Converter adapter HRM-500-599 oleate Fe Co-AXIAL CONNECTORS For the converter adapters for connecting the HRM series to other series, see the CL311BWA series. Shortening connector HRS No. Part No. CL323-0032-5-09 | HRM-504(09) CL323-0208-0-01 | HRM-504S(01) 8.5 8HEX | Y%-36UNS-2B ~ HRS No. Part No. CL323-0033-8-09 | HRM-505(09) A-36UNS~2A CL323-0209-2 HRM-505S eS & HRS No. Part No. *CL323-0038-1-09| HRM_514(09) CL323-0150-1 HRM_514S Dust caps Accessories Here we introduce two dummy-load products. : *Standard product Coaxial components such as dummy loads, attenuators, couplers and switches are listed in a separate catalog Microwave components. Clients are invited to refer to it. 8 (Flat diameter) > HRS No. Part No. +13. 1 a CL353-0057-8 | HRM-601 2 * | CL353-0060-2 HRM-601S =f | Male coupling part dummy x loads HRS No. Part No. 16.5 a s CL353-0058-0 HRM-602 n (Flat diameter) CL353-0061-5 | HRM-602S 2 oD Female coupling part dummy 7 TTT | loads 105