434MHz ISM Band Transceiver Module
RadioWire® is a trademark of Micrel, Inc.
Micrel Inc. • 2180 Fortune Drive • San Jose, CA 95131 • USA • tel +1 (408) 944-0800 • fax + 1 (408) 474-1000 • http://www.micrel.com
July 2006
General Description
The MICRF620 is a self-contained frequency shift keying
(FSK) transceiver module, intended for use in half-duplex,
bidirectional RF links. The multi-channeled FSK
transceiver module is intended for UHF radio equipment in
compliance with the European Telecommunication
Standard Institute (ETSI) specification, EN300 220.
The transmitter consists of a fully programmable PLL
frequency synthesizer and power amplifier. The frequency
synthesizer consists of a voltage-controlled oscillator
(VCO), a crystal oscillator, dual modulus prescaler,
programmable frequency dividers, and a phase-detector.
The output power of the power amplifier can be
programmed to seven levels. A lock-detect circuit detects
when the PLL is in lock.
In receive mode, the PLL synthesizer generates the local
oscillator (LO) signal. The N, M, and A values that give the
LO frequency are stored in the N0, M0, and A0 registers.
The receiver is a zero intermediate frequency (IF) type that
makes channel filtering possible with low-power, integrated
low-pass filters. The receiver consists of a low noise
amplifier (LNA) that drives a quadrature mix pair. The
mixer outputs feed two identical signal channels in phase
quadrature. Each channel includes a pre-amplifier, a third
order Sallen-Key RC low-pass filter that protects the
following switched-capacitor filter from strong adjacent
channel signals, and a limiter. The main channel filter is a
switched-capacitor implementation of a six-pole elliptic low
pass filter. The cut-off frequency of the Sallen-Key RC filter
can be programmed to four different frequencies: 100kHz,
150kHz, 230kHz, and 350kHz. The I and Q channel
outputs are demodulated and produce a digital data
output. The demodulator detects the relative phase of the I
and the Q channel signal. If the I channel signal lags
behind the Q channel, the FSK tone frequency is above
the LO frequency (data “1”). If the I channel leads the Q
channel, then the FSK tone is below the LO frequency
(data “0”). The output of the receiver is available on the
DataIXO pin. A receive signal strength indicator (RSSI)
circuit indicates the received signal level. All support
documentation can be found on Micrel’s web site at:
“Drop in” RF solution
Small size: 11.5x14.1mm
RF tested
Low Power
Surface Mountable
Tape & Reel
Digital Bit Synchronizer
Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)
RX and TX power management
Power down function
Register read back function
Remote metering
Wireless controller
Remote data repeater
Remote control systems
Wireless modem
Wireless security system
Micrel, Inc. MICRF620/MICRF620Z
July 2006
General Description ................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Features .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Applications ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Contents .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
RF Module Selection Guide................................................................................................................................. 3
Ordering Information ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Block Diagram......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Pin Configuration..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Pin Description ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Absolute Maximum Ratings
................................................................................................................................................. 5
Operating Ratings
................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Electrical Characteristics......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Programming........................................................................................................................................................................... 7
General ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Writing to the Control Registers in MICRF620 ................................................................................................................... 8
Writing to a Single Register ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Writing to All Registers ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Writing to n Registers Having Incremental Addresses ....................................................................................................... 9
Reading from the Control Registers in MICRF620............................................................................................................. 9
Reading n Registers from MICRF620................................................................................................................................. 9
Programming Interface Timing.............................................................................................................................................. 10
Power on Reset ................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Programming Summary.................................................................................................................................................... 11
Frequency Synthesizer ......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Crystal Oscillator (XCO) ................................................................................................................................................... 12
VCO .................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Lock Detect....................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Modes of Operation............................................................................................................................................................... 13
Transceiver Sync/Non-Synchronous Mode ...................................................................................................................... 14
Data Interface ................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Receiver ................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Front End .......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Sallen-Key Filters.............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Switched Capacitor Filter.................................................................................................................................................. 15
RSSI.................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
FEE ................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Bit Synchronizer................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Transmitter ............................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Power Amplifier................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Frequency Modulation ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
Using the XCO-tune Bits ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
Application Circuit Illustration................................................................................................................................................ 18
Assembling the MICRF620 ................................................................................................................................................... 19
Recommended Reflow Temperature Profile .................................................................................................................... 19
Shock/Vibration during Reflow.......................................................................................................................................... 19
Handassembling the MICRF620....................................................................................................................................... 19
Layout.................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Recommended Land Pattern............................................................................................................................................ 19
Layout Considerations ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
Package Dimensions ............................................................................................................................................................ 21
Tape Dimensions .................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Micrel, Inc. MICRF620/MICRF620Z
July 2006
RF Module Selection Guide
Device Frequency
Range Data Rate Receive
Voltage Transmit
Type Package
MICRF600 902-928 MHz <20 kbps 13.5 mA 2.0-2.5 v 28 mA FSK 11.5x14.1 mm
MICRF600Z Lead-free MICRF600
MICRF610 868-870 MHz <15 kbps 13.5 mA 2.0-2.5 v 28 mA FSK 11.5x14.1 mm
MICRF610Z Lead-free MICRF610
MICRF620 430-440 MHz <20 kbps 12.0 mA 2.0-2.5 v 24 mA FSK 11.5x14.1 mm
MICRF620Z Lead-free MICRF620
RFB433B 430-440 MHz 19.2 kbaud 8 mA 2.5-3.4 V 42 mA FSK 1”x1”
RFB868B 868-870 MHz 19.2 kbaud 10 mA 2.5-3.4 V 50 mA FSK 1”x1”
RFB915B 902-928 MHz 19.2 kbaud 10 mA 2.5-3.4 V 50 mA FSK 1”x1”
Ordering Information
Part Number Junction Temp. Range
MICRF620 TR –20° to +75°C 11.5 x 14.1mm
MICRF620Z TR –20° to +75°C 11.5 x 14.1mm
Block Diagram
Clock recovery
Deviation control
Control logic
Micrel, Inc. MICRF620/MICRF620Z
July 2006
Pin Configur ation
11.5 x 14.1 mm
(Top view)
Pin Description
Pin Number Pin Name Type Pin Function
1 NC Not connected
2 NC Not connected
3 CS I Chip select, three wire programming interface
4 SCLK I Clock, three wire programming interface
5 IO I/O Data, three wire programming interface
6 DATAIXO I/O Data receive/transmit, bi-directional
7 DATACLK O Data clock receive/transmit
8 LD O Lock detect
9 RSSI O Receive signal strength indicator
10 GND Ground
11 GND Ground
12 GND Ground
13 ANT I/O RF In/Out
14 GND Ground
15 VDD VDD (2.0-2.5V)
16 GND Ground
Micrel, Inc. MICRF620/MICRF620Z
July 2006
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Supply Voltage (V
Voltage on any pin (GND = 0V). ..................... -0.3V to 2.7V
Lead Temperature (soldering, 5 sec.)......................+225°C
Storage Temperature (T
) ............................-30°C to +85°C
ESD Rating
Operating Ratings
Supply voltage (V
) ..................................+2.0V to +2.5V
RF Frequencies................................. 410MHz to 450MHz
Data Rate (NRZ) ................................................ <20 kbps
Ambient Temperature (T
) .......................–20°C to +75°C
Electrical Characteristics
= 434MHz, Data rate = 20kbps, V
= 2.5V; T
= 25°C, bold values indicate –20°C< T
< +75°C, unless noted.
Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units
Power Supply 2.0 2.5 V
Power Down Current 0.3 µA
Standby Current 280 µA
VCO and PLL Section
Tunable with on-chip cap bank 16
Crystal Oscillator Frequency Tuning range -30 +40 ppm
Crystal Initial Tolerance -10 +10
Crystal Temperature Tolerance -10 +10
Rx 433.4MHz – Rx 434MHz 300 µs
Rx – Tx, same frequency, measured @
frequency offset < 10kHz 200 µs
Tx – Rx, same frequency, time to good
data 350 µs
Standby – Rx, 1.1 ms
Switch Time
Standby – Tx 1.1 ms
Crystal Oscillator Start-Up Time XCO_tune=13 750 µs
Transmit Section
= 50, Pa2_0: 111 10 dBm
Output Power
= 50, Pa2_0: 001 -8 dBm
Over temperature range 3 dB
Output Power Tolerance Over power supply range 3 dB
= 50, PA2_0: 111 23 mA
Tx Current Consumption
= 50, PA2_0: 001 10 mA
Tx Current Consumption Variation R
= 50, PA2_0: 111 2.5 mA
Binary FSK Frequency Separation
Limited by receiver BW 20 400
Data Rate NRZ 0 20
Occupied bandwidth 19.2kbps, β = 9 (±85kHz), -36dBm
(RBW=10kHz) kHz
Harmonics 434 -36
Spurious Emission in Restricted
bands < 1GHz -54
Spurious Emission < 1GHz -36 dBm
Spurious Emission > 1GHz
ETSI EN300 220
-30 dBm
Micrel, Inc. MICRF620/MICRF620Z
July 2006
Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units
Receive Section
All functions on 12 mA
LNA bypass 10.3 mA
Switch cap filter bypass with LNA 9.6 mA
Rx Current Consumption
Bypass of Switch cap and LNA mA
Rx Current Consumption Variation Over temperature 3 mA
2.4 kbps, β = 16, SC=50 kHz -110 dBm
4.8 kbps, β = 16, SC=50 kHz -109 dBm
4.8 kbps, β = 4, SC=31 kHz -108 dBm
19.2 kbps, β =8, SC=200 kHz -107 dBm
Receiver Sensitivity (BER < 10^
19.2 kbps, β =2, SC=67 kHz -105 dBm
Receiver Maximum Input Power 19.2 kbps, β = 8 +10 dBm
Over temperature 3 dB
Receiver Sensitivity Tolerance Over power supply range 1 dB
Receiver Bandwidth 50 350
Co-Channel Rejection 19.2 kbps, β = 6, SC=133 kHz -8 dB
200 kHz spacing
500 kHz spacing
Adjacent Channel Rejection
1 MHz spacing
Offset ±1MHz 61 dB
Offset ±2MHz 58 dB
Offset ±5MHz 46 dB
Offset ±10MHz 62 dB
Desired signal:
19.2 kbps, β =6,
3dB above sens,
SC=133 kHz
Offset ±30MHz 75 dB
1dB Compression -35 dB
Input IP3 2 tones with 1MHz separation -25 dBm
Input IP2 dBm
LO Leakage -90 dBm
Spurious Emission < 1GHz -57 dBm
Spurious Emission > 1GHz ETSI 300-220
-47 dBm
Input Impedance 37+j18
RSSI Dynamic Range 50 dB
Pin = -100 dBm 0.9 V
RSSI Output Range Pin = -60 dBm 1.9 V
Digital Inputs/Outputs
Logic Input High 0.7V
Logic Input Low 0 0.3V
Clock/Data Frequency
10 MHz
Clock/Data Duty Cycle
45 55 %
1. Exceeding the absolute maximum rating may damage the device.
2. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating rating.
3. Devices are ESD sensitive. Handling precautions recommended. Human body model, 1.5k in series with 100pF.
4. Guaranteed by design.
Micrel, Inc. MICRF620/MICRF620Z
July 2006
The MICRF620 functions are enabled through a number of
programming bits. The programming bits are organized as
a set of addressable control registers, each register
holding 8 bits.
There are 23 control registers in total in the MICRF620,
and they have addresses ranging from 0 to 22. The user
can read all the control registers. The user can write to the
first 22 registers (0 to 21); the register 22 is a read-only
All control registers hold 8 bits and all 8 bits must be
written to when accessing a control register, or they will be
read. Some of the registers do not utilize all 8 bits. The
value of an unused bit is “don’t care.”
