exported from the United States in
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United States law prohibits disposition of these commodities to Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Syria and Sudan.
Your order will be confirmed within one business day with delivery information.
If you have any questions, please call (978) 250-3343 or email to ecomm@hittite.com.
Part Number RoHS Description ECCN Unit price QTY
HMC194MS8 No SPDT Hi Isolation Switch SMT, DC - 3 GHz EAR99 $2.78 ea
HMC194MS8E Yes SPDT Hi Isolation Switch SMT, DC - 3 GHz EAR99 $2.14 ea
HMC194MS8ETR Yes SPDT Hi Isolation Switch SMT, DC - 3 GHz
500 Piece Reel EAR99 $975.00 ea
HMC194MS8TR No SPDT Hi Isolation Switch SMT, DC - 3 GHz
500 Piece Reel EAR99 $1265.00 ea
105143-HMC194MS8 No HMC194MS8 Evaluation PCB EAR99 $226.00 ea
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