© 2000 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation DS006386 www.fairchildsemi.com
August 1986
Revised April 2000
DM74LS123 Dual Retriggerable One-Shot with Clear and Complementary Outputs
Dual Retriggerable One-Shot
with Clear and Complementary Outputs
General Description
The DM7 4LS123 is a dual ret riggerable monostable mu lti-
vibrator capable of generating output pulses from a few
nano-seco nds to e xtremel y long du ration up to 100 % duty
cycle. Each device has three inputs permitting the choice of
either lead ing edg e or trailin g edge trigg erin g. Pin (A) is an
active-LO W tra nsi tio n t rigg er input an d p in (B ) is an acti v e-
HIGH transition trigger in put. The clear (CLR) input termi-
nates the output pulse at a predetermined time indepen-
dent of the ti min g co mp one nts. The clear inpu t al so ser ves
as a trigger input when it is pulsed with a low level pulse
transition (
). To obtain the best trouble free operation
from thi s devic e please read th e oper ating ru les as well as
the Fairchild Semiconductor one-shot application notes
carefully and observe recommendations.
DC triggere d from active-H IGH tra nsition or active-LO W
transition inputs
Retriggerable to 100% duty cycle
Compensated for VCC and temperature variations
Triggerable from CLEAR input
DTL, TTL compat ible
Input clamp diodes
Ordering Code:
Devices also available in Ta pe and Reel. Speci fy by appending the s uffix let t er “X” to the o rdering code.
Connection Diagram Function Table
H = HIGH Lo gic Level
L = LOW Logic L ev el
X = Can Be Either LOW or HIGH
= Positive Going Transition
= Negative Going Transition
= A Positive Pulse
= A Negative Pulse
Order Number Package Number Package Description
DM74LS123M M16A 16-Lead Smal l Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC), JEDE C MS-012, 0.150 Narrow
DM74LS123SJ M16D 16-Lead Small Outline Package (SOP), EIAJ TYPE II, 5.3mm Wide
DM74LS123N N16E 16-Lead Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300 Wide
Inputs Outputs
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Functional Description
The basic output pulse width is determined by selection of
an external resistor (RX) and capacitor (CX). Once trig-
gered, the basic pulse width may be extended by retrigger-
ing the gated active-LOW transition or active-HIGH
transition inputs or be reduced by use of the active-LOW or
CLEAR input. Retriggering to 100% duty cycle is possible
by application of an input pulse train whose cycle time is
shorter than the output cycle time such that a continuous
HIGH logic state is maintained at the Q output.
Operating Rules
1. An exter nal resi stor (RX) and an external capacitor (CX)
are req ui re d fo r pr op er o per ati o n. T he value of C X may
vary from 0 to any necessary value. For small time con-
stants high-gra de mica, glass, polypropylene, polycar-
bonate, or polystyrene material capacitors may be
used. For large time constants use tantalum or special
aluminum capacitors. If the timing capacitors have
leakages approaching 100 nA or if stray capacitance
from ei the r term ina l to groun d i s grea ter than 50 pF the
timing equ ati o ns m ay no t rep re sen t the pulse wid th th e
device generates.
2. W hen an ele ctrolyti c capa citor i s use d for CX a switch -
ing dio de is often requir ed for standard TTL one -shots
to preve nt hig h inverse leakage current . Thi s switchin g
diod e is not needed f or the DM7 4LS123 one-sho t and
shou ld no t be use d. I n ge ner al th e u se of the sw itchi n g
diode is not recommended with retriggerable operation.
Furthermore, if a polarized timing capacitor is used on
the DM 74LS123 the nega tive terminal of th e capacitor
should be connected to the CEXT pin of the device
(Figure 1).
3. For CX >> 1000 pF the output pulse width (tW) is
defined as f ollows :
where [RX is in k]
[CX is in pF]
[tW is in ns]
K 0.37
4. The multiplicative factor K is plo tted as a function of C X
below for design considerations:
5. For CX < 1000 pF see Figure 3 for tW vs. CX family
curves with RX as a parameter:
6. To obtain variable pulse widths by remote trimming, the
following circuit is recommended:
“Rremote” should be as close to the device pin as possible.
7. The retriggerable pulse width is calculated as shown
T = tW + tPLH = K × RX × CX + tPLH
The retri ggered pulse width is equal to the pulse wi dth
plus a delay time period (Figure 5).
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Operating Rules (Continued)
8. Outp ut pulse width va riation versus VCC and temp era-
tures: Figure 6 depicts the relationship between pulse
width variat ion versus VCC, and Figu re 7 depicts pul se
width variation versus temperatures.
9. Under any operating condition CX and RX must be kept
as close to the one-shot device pins as possible to min-
imize stray capacitance, to reduce noise pick-up, and
to reduce I-R and Ldi/ dt voltage develo ped along t heir
connecting paths. If th e lead length fr om C X to pins (6)
and (7) o r pins (14) and (15) is greater than 3 cm, for
example, the output pulse width might be quite different
from values predicted from the appropriate equations.
A non-inductive and low capacitive path is necessary to
ensure complete discharge of CX in each cycle of its
operation so that the output pulse width will be accu-
10. The CEXT pins of this device are internally connected to
the internal groun d. For optimum system performance
they should be hard wired to the systems return
ground plane.