The control register with address 0 is referred to as
ControlRegister0, the control register with address 1 is
ControlRegister1 and so on. A summary of the control
registers is given in the table below. In addition to the
unused bits (marked with”-“) there are a number of fixed
bits (marked with “0” or “1”). Always maintain these as
shown in the table.
The control registers in MICRF620 are accessed through a
3-wire interface; clock, data and chip select. These lines
are referred to as SCLK, IO, and CS, respectively. This 3-
wire interface is dedicated to control register access and is
referred to as the control interface. Received data (via RF)
and data to transmit (via RF) are handled by the DataIXO
and DataClk (if enabled) lines; this is referred to as the
data interface.
The SCLK line is applied externally; access to the control
registers are carried out at a rate determined by the user.
The MICRF620 will ignore transitions on the SCLK line if
the CS line is inactive. The MICRF620 can be put on a
bus, sharing clock and data lines with other devices.
All control registers should be written to after a battery
reset. During operation, it is sufficient to write to one
register only. The MICRF620 will automatically enter
power down mode after a battery reset.
Address Data
A6…A0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
0000000 LNA_by PA2 PA1 PA0 Sync_en Mode1 Mode0 ‘1’
0000001 ‘1’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ RSSI_en LD_en PF_FC1 PF_FC0
0000010 ‘0’ ‘SC_by’ ‘0’ ‘PA_by’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’
0000011 ‘1’ ‘1’ ‘0’ VCO_IB2 VCO_IB1 VCO_IB0 VCO_freq1 VCO_freq0
0000100 ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’
0000101 - - ‘0’ ‘1’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’
0000110 - ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’
BitSync_clkS2 BitSync_clkS1 BitSync_clkS0 BitRate_clkS2
0000111 BitRate_clkS1 BitRate_clkS0 RefClk_K5 RefClk_K4 RefClk_K3 RefClk_K2 RefClk_K1 RefClk_K0
0001000 ‘1’ ‘1’ ‘0’ ScClk4 ScClk3 ScClk2 ScClk1 ScClk0
0001001 ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘1’ XCOtune4 XCOtune3 XCOtune2 XCOtune1 XCOtune0
0001010 - - A0_5 A0_4 A0_3 A0_2 A0_1 A0_0
0001011 - - - - N0_11 N0_10 N0_9 N0_8
0001100 N0_7 N0_6 N0_5 N0_4 N0_3 N0_2 N0_1 N0_0
0001101 - - - - M0_11 M0_10 M0_9 M0_8
0001110 M0_7 M0_6 M0_5 M0_4 M0_3 M0_2 M0_1 M0_0
0001111 - - A1_5 A1_4 A1_3 A1_2 A1_1 A1_0
0010000 - - - - N1_11 N1_10 N1_9 N1_8
0010001 N1_7 N1_6 N1_5 N1_4 N1_3 N1_2 N1_1 N1_0
0010010 - - - - M1_11 M1_10 M1_9 M1_8
0010011 M1_7 M1_6 M1_5 M1_4 M1_3 M1_2 M1_1 M1_0
0010100 ‘1’ ‘0’ ‘1’ ‘1’ ‘0’ ‘1’ ‘0’ ‘1’
0010101 - - - - FEEC_3 FEEC_2 FEEC_1 FEEC_0
0010110 FEE_7 FEE_6 FEE_5 FEE_4 FEE_3 FEE_2 FEE_1 FEE_0
Table 1. Control Registers in MICRF 620
Micrel, Inc. MICRF620/MICRF620Z
July 2006
Writing to the Control Registers in MI CRF620
Writing: A number of octets are entered into MICRF620,
followed by a load-signal to activate the new setting.
Making these events is referred to as a “write sequence.” It
is possible to update all, 1, or n control registers in a write
sequence. The address to write to (or the first address to
write to) can be any valid address (0-21). The IO line is
always an input to the MICRF620 (output from user) when
What to write:
The address of the control register to write to (or if
more than 1 control register should be written to,
the address of the 1
control register to write to).
A bit to enable reading or writing of the control
registers. This bit is called the R/W bit.
The values to write into the control register(s).
Field Comments
Address: A 7-bit field, ranging from 0 to 21. MSB is written first.
R/W bit: A 1-bit field, = “0” for writing
Values: A number of octets (1-22 octets). MSB in every octet is written
first. The first octet is written to the control register with the
specified address (=”Address”). The next octet (if there is one) is
written to the control register with address = “Address + 1” and so
Table 2. Writing to the Control Registers
How to write :
Bring CS active to start a write sequence. The active state
of the CS line is “high.” Use the SCLK/IO serial interface to
clock “Address” and “R/W” bit and “Values” into the
MICRF620. MICRF620 will sample the IO line at negative
edges of SCLK. Make sure to change the state of the IO
line before the negative edge. Refer to figures below.
Bring CS inactive to make an internal load-signal and
complete the write-sequence.
The two different ways to “prog ram th e chip” are:
Write to a number of control registers (0-22) when
the registers have incremental addresses (write to
1, all or n registers)
Write to a number of control registers when the
registers have non-incremental addresses.
Writing to a Single Register
Writing to a control register with address “A6. A5, …A0” is
described here. During operation, writing to 1 register is
sufficient to change the way the transceiver works. Typical
example: Change from receive mode to power-down.
Field Comments
Address: 7 bit = A6, A5, …A0 (A6 = msb. A0 = lsb)
R/W bit: “0” for writing
Values: 8 bits = D7, D6, …D0 (D7 = msb, D0 = lsb)
Table 3. “Address” and “R/W b it” together make 1 octet.
In addition, 1 octet with programming bits is entered. Totally, 2
octets are clocked into the MICRF620.
How to write :
Bring CS high
Use SCLK and IO to clock in the 2 octets
Bring CS low
IO A6 A5 A0 RW D7 D6 D2 D1 D0
Address of register i RW Data to write into register i
Internal load pulse made here
Figure 1. How to w rite to a single Control Register
In Figure 1, IO is changed at positive edges of SCLK. The
MICRF620 samples the IO line at negative edges. The
value of the R/W bits is always “0” for writing.
