When the System Manufacturer is interfacing the Re-
ceive Section of the XRT73LC03A to the Cross-Con-
nect, they should be aware of the following facts:
1. All DS3 or STS-1 line signals that ar e pr es en t at
either the DSX-3 or the STSX-1 Cross Connect
are required to meet the Isolated Pulse Template
Requiremen ts per Bellcor e GR- 4 99 -C ORE for
DS3 applications, or Bellcore GR-253-C OR E for
STS-1 applications.
2. Bellcore documen ts state that the amplitu de of
these pulses at the DSX-3 or STSX-1 location
can range in amplitude from 360mVpk to
3. Bellcore documents stipulate that the Receiving
Terminal must be able to receive the pulse tem-
plate compliant line signal over a cable length of
0 to 450 feet from the DSX-3 or the STSX-1
Cross-Connect location.
These facts are reflected in Figure 23.
Design Considerations for DS3 and STS-1 Appli-
When installing equipment into environments depict-
ed in Figure 23, the system installa tion personnel
may be able to dete rm in e th e cab le leng th bet wee n
the local terminal equipment and the DSX-3/STSX-1
Cross-Connect Patch-Panel. The cable length be-
tween the local terminal equipment and the DSX-3/
STSX-1 Cross-Connect Pa tch Panel ranges betwee n
0 and 450 feet.
It is extremely unlikely that the system installation
personnel will know the cable length between the
DSX-3/STSX-1 Cross-Connect Patch-Panel and the
remote terminal equipment. Therefore, we recom-
mend that the Receive Equalizer be enabled by set-
ting the REQEN_(n) input pin or bit-field to “1”.
The only time that the Receive Equalizer should be
disabled is when there is an off-chip equalizer in the
Receive path between the DSX-3/STSX-1 Cross-
Connect and the RTIP_(n)/RRING_(n) input pins, or
in applications where the Receiver is directly monitor-
ing the transmit output signal directly. Design Considerations for E3 Applica-
In E3 System installation, it is recommended that the
Receive Equalizer of the XRT73LC03A device be en-
abled by pulling the REQEN_(n) input pins “High” or
by setting the REQEN_(n) bit-fields to “1”.
NOTE: The results of extensive testing indicates that when
the Receive Equalizer is enabled, the XRT73LC03A device
is capable of receiving an E3 line signal with anywhere from
0 to 12dB of cable loss over the Industrial Temperature
• Design Considerations for E3 Applications or if
the Overall Cable Len gth is known
If during System Installation the overall cable length
is known, then in order to optimize the performance
of the XRT73LC03 A in terms of receive intrinsic jitter,
etc., enable or disable the Receive Equalizer based
upon the following recommendations:
The Receive Equalizer should be turne d ON if the
Receive Section of a given channel is going to re-
ceive a line signal with an overall cable length of 300
feet or greater. Conversely, turn OFF the Receive
Equalizer if the Receive Section of a given channel is
going to receive a line signal over a cable length of
less than 300 feet.
1. If the Receive Equalizer block is turned ON when it
is receiving a line signal over short cable length,
the received line signal may be over-equalized
which could degrade performance by increasing
the amount of jitter that exists in the recovered data
and clock signals or by creating bit-errors
2. The Receive Equalizer has been designed to
counter the frequency-dependent cable loss that a
line signal experiences as it travels from the trans-
mitting terminal to the receiving terminal. However ,
the Receive Equalizer was not designed to counter
flat loss where all of the Fourier frequency compo-
nents within the line signal are subject to the same
amount of attenuation. Flat loss is handled by the
AGC block.
Disable the Receive Equalizer block by doing either
of the following.
a. Operating in the Hardware Mode
Set the REQEN_(n) input pin “Low".
b. Operating in the HOST Mode
Write a "0" to the REQEN_(n) bit-field within Com-
mand Register CR2, as illustrated below.
D4 D3 D2 D1 D0