Electrical/Optical Characteristics
A = –55°C to +100°C
Description Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ.[7] Max. Unit
Supply HDSP-078x Series ICC VCC = 5.5 V 78 105 mA
Current HDSP-079x/-088x/ Characters “5.” or
-098x Series “B” displayed
Power HDSP-078x Series PTVCC = 5.5 V 390 573 mW
Dissipation HDSP-079x/-088x/ Characters “5.” or
-098x Series “B” displayed
Logic, Enable and Blanking VIL VCC = 4.5 V 0.8 V
Low-Level Input Voltage
Logic, Enable High-Level Input VIH 2.0 V
Blanking High-Voltage; Display VBH 2.3 V
Logic and Enable Low-Level IIL VCC = 5.5 V –1.6 mA
Input Current
Blanking Low-Level Input Current IBL VIL = 0.4 V –10 µA
Logic, Enable and Blanking IIH VCC = 5.5 V +40 µA
High-Level Input Current V
IH = 2.4 V
Weight 1.0 gm
Leak Rate 5 x 10-8 cc/sec
120 175
690 963
4. The luminous intensity at a specific operating ambient
temperature, Iv(T
A), may be approximated from the following
exponential equation: Iv(T
v(25°C) e[k(T -25°C)].
Device K
HDSP-078 Series – 0.0131/ °C
HDSP-079x Series
HDSP-088x Series – 0.0112/ °C
HDSP-098x Series – 0.0104/ °C
5. The dominant wavelength, λd, is derived from the CIE chroma-
ticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which
defines the color of the device.
6. The HDSP-088X and HDSP-098X series devices are categor-
ized as to dominant wavelength with the category designated
by a number on the back of the display package.
7. All typical values at V
CC = 5.0 V and T
A = 25°C.
These devices use a modified
4 x 7 dot matrix of light emitting
diodes to display decimal/
hexadecimal numeric informa-
tion. The high efficiency red and
yellow displays use GaAsP/GaP
LEDs and the high performance
green displays use GaP/GaP
LEDs. The LEDs are driven by
constant current drivers, BCD
information is accepted by the
display memory when the enable
line is at logic low and the data is
latched when the enable is at
logic high. Using the enable pulse
width and data setup and hold
times listed in the Recommended
Operating Conditions allows data
to be clocked into an array of
displays at a 6.7 MHz rate.
The decimal point input is active
low true and this data is latched
into the display memory in the
same fashion as the BCD data.
The decimal point LED is driven
by the on-board IC.
The blanking control input on the
hexadecimal displays blanks
(turns off) the displayed
information without disturbing
the contents of display memory.
The display is blanked at a
minimum threshold level of 2.0
volts. When blanked, the display
standby power is nominally 250
mW at TA = 25°C.
The ESD susceptibility of the IC
devices is Class A of MIL-STD-
883 or Class 2 of DOD-STD-1686
and DOD-HDBK-263.