Writing to All Registers
After a power-on, all writable registers must be written.
This is described here.
Writing to all register can be done at any time. To get the
simplest firmware, always write to all registers. The price
to pay for the simplicity is increased write-time, which
leads to increased time for changing the way the
MICRF620 works.
What to write
Field Comments
Address: ‘000000’ (address of the first register to write to, which is 0)
R/W bit: “0” for writing
Values: 1
Octet: wanted values for ControlRegister0. 2
Octet: wanted
values for ControlRegister1 and so on for all of the octets. So the
octet: wanted values for ControlRegister21. Refer to the
specific sections of this document for actual values.
Table 4. “Address” and “R/W b it” together make 1 octet.
In total, 23 octets are clocked into the MICRF620.
Micrel, Inc. MICRF620/MICRF620Z
July 2006
How to write :
Bring CS high
Use SCLK and IO to clock in the 23 octets
Bring CS low
Refer to the figure in the next section, “Writing to n
registers having incremental addresses”.
Writing to n Registers Having Incremental Addre sses
In addition to entering all bytes, it is also possible to enter
a set of n bytes, starting from address i = “A6, A5, … A0”.
Typical example: Clock in a new set of frequency dividers
(i.e. change the RF frequency). “Incremental addresses”.
Registers to be written are located in i, i+1, i+2.
What to write:
Field Comments
Address: 7 bit = A6, A5, …A0 (A6 = msb. A0 = lsb) (address of first byte to
write to)
R/W bit: “0” for writing
Values: n* 8 bits =
D7, D6, …D0 (D7 = msb, D0 = lsb) (written to control reg. with
address ”i”)
D7, D6, …D0 (D7 = msb, D0 = lsb) (written to control reg. with
address ”i+1”)
D7, D6, …D0 (D7 = msb, D0 = lsb) (written to control reg. with
address ”i+n-1”)
Table 5. “Address” and “R/W bit” together make 1 octet.
In addition, n octets with programming bits are entered.
Totally. 1 +n octets are clocked into the MICRF620.
How to write :
Bring CS high
Use SCLK and IO to clock in the 1 + n octets
Bring CS low
In Figure 1, IO is changed at positive edges of SCLK. The
MICRF620 samples the IO line at negative edges. The
value of the R/W bits is always “0” for writing.
IO A6 A5 A0 RW D7 D6 D2 D1 D0
Address of first RW
register to write to,
register i
Data to write
into register i
Internal load pulse made here
Data to write
into register i+1
Figure 2. How to write to many Con trol Registers
Reading from the Control Registers in MICRF620
The “read-sequence” is:
1. Enter address and R/W bit
2. Change direction of IO line
3. Read out a number of octets and change IO
direction back again.
It is possible to read all, 1 or n registers. The address to
read from (or the first address to read from) can be any
valid address (0-22). Reading is not destructive, i.e. values
are not changed. The IO line is output from the MICRF620
(input to user) for a part of the read-sequence. Refer to
procedure description below.
A read-sequence is described for reading n registers,
where n is number 1-23.
Reading n Registers from MICRF62 0
IO A6 A5 A0 RW D7 D6 D0
Address of register i RWData read from reg. i
imple time
O Input
O Output
Figure 3. How to read from many Cont rol Registers
In Figure 3, 1 register is read. The address is A6, A5, …
A0. A6 = msb. The data read out is D7, D6, …D0. The
value of the R/W bit is always “1” for reading.
SCLK and IO together form a serial interface. SCLK is
applied externally for reading as well as for writing.
Bring CS active
Enter address to read from (or the first address to
read from) (7 bits) and
The R/W bit = 1 to enable reading
Make the IO line an input to the user (set pin in
Read n octets. The first rising edge of SCLK will
set the IO as an output from the MICRF620.
MICRF will change the IO line at positive edges.
The user should read the IO line at the negative
Make the IO line an output from the user again.
Micrel, Inc. MICRF620/MICRF620Z
July 2006
Programming I nterface Timi ng
Figure 4 and Table 6 show the timing specification for the 3-wire serial programming interface.
OA6 A5 A0 RW D7 D6 D2 D1 D0
Address Register Data Register
TperTcsr traise
Figure 4. Programmin g Interface Timing
Parameter Min. Typ. Max.
Tper Min. period of SCLK (Voltage dividers on IO lines will slow down the
write/read frequency)
50 ns
Thigh Min. high time of SCLK 20 ns
Tlow Min. low time of SCLK 20 ns
tfall Max. time of falling edge of SCLK 1 µs
trise Max. time of rising edge of SCLK 1 µs
Tcsr Max. time of rising edge of CS to falling edge of SCLK 0 ns
Tcsf Min. delay from rising edge of CS to rising edge of SCLK 5 ns
Twrite Min. delay from valid IO to falling edge of SCLK during a write operation 0 ns
Tread Min. delay from rising edge of SCLK to valid IO during a read operation
(assuming load capacitance of IO is 25pF)
75 ns
Table 6. Timing Specification for the 3-wire Programming Interface
Micrel, Inc. MICRF620/MICRF620Z
July 2006
Power on Reset
When applying voltage to the MICRF620 a power on reset
state is entered. During the time period of power on reset,
the MICRF620 should be considered to be in an unknown
state and the user should wait until completed (See Table
6). The power on reset timing given in table 6 is covering
all conditions and should be treated as a maximum delay
time. In some application it might be beneficial to minimize
the power on reset time. In these cases we recommend to
follow below procedure:
Programming Summary
Use CS, SCLK, and IO to get access to the control
registers in MICRF620.
SCLK is user-controlled.
Write to the MICRF620 at positive edges
(MICRF620 reads at negative edges).
Read from the MICRF620 at negative edges
(MICRF620 writes at positive edges)
After power-on: Write to the complete set of
control registers.
Address field is 7 bits long. Enter msb first.
R/W bit is 1 bit long (“1” for read, “0” for write)
Address and R/W bit together make 1 octet
All control registers are 8 bits long. Enter/read msb
in every octet first.
