AD9142 Data Sheet
Rev. 0 | Page 24 of 64
Upon power-on of the device, the read and write pointers start
to roll around the FIFO from an arbitrary slot; consequently, the
FIFO depth is unknown. To avoid a concurrent read and write
to the same FIFO address and to assure a fixed pipeline delay
from power-on to power-on, it is important to reset the FIFO
pointers to a known state each time the device powers on or
wakes up. This state is specified in the requested FIFO level
(FIFO depth and FIFO level are used interchangeably in this
document), which consists of two parts: the integral FIFO level
and the fractional FIFO level.
The integer FIFO level represents the difference of the states
between the read and write point in the unit of input data period
(1/fDATA). The fractional FIFO level represents the difference of
the FIFO pointers smaller than the input data period. The
resolution of the fractional FIFO level is the input data period
divided by the interpolation ratio and, thus, it is equal to one
DACCLK cycle.
The exact FIFO level, that is, the FIFO latency, can be calculated
FIFO Latency = Integral Level + Fractional Level
Because the FIFO has eight data slots, there are eight possible
FIFO integral levels. The maximum supported interpolation
rate in the AD9142 is 8× interpolation. Therefore, there are eight
possible FIFO fractional levels. Two 3-bit registers in Register
0x23 are assigned to represent each level separately; Bits[6:4]
represent the FIFO integral level and Bits[2:0] represent the FIFO
fractional level. For example, if the interpolation rate is 4× and
the desired total FIFO depth is 4.5 input data periods, set the
FIFO_LEVEL_CONFIG (Register 0x23) to 0x42 (4 here means
four data cycles and 2 means two DAC cycles, which is half of a
data cycle). Note that there are only four possible fractional
levels in the case of 4× interpolation. Table 14 shows additional
examples of configuring the desired FIFO level in various
interpolation rate modes.
Table 14. Examples of FIFO Level Configuration
FIFO Level
Integer Level
(Register 0x23[6:4])
Fractional Level
(Register 0x23[2:0])
4× 4 + 1/4 4 1
8× 4 + 3/8 4 3
By default, the FIFO level is 4.0. It can be programmed to any
allowed value from 0.0 to 7.x. The maximum allowed number
for x is the interpolation rate minus 1. For example, in 8×
interpolation, the maximum allowed for x is 7.
The following two ways are used to reset the FIFO and initialize
the FIFO level:
• Serial port (SPI) initiated FIFO reset.
• Frame initiated FIFO reset.
A SPI initiated FIFO reset is the most common method to reset
the FIFO. To initialize the FIFO level through the serial port,
toggle FIFO_SPI_RESET_REQUEST (Register 0x25[0]) from
0 to 1 and back to 0. When the write to this register is complete,
the FIFO level is initialized to the requested FIFO level and the
readback of FIFO_SPI_RESET_ACK (Register 0x25[1]) is set
to 1. The FIFO level readback, in the same format as the FIFO
level request, should be within ±1 DACCLK cycle of the
requested level. For example, if the requested value is 0x40 in
4× interpolation, the readback value should be one of the
following: 0x33, 0x40, or 0x41. The range of ±1 DACCLK cycle
indicates the default DAC latency uncertainty from power-on
to power-on without turning on synchronization.
The recommended procedure for a serial port FIFO reset is as
1. Configure the DAC in the desired interpolation mode
(Register 0x28[1:0]).
2. Ensure that the DACCLK and DCI are running and stable
at the clock inputs.
3. Program Register 0x23 to the customized value, if the
desired value is not 0x40.
4. Request the FIFO level reset by setting Register 0x25[0] to 1.
5. Verify that the part acknowledges the request by setting
Register 0x25[1] to 1.
6. Remove the request by setting Register 0x25[0] to 0.
7. Verif y th at the part drops the acknowledge signal by setting
Register 0x25[1] to 0.
8. Read back Register 0x24 multiple times to verify that the
actual FIFO level is set to the requested level and that the
readback values are stable. By design, the readback should
be within ±1 DACCLK around the requested level.
The frame input has two functions. One function is to indicate
the beginning of a byte stream in the byte interface mode, as
discussed in the Data Interface section. The other function is
to initialize the FIFO level by asserting the frame signal high
for at least the time interval required to load complete data to
the I and QDACs. This corresponds to one DCI period in word
mode and two DCI periods in byte mode. Note that this
requirement of the frame pulse length is longer than that of the
frame signal when it serves only to assemble the byte stream.
The device accepts either a continuous frame or a one shot
frame signal.
In the continuous reset mode, the FIFO responds to every valid
frame pulse and resets itself. In the one shot reset mode, the
FIFO responds only to the first valid frame pulse after the
FRAME_RESET_MODE bits (Register 0x22[1:0]) are set.
Therefore, even with a continuous frame input, the FIFO resets
one time only; this prevents the FIFO from toggling between
the two states from periodic resets. The one shot frame reset
mode is the default and the recommended mode.