Plug-In RF Transformer 50 TTMO4-1A 0.1 to 300 MHz Features Maximum Ratings Operating Temperature -55C to 100C Storage Temperature -55C to 100C RF Power 250mW DC Current 30mA Pin Connections PRIMARY DOT 1 PRIMARY 5 SECONDARY DOT 2 SECONDARY 6 SECONDARY CT 4 CASE GROUND 7,8 PRIMARY CT 3 * wideband, 0.1 to 300 MHz * good return loss * hermetic case Applications * military, hi-rel requirements * VHF/UHF * receivers/transmitters Transformer Electrical Specifications RATIO 4 Outline Drawing CASE STYLE: A03 PRICE: $16.20 ea. QTY (1-9) INSERTION LOSS* FREQUENCY (MHz) 0.1-300 3 dB MHz 2 dB MHz 1 dB MHz 0.1-300 0.2-250 0.3-180 * Insertion Loss is referenced to mid-band loss, 0.3 dB typ. Typical Performance Data FREQUENCY (MHz) H .20 5.08 J .14 3.56 K .020 0.51 E .210 5.33 F .230 5.84 wt grams 2.3 1.00 0.41 0.28 0.31 0.37 0.47 0.56 0.73 1.00 1.56 10.00 24.31 32.42 32.56 22.30 14.66 6.89 4.12 2.74 1.90 TTMO4-1A INSERTION LOSS 2.0 Config. B INSERTION LOSS (dB) G .100 2.54 C D .390 .405 9.91 10.29 INPUT R. LOSS (dB) 0.10 0.85 4.00 18.93 53.35 99.34 175.64 223.68 261.29 300.00 Outline Dimensions ( inch mm ) A B .480 .500 12.19 12.70 INSERTION LOSS (dB) 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.0 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (MHz) 1000 Mini-Circuits (R) EW ALL N ISO 9001 ISO 14001 CERTIFIED P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 For detailed performance specs & shopping online see Mini-Circuits web site The Design Engineers Search Engine Provides ACTUAL Data Instantly From MINI-CIRCUITS At: RF/IF MICROWAVE COMPONENTS REV. OR M95907 TTM04-1A IG/TD/CP 070515