Application Information
Remote Diode Section
Most small-signal PNP transistors with characteristics
similar to the JEDEC 2N3906 will perform well as remote
temperature sensors. Table 8 lists several examples of
such parts that Micrel has tested for use with the MIC280.
Other transistors equivalent to these should also work well.
Table 8. Transistors suitable for use as remote diodes
Minimizing Errors
One concern when using a part with the temperature
accuracy and resolution of the MIC280 is to avoid errors
induced by self-heating (VDD × IDD) + (VOL × IOL). In order to
understand what level of error this might represent, and
how to reduce that error, the dissipation in the MIC280
must be calculated and its effects reduced to a
temperature offset. The worst-case operating condition for
the MIC280 is when VDD = 3.6V. The maximum power
dissipated in the part is given in the following equation:
PD = [(0.4mA× 3.6V)+(6mA× 0.5V)+(6mA× 0.5V)]
PD = 7.44mW
Rθ(J-A) of the SOT23-6 package is 230°C/W Theoretical
Maximum ∆TJ due to self-heating is:
7.44mW × 230°C/W = 1.7112°C
In most applications, the /INT output will be low for at most
a few milliseconds before the host resets it back to the
high state, making its duty cycle low enough that its
contribution to self-heating of the MIC280 is negligible.
Similarly, the DATA pin will in all likelihood have a duty
cycle of substantially below 25% in the low state. These
considerations, combined with more typical device and
application parameters, give a better system-level view of
device self-heating in interrupt-mode usage given in the
following equation:
(0.23mA IDD(typ) × 3.3V) + (25% × 1.5mA IOL(DATA) × 0.15V)
+ (1% × 1.5mA IOL(/INT) × 0.15V) = 0.817mW
∆TJ = (0.8175mW × 230°C/W) = 0.188°C
In any application, the best test is to verify performance
against calculation in the final application environment.
This is especially true when dealing with systems for which
tem- perature data may be poorly defined or unobtainable
except by empirical means.
Series Resistance
The operation of the MIC280 depends upon sensing the
VCB-E of a diode-connected PNP transistor (diode) at two
different current levels. For remote temperature
measurements, this is done using an external diode
connected between T1 and ground. Because this
technique relies upon measuring the relatively small
voltage difference resulting from two levels of current
through the external diode, any resistance in series with
the external diode will cause an error in the temperature
reading from the MIC280. A good rule of thumb is that for
each ohm in series with the external transistor, there will
be a 0.8°C error in the MIC280’s temperature
measurement. It is not difficult to keep the series
resistance well below an ohm (typically <0.1Ω), so this will
rarely be an issue.
Filter Capacitor Selection
It is usually desirable to employ a filter capacitor between
the T1 and GND pins of the MIC280. The use of this
capacitor is recommended in environments with a lot of
high frequency noise (such as digital switching noise), or if
long wires are used to conect to the remote diode. The
maximum recom- mended total capacitance from the T1
pin to GND is 2200pF. This typically suggests the use of a
1800pF NP0 or C0G ceramic capacitor with a 10%
tolerance. If the remote diode is to be at a distance of
more than six-to-twelve inches from the MIC280, using
twisted pair wiring or shielded microphone cable for the
connections to the diode can significantly reduce noise
pickup. If using a long run of shielded cable, remember to
subtract the cable's conductor-to-shield capacitance from
the 2200pF maximum total capacitance.
Layout Considerations
The following guidelines should be kept in mind when
designing and laying out circuits using the MIC280.
1. Place the MIC280 as close to the remote diode as
possible, while taking care to avoid severe noise
sources such as high frequency power transformers,
CRTs, memory and data busses, and the like.
2. Because any conductance from the various voltages
on the PC board and the T1 line can induce serious
errors, it is good practice to guard the remote diode's
emitter trace with a pair of ground traces. These
ground traces should be returned to the MIC280's own
ground pin. They should not be grounded at any other
part of their run. However, it is highly desirable to use
these guard traces to carry the diode's own ground
return back to the ground pin of the MIC280, thereby