Always write 8 bits to/read 8 bits from a control
register. This is the case for registers with less
than 8 used programming bits as well.
Writing: Bring CS high, write address and R/W bit
followed by the new values to fill into the
addressed control register(s) and bring CS low for
loading, i.e., activation of the new control register
Reading: Bring CS high, write address and R/W
bit, set IO as an input, read present contents of the
addressed control register(s), bring CS low and
set IO an output.
Micrel, Inc. MICRF620/MICRF620Z
July 2006
Frequency Synthesizer
A6…A0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
0001010 - - A0_5 A0_4 A0_3 A0_2 A0_1 A0_0
0001011 - - - - N0_11 N0_10 N0_9 N0_8
0001100 N0_7 N0_6 N0_5 N0_4 N0_3 N0_2 N0_1 N0_0
0001101 - - - - M0_11 M0_10 M0_9 M0_8
0001110 M0_7 M0_6 M0_5 M0_4 M0_3 M0_2 M0_1 M0_0
0001111 - - A1_5 A1_4 A1_3 A1_2 A1_1 A1_0
0010000 - - - - N1_11 N1_10 N1_9 N1_8
0010001 N1_7 N1_6 N1_5 N1_4 N1_3 N1_2 N1_1 N1_0
0010010 - - - - M1_11 M1_10 M1_9 M1_8
0010011 M1_7 M1_6 M1_5 M1_4 M1_3 M1_2 M1_1 M1_0
The frequency synthesizer consists of a voltage-controlled
oscillator (VCO), a crystal oscillator, phase select
prescaler, programmable frequency dividers and a phase-
detector. The length of the N, M, and A registers are 12,
12 and 6 respectively. The N, M, and A values can be
calculated from the formula:
A N 16
2A N 16
PhD +×
M 0
1 A < N
: Phase detector comparison frequency
: Crystal oscillator frequency
: Voltage controlled oscillator frequency
: Input/output RF frequency
There are two sets of each of the divide factors (i.e. A0
and A1). Storing the ‘0’ and the ‘1’ frequency in the 0- and
the 1 registers respectively, does the 2-FSK. The receive
frequency must be stored in the ‘0’ registers.
Crystal Oscillator (XCO)
Adr D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
0001001 ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘1’ XCOtune4 XCOtune3 XCOtune2 XCOtune1 XCOtune0
The crystal oscillator is a reference for the RF output
frequency and the LO frequency in the receiver. It is
possible to tune the internal crystal oscillator by switching
in internal capacitance using 5 tune bits XCOtune4 –
XCOtun0. The benefit of tuning the crystal oscillator is to
eliminate the initial tolerance and the tolerance over
temperature and aging. By using the crystal tuning feature
the noise bandwidth of the receiver can be reduced and a
higher sensitivity is achieved. When XCOtune4 –
XCOtune0 = 0 no internal capacitors are connected to the
crystal pins. When XCOtune4 – XCOtune0 = 1 all of the
internal capacitors are connected to the crystal pins.
Figure 5 shows the tuning range.
0 4 8 121620242832
[XCO_tu ne value]
Figure 5. XCO Tuning
The typical start up time for the crystal oscillator (default
XCO_tune=13) is ~750us. If more capacitance is added
(higher XCO_tune value), then the start-up time will be
To save current in the crystal oscillator start-up period, the
XCO is turned on before any other circuit block. When the
XCO has settled, rest of the circuit will be turned on. No
programming should be made during this period.
The current consumption during the prestart period is
approximately 280µA.
A6..A0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
0000011 ‘1’ ‘1’ ‘0’ VCO_IB2 VCO_IB1 VCO_IB0 VCO_freq1 VCO_freq0
The VCO has no external components. It has three bit to
set the bias current and two bit to set the VCO frequency.
These five bits are set by the RF frequency, as follows:
RF freq. VCO_IB2 VCO_IB1 VCO_IB0 VCO_freq1 VCO_freq0
410MHz 1 0 1 0 1
434MHz 1 0 0 1 0
450MHz 0 1 1 1 1
Table 7. VCO Bit Setting
The bias bit will optimize the phase noise, and the
frequency bit will control a capacitor bank in the VCO. The
tuning range the RF frequency versus varactor voltage is
dependent on the VCO frequency setting, and can be
shown in Figure 6.
Micrel, Inc. MICRF620/MICRF620Z
July 2006
VCO frequency gain, Vdd=2.5V
0 0,4 0,8 1,2 1,6 2 2,4
V_varactor [V]
Freq [MHz]
Figure 6. RF Frequen cy vs. Varactor Voltage
and VCO Frequency bit (V = 2.5V)
Lock Detect
A6..A0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
0000001 ‘1’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ RSSI_en LD_en PF_FC1 PF_FC0
A lock detector can be enabled by setting LD_en = 1.
When pin LD is high, it indicates that the PLL is in lock.
When entering TX, the procedure is first to load the TX
word and then turn on the PA stage. During the PA ramp
up time, the LD signal may indicate out of lock. It is first
when the PA stage is fully on that the LD signal will
indicate in “Lock”. During transmission, the Lock Detect
signal will have transitions and the user should therefore,
ignore the Lock detect signal.
Modes of Operation
A6..A0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
0000000 LNA_by PA2 PA1 PA0 Sync_en Mode1 Mode0 ’1’
Mode1 Mode0 State Comments
0 0 Power down Keeps register configuration
0 1 Standby Only crystal oscillator running
1 0 Receive Full receive
1 1 Transmit Full transmit ex PA state
Micrel, Inc. MICRF620/MICRF620Z
July 2006
Transceiver Sync/Non-Synchronous Mode
A6..A0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
0000000 LNA_by PA2 PA1 PA0 Sync_en Mode1 Mode0 ’1’
0000110 - ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ BitSync_clkS2 BitSync_clkS1 BitSync_clkS0 BitRate_clkS2
0000111 BitRate_clkS1 BitRate_clkS0 RefClk_K5 RefClk_K4 RefClk_K3 RefClk_K2 RefClk_K1 RefClk_K0
Sync_en State Comments
0 Rx: Bit
synchronization off Transparent reception of data
0 Tx: DataClk pin off Transparent transmission of
1 Rx: Bit
synchronization on
Bit-clock is generated by
1 Tx: DataClk pin on Bit-clock is generated by
When Sync_en = 1, it will enable the bit synchronizer in
receive mode. The bit synchronizer clock needs to be
programmed, see chapter Bit synchronizer. The
synchronized clock will be set out on pit DataClk.
