1.0 Functional Description
The ADC08B3000 is a versatile A/D Converter with an inno-
vative architecture permitting very high speed operation. The
controls available ease the application of the device to circuit
solutions. Optimum performance requires adherence to the
provisions discussed here and in the Applications Information
While it is generally poor practice to allow an active pin to float,
pins 4 and 14 of the ADC08B3000 are designed to be left
floating without jeopardy. In all discussions throughout this
data sheet, whenever a function is called by allowing a control
pin to float, connecting that pin to a potential of one half the
VA supply voltage will have the same effect as allowing it to
The ADC08B3000 uses a calibrated folding and interpolating
architecture that achieves very high performance. The use of
folding amplifiers greatly reduces the number of comparators
and power consumption. Interpolation reduces the number of
front-end amplifiers required, minimizing the load on the input
signal and further reducing power requirements. In addition
to other things, on-chip calibration reduces the INL bow often
seen with folding architectures. The result is an extremely
fast, high performance, low power converter.
The analog input signal that is within the converter's input
voltage range is digitized to eight bits at speeds of 1.0 Gsps
to 3.4 Gsps, typical. Differential input voltages below negative
full-scale will cause the output word to consist of all zeroes.
Differential input voltages above positive full-scale will cause
the output word to consist of all ones. Either of these condi-
tions at the analog input will cause the OR (Out of Range)
output to be activated. This single OR output indicates when
the output code from the converter is below negative full scale
or above positive full scale.
1.1.1 Calibration
A calibration is performed upon power-up and can also be
invoked by the user upon command. Calibration trims the
100Ω analog input differential termination resistor and mini-
mizes full-scale error, offset error, DNL and INL, resulting in
maximizing SNR, THD, SINAD (SNDR) and ENOB. Internal
bias currents are also set with the calibration process. All of
this is true whether the calibration is performed upon power
up or is performed upon command. Running the calibration is
an important part of this chip's functionality and is required in
order to obtain adequate performance. In addition to the re-
quirement to be run at power-up, calibration must be re-run
by the user whenever the state of the FSR pin is changed. For
best performance, we recommend an on command calibra-
tion be run after initial power up and the device has reached
a stable temperature. Also, we recommend that an on-com-
mand calibration be run 20 seconds or more after application
of power and whenever the operating temperature changes
significantly relative to the specific system performance re-
quirements. See Section On-Command Calibration
for more information. Calibration can not be initiated or run
while the device is in the power-down mode. See Section
1.1.6 Power Down for information on the interaction between
Power Down and Calibration.
In normal operation, calibration is performed just after appli-
cation of power and whenever a valid calibration command is
given, which is holding the CAL pin low for at least 80 input
clock cycles, then hold it high for at least another 80 input
clock cycles. The time taken by the calibration procedure is
specified in the A.C. Characteristics Table. Holding the CAL
pin high during power up will prevent the calibration process
from running until the CAL pin experiences the above-men-
tioned 80 input clock cycles low followed by 80 cycles high.
CalDly (pin 127) is used to select one of two delay times from
the application of power before the start of calibration. This
calibration delay is 225 input clock cycles (about 22 ms with a
1.5 GHz clock) with CalDly low, or 231 input clock cycles
(about 1.4 seconds with a 1.5 GHz clock) with CalDly high.
These delay values allow the power supply to come up and
stabilize before calibration takes place. If the PD pin is high
upon power-up, the calibration delay counter will be disabled
until the PD pin is brought low. Therefore, holding the PD pin
high during power up will further delay the start of the power-
up calibration cycle. The best setting of the CalDly pin de-
pends upon the power-on settling time of the power supply.
NOTE: These things should be noted regarding device cali-
✓ If the PD input is brought high while a calibration is running,
the device will not go into power down until the calibration
sequence is complete. However, if power is applied and PD
is already high, the device will not begin the calibration se-
quence until the PD input goes low. If a manual calibration is
requested while the device is powered down, the calibration
will not begin at all. That is, the manual calibration input is
completely ignored in the power down state.
✓ During the calibration cycle, the OR output may be active
as a result of the calibration algorithm. All data on the output
pins and the OR output are invalid during the calibration cycle.
✓ If a calibration is initiated at any time after clock phase ad-
justment has been enabled (bit 15 of Coarse Clock Phase
Adjust Register, address Eh, set to 1b), the internal clock will
stop running at the very beginning of the calibration se-
quence. It is important to ensure that the clock phase enable
bit is off (set to 0b), or that the Resistor Trim Disable bit is on
(set to 1b) before running an on-command calibration.
✓ At least one calibration cycle must be run with the RTD bit
in the Configuration Register cleared (at 0b) after power-up
to adjust the Analog Input Termination Resistor.
✓ All input must be within operating norms during the entire
calibration process.
✓ The on-board registers must not be accessed during the
calibration process, although the SCLK may be active.
✓ The CalRun output is high whenever the calibration pro-
cedure is running. This is true whether the calibration is done
at power-up or on-command.
1.1.2 Acquiring the Input
Data is acquired at both the rising and falling edges of CLK
(pin 10). When a Write Enable (WEN) is initiated, the con-
verted data from the ADCs will be loaded into the Capture
Buffer. Because of the asynchronous nature of WEN to the
sample clock, the Capture Buffer write will occur after the two
ADCs have completed a full conversion cycle. This allows the
Capture Buffer to store the converted data in a predictable,
ordered fashion.
The Capture Buffer will output its digital data at two, 8 bit wide
LVCMOS outputs when initiated with the Read Enable (REN)
command. For more information on Capture Buffer operation,
please refer to Section 1.7 CAPTURE BUFFER FUNCTION-
AL DESCRIPTION and its subsections. Refer to the timing
diagrams related to the Capture Buffer for timing related in-
The ADC08B3000 will convert as long as the sample input
clock signal is present. The ADC08B3000 output data signal-
ing is LVCMOS and the output format is offset binary.
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