Highly Programmable, Back-Biased,
Hall-Effect Switch with TPOS Functionality
Allegro MicroSystems, LLC
955 Perimeter Road
Manchester, NH 03103-3353 U.S.A.
register causes its programmable parameter to change, based on
the internal programming logic.
Key A series of voltage pulses used to select a register or mode.
Code The number used to identify the combination of fuses
activated in a bit field, expressed as the decimal equivalent of the
binary value. The LSB of a bit field is denoted as code 1, or bit 0.
Addressing Increasing the bit field code of a selected register
by serially applying a pulse train through the VCC pin of the
device. Each parameter can be measured during the addressing
process, but the internal fuses must be blown before the program-
ming code (and parameter value) becomes permanent.
Fuse Blowing Applying a high voltage pulse of sufficient
duration to permanently set an addressed bit by blowing a fuse
internal to the device. Once a bit (fuse) has been blown, it cannot
be reset.
Blow Pulse A high voltage pulse of sufficient duration to blow
the addressed fuse.
Cycling the Supply Powering-down, and then powering-up the
supply voltage. Cycling the supply is used to clear the program-
ming settings in Try mode.
Programming Procedure
Programming involves selection of a register and mode, and then
setting values for parameters in the register for evaluation or fuse
blowing. Figure 10 provides an overview state diagram.
Register Selection
Each programmable parameter can be accessed through a specific
register. To select a register, from the Initial state, a sequence of
voltage pulses consisting of one VPH pulse, one VPM pulse, and
then a unique combination of VPH and VPM pulses, is applied
serially to the VCC pin (with no VCC supply interruptions). This
sequence of pulses is called the key, and uniquely identifies each
register. An example register selection key is shown in figure 7.
To simplify Try mode, the ATS128 provides a set of four virtual
registers, one for each combination of: BOP selection (BOPSEL),
BOP polarity (BOPPOL), and a facility for transiting BOP magni-
tude values in an increasing or decreasing sequence. These reg-
isters also allow wrapping back to the beginning of the register
after transiting the register.
Mode Selection
The same physical registers are used for all programming modes.
To distinguish the Blow mode and Read mode, when selecting
the registers an additional pulse sequence consisting of eleven
VPM pulses followed by one VPH pulse is added to the key. The
combined register and mode keys are shown in table 3.
Try Mode
In Try mode, the bit field addressing is accomplished by apply-
ing a series of VPM pulses to the VCC pin of the device, as shown
in figure 7. Each pulse increases the total bit field value of the
selected parameter, increasing by one on the falling edge of each
additional VPM pulse. When addressing a bit field in Try mode,
the number of VPM pulses is represented by a decimal number
called a code. Addressing activates the corresponding fuse loca-
tions in the given bit field by increasing the binary value of an
internal DAC, up to the maximum possible code. As the value
of the bit field code increases, the value of the programmable
pulse to determine if the desired result for the programmable
parameter has been reached. Cycling the supply voltage resets
all the locations in the bit field that have un-blown fuses to their
initial states. This should also be done before selection of a differ-
ent register in Try mode.
When addressing a parameter in Try mode, the bit field address
(code) defaults to the value 1, on the falling edge of the final reg-
ister selection key VPH pulse (see figure 8). A complete example
is shown figure 12. Note that, in the four BOP selection virtual
registers, after the maximum code is entered, the next VPM pulse
wraps back to the beginning of the register, and selects code 0.
Figure 7. Example of Try mode register selection pulses, for the BOP
Negative Trim, Up-Counting register.
Figure 8. Try mode bit field addressing pulses.
Code 2
Code 1
Code 3
Code 2
Code 2