In transmit mode, when Sync_en = 1, the clock signal on
pin DataClk is a programmed bit rate clock. Now the
transceiver controls the actual data rate. The data to be
transmitted will be sampled on rising edge of DataClk. The
micro controller can therefore use the negative edge to
change the data to be transmitted. The clock used for this
purpose, BitRate-clock, is programmed in the same way
as the modulator clock and the bit synchronizer clock:
: The clock frequency used to control the
bit rate, should be equal to the bit rate (bit rate of 20
kbit/sec requires a clock frequency of 20kHz)
: Crystal oscillator frequency
Refclk_K: 6 bit divider, values between 1 and 63
BitRate_clkS: Bit rate setting, values between 0 and
Data Interface
The MICRF620 interface can be divided in to two separate
interfaces, a “programming interface” and a “Data
interface”. The “programming interface” has a three wire
serial programmable interface and is described in chapter
The “data interface” can be programmed to sync-/non-
synchronous mode. In synchronous mode the MICRF620
is defined as “Master” and provides a data clock that
allows users to utilize low cost micro controller reference
The data interface is defined in such a way that all user
actions should take place on falling edge and is illustrated
Figure 7 and 8. The two figures illustrate the relationship
between DATACLK and DATAIXO in receive mode and
transmit mode.
MICRF620 will present data on rising edge and the
“USER” sample data on falling edge in receive mode.
Figure 7. Data interface in Receive Mode
The User presents data on falling edge and MICRF620 samples
on rising edge in transmit mode.
Figure 8. Data interface in Transmit Mo d e
The receiver is a zero intermediate frequency (IF) type in
order to make channel filtering possible with low-power
integrated low-pass filters. The receiver consists of a low
noise amplifier (LNA) that drives a quadrature mixer pair.
The mixer outputs feed two identical signal channels in
phase quadrature. Each channel includes a pre-amplifier,
a third order Sallen-Key RC lowpass filter from strong
adjacent channel signals and finally a limiter. The main
channel filter is a switched-capacitor implementation of a
six-pole elliptic lowpass filter. The elliptic filter minimizes
the total capacitance required for a given selectivity and
dynamic range. The cut-off frequency of the Sallen-Key
RC filter can be programmed to four different frequencies:
100kHz, 150kHz, 230kHz and 340kHz. The demodulator
demodulates the I and Q channel outputs and produces a
digital data output. If detects the relative phase of the I and
Q channel signal. If the I channel signal lags the Q
channel, the FSK tone frequency lies above the LO
frequency (data ‘1’). If the I channel leads the Q channel,
the FSK tone lies below the LO frequency (data ‘0’). The
output of the receiver is available on the DataIXO pin. A
RSSI circuit (receive signal strength indicator) indicates
the received signal level.
Micrel, Inc. MICRF620/MICRF620Z
July 2006
Front End
A6..A0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
0000000 LNA_by PA2 PA1 PA0 Sync_en Mode1 Mode0 ’1’
A low noise amplifier in RF receivers is used to boost the
incoming signal prior to the frequency conversion process.
This is important in order to prevent mixer noise from
dominating the overall front-end noise performance. The
LNA is a two-stage amplifier and has a nominal gain of
approximately 23dB at 434MHz. The front end has a gain
of about 33dB to 35dB. The gain varies by 1-1.5dB over a
2.0V to 2.5V variation in power supply.
The LNA can be bypassed by setting bit LNA_by to ‘1’.
This can be useful for very strong input signal levels. The
front-end gain with the LNA bypassed is about 9-10dB.
The mixers have a gain of about 10dB at 434MHz. The
input impedance is shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9. Input Impedance
Sallen-Key Filters
A6..A0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
0000001 ‘1’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ RSSI_en LD_en PF_FC1 PF_FC0
Each channel includes a pre-amplifier and a prefilter,
which is a three-pole Sallen-Key lowpass filter. It protects
the following switched-capacitor filter from strong adjacent
channel signals, and it also works as an anti-aliasing filter.
The preamplifier has a gain of 22.23dB. The maximum
output voltage swing is about 1.4Vpp for a 2.25V power
supply. In addition, the IF amplifier also performs offset
cancellation. Gain varies by less than 0.5dB over a 2.0 –
2.5V variation in power supply. The third order Sallen-Key
lowpass filter is programmable to four different cut-off
frequencies according to the table below:
PF_FC1 PF_FC0 Cut-off Freq. (kHz)
0 0 100
0 1 150
1 0 230
1 1 340
Switched Capacitor Filter
A6..A0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
0001000 ‘1’ ‘1’ ScClk5 ScClk4 ScClk3 ScClk2 ScClk1 ScClk0
The main channel filter is a switched-capacitor
implementation of a six-pole elliptic low pass filter. The
elliptic filter minimized the total capacitance required for a
given selectivity and dynamic range. The cut-off frequency
of the switched-capacitor filter is adjustable by changing
the clock frequency.
The clock frequency is designed to be 20 times the cut-off
frequency. The clock frequency is derived from the
reference crystal oscillator. A programmable 6-bit divider
divides the frequency of the crystal oscillator. The cut-off
frequency of the filter is given by:
ScClk 40
: Filter cutoff frequency
: Crystal oscillator frequency
ScCLK: Switched capacitor filter clock, bits ScClk5-0
order RC lowpass filters are connected to the output of
the SC filter to filter the clock frequency.
