June 1, 2005
The X24C45 contains an 8-bit instruction register. It is
accessed via the DI input, with data being clocked in
on the rising edge of SK. CE must be HIGH during the
entire data transfer operation.
Table 1. contains a list of the instructions and their opera-
tion codes. The most significant bit (MSB) of all instruc-
tions is a logic one (HIGH), bits 6 through 3 are either
RAM address bits (A) or don’t cares (X) and bits 2
through 0 are the operation codes. The X24C45 requires
the instruction to be shifted in with the MSB first.
After CE is HIGH, the X24C45 will not begin to inter-
pret the data stream until a logic "1" has been shifted
in on DI. Therefore, CE may be brought HIGH with SK
running and DI LOW. DI must then go HIGH to indi-
cate the start condition of an instruction before the
X24C45 will begin any action.
In addition, the SK clock is totally static. The user can
completely stop the clock and data shifting will be
stopped. Restarting the clock will resume shifting of data.
Either a software RCL instruction or a LOW on the
RECALL input will initiate a transfer of EEPROM data
into RAM. This software or hardware recall operation
sets an internal "previous recall" latch. This latch is
reset upon power-up and must be intentionally set by
the user to enable any write or store operations.
Although a recall operation is performed upon power-
up, the previous recall latch is not set by this operation.
Internally the X24C45 contains a "write enable" latch.
This latch must be set for either writes to the RAM or
store ope rations to the EEPROM. The WREN in struc-
tion sets the latch and the WRDS instruction resets the
latch, disabling both RAM writes and EEPROM stores,
effectively protecting the nonvolatile data from corrup-
tion. The write enable latch is automatically reset on
The software STO instruction will initiate a transfer of
data from RAM to EEPROM. In order to safeguard
against unwanted store operations, the following con-
ditions must be true:
– STO instruction issued.
– The internal "write enable" latch must be set (WREN
instruction issued).
– The "p revious recall" latch must be set (eithe r a soft-
ware or hardware recall operation).
Once the store cycle is initiated, all othe r device func-
tions are inhibited. Upon completion of the store cycle,
the write enable latch is reset. Refer to Figure 4 for a
state diagram description of enabling/disabling condi-
tions for store o perations.
Table 1. Instruction Set
Instructio n Format, I2 I1 I0Operation
WRDS (Figure 3) 1XXXX000 Reset Write Enable Latch (Disables Writes and Stores)
STO (Figure 3) 1XXXX001 STORE RAM Data in EEPROM
ENAS 1XXXX010 Enable AUTOSTORE Feature
WRITE (Figure 2) 1AAAA011 Write Data into RAM Address AAAA
WREN (Figure 3) 1XXXX100 Set Write Enable Latch (Enables Writes and Stores)
RCL (Figure 3) 1XXXX101 Recall EEPROM Data into RAM
READ (Figure 1) 1AAAA11X Read Data from RAM Address AAAA