amplifier to be used in an appli-
cation covering the 1.9 GHz band
would require an input blocking
capacitor of at least 19 pF, which
is 5Ω of reactance at 1.9 GHz.
The Vcc connection to the ampli-
fier must be RF bypassed by
placing a capacitor to ground at
the bias pad of the board. Like the
DC blocking capacitors, the value
of the Vcc bypass capacitor is
determined by the lower operat-
ing frequency for the amplifier.
The reactance of the RF choke
should be large compared to 50Ω,
a typical value for 1.9 GHz
amplifier would be 22 nH.
For this demonstration board,
capacitor C3 provides RF bypass-
ing for both the Vcc pin and the
power supply end of the RFC.
Capacitor C4 is optional and may
be used to add additional bypass-
ing for the Vcc line. A well
bypassed Vcc line is especially
necessary in cascades of ampli-
fier stages to prevent oscillation
that may occur as a result of RF
feedback through the power
supply lines. The value chosen
for the RF choke was 620 nH. All
of the blocking and bypass
capacitors are 1000 pF. These
values provide excellent ampli-
fier performance from 50 MHz
through 2 GHz. Larger values for
the choke and capacitors can be
used to extend the lower end of
the bandwidth. Since the gain of
the ABA-52563 extends down to
Component Value Part number
50 MHz C1, C2, C3 1000 pF Murata GRM40X7R102K50
to RFC 620 nH Coilcraft 1008CS-621XXKBC1
2 GHz C4 (optional) 1 µF
SMA Connectors Johnson 142-0701-881
Table 1. List of Components.
DC, the frequency response of
the amplifier is limited only by
the values of the capacitors and
choke. Table 1 consists of the
components used to assemble the
board. The measurements can be
seen at Figure 5 to Figure 7.
A convenient method for making
RF connection to the demonstra-
tion board is to use a PCB
mounting type of SMA connector
(Johnson 142-0701-881, or
equivalent). These connectors can
be slipped over the edge of the
PCB and the center conductors
soldered to the input and output
lines. The ground pins of the
connectors are soldered to the
ground plane on the backside of
the board. The extra ground pins
for the top of the board are not
needed and can be clipped off.
RF design software such as
Agilent Technologies’ AppCad is
very handy to determine the
values of the blocking capacitors
and RF choke for any operating
frequency. This software is
available at http://
Figure 4. Assembled Amplifier.