11. VCC and ground wiring should conform to good high-
frequency standards and practices so that switching
transients on the VCC and ground return leads do not
caus e in ter acti on be twee n one -sh ots. A 0.01 µF to 0.10
µF bypass capacitor (disk ceramic or monolithic type)
from VCC to grou nd is necessar y on each de vice. Fur-
thermore, the bypass capacitor should be located as
close to the VCC-pin as space permits.
Note: For further detailed device characteristics and output per-
formance please refer to the Fairchild Semiconductor one-shot
application note AN-372.
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Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note 1) Note 1: The Absolute Maximum Ratings are thos e values bey ond which
the saf ety of the device cannot be gu aranteed. Th e device shoul d not be
operated at these limits. The parametric values defined in the Electrical
Characteristics tables are not guaranteed at the absolute maximum ratings.
The R ecomm ended Oper ating Co ndition s table will def ine the condit ions
for actu al device operation.
Recommended Operating Conditions
Note 2: TA = 25°C and VCC = 5V.
Electrical Characteristics
over recommended operating free air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)
Note 3: All typical s are at VCC = 5V, TA = 25°C.
Note 4: Not more tha n one out put shoul d be shorte d at a t im e, and the duration sh ould not ex c eed one s ec ond.
Note 5: Quiescent ICC is me as ured (aft er clearin g) with 2.4V applied to all c lear and A inputs, B inputs gr ounded, all outputs OPEN , CEXT = 0.02 µF,
and REXT = 25 k.
Note 6: ICC is measu red in the tri ggered sta t e w it h 2. 4V applie d t o all clear and B inputs , A inputs gro unded, all outputs OPEN, CEXT = 0.02 µF,
and REXT = 25 k.
Note 7: With all outputs OPEN and 4.5V applied to all data and clear inputs, ICC is measure d af t er a mome nt ary grou nd, then 4.5V is applied to the clock.
Supply Voltage 7V
Input Voltag e 7V
Operating Free Air Temperature Range 0°C to +70°C
Storage Temperature 65°C to +150°C
Symbol Parameter Min Nom Max Units
VCC Supply Voltage 4.75 5 5.25 V
VIH HIGH Level Input Voltage 2 V
VIL LOW Level Inp ut Voltage 0.8 V
IOH HIGH Level Output Current 0.4 mA
IOL LOW Level Output Current 8 mA
tWPulse Widt h A or B HIGH 40
(Note 2) A or B LOW 40 ns
Clear LOW 40
REXT External Timing Resistor 5 260 k
CEXT External Timing Capacitance No Restriction µF
CWIRE Wiring Capacitance at REXT/CEXT Termina l 50 pF
TAFree Air Ope rat ing Temper atu re 0 70 °C
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
(Note 3)
VIInput Clamp Voltage VCC = Min, II = 18 mA 1.5 V
VOH HIGH Level VCC = Min, IOH = Max 2.7 3.4 V
Output Voltage VIL = Max, VIH = Min
VOL LOW Level VCC = Min, IOL = Max 0.35 0.5
Output Voltage VIL = Max, VIH = Min V
IOL = 4 mA, VCC = Min 0.25 0.4
IIInput Current @ Max Input Voltage VCC = Max, VI = 7V 0.1 mA
IIH HIGH Level Input Current V CC = Max, VI = 2.7V 20 µA
IIL LOW Level Input Current VCC = Max, VI = 0.4V 0.4 mA
IOS Short Circuit Output Current VCC = Max (Note 4) 20 100 mA
ICC Supply Current VCC = Max (Note 5)(Note 6)(Note 7) 12 20 mA
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Switching Characteristics
at VCC = 5V and TA = 25°C
Symbol Parameters
RL = 2 k
From (Input ) CL = 15pF CL = 15pF
To (Output) CEXT = 0 pF, REXT = 5 kCEXT = 1000 pF, REXT = 10 k
Min Max Min Max
tPLH Propagation Delay Time A to Q 33 ns
LOW-to-HIGH Level Output
tPLH Propagation Delay Time B to Q 44 ns
LOW-to-HIGH Level Output
tPHL Propagation Delay Time A to Q 45 ns
HIGH-to-LOW Level Output
tPHL Propagation Delay Time B to Q 56 ns
HIGH-to-LOW Level Output
tPLH Propagation Delay Time Clear to Q 45 ns
LOW-to-HIGH Level Output
tPHL Propagation Delay Time Clear to Q 27 ns
HIGH-to-LOW Level Output
tWQ(Min) Minimum Width of Pulse A or B to Q 200 ns
at Output Q
tW(out) Output Pulse Width A or B to Q 4 5 µs
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Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted
16-Lead Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC), JEDEC MS-012, 0.150 Narrow
Package Number M16A
7 www.fairchildsemi.com
Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted (Continued)
16-Lead Small Outline Package (SOP), EIAJ TYPE II, 5.3mm Wide
Package Number M16D
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DM74LS123 Dual Retriggerable One-Shot with Clear and Complementary Outputs
Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted (Continued)
16-Lead Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300 Wide
Package Number N16E
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Fairchild reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.
1. Life suppor t de vices o r syste ms are devices or syste ms
which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the
body, or (b) support or sustain life, and (c) whose failure
to perform when properly used in accordance with
instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be rea-
sonably expected to result in a significant injury to the
2. A critical compon ent i n any compon ent of a lif e supp ort
device or system whose failure to perform can be rea-
sonabl y ex pect ed to ca use the fa ilu re of the li fe su pp ort
device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.