The lowest cutoff frequency in the pre- and the main
channel filter must be set so that the received signal is
passed with no attenuation, that is frequency deviation
plus modulation. If there are any frequency offset between
the transmitter and the receiver, this must also be taken
into consideration. A formula for the receiver bandwidth
can be summarized as follows:
2 / Baudrate f f f
: Needed receiver bandwidth, fcut above should
not be smaller than f
: Total frequency offset between receiver and
transmitter (Hz)
: Single-sided frequency deviation
Baudrate: The baud rate given is bit/sec
In battery operated applications that do not need very high
selectivity, the main channel filter can be bypassed by
SC_by=1. This will reduce the Rx current consumption
with ~2mA.
Micrel, Inc. MICRF620/MICRF620Z
July 2006
The FEE can operate in three different modes; counting
only UP-pulses, only DN-pulses or counting UP+DN
pulses. The no. of received symbols to be counted is either
8, 16, 32 or 64. This is set by the FEEC_0…FEEC_3
control bit, as follows:
A6..A0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
0000001 ‘1’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ RSSI_en LD_en PF_FC1 PF_FC0
33kohm, 1nF , 20kb ps, BW =200kHz , V d d = 2.5V
-120 -110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50
I nput power [ dBm]
RSSI voltage [V]
0 0 Off
0 1 Counting UP pulses
1 0 Counting DN pulses
1 1 Counting UP and DN pulses. UP
increments the counter, DN
decrements it.
FEEC_3 FEEC_2 No. o f symbol s used for the
0 0 8
0 1 16
1 0 32
1 1 65
Figure 10. RSSI Voltage
A Typical plot of the RSSI voltage as function of input
power is shown in Figure 10. The RSSI has a dynamic
range of about 50dB from about -110dBm to -60dBm input
Table 8. FEEC Control Bit
The result of the measurement is the FEE value, this can
be read from register with address 0010110b. Negative
values are stored as a binary no between 0000000 and
1111111. To calculate the negative value, a two’s
complement of this value must be performed. Only FEE
modes where DN-pulses are counted (10 and 11) will give
a negative value.
The RSSI can be used as a signal presence indicator.
When a RF signal is received, the RSSI output increases.
This could be used to wake up circuitry that is normally in
a sleep mode configuration to conserve battery life.
Another application for which the RSSI could be used is to
determine if transmit power can be reduced in a system. If
the RSSI detects a strong signal, it could tell the
transmitter to reduce the transmit power to reduce current
When the FEE value has been read, the frequency offset
can be calculated as follows:
Mode UP: Foffset = R/(2P)x(FEE-Fp)
Mode DN: Foffset = R/(2P)x(FEE+Fp)
FEE Mode UP+DN: Foffset = R/(4P)x(FEE)
A6..A0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
0010101 - - - - FEEC_3 FEEC_2 FEEC_1 FEEC_0
0010110 FEE_7 FEE_6 FEE_5 FEE_4 FEE_3 FEE_2 FEE_1 FEE_0
where FEE is the value stored in the FEE register, (Fp is
the single sided frequency deviation, P is the no. of
symbols/data bit counted and R is the symbol/data rate. A
positive Foffset means that the received signal has a
higher frequency than the receiver frequency. To
compensate for this, the receivers XCO frequency should
be increased.
The Frequency Error Estimator (FEE) uses information
from the demodulator to calculate the frequency offset
between the receive frequency and the transmitter
frequency. The output of the FEE can be used to tune the
XCO frequency, both for production calibration and for
compensation for crystal temperature drift and aging. It is recommended to use Mode UP+DN for two reasons,
you do not need to know the actual frequency deviation
and this mode gives the best accuracy.
The input to the FEE circuit are the up and down pulses
from the demodulator. Every time a ‘1’ is updated, an UP-
pulse is coming out of the demodulator and the same with
the DN-pulse every time the ‘0’ is updated. The expected
no. of pulses for every received symbol is 2 times the
modulation index ().
Micrel, Inc. MICRF620/MICRF620Z
July 2006
Bit Synchronizer
A6..A0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
0000110 - ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ BitSync_clkS2 BitSync_clkS1 BitSync_clkS0 BitRate_clkS2
0000111 BitRate_clkS1 BitRate_clkS0 RefClk_K5 RefClk_K4 RefClk_K3 RefClk_K2 RefClk_K1 RefClk_K0
A bit synchronizer can be enabled in receive mode by
selecting the synchronous mode (Sync_en=1). The
DataClk pin will output a clock with twice the frequency of
the bit rate (a bit rate of 20 kbit/sec gives a DataClk of 20
kHz). A received symbol/bit on DataIXO will be output on
rising edge of DataClk. The micro controller should
therefore sample the symbol/bit on falling edge of DataClk.
The bit synchronizer uses a clock that needs to be
programmed according to the bit rate. The clock frequency
should be 16 times the actual bit rate (a bit rate of 20
kbit/sec needs a bit synchronizer clock with frequency of
320 kHz). The clock frequency is set by the following
2 Refclk_K
: The bit synchronizer clock frequency
(16 times higher than the bit rate)
: Crystal oscillator frequency
Refclk_K: 6 bit divider, values between 1 and 63
BitSync_clkS: Bit synchronizer setting, values
between 0 and 7
Refclk_K is also used to derive the modulator clock and
the bit rate clock.
At the beginning of a received data package, the bit
synchronizer clock frequency is not synchronized to the bit
rate. When these two are maximum offset to each other, it
takes 22 bit/symbols before synchronization is achieved.
Power Amplifier
A6..A0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
0000000 LNA_by PA2 PA1 PA0 Sync_en Mode1 Mode0 ’1’
0000001 ‘1’ ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘0’ RSSI_en LD_en PF_FC1 PF_FC0
The maximum output power is approximately 10dBm for a
50 load. The output power is programmable in seven
steps, with approximately 3dB between each step. Bits
PA2 – PA0, control this. PA2 – PA0 = 1 give the maximum
output power.
The power amplifier can be turned off by setting PA2 –
PA0 = 0.
For all other combinations the PA is on and has maximum
power when PA2 – PA0 = 1.
The PA will be bypassed if PA_by=1. Output power will
drop ~22dB. It is still possible to control the power by PA2
– PA0.
Frequency Modulation
FSK modulation is applied by switching between two sets
of dividers (M,N,A). The formula for calculating the M, N
and A values is given in chapter Frequency synthesizer.
The divider values stored in the M0-, N0-, and A0-
registers will be used when transmitting a ‘0’ and the M1-,
N1-, and A1-registers will be used to transmit a ‘1’. The
difference between the two carrier frequencies
corresponds to the double sided frequency deviation. The
data to be transmitted shall be applied to pin DataIXO (see
chapter Transceiver sync-/non-synchronous mode on how
to use the pin DataClk). The DataIXO pin is set as input in
transmit mode and output in receive mode.
Using the XCO-tune Bits
The module has a built-in mechanism for tuning the
frequency of the crystal oscillator and is often used in
combination with the Frequency Error Estimator (FEE).
The XCO tuning is designed to eliminate or reduce initial
frequency tolerance of the crystal and/or the frequency
stability over temperature.
A procedure for using the XCO tuning feature in
combination with the FEE is given below. The MICRF620
measures the frequency offset between the receivers LO
frequency and the frequency of the transmitter. The
receiver XCO frequency can be tuned until the receiver
and transmitter frequencies are equal.
A procedure like this can be called during production
(storing the calibrated XCO_tune value), at regular
intervals or implemented in the communication protocol
when the frequency has changed. The MICRF620
development system can test this feature.
Example: In FEE, count up+down pulses, counting 8 bits:
A perfect case ==> FEE = 0
If FEE > 0: LO is too low, increase LO by decreasing
XCO_tune value
v.v. for FEE < 0
FEE field holds a number in the range -128, … , 127.
However, it keeps counting above/below the range, which
Micrel, Inc. MICRF620/MICRF620Z
July 2006
If FEE = -128 and still counting dwn-pulses:
1) =>-129 = +127
2) 126
3) 125
To avoid this situation, always make sure max count is
between limits.
Application Circuit Illustration
Figure 11. Circuit illustration o f MICRF620, LDO and MCU
Figure 12 shows a typical set-up with the MICRF620, a
Low-Drop-Out voltage regulator (LDO) and a mikro-
controller (MCU). When the MICRF620 and the MCU runs
on the same power supply (min 2.0, max. 2.5V), the IO
can be connected directly to the MCU. If the MCU needs a
higher VDD than the max. specified VDD of the MICRF620
(2.5V), voltage dividers need to be added on the IO lines
not to override the max. input voltage.
Figure 11 shows a recommended voltage divider circuit for
a MCU running at 3.0V and the MICRF620 at 2.5V.
Figure 12. How to connect MICRF620 (2.5V) and MCU (3.0V)
Micrel, Inc. MICRF620/MICRF620Z
July 2006
Assembling the MICRF620
Recommended Reflo w Temperature Profile
When the MICRF620 module is being automatically
assembled to a PCB, care must be taken not to expose
the module for temperature above the maximum specified.
Figure 13 shows the recommended reflow temperature
Figure 13. Recommend ed Reflow Temperature Reflow
Shock/Vibration during Reflow
The module has several components inside which are
assembled in a reflow process. These components may
reflow again when the module is assembled onto a PCB. It
is therefore important that the module is not subjected to
any mechanical shock or vibration during this process.
Handassembling the MICRF620
It is recommended to use solder paste also during hand
assembling of the module. Because of the module ground
pad on the bottom side, the module will be assembled
most efficient if the heat is being subjected to the bottom
side of the PCB. The heat will be transferred trough the
PCB due the ground vias under the module (see Layout
Considerations). In addition, it is recommended to use a
solder tip on the signal and power pads, to make sure the
solder points are properly melted.
Recommended Land Pattern
Figure 14 shows a recommended land pattern that
facilitates both automatic and hand assembling.
Figure 14. Recommended Land Pattern (TOP VIEW)
Micrel, Inc. MICRF620/MICRF620Z
July 2006
Layout Considerations
Except for the antenna input/output signal, only digital and
low frequency signals need to interface with the module.
There is therefore no need of years of RF expertise to do a
successful layout, as long as the following few points are
being followed:
Proper ground is needed. If the PCB is 2-layer, the
bottom layer should be kept only for ground. Avoid
signal traces that split the ground plane. For a 4-
layer PCB, it is recommended to keep the second
layer only for ground.
A ground via should be placed close to all the
ground pins. The bottom ground pad should be
penetrated with 4-16 ground vias.
The antenna has an impedance of ~50 ohm. The
antenna trace should be kept to 50 ohm to avoid
signal reflection and loss of performance. Any
transmission line calculator can be used to find the
needed trace width given a board build up. Ex: A
trace width of 44 mil (1.12 mm) gives 50
impedance on a FR4 board (dielectric cons=4.4)
with copper thickness of 35µm and height (layer 1-
layer 2 spacing) of 0.61 mm.
RF circuitry is sensitive to voltage supply and
therefore caution should be taken when choosing
power circuitry. To achieve the best performance,
low noise LDO’s with high PSSR should be
chosen. What is present on the voltage supply will
be directly modulated to the RF spectrum causing
degradation and regulatory issues. To make sure
you have the right selection, please contact local
sales for the latest Micrel offerings in power
management and guidance. To avoid “pickup”
from other circuitry on the VDD lines, it is
recommended to route the VDD in a star
configuration with decoupling at each circuitry and
at the common connection point (see above
layout). If there are noisy circuitry in the design, it
is strongly recommended to use a separate power
supply and/or place low value resistors (10ohms),
inductors in series with the power supply line into
these circuitry.
Digital high speed logic or noisy circuitry
should/must be at a safe distance from RF
circuitry or RF VDD as this might/will cause
degradation of sensitivity and create spurious
emissions. Example of such circuitry is LCD
display, charge pumps, RS232, clock / data bus
Micrel, Inc. MICRF620/MICRF620Z
July 2006
Package Dimensions
Figure 15. Package Dimensions
Tape Dimensions
Figure 16. Tape Dimensions
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© 2005 Micrel, Incorporated.