For price, delivery and to place orders: Hittite Microwave Corporation, 2 Elizabeth Drive, Chelmsford, MA 01824
Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at www.hittite.com
Application Support: Phone: 978-250-3343 or apps@hittite.com
MODULATOR, 20 - 2700 MHz
Electrical Specications, (continued)
Parameter Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
RF Output
RF Frequency Range 20 2700 MHz
RF Return Loss 27 dB
LO Input
LO Frequency Range 20 2700 MHz
LO Input Power 0 10 dBm
LO Port Return Loss 10 dB
Baseband Input Port
Baseband Input DC Voltage (Vbbdc) 1.5 1.7 V
Baseband Input DC Bias Current (Ibbdc) Single-ended. 60 µA
Single-ended Baseband Input Capacitance De-embed to the lead of the device. 4.5 pF
DC Power Requirements See Test Conditions Below
Supply Voltage (Vcc1, Vcc2) 4.5 55.5 V
Supply Current (Icc1 + Icc2) 140 160 180 mA
Parameter Condition
Temperature +25 °C
Baseband Input Frequency 200 kHz
Baseband Input DC Voltage (Vbbdc) +1.5V
Baseband Input AC Voltage (Peak to Peak Differential, I and Q) +1.4V
Baseband Input AC Voltage for OIP3 Measurement (Peak to Peak Differential, I and Q) 700 mV per tone @ 150 & 250 kHz
Frequency Offset for Output Noise Measurements 30 MHz
Supply (Vcc1, Vcc2) +5V
LO Input Power 0 dBm
LO Input Mode Single-Ended through LOP
Mounting Conguration Refer to HMC696LP4E Application Schematic Herein
Sideband & Carrier Feedthrough Uncalibrated
Test Conditions: Unless Otherwise Specied, the Following Test Conditions Were Used
Calibrated vs. Uncalibrated Test Results
During the Uncalibrated Sideband and Carrier Suppression tests, care is taken to ensure that the I/Q signal paths from
the Vector Signal Generator (VSG) to the Device Under Test (DUT) are equal. The “Uncalibrated, +25 °C” Sideband
and Carrier Suppression plots were measured at room temperature, while the “Uncalibrated, over Temperature”
Sideband and Carrier Suppression plots represent the worst case uncalibrated suppression levels measured at T=
-40 °C, +25 °C, and +85 °C.
The “Calibrated, + 25 °C” Sideband Suppression data was plotted after a manual adjustment of the I/Q amplitude
balance and I/Q phase offset (skew) at +25 °C, and at each LO input power level. The +25 °C adjustment settings
were held constant during tests over temperature. The “Calibrated, over Temperature” plots represent the worst case
calibrated Sideband Suppression levels at T= -40 °C, +25 °C, and +85 °C.
The “Calibrated, +25 °C” Carrier Suppression data was plotted after a manual adjustment of the Ip/In & Qp/Qn DC
offsets at +25 °C, and at each LO input power level. The +25 °C adjustment settings were held constant during tests
over temperature. The “Calibrated, over Temperature” plots represent the worst case Carrier Suppression levels
measured at T= -40 °C, +25 °C, and +